Some of the best coaches in the world have been known to keep up with their players and even take part in training, and if former Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger's rig is anything to go by, chances are he embarrassed a fair few of his stars.

The 70-year-old Frenchman, who was recently appointed as FIFA's new chief of global football development, was snapped on a beach holiday in Qatar. And Twitter was here for it.

A noticeably ripped Wenger received a barrage of support from starstruck fans.

"Almost 3x my age and still in better shape than I've ever been," wrote @Patrick_JW. "Wenger more fit at 70 than me at 25," another wrote.

Others were in disbelief, questioning whether the photos were real, but given there a multiple shots doing the rounds, we have it on good authority that they're 100 per cent legit.

After leaving the Arsenal dugout, Wenger found himself without a job for almost two years and obviously spent his time away from the game keeping himself fit.

Fifty years ago, Wenger made his football debut for Mutzig. Although he didn't have an illustrious career as a player, the 70-year-old took charge of Arsenal leading them to several title wins. He was also responsible for the famous 'Invincibles' squad, which went a whole season without defeat during the in 2003/04 Premier League season.

If we can look half as good at age 70, we'll be pretty happy with ourselves.

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