Acupuncture, the nails-on-a-chalkboard method of inserting needles into your skin to alleviate stress, could be far more effective than previously thought. Harvard scientists have discovered a modernised version of the treatment, where very thin electrodes are inserted into the skin and into the connective tissue, instead of needles, may be an effective treatment for inflammatory diseases like sepsis and potentially coronavirus.

Scientists used electroacupuncture to treat mice with bacterial infections and found that the treatment was able to successfully lower the levels of three key types of cytokines – or inflammation-fuelling molecules. These molecules can be activated by all kinds of infections, and their rapid release is a hallmark of sepsis, an organ-damaging, often-fatal inflammatory response to infection. Bringing down the levels of inflammatory cytokines has also been a key aim of treatments for Covid-19.

The scientists did caution that before any therapeutic use, the observations must be confirmed in further research—in animals as well as in humans.

“Our findings represent an important step in ongoing efforts not only to understand the neuroanatomy of acupuncture but to identify ways to incorporate it into the treatment arsenal of inflammatory diseases, including sepsis,” said the study's principal investigator Qiufu Ma, professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School and researcher at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

While we haven't tested electroacupuncture, we're no strangers to the ancient homeopathic needle treatment. This is what happened when our writer, Ian Taylor, underwent the treatment to cure his work stress.

What Happened When We Got Acupuncture

The problem with stress is not the lack of sleep. It’s not the 13-hour days or the fact that you see the staff at Pret more than your own partner. The real killer is the white noise between your ears, that balloon inflating in your ribcage. They suspend logic, cripple productivity and trigger a spiralling shitstorm that only makes the office hours longer and sleep more elusive.

A potential solution hit me right between the eyes on a Sunday in South London, when Mark Kiely inserted a needle just above my nose. I’m fine with needles – even when they’re aimed at my face – and the scratch reminded me of giving blood. Then 11 more followed: one just beyond my hairline, one in each arm, one in each knee, the rest in my feet. It’s hard to feel blissfully free of worry with 12 needles sticking out of you, but there is theory to the piercing. Practitioners claim acupuncture is effective for a mind-boggling range of health issues: back pain, tension headaches, infertility, tennis elbow, Parkinson’s, stress and, potentially, coronavirus. The traditional view is that illness occurs when the flow of ‘qi’, your body’s ‘vital energy’, is disrupted. Acupuncture restores this. To me, it sounds like mystical BS with no real grounding in Western medicine. However, tantalising new research suggests that acupuncture 
is more than simply a placebo dressed up as a miracle cure. The NHS clearly agrees: reports suggest it spends £25m
 a year on the treatment.

Kiely explained to me why he targeted the points he did. “I use points on the feet 
[for stress],” he said. “I am trying to clear excess energy from the head, which is forming dysfunctional thought patterns. I want to pull this negative energy down so that it can work
 for you, for example in your circulatory, digestive or immune systems.”

He removes the needles after 20 minutes and sends me on my way. Later that evening I feel lighter, looser and free of the usual Sunday night blues. I’m aware of the mound of work waiting for me, but for the first time in a while, I feel oddly detached from it. Maybe acupuncture is a placebo. Or perhaps this week's Sunday night TV is particularly engrossing. But whatever’s responsible, an injection of calm and the first deep sleep I’ve had in weeks is a welcome relief.

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