Boys Baseball Stat Definitions


PLPlayed in GameCheck box should be marked accordingly based on if the athlete appeared in the game or if they did not.
GPGames PlayedHow many games the player has participated in during the season.


BABatting AverageH / AB The percentage of At Bats (AB) during which a player gets a Hit (H).
PAPlate AppearancesEvery trip by a batter to the plate. PA = AB+BB+HBP+SF+SH/B
ABAt BatsAB = (Plate Appearances (PA) - BB - HBP - SF - SH/B) Each batter’s opportunity at the plate is recorded as an At Bat. Walks (BB), Hits By Pitch (HBP), and Sacrifices (SF & SH/B) are not counted as an official At Bat. An appearance is not charged to the batter when the inning is ended by another base runner getting tagged out (ie- attempting to steal a base).
RRuns ScoredA Run Scored occurs when the player advances through the bases and crosses home plate.
1BSingleA Hit (H) enabling the batter to safely reach first base NOT resulting from an error (E).
2BDoublesA Hit (H) enabling the batter to safely reach second base NOT resulting from an Error (E).
3BTriplesA Hit (H) enabling the batter to safely reach third base NOT resulting from an Error (E).
HRHome RunsA Home Run is a Hit (H) that either clears the outfield wall in the air or a hit that stays within the confines of the field resulting in the batter scoring, without the benefit of an Error (E).
HHitsA play in which the batter hits the ball in fair territory and reaches at least first base before being thrown out. H = 1B+2B+3B+HR
RBIRuns Batted InA Run Batted In occurs when the player's batted ball results in another player crossing the plate. For a HR, the hitter would also receive an RBI because s/he bats her/himself in.
SFSacrifice FliesA fly-ball out that advances a runner to score are NOT counted as an At Bat (AB).
SH/BSacrifice Hits/BuntsA Sacrifice Hit, commonly known as a bunt, is credited when there are 1 or no outs, the batter advances one or more runners with a bunt and is put out at first base (or would have been put out except for a fielding error). Sacrifice Hits/Bunts(SH/B) are NOT counted as an At Bat (AB).
BBBase on Balls/WalksFour pitched balls outside the strike zone that automatically advance the batter to first base. Walks do NOT count as an At Bat (AB).
KStrike OutA batter is given a Strike Out whenever three pitches at which the batter swings and misses, or which the umpire calls three strikes. A Strike Out is also assigned in the case of a two-strike foul bunt attempt. Additionally, a Strike Out is given when: 1) the batter swings and misses at a Wild Pitch (WP) on the third strike, or 2) a Passed Ball (PB) occurs on the third strike- regardless of whether or not the batter arrives safely at first base.
HBPHit By PitchA Hit By Pitch occurs when the pitched ball hits a batter standing inside the batter's box. Hit By Pitch (HBP) do NOT count as an At Bat (AB).
ROEReached on ErrorAny time a batter arrives safely on base as a result of an opponent's fielding error (ie- overthrowing the ball, dropping a fly ball, etc). A Reached Base on Error (ROE) also counts as an At Bat(AB).
FCFielder's ChoiceThe act of a fielder upon fielding a batted ball, choosing to try to put out one runner while in doing so allowing the batter-runner to advance to first base. A fielder's choice also counts as an At Bat(AB).
OBPOn Base Percentage(H + BB + HBP) / (AB + BB + SF + HBP) On Base Percentage is a measure of how often a player reaches base via a Hit (H), Base on Ball (BB), or Hit By Pitch (HBP). (SF and HBP are assumed zero if unavailable)
SLGSlugging Percentage[Singles + (2 * 2B) + (3 * 3B) + (4 * HR)] / AB Slugging Percentage is a measure of a batter's effectiveness in making extra-base hits. A single is worth one base; a Double (2B), two bases; a Triple (3B), three bases; and a Home Run (HR), four bases.
OPSOBP + SluggingOPS = OBP + SLG
LOBLeft on BaseA batter is charged with a Left of Base (LOB) when base-runners who remain on base, who haven't been put out or scored, when the third out of the half-inning is recorded.

Base Running

SBStolen BasesWhen a base runner successfully advances a base as a result of his/her own efforts (ie- NOT from a Hit (H), Walk (BB), Fielding Error (E), Passed Ball (PB), etc).
SBAStolen Base AttemptsHow many times a base runner attempted to advance a base on his/her own effort.


FPFielding Percentage(PO+A) / (PO+A+E) A measure that reflects the percentage of times a defensive player handles a batted or thrown ball properly.
TCTotal Chances(PO+A+E) The number of times a defensive player handles a batted or thrown ball.
POPut OutsA Put Out is given to the player who is responsible for the out - catching a fly ball, tagging a runner, etc.
AAssistsAn Assist is given to the player who directly assisted in the Put Out (PO) - throwing a ball to a basemen for a forced out, etc.
EErrorsErrors are given when a fielder fails to make a reasonable play - dropping a fly ball, over/underthrowing to a basemen, etc.
DPDouble PlaysA double play is credited to one or more fielders when two players are put out between the time a pitch is delivered and the ball next becomes dead or is next in possession of the pitcher in pitching position. The double play is credited to each fielder participating in the double play i.e. the players making the Put Out (PO) or getting an Assist (A).
PBPassed BallsA Passed Ball is a pitch the catcher fails to stop or control when s/he should have been able to do so with ordinary effort and on which a runner (other than the batter) is able to advance. When a Passed Ball occurs on a third strike, permitting a batter to reach first base, record a Strikeout (K) and a Passed Ball.
SBStolen BaseThe number of stolen bases on a catcher.
SBAStolen Base AttemptsThe number of stolen base attempts on a catcher.
CSCaught StealingThe number of base runners thrown out by a catcher in attempt to steal a base.
CS%Caught Stealing Percentage(SBA - SB) / SBA The percentage of base runners caught stealing by the catcher.


ERAEarned Runs Allowed Average(ER * 7 innings) / Innings Pitched. Pitcher's ERA is calculated by multiplying the total earned runs charged against by 7 innings, and divide the result by the total number of innings pitched.
BABatting AverageH / AB The percentage of At Bats (AB) during which an opposing team gets a Hit (H) against a given pitcher.
OBPOn Base Percentage(H+BB+HBP) / (AB+BB+SF+HBP) On base percentage is a measure of how often a team reaches base via a Hit (H), Base on Ball (BB), or Hit By Pitch (HBP) against a given pitcher. (SF and HBP are assumed zero if unavailable).
IPInnings PitchedNumber of innings pitched by the pitcher.
IP3rd1/3 Innings PictchedPartial innings pitched by a pitcher. If a pitcher records 1 out in an inning, it is listed as 1. If the pitcher records 2 buts in an inning, it is listed as 2. The decimal point will will automatically be calculated. Please list a 1 or 2 with no decimal points.
BFBatters FacedThe number of batters faced by a pitcher in a game.
ABAt BatsAB = (Plate Appearances (PA) - BB - HBP - SF - SH/B) Each batter's opportunity at the plate is recorded as an At Bat. Walks (BB), Hits By Pitch (HBP), and Sacrifices (SF & SH/B) are not counted as an official At Bat. An appearance is not charged to the batter when the inning is ended by another base runner getting tagged out (i.e.- attempting to steal a base). At Bats under the pitching category stands for the total number of At Bats (AB) for a team against a given pitcher.
RRuns AllowedRuns allowed by the entire team while the pitcher was on the mound.
EREarned Runs AllowedRuns that batters earned against the pitcher. Runs resulting from fielding Errors (E), Passed Balls (PB), etc. are NOT counted as Earned Runs.
HHits AllowedHits allowed by the pitcher when the batter reached at least first base safely.
2BDoubles AllowedHits allowed by the pitcher when the batter safely reached second base NOT resulting from an Error (E).
3BTriples AllowedHits allowed by the pitcher when the batter safely reached third base NOT resulting from an Error (E).
HRHome Runs AllowedHome Runs allowed by the pitcher while on the mound. Home Runs that result from an Error (E) are not counted against the pitcher.
SFSacrifice FliesA fly-ball out against a given pitcher that advances a runner. Sacrifice Flies (SF) are NOT counted as an At Bat (AB).
SH/BSacrifice Hit/BuntA Sacrifice Hit, commonly known as a bunt, is credited when there are 1 or no outs, the batter advances one or more runners with a bunt and is put out at first base (or would have been put out except for a fielding error). Sacrifice Hits/Bunts(SH/B) are NOT counted as an At Bat (AB).
BBBase On Balls or WalksFour balls thrown to the same batter; batter automatically advances to first base.
KStrike OutsThe number of times a pitcher throws three pitches at which the batter swings and misses, or which the umpire calls three strikes. A Strike Out is also credited in the case of a two-strike foul bunt attempt. Additionally, a Strike Out earned when: 1) the batter swings and misses at a Wild Pitch (WP) on the third strike, or 2) a Passed Ball (PB) occurs on the third strike- regardless of whether or not the batter arrives safely at first base.
HBPHit By PitchA Pitch that hits the batter in the batter's box.
BKBalksIllegal motion by a pitcher to deceive a bass runner.
WPWild PitchesPitches outside of the normal range of the catcher or that hit the ground prior to crossing the plate.
#PNumber of PitchesNumber of pitches thrown by a pitcher in a game.
GSGames StartedGames the pitcher started in the pitching position.
WPitching WinAwarded to the pitcher who is in the game when the team takes and maintains the lead for the rest of the game; a starting pitcher must pitch at least four innings in a 7 inning game to earn a Win.
LPitching LossCharged to the pitcher who is in a game when the opposing team takes the lead, regardless of the number of innings pitched.
SVPitching SavesCredited to the relief pitcher who comes into the game with the team leading by three runs or less and completes the game without giving up the lead.
APPAppearancesA pitching appearance made by a player. Minimum of 1 pitch thrown to qualify for an appearance. Maximum of 1 appearance per game per player.
CGComplete GameCredited to the pitcher who starts and finishes a game; the game may be shorter than seven innings if it is ruled a regulation game.
SOShut OutGiven to the pitcher who starts and finishes a game in which the opponents do not score a run.
NHNo HitterA pitcher completes a game without giving up a hit.
PGPerfect GamePitcher or pitchers pitch a victory in which no opposing player reaches a base.
W%Pitching Win PercentageW / (W + L) The percentage of wins acquired by a pitcher during the season.
POPick OffsPick Off is an act by the pitcher, throwing a live ball to a fielder so that the fielder can tag out the base runner who is leading off the base or trying to steal a base. A PO is awarded to the pitcher only if the base runner is tagged out.
SBAStolen Base AgainstThe pitcher is charged with a stolen base when a base runner successfully advances to the next base during anytime of the pitching delivery.