Girls Lacrosse Stat Definitions


GPGames PlayedHow many games the player has participated in, during that particular season.
Field Stats
GGoalA shot on goal that crosses the goal line.
G/GGoals Per GameThis is the average number of goals scored per game during the season. You take the total goals scored and divide it by the number of games played. Doing this will give you the goals per game.
AAssistAn assist is an intentional pass giving a teammate a positional advantage which contributes directly to a goal. Any one direct pass by a player to a teammate who then scores a goal without having to dodge or evade an opponent, other than the goal keeper who is in the crease, is recorded as an assist. There can be only one assist on any goal scored. (A pass to the shooter, a pass that sets up a goal, a play that helps a teammate in gaining a goal).
A/GAssists Per GameThis is the average number of assists per game during the season. You take the total number of assists during the season to date and divide it by the number of games played. Doing this will give you the assists per game.
PtsPointsA unit of scoring or counting. The total running tally of goals and assists throughout the season.
P/GPoints Per GameThis is the average number of points scored per game during the season. You take the total points scored and divide it by the number of games played. Doing this will give you the points per game.
GBGround BallA ground ball is recorded when a ball changes possession during live-ball play or when the ball hits the ground (due to check, drop, errant pass, or shot) and retrieval of the loose ball is directly contested (within a sticks length) by the opposing team.
GB/GGround Balls Per GameThis is the average number of ground balls per game during the season. You take the total ground balls and divide it by the number of games played. Doing this will give you the ground balls per game.
DCDraw ControlA draw control is awarded to the player who controls the ball and/or creates an opportunity to play following the taking of the draw; i.e., gains possession following the draw.
DADraw AttemptsThe amount of times a player uses the technique of drawing to put the ball in play at the start of each quarter, or after a goal is scored. The players squat down and the ball is placed between their crosses. One attempt equals one draw.
DPDraw PossessionThe center of the team that records the draw control is awarded a draw possession; this is a percentage of draws won by her team when the player takes the draw.
Draws WonDWWhen your team gains possession from the draw, then the player that took part in the draw gets credited for a "Win."
D%Draw PercentageTake the number of draws won and divide that by the total number of draw attempts. Doing this will give you a percentage that in turn stands for the draw percentage.
TSTotal ShotsTotal number of shots, a ball thrown or kicked at the goal with the intent of scoring and released above the goal line extended, as judged by an official. A shot or deflected shot remains a shot until the ball comes to rest on the field of play, a player gains possession of the ball, the ball goes out of bounds or a player causes the ball to go out of bounds.
SOGShots on GoalA shot is any attempt made by a player to score a goal.
SHT%Shooting PercentageThe number of goals(G) divided by total shots(TS).
TOTurnoversA player loses control of the ball to the other team or in someway performs an action to cause her team to lose possession of the ball.
CTCaused TurnoversA CT may be awarded to the player if she performs any of the following actions resulting in a change of possession: stick check, interception, blocked pass or shot, drawn charge.
UEUnforced ErrorsA mistake made by the player, and not due to the opponent's skill or effort. When this mistake is made, the player that made such a mistake gets credited for an unforced error.
OFFOffsidesA team is considered offside when: a) It has fewer than three players in its attack half of the field (between the center line and the end line). b) It has fewer than four players in its defensive half of the field (between the center line and end line).
FFoulsFouls are awarded by the referee for rule infractions.
PPenaltiesLosses of advantage imposed on a team or competitor for infraction of a rule.
Keeper Stats
MinGoalkeeper MinutesNumber of minutes the goal keeper plays. Generally, this number is rounded to the nearest whole minute. High school regulation time is 24 minutes per half
GAGoals AllowedNumber of goals scored against the team while the goal keeper is playing in the goal.
SVGoals SavedA save is recorded each time a goalie stops a ball from going into her goal, that if she did not stop, might result in a goal for the opponent...a shot that hits the pipe is not recorded as a save for the goalie.
SOGShots on GoalThe total number of shots taken on a goal keeper, which by definition is where the ball makes contact with the goal keeper while she is in her crease area, the goal posts or crossbar or crosses the goal line. The shot must originate from the front or side of the goal. When a shot hits a part of the goal post, does not go in and the ball continues in play, a shot on goal is NOT awarded and no save is credited.
SOShut OutA goal keeper receives credit for a shut out only by playing the entire contest and not allowing any goals. If both opposing goal keepers play the entire game to a final score of 0-0, both goal keepers should be credited with a shut out.
WWinA victory that is credited to the goal keeper. If the final score is 3-1 then the team with 3 is the winning team and the victory goes in the win column of the goal keeper.
LLossA defeat that is credited to the goal keeper. If the final score is 3-1 then the team with 1 is the losing team and the defeat goes in the loss column of the goal keeper.
TTieThis just so happens to be the occurrence of equality in opponents score during a contest. Example: Final score is 2-2, meaning the game ended as a tie and the goal keeper would get credited for such.
GAAGoals Against AverageGoals allowed divided minutes played during a 48 minute game.
SV%Save PercentageTake the total number of saves divided by shots on goal and you have the save percentage.
Sud VSudden VictoryOccurs after two 3-minute overtime periods where neither team has scored. Sudden victory is played until one team scores - there is no time limit.