From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Make a widget, part 1: Presenting

Make a widget, part 1: Presenting

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Make a widget, part 1: Presenting

- The most visible change in iOS 14 is the addition of widgets. Information from your apps that appear on the home screen. While there's a lot of information about widgets, let's do a small course for the basics of widgets over the next three steps. Widgets are in many ways, the watch OS complications for iOS, iPad iOS, and Mac iOS. And if you've worked with complications a lot, this was going to look very familiar. I put together a starting project for you. It's a simple app which displays our widget views, and the stages of the pizza delivery. This week, we'll make a widget to launch this app. Our first step is to add the extension. So we just have an app here, and I'm going to go over here to file and go to new, target, and I'll filter over here for widget and I'm going to use the iOS one, here's the widget extension and I'm going to go ahead and hit next. And it asks for a product name, and I usually put widget…
