2024 CIF Central Section Girls Soccer Championships

Tournament Notes

* Starting Times: 3:30 without lights, 6:00 with lights
* Any other starting time must be mutually agreed to by both schools. (Officials and Section office MUST be notified)
* If the date of a contest must be changed due to an issue with facilities or officials the section office will determine the date of the contest if no mutual agreement can be reached.
* Home team for all rounds will be the higher seeded team.

  • Division VI

    Location Various Cities, CA

    * Starting Times: 3:30 without lights, 6:00 with lights
    * Any other starting time must be mutually agreed to by both schools. (Officials and Section office MUST be notified)
    * If the date of a contest must be changed due to an issue with facilities or officials the section office will determine the date of the contest if no mutual agreement can be reached.
    * Home team for all rounds will be the higher seeded team.

    This tournament bracket will go live when published.

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