From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Analyze

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Analyze

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Analyze

- Let's look at the third phase, analyze. Analyze is now taking those key measurements you made and making sense out of the data. Are there trends? Is there anything that stands out? I went for a physical the other day and my blood pressure was high. The nurse waited a few moments and took it again, still high. So she asked me to do some analysis. She said to take my blood pressure morning, noon and night to see if there were any trends or dips. She said to take it after I had lunch, after I woke up. This is what we do in the analyze phase. The analyze phase is where the potential cause of problems are identified, current processes are analyzed, relationships between inputs, processes, and outputs are identified and data analysis is carried out. Determining how the baseline current process works should be analyzed. Waste is able to be determined during the analyze phase and theories are developed on potential root…
