

Mashkoor Choudhry, PhD

Title/s:  Professor

Phone: 708-327-2463

Email: [email protected]

Research Interests

Major Research Interests: Gut immunity and epithelial barrier in response to injury

Intestine is the major reservoir of bacteria within the body and it maintains an effective barrier against these bacteria under healthy conditions. However, this barrier is compromised following alcohol exposure, burn injury and other traumatic insults; a compromised intestinal barrier facilitates the entry of intestinal bacteria and their products to extra intestinal sites. These intestinal-derived bacteria or their products present a major clinical problem to burn/trauma victims as well as in patients with history of alcohol exposure and are implicated in the subsequent development of multiple organ failure. Dr. Choudhry's laboratory is interested in learning the mechanisms of impaired gut barrier following alcohol exposure and major trauma such as burn.

The focus of his ongoing research is on:

  1. T cell mediated immunity against gut-derived bacteria;
  2. Neutrophils and their role in tissue damage and defense against bacteria;
  3. Epithelial cells and their role in defense against gut bacteria.

Additionally, emerging evidence indicates that gut microflora plays critical roles in maintaining an effective gut barrier. So, another major aspect of ongoing studies in Dr. Choudhry's laboratory is to determine whether alcohol exposure or traumatic injury influences the gut microflora and whether changes in gut microflora have any relationship with impaired gut mucosal immunity and epithelial barrier function under those conditions.

View a partial list of Dr. Choudhry's publications through the National Library of Medicine's PubMed online database.

Selected Publications

Intestine Immune Homeostasis after Alcohol and Burn Injury Li,X.; Hammer,A. M.; Rendon,J. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2015 ; ( ):

Alcohol and inflammatory responses: Summary of the 2013 Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) meeting Morris,N. L.; Ippolito,J. A.; Curtis,B. J.; Chen,M. M.; Friedman,S. L.; Hines,I. N.; Haddad,G. E.; Chang,S. L.; Brown,L. A.; Waldschmidt,T. J.; Mandrekar,P.; Kovacs,E. J.; Choudhry,M. A.Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2015 ;49(1):1-6

Alcohol potentiates postburn remote organ damage through shifts in fluid compartments mediated by bradykinin Chen,M. M.; O'Halloran,E. B.; Ippolito,J. A.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2015 ;43(1):80-84

An alteration of the gut-liver axis drives pulmonary inflammation after intoxication and burn injury in mice Chen,M. M.; Zahs,A.; Brown,M. M.; Ramirez,L.; Turner,J. R.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.American journal of physiology.Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 2014 ;307(7):G711-8

T Cell IFN-gamma Suppression Following Alcohol and Burn Injury Is Independent of miRNA155 Li,X.; Rendon,J. L.; Choudhry,M. A.PLoS ONE 2014 ;9(8):e105314

The role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in interleukin-23-dependent restoration of interleukin-22 following ethanol exposure and burn injury Rendon,J. L.; Li,X.; Brubaker,A. L.; Kovacs,E. J.; Gamelli,R. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Annals of Surgery 2014 ;259(3):582-590

Interleukin-22 modulates gut epithelial and immune barrier functions following acute alcohol exposure and burn injury Rendon,J. L.; Li,X.; Akhtar,S.; Choudhry,M. A.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2013 ;39(1):11-18

Noninvasive measurement of intestinal inflammation after burn injury Sigman,M.; Conrad,P.; Rendon,J. L.; Akhtar,S.; Eberhardt,J.; Gamelli,R. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association 2013 ;34(6):633-638

Reduced neutrophil chemotaxis and infiltration contributes to delayed resolution of cutaneous wound infection with advanced age Brubaker,A. L.; Rendon,J. L.; Ramirez,L.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 2013 ;190(4):1746-1757

Anti-IL-6 antibody treatment but not IL-6 knockout improves intestinal barrier function and reduces inflammation after binge ethanol exposure and burn injury Zahs,A.; Bird,M. D.; Ramirez,L.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Shock 2013 ;39(4):373-379

Alcohol and immunology: Summary of the 2012 Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) meeting Ippolito,J. A.; Curtis,B. J.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 ;47(8):589-593

Intoxication by intraperitoneal injection or oral gavage equally potentiates postburn organ damage and inflammation Chen,M. M.; Palmer,J. L.; Ippolito,J. A.; Curtis,B. J.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Mediators of inflammation 2013 ;2013( ):971481

Alcohol and epigenetic changes: summary of the 2011 Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) meeting Zahs,A.; Curtis,B. J.; Waldschmidt,T. J.; Brown,L. A.; Gauthier,T. W.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.; Bird,M. D.Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2012 ;46(8):783-787

Inhibition of long myosin light-chain kinase activation alleviates intestinal damage after binge ethanol exposure and burn injury. Zahs,A.; Bird,M. D.; Ramirez,L.; Turner,J. R.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology 2012 ;303(6):G705-12

Alcohol and inflammation and infection: clinical and experimental systems--summary of the 2010 Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group Meeting. Zahs,A.; Cook,R. T.; Waldschimdt,T. J.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.; Bird,M. D.Alcohol 2012 ;46(2):147-153

Alteration in intestine tight junction protein phosphorylation and apoptosis is associated with increase in IL-18 levels following alcohol intoxication and burn injury. Li,X.; Akhtar,S.; Choudhry,M. A.Biochimica et biophysica acta 2012 ;1822(2):196-203

Procalcitonin as a predictive biomarker for total body irradiation-induced bacterial load and lethality in mice Biju,P. G.; Garg,S.; Wang,W.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.; Fink,L. M.; Hauer-Jensen,M.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2012 ;38(2):170-176

Activation of toll-like receptor 2 prevents suppression of T-cell interferon gamma production by modulating p38/extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways following alcohol and burn injury Li,X.; Rendon,J. L.; Akhtar,S.; Choudhry,M. A.Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.) 2012 ;18( ):982-991

Th17 cells: critical mediators of host responses to burn injury and sepsis Rendon,J. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of leukocyte biology 2012 ;92(3):529-538

Role of PPARgamma in the salutary effects of 17beta-estradiol on Kupffer cell cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage Suzuki,T.; Kawasaki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of cellular physiology 2011 ;226(1):205-211

Inflammatory response in multiple organs in a mouse model of acute alcohol intoxication and burn injury. Li,X.; Akhtar,S.; Kovacs,E. J.; Gamelli,R. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of Burn Care & Research 2011 ;32(4):489-497

Interleukin-18 delays neutrophil apoptosis following alcohol intoxication and burn injury. Akhtar,S.; Li,X.; Kovacs,E. J.; Gamelli,R. L.; Choudhry,M. A.Molecular Medicine 2011 ;17(1-2):88-94

Decreased pulmonary inflammation following ethanol and burn injury in mice deficient in TLR4 but not TLR2 signaling. Bird,M. D.; Zahs,A.; Deburghgraeve,C.; Ramirez,L.; Choudhry,M. A.; Kovacs,E. J.Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 2010 ;34(10):1733-1741

Salutary effects of 17beta-estradiol on Peyer's patch T cell functions following trauma-hemorrhage Kawasaki,T.; Suzuki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Cytokine 2010 ;51(2):166-172

Mechanism of hepatoprotection in proestrus female rats following trauma-hemorrhage: heme oxygenase-1-derived normalization of hepatic inflammatory responses Yang,S.; Hu,S.; Chen,J.; Choudhry,M. A.; Rue,L. W.,3rd; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of leukocyte biology 2009 ;85(6):1015-1026

ERK and not p38 pathway is required for IL-12 restoration of T cell IL-2 and IFN-gamma in a rodent model of alcohol intoxication and burn injury. Li,X.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of Immunology 2009 ;183(6):3955-3962

Mechanism of the salutary effects of estrogen on kupffer cell phagocytic capacity following trauma-hemorrhage: pivotal role of Akt activation Hsieh,C. H.; Nickel,E. A.; Chen,J.; Schwacha,M. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 2009 ;182(7):4406-4414

Mechanism of salutary effects of estrogen on cardiac function following trauma-hemorrhage: Akt-dependent HO-1 up-regulation Hsu,J. T.; Kan,W. H.; Hsieh,C. H.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Critical care medicine 2009 ;37(8):2338-2344

Role of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) in 17beta-estradiol-mediated attenuation of lung injury after trauma-hemorrhage Hsu,J. T.; Kan,W. H.; Hsieh,C. H.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Surgery 2009 ;145(2):226-234

Neutrophil chemokines and their role in IL-18-mediated increase in neutrophil O2- production and intestinal edema following alcohol intoxication and burn injury. Akhtar,S.; Li,X.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology 2009 ;297(2):G340-7

Effect of interleukin-15 on depressed splenic dendritic cell functions following trauma-hemorrhageKawasaki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Cell physiology 2009 ;296(1):C124-30

Alcohol and trauma: a summary of the Satellite Symposium at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Shock Society. Bird,M. D.; Choudhry,M. A.; Molina,P. E.; Kovacs,E. J.Alcohol 2009 ;43(3):247-252

Estrogen-mediated activation of non-genomic pathway improves macrophages cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage Suzuki,T.; Yu,H. P.; Hsieh,Y. C.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of cellular physiology 2008 ;214(3):662-672

Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) mediates non-genomic pathway of estrogen on T cell cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage Suzuki,T.; Yu,H. P.; Hsieh,Y. C.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Cytokine 2008 ;42(1):32-38

Comparison of longitudinal leukocyte gene expression after burn injury or trauma-hemorrhage in mice Lederer,J. A.; Brownstein,B. H.; Lopez,M. C.; Macmillan,S.; Delisle,A. J.; Macconmara,M. P.; Choudhry,M. A.; Xiao,W.; Lekousi,S.; Cobb,J. P.; Baker,H. V.; Mannick,J. A.; Chaudry,I. H.; Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury Collaborative Research Program Participants Physiological Genomics 2008 ;32(3):299-310

Acute alcohol intoxication potentiates neutrophil-mediated intestinal tissue damage after burn injury Li,X.; Schwacha,M. G.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2008 ;29(3):377-383

Heme oxygenase-1 protects against neutrophil-mediated intestinal damage by down-regulation of neutrophil p47phox and p67phox activity and O2- production in a two-hit model of alcohol intoxication and burn injury Li,X.; Schwacha,M. G.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 2008 ;180(10):6933-6940

Inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases prevents mesenteric lymph node T-cell suppression following alcohol intoxication and burn injury Li,X.; Schwacha,M. G.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association 2008 ;29(3):519-530

Flutamide protects against trauma-hemorrhage-induced liver injury via attenuation of the inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and apopotosis Kan,W. H.; Hsieh,C. H.; Schwacha,M. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Raju,R.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985) 2008 ;105(2):595-602

p38 MAPK-dependent eNOS upregulation is critical for 17beta-estradiol-mediated cardioprotection following trauma-hemorrhage Kan,W. H.; Hsu,J. T.; Ba,Z. F.; Schwacha,M. G.; Chen,J.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Heart and circulatory physiology 2008 ;294(6):H2627-36

Estrogen ameliorates trauma-hemorrhage-induced lung injury via endothelial nitric oxide synthase-dependent activation of protein kinase G Kan,W. H.; Hsu,J. T.; Schwacha,M. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Annals of Surgery 2008 ;248(2):294-302

Selective inhibition of iNOS attenuates trauma-hemorrhage/resuscitation-induced hepatic injury Kan,W. H.; Hsu,J. T.; Schwacha,M. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Raju,R.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985) 2008 ;105(4):1076-1082

Trauma-hemorrhage inhibits splenic dendritic cell proinflammatory cytokine production via a mitogen-activated protein kinase process Kawasaki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Fujimi,S.; Lederer,J. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Cell physiology 2008 ;294(3):C754-64

17beta-Estradiol's salutary effects on splenic dendritic cell functions following trauma-hemorrhage are mediated via estrogen receptor-alpha Kawasaki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Suzuki,T.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Molecular immunology 2008 ;45(2):376-385

The role of estrogen receptor subtypes on hepatic neutrophil accumulation following trauma-hemorrhage: direct modulation of CINC-1 production by Kupffer cells Shimizu,T.; Suzuki,T.; Yu,H. P.; Yokoyama,Y.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Cytokine 2008 ;43(1):88-92

17beta-Estradiol: a novel hormone for improving immune and cardiovascular responses following trauma-hemorrhage Choudhry,M. A.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of leukocyte biology 2008 ;83(3):518-522

Estradiol's salutary effects on keratinocytes following trauma-hemorrhage are mediated by estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha and ER-beta Moeinpour,F.; Choudhry,M. A.; de Figueiredo,L. F.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.) 2008 ;14(11-12):689-696

The role of MIP-1 alpha in the development of systemic inflammatory response and organ injury following trauma hemorrhage Hsieh,C. H.; Frink,M.; Hsieh,Y. C.; Kan,W. H.; Hsu,J. T.; Schwacha,M. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 2008 ;181(4):2806-2812

Mechanism of estrogen-mediated improvement in cardiac function after trauma-hemorrhage: p38-dependent normalization of cardiac Akt phosphorylation and glycogen levels Hsu,J. T.; Kan,W. H.; Hsieh,Y. C.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2008 ;30(4):372-378

Regulation of the postburn wound inflammatory response by gammadelta T-cells Daniel,T.; Thobe,B. M.; Chaudry,I. H.; Choudhry,M. A.; Hubbard,W. J.; Schwacha,M. G.Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2007 ;28(3):278-283

Liver cytokine production and ICAM-1 expression following bone fracture, tissue trauma, and hemorrhage in middle-aged mice Matsutani,T.; Kang,S. C.; Miyashita,M.; Sasajima,K.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 2007 ;292(1):G268-74

Young and middle-age associated differences in cytokeratin expression after bone fracture, tissue trauma, and hemorrhage Matsutani,T.; Kang,S. C.; Miyashita,M.; Sasajima,K.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American Journal of Surgery 2007 ;193(1):61-68

G protein-coupled receptor 30-dependent protein kinase A pathway is critical in nongenomic effects of estrogen in attenuating liver injury after trauma-hemorrhage Hsieh,Y. C.; Yu,H. P.; Frink,M.; Suzuki,T.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Chaudry,I. H.The American journal of pathology 2007 ;170(4):1210-1218

Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in estrogen-mediated cardioprotection following trauma-hemorrhage Hsu,J. T.; Hsieh,Y. C.; Kan,W. H.; Chen,J. G.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Heart and circulatory physiology 2007 ;292(6):H2982-7

Mechanism of estrogen-mediated attenuation of hepatic injury following trauma-hemorrhage: Akt-dependent HO-1 up-regulation Hsu,J. T.; Kan,W. H.; Hsieh,C. H.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Journal of leukocyte biology 2007 ;82(4):1019-1026

Metabolic modulators following trauma sepsis: sex hormones Hsieh,Y. C.; Frink,M.; Choudhry,M. A.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.Critical care medicine 2007 ;35(9 Suppl):S621-9

Down regulation of migration inhibitory factor is critical for estrogen-mediated attenuation of lung tissue damage following trauma-hemorrhage Hsieh,Y. C.; Frink,M.; Hsieh,C. H.; Choudhry,M. A.; Schwacha,M. G.; Bland,K. I.; Chaudry,I. H.American journal of physiology.Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2007 ;292(5):L1227-32