Former Royal Marine commando and Special Forces Sergeant – and current SAS: Who Dares Wins directing staff (DS)Jason Fox is telling us about the time he was trapped in a ditch being shot at by Taliban insurgents. With shots flying all around him, he knew he had to find a way out, but even with all his experience and all of his training, Fox was almost paralysed by fear.

'I'd been getting shot at for a long time, and I can remember being petrified and being like, fucking hell, I don't really want to get out of this ditch,' says Fox. 'I had to have a word with myself, and all it it took was me looking at the fact that I was being fearful then realising that I was allowed to be fearful because it's a scary situation.'

I can remember being petrified and being like, fucking hell, I don't really want to get out of this ditch

Having signed up to the Forces as a 16-year-old, Fox – or ‘Foxy’ as he is more commonly known – spent 20 years serving in the Royal Marines and SBS (Special Boat Service), before being medically discharged with PTSD at the age of 36. In those 20 years, as well as in the few years he’s spent forging a TV career since, Fox learnt that’s it’s ok to be afraid, but at some point you have to be in control of your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you, or as he puts it: you have to take control of your emotions and not become a 'flapping headless chicken'.

'Your situation’s not going to change unless you do something about it,' Fox adds. 'So you have to take direct action to be able to get yourself out.'

Everyday Struggles

Still, knowing that you have to control your emotions is one thing, knowing how to do that is another entirely. Fox hasn’t always worked out that puzzle, and he’s the first to admit that his long military career took him to the edge of his sanity, culminating in him considering suicide a year after leaving the Forces. But, having learned to leave certain events in the past, he says being exposed to extreme events – like the ditch surrounded by Taliban insurgents – taught him things that can help anyone deal with dark days.

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'I left the military because I got medically discharged for PTSD. There's a lot of people who say, 'PTSD what is that?' that must be something that soldiers suffer from or maybe people in the emergency services or people with jobs that are exposed to traumatic stuff, but I think it can happen to anyone and it probably does happen to everyone.

'You can be traumatised by everyday life. Life in general is actually hard work. Stuff happens that you might not be ready for, and all PTSD is, in my mind and in my opinion, is a natural reaction to something happening in your life… whether it's a car crash, whether it's a military career, whether it's you’re a footballer or a professional athlete and your career's finishing. Those are stressful moments in someone's life.'

Nip It in the Bud

Fox has previously described his experience in the ditch as a “defining moment”. One thing it taught him was that when things are getting too much, that’s the time to explore why he's feeling down and whether there’s anything he can do in the present to address those feelings.

Back on civvy street, Fox uses the same technique that got him out of that ditch and says it's something that anyone can use, especially if their current situation has them feeling a little overwhelmed.

'If I wake up in the morning and feel differently,' he says, 'what I'll do is, I'll give myself the respect I deserve and give myself a bit headspace to actually explore why I feel the way I do, so I'll sit on the bed and ask myself, ‘why do I feel a bit down?'

'Give yourself five or 10 minutes and you’ll probably work it out. For me, it might be because I need to pay a bill, or I know that I've got something coming up that I'm not really looking forward to. Once I’ve got my head around the problem and done all those things: paid bills or sorted out stuff that you don't really want to, you probably find that you feel a bit better.

'Sometimes it's just as simple as going for a walk or going to the gym or having a cup of tea. Just give yourself the time and respect your own mind, instead of ignoring it and then going and spending the rest of the day being miserable as sin, being grumpy with everyone, try and nip it in the bud early.'

Foxy is our new cover star. You can read the full interview here, or hit the link to subscribe to the Men's Health app to get the latest issue


Daniel is Men’s Health UK’s deputy digital editor. He’s a writer and editor with a decade’s worth of experience covering health, fitness, tech and sports. In his time at Men’s Health, he’s written about everything from Black men's mental health to The Rock's cheat days and has logged training time with NFL footballers, Olympic gymnasts and the British Army. In his spare time he enjoys fitness of all kinds, from deadlifts to long runs, and is always on the lookout for his next challenge.