The Hadza hunter-gatherer tribe in east Africa averages more physical activity in a day than typical westerners do in a week – but they don’t burn any more calories. That’s because, as Dr Herman Pontzer explains in his book Burn: The Misunderstood Science Of Metabolism (Allen Lane), ‘the armchair mechanic’s view’ of your body as a simple machine isn’t how it actually works. Your body is a dynamic organism evolved to match energy expenditure to fluctuating food intake, manipulating your metabolism accordingly. After all, burning more calories than you eat forces your body to consume itself, eventually to death.

If anything, says Dr Pontzer, your body is like a business with a fixed energy budget: exercise suppresses operations that might otherwise run riot, such as inflammation and stress response. But overtraining can hamper essential functions, which means that it’s not so smart for weight loss.

Men's Health: Your book challenges most people’s understanding of metabolism. What’s been the feedback?

Dr. Herman Pontzer: A lot of folks were positive and thought it was a really new take. People generally felt I make the case pretty strongly, with evidence. There have been two areas of pushback: one is people whose careers depend in one way or another on exercise being a great tool for weight loss; the other is the keto and carnivore bros, who don’t want to hear that we didn’t evolve to eat 100% meat.

MH: Why is metabolism so misunderstood?

HP: Metabolism is the work that your cells do all day, but we’re only consciously aware of a small fraction of that. We’re aware of the energy we spend exercising and of the calories we put in with our food, but the rest is unseen. People tend to be told that metabolism is synonymous with exercise or diet, but it’s a lot more than just that.

MH: Short of handing them a copy of your book, how do you help people understand metabolism at, say, a dinner party?

HP: First of all, I explain to them the Hadza work. I think that makes it very real. You can have this group of people who are incredibly physically active, yet their bodies burn the same number of calories every day as you and me. People find that hard to believe. And then I say, ‘Actually, if you look across species, even within the human population as they get enrolled into exercise programmes, you see much the same thing: exercise doesn’t change how many calories you spend, it changes how you spend them.’ People don’t always buy it, but at least they understand what I’m trying to say.

MH: And then they say, ‘But what about cyclists in the Tour de France?’

HP: There’s a sort of sloping metabolic ceiling that we all have to live under. Over a week or a month, we can push our energy expenditures up to 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day. But over the long term, everyone lives under the same low roof. So yeah, you can absolutely push it to do the Tour de France, but you can’t push it at that rate for any longer.

MH: So, I can give my metabolism a temporary boost, but eventually it will rebalance?

HP: We burn a lot of calories while we’re exercising. For instance, a three-mile run will burn about 300 calories for a typical adult. But if you exercise regularly, your body adjusts by reducing energy expenditure on other tasks. This can take a few months, but the result is surprising: if you add 300 calories of exercise to your daily routine, after your body adjusts to it you might only be burning around 100 calories more than before you started the exercise programme. Yes, really.

I’ve had a number of clinicians say, ‘Now our patients don’t have to feel like they’re failing at exercise because they’re not seeing continued weight loss as their body adjusts.’ Because the implication of the message we get nowadays is that if you’re not losing weight, then you’re not exercising correctly. The NHS, World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) all say that if you really want to combat obesity, then you’ve got to watch what you eat and do more exercise. Well, okay, I can see where they’re coming from. But if it’s 95% diet and 5% activity we’re talking about? Come on. We can’t possibly put them on an even footing because that’s just not accurate at all.

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MH: How do we fix obesity, individually and societally?

HP: The foods that are the most dangerous for weight gain are the ultra-processed, designed-in-a-laboratory foods. I think we need to set up supermarkets so that the societal costs of foods are included. I’m a believer that economic incentives, pushes and pulls, could indeed change behaviour. There’s some evidence that taxes on sugary beverages, for example, work reasonably well. If we come home with food we know we’ll overeat, we shouldn’t be surprised when we overeat them. If the idea is that you’re going to buy the doughnuts, but only have a little bit every day, that isn’t going to work. The brain is a master of rationalisation over these things.

MH: If our brains actively work to reverse weight-loss efforts, what can we do?

HP: If you’re miserable and hungry on your diet, it’s not going to work for you long term. The reason that people are so excited about keto and low-carb diets is they’ve finally found a diet that feels like they’re not starving themselves. Even though they’re eating fewer calories and that’s why they’re losing weight, for them it feels like magic. And people have the same experience on plant-based or Mediterranean diets. But don’t expect that if it works for somebody else, it has to work for you. If keto makes you miserable, then switch it up.

MH: How do you eat and exercise when you’re not following the Hadza?

HP: I try to eat healthily, which to me means eating lots of meats, vegetables and whole foods. I enjoy beer and snacks as much as the next person, so I’m not perfect, but I do try for the majority of my diet to be stuff that my grandparents would recognise as food. And I’m lucky that I like to exercise: I like to run; I go mountain biking. I like to be outside – I find that lends itself to being active.


Jamie Millar is a freelance journalist and regular Men’s Health contributor, writing about style, grooming, fitness and culture. Follow @mrjamiemillar