It's a score that has refused to be settled for years: the early bird gym larks versus the weights room night owls. Who is better? Who is doing it right?

Should we all rise with the dawn — like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, who works out long before the cock's crow, at 4.30am — and storm through a session before the rest of the world awakes? Or is it better to refresh your brain and body for the evening ahead with a 45-minute safari around the gym after a long day at work?

Once you consider that sports records are almost exclusively broken after the sun's gone down, the truth becomes harder to find, as both early birds and night owls clock in impressive advantages.

Let's start with a cliché: the best workout is the one you actually do. More important than any science or subjective opinion on when you should train are the dull practicalities of your day-to-day. When can you actually get to the gym? When will you enjoy it? At what time does exercise most make you find your 'feel good'?

The key, as ever, is balance: training and eating in a way that makes you happiest – whether that means a 7am spin session fuelled by an espresso or a 7pm weights workout fuelled by cake. Still not sure? The battle between the larks and the owls is long, so let's get started.

young man running at beach during sunny day
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Are morning or evening workouts more effective? The answer may surprise you

Morning Exercises Benefits

The early bird catches the worm – but what are the benefits when he also hits the gym before work?

To kick things off, let's take a look at testosterone. Your T-levels fuel your energy and your muscle gains, soaring in the AM, cruising at a level that is one third higher than the evening. Similarly, a dawn sweat sesh could double your fat-burning potential, claim researchers at Bath University.

Strength and weight training first thing, for example, will require your body to use fat already stored in the body – rather than relying on the food you just ate. Research also shows the ‘afterburn’ may last longer after a morning work out. If you need any more encouragement, an Appalachian State Uni study showed those who lift at 7am power down faster at night – and produce more human growth hormone – than evening trainers.

Prefer cardio? Morning is a great moment to carve the time needed to work up a decent cardio sweat. Leave it til later in the day and life will almost certainly intervene – but committing to a run first thing means you’re more likely to do it. Research also indicates morning exercise can boost concentration and alertness levels – helping you have a more productive day.

Joints and muscles tensing up overnight? A session focused on stretching and lengthening your muscles is a great way to improve flexibility. If a sweaty gym first thing isn’t your vibe, a morning yoga session is a great way to wake up your mind and body while soothing your nervous system.

Partner that with a separate study detailing that you’ll eat 100kcal less throughout the day after an early rise, and the morning doesn't seem so bleak. No wonder 27 per cent of the UK population identify as “definite morning types”. Doing so, however, comes at a price: cortisol, the muscle-eating hormone, climbs by 75% in the morning, but normalises at night. (Continued below)

Evening Exercise Benefits

If you’re not quite ready to become a member of the 5am club, don’t panic – the afternoon or evening is a great time to work out if you do it right.

Energy and performance tend to improve later in the day – most people have higher levels of power and endurance as the day goes on. Great news for cardio enthusiasts – research shows people who work out in the evening take up to 20% longer to reach exhaustion, so you can run, ride or swim for longer.

If you’re bodybuilding, hormones are on your side later in the day. Your body may produce more testosterone in the afternoon than the morning – which enables greater gains in muscle and strength. Testosterone is vital for building muscle in both men and women, so playing your times to hormonal advantage is a smart thing to do.

Flexibility also improves as the day goes on as you warm up - literally. Your core temperature increases later in the day – so you’ll find you can get into your routine more quickly and with less creakiness. It’s also a great time to take advantage of this and stretch. An evening yoga session will help you get more deeply into poses and stretches.

Evening Exercise Drawbacks

We’re all built differently, so whether or not evening exercise is a good shout varies from person to person.

Some people find exercising in the evening can negatively impact sleep. While this is not the case for everyone, some people find they can be irritatingly energised or jittery after exercise – making sleep challenging. This is particularly the case with anything very intense – like a HIIT session or CrossFit. If this is the case, it’s worth trying something less intense. But remember sleep is also needed for muscle gain, so don’t push it.

Getting up early to exercise, on the other hand, has been shown to help people sleep better. But consistency is key to rewiring your circadian rhythm to an early start.

Morning Exercises Drawbacks

While morning exercise has a number of physical benefits, it doesn’t work in everyone’s routine. Sleep is incredibly important for the mind and body – if the only way of squeezing in a morning workout is by reducing your sleep, the negatives could quickly outweigh the positives.

An evening workout can also really help blow off the stress of the day and help you sleep better – and is far better for you than a pub or takeaway session you might otherwise be tempted by.

What Should I Eat?

Where does your nutrition come into the fold? A big breakfast will help you burn through extra calories during the day by charging up your metabolism, according to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Interestingly, your post-gym portion of protein is better absorbed in the evening, reports the Journal of Nutrition. Making time to cook a proper dinner will fuel your gains. Pick what works for you.

As anyone who's struggled through a bleary-eyed workout will attest, your strength levels can fluctuate according to your schedule. And labcoats have found out why they can feel so different — for example, your muscles gradually become more flexible as the day goes on and your anaerobic capacity (essential for big lifts) is approximately seven per cent higher later in the day, according to the University of North Texas. On the flipside, a British Journal of Nutrition Study found that cardio repped out at the crack of dawn could burn 20 per cent more fat.

Of course, it's not all about your muscles and your body fat. Sleep plays an important factor in your new workout schedule. An Appalachian State Uni study showed those who lift at 7am power down faster at night – and produce more human growth hormone – than evening trainers. However, the same study found evening gym time raises body heat like a warm bath and promotes sound slumber.

Morning Or Evening: Who Wins?

Alas, there can only be one winner here between the lark and the owl. Boasting an optimal fat-burning and cognitive profile, early risers can call time on the debate. Lifting sessions are welcome afternoon delights, but they’re too little, too late – especially when science says that, even with lie-ins, night owls have worse sleep. Heed the rooster’s call.