• It's Not TV, It's DOOH
    Eight in ten ad execs are recommending the medium in the media plans for next year, and four in ten consider it an extension of their TV plans.
  • Sometimes, Let Go
    The lesson of New Coke is that there often comes a time when we must let go. It's true in everything, from business to careers to politics. With that must come the discipline of failing up -- test, learn, revise. And sometimes, let go.
  • This Year's Model: Multi-Retailer Attribution
    It was bound to happen, but this week I finally got my first pitch for a story about "multi-retailer attribution" model.
  • Vast Majority Of Planners Still Rely On Spreadsheets
    For those who fear advanced AI will soon replace the manual functions of media planning, new research indicates most advertisers and agencies still are pretty old school when it comes to the process, relying on spreadsheets -- not even dashboards.
  • The Paradox Of The Next Big Thing
    The best thing about marketing is also the biggest challenge facing marketers: the next big thing. There is a constant search in marketing for the next big thing. In everything. Consumer trends. Digital developments. Research methods. Predictive analytics. Micro niches. Growth markets. Creative approaches. Technology applications. New media. And now, AI. Marketing is hard. Good ideas are hard to come by, and competitors catch up fast. Habits are hard to break, and consumers won’t pay attention, can’t remember or don’t care. Pricing is always under pressure, even as costs keep rising. No surprise, then, that most …
  • New Benchmark Shows We're Making Progress
    CANNES, France -- ANA, in partnership with TAG TrustNet, has released early findings from our first quarterly Programmatic Transparency Benchmark Study. And real progress has been made! In 2023 we released the ANA Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study; the initial report at Cannes and the follow-up/complete report in December. The purpose of that work was to make investments in programmatic advertising work harder with a greater percentage of spend resulting in an ad that the consumer has the opportunity to see. But we can’t just drop a 125-page report and walk …
  • The Middle Lane
    People are moving to the center, not quashing left-wing activism in favor of right-wing authoritarianism. It's a rightward correction more than a turn to the right. Consequently, consumers are turning "selfward" and want better brands, not social brands.
  • GroupM Intel Chief On Why We're All Ad Trade Reporters
    "Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, these are all companies that sell advertising, and Nvidia sells the chips on which these companies provide their advertising services," explains Kate Scott-Dawkins.
  • The Age Of Media Networks
    Amid an increasingly crowded marketplace of retail media networks, now you can also buy the friendly skies of United.
  • Streaming Adopts Cable's Playbook
    Remember when the streaming platforms, led by Netflix, killed cable?  When viewers, voting with their impressions, made it clear they would gladly pay a monthly subscription fee to choose what and when they watched, and without all those evil ads? Ding dong, the overpriced, inconvenient witch is dead. However, since then, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Max, and Disney+ have all incorporated elements of the “defeated” cable model to their offerings: Dual Revenue Streams Commercial-free platforms have one source of revenue: Subscriber fees.  These fees are more or less reliable and predictable, but they’re …
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