Girls Volleyball Stat Definitions


SPSets PlayedTotal number of sets played.
A/GAces Per GameAces / Games Played The average number of aces acquired during a game over the season.
Ace %Aces/SAThe ace percentage is the total aces divided by the total service attempts. Ace Percentage is only counted when/if serve attempts are recorded.
SAService AttemptsTotal number of service attempts for the game (season). A service attempt is given any time a player attempts to serve the ball or when a player is given a Service Ace or Service Error. A service attempt should also be assigned to a player who - because they were out of rotation- did not serve, but should have served.
AAcesTotal number of service aces during the game (season). A service ace is awarded when a serve results directly in a point. An ace is also awarded if the receiving team is out of rotation or commits a lift or carry on the first touch.
SEService ErrorsTotal number of service errors during the game (season). A service error is given when the serve lands out of bounds, does not go over the net, or hits the antennea. A service error is also given if the server commits a foot fault, takes too much time or serves out of rotation (given to the player who should have been serving).
PTSRotation PointsTotal number of points scored by the team while this player was serving. This stat is used to measure a team's effectiveness in each rotation; however, it is not very insightful unless the rotation (line-up) remains consistent. A rotation point is awarded each time this player serves and the team wins the rally.
A/SAces Per SetThe average number of aces per set.
Serv %Serving PercentageServing Percentage (A/SA = Serv %)
K/GKills Per GameKills / Games Played The average number of kills aquired during a game over the season.
H%Hitting Percentage(Kills - Errors) / Attempts The hitting percentage is the total game (season) kills, less any hitting errors, divided by the total hitting attempts during the game (season).
K%Kill PercentageKills / Attempts The total kills divided by the total hitting attempts for the game (season).
ATTAttack AttemptsTotal number of attack attempts during the game (season). An attack attempt is recorded any time a player attempts to attack the ball into the opponents court. The ball may be spiked, set, tipped or hit in the attempt.
KKillsTotal number of kills acquired during the game (season). A kill is awarded to a player any time an attack is unreturnable by the opposing team and is a direct cause of the opposing team not returning the ball. A kill is also awarded to the attacker any time the opposing team commits a blocking error. Any time a kill is awarded, an attack attempt must also be awarded.
EAttack ErrorsTotal number of attack errors during the game (season). An attack error is given any time a player hits the ball out of bounds, into the antennea or into the net. An attack that is blocked and not returned by the attacking team is also an attack error. An attack error is also given if the player commits a net foul, center line violation, lift, carry, or backrow attack. An attack attempt must be given everytime an attack error is recorded.
K/SKills Pert SetThe average number of kills per set.
Serve Receiving
SRGServe Receptions / Games PlayedThe average number of serve receptions successfully completed per game.
RService ReceptionA service reception is awarded when a player continues play by successfully passing a served ball and the pass does not result in a kill (an overpass) or lead directly to a kill by a teammate (this would be an assist).
REService Reception ErrorA service reception error is given to a player when the serve hits the floor in the area of the player or if the player passes the serve but it cannot be kept in play by a teammate. A service reception error is also given if the player lifts or carries the served ball on the receiving team's first contact.
R/SReceptions Per SertThe average number of receptions per set.
R/MReceptions Per MatchThe average number of receptions per match.
B/GBlocks Per GameTotal Blocks / Games Played The average number of blocks during a game throughout the season.
BTotal BlocksSolo Blocks + Assisted Blocks This number is automatically calculated when solo and assisted blocks are assigned - or it may be manually entered if the coach/statistician does not record solo and assisted blocks seperately.
BSBlock SolosTotal number of solo blocks during the game (season). A solo block is awarded a single player blocks the ball into the opposing team's court leading directly to a point. The blocker must be the only blocker attempting to block the ball. Simply making ball contact that does not result directly in a point during a block attempt should NOT be recorded as any kind of block. This is commonly referred to as a "touch" and is not currently tracked by MaxPreps.
BABlock AssistsTotal number of assisted blocks during the game (season). An assisted block is awarded when two or three players block the ball back into the opponent's court for a point. Each player attempting to block receives an assist even if it is obvious that only one player actually makes contact with the ball. Simply making ball contact that does not result directly in a point during a block attempt should NOT be recorded as any kind of block. This is commonly referred to as a "touch" and is not currently tracked by MaxPreps.
BEBlock ErrorsTotal number of blocking errors during the game (season). A blocking error is assigned when a one of the players attempting to block is called for a violation by the referee during a blocking attempt. Generally this occurs when the blocker commits a net violation, crosses the center line, reaches over the net, lift/carries the ball or attempts to block from the back row.
B/SBlocks Per SetThe average number of blocks per set.
Ball Handling
A/GAssists Per GameAssists / Games Played The average number of assists during a game throughout the season.
BHABall Handling AttemptsThe total number of ball handling attempts.
ASTAssistsA player is awarded an assist whenever that player passes, sets or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill.
BHEBall Handling ErrorsA ball handling error is a call made by the referee that ends the play. Generally this is a double, lift, carry, etc.
Ast/SAssists Per SetThe average number of assists per set.
D/GDigs Per GameDigs / Games Played The average number of digs during the game (season).
DDigsTotal number of digs during the game (season). A dig is awarded when the player passed the ball that has been attacked by the opposition. When an attack is blocked back into the attacker's court, a pass of the blocked ball is NOT considered a dig. Passing a "free ball" (ie- a ball played over the net by an opponent simply attempting to "keep the ball in play" - not score a point) should NOT be recorded as a "dig".
DEDigging ErrorsTotal number of dig errors during the game (season). A dig error is given when an attacked ball hits the floor within the area of the player or the player passes an attacked ball that cannot be controlled and returned to the opposing team.
D/SDigs Per SetThe average number of digs per set.