From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Six Sigma: Root cause analysis (RCA)

Six Sigma: Root cause analysis (RCA)

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Six Sigma: Root cause analysis (RCA)

- Root cause analysis is a very structured approach to ensure problems don't come back. This is very different than intermediate solutions. Think of a weed growing in a garden. If we cut off the flower, an intermediate solution, it will only grow back. If we only react to these problems, the problem can still come back. If we want to make sure the problem does not come back, we have to get to the roots. You have to get to the root level to truly stop the problem from reoccurring. We must reduce variation through removing special causes. Special cause variation is something out of the ordinary. This is a different situation than normal operating practices, which must be addressed to move on to a normal way of doing things. There are six steps to follow when a team conducts root cause analysis I'm going to walk you through all six so you know what to expect when you participate in this process. In order to…
