From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Use SwiftUI GeometryReader

Use SwiftUI GeometryReader

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Use SwiftUI GeometryReader

- [Instructor] I recently dressed up as the main character from one of my favorite sci-fi novels, "Quarter Share" by Nathan Lowell. It's about a mess attendant on a freighter sailing between the stars. Part of my costume was his ship's tablet. I created a tablet user interface on my iPad using SwiftUI. Along the way I found a few interesting techniques for UI layout and configuration of buttons in SwiftUI. So I want you to download the exercise file, and you'll find here in my first iteration of this, the tablet user interface, if you go ahead and run, and you'll see the first thing we're going to work on here, and we're going to do several things over the next couple of tips, is the buttons here. And this is something that you may find very common is having buttons that are essentially adjusting to the size of your label inside the button, and not have something that's equally sized. Now, to get rid of this I'm going to…
