learn to be your authentic self

learn to be your authentic self ⋆


Please share your information below, and we’ll notify you when enrollment opens again for our 2025 cohort.

A special message from don Miguel Ruiz.

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A comprehensive four-month online program guided by don Miguel Ruiz and family, aimed to reflect, inspire and reveal the process to becoming a master of your own creation. 

Level 1.



For most of your life, you have been possessed by the main character of your own story. It is so easy to identify with that main character despite the ongoing inner dialogue carrying stories of shame, guilt, and self-judgment.

When you encounter the truth, all your lies fall apart in front of your face, and you see your true nature.

Today, we are lucky to live in a time where the means of communication have surpassed those imagined by our ancestors, and we are excited and honored to be able to share this collection of very personal stories, lessons, meditations, homework, and live video calls with all of you.

The tools in A Path to Authenticity are here to inspire a change in your world - your personal and inner world. It’s time for you to take this knowledge and apply it in your own life.

This program is for you if you are ready to:

  • ✨ Deepen your understanding of The Four Agreements and apply them to your everyday life

  • ✨ Heal relationships with loved ones to foster more awareness and joy

  • ✨ Experience inner peace with past, present, and future

  • ✨ Find inspiration and connection

  • ✨ Take personal responsibility for your words and actions

  • ✨ Become a powerful creator of your own personal story

  • ✨ Uplevel everyday awareness from automatic reactions to an aware response

  • ✨ Express yourself as you truly are

  • ✨ Overcome the debilitating fear of saying Yes and No

  • ✨ Choosing to do the things that bring you happiness

  • ✨ Completely accept yourself with unconditional love

“A dream master doesn’t change the dreams of people around them. They change their own dream because they’ve mastered themself.”

— don Jose Ruiz

What Participants Are Saying

“This allowed for a deep understanding of the Toltec wisdom because I could actually practice what I was learning in real-life situations in real-time when I needed it. Weekend retreats are powerful, but this type of study is lasting.”


“This was the most transformative online course I’ve experienced to date.”


★ Reflections: A Path to Authenticity is an online program that focuses on the spiritual traditions of the Ruiz family’s Toltec lineage.

★ This course will give you the necessary tools to gain clarity and discernment, deepening your commitment to observe how you pretend to be what you are not, obscuring your personal freedom.

★ Through mastering awareness and transformation, you can redirect your energy and create the dream you’ve always envisioned.

★ Your teachers and guides will be a mirror for you, no matter where you are on this journey.


  • Learn

    directly from don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz and don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

  • Deepen

    your understanding of The Four Agreements and Fifth Agreement

  • Elevate

    your ability to communicate clearly

  • Discover

    a sense of life purpose and gratitude for life

  • Practice

    Toltec Meditation to empower your process

  • Access

    and love yourself unconditionally, just the way you are

  • Increase

    confidence in taking inspired action

  • Become

    a powerful creator of your own personal story

this program is a journey of oral storytelling that is both a mirror and invitation to grow

For over thirty years, the ruiz family has been committed teachers and guides, offering different variations of the same message: have faith in yourself. You are love.

if you are committed to going deeper into your own personal journey, and willing to look deep into your personal beliefs, this program is for you.

Are you ready to challenge old beliefs, leave behind self-doubt, and reconnect to what you truly are?


  • eight modules.

    Curated lessons are sent out bi-weekly, over a four-month period. Listen to the personal stories of don Miguel, don Jose, and don Miguel Jr. on how they developed their unique path to authenticity.

  • eight live gatherings.

    Eight Live Zoom gatherings (bi-weekly) with don Jose, and don Miguel Jr. to answer and discuss submitted questions.

  • Accountability groups.

    Accountability groups will be created to encourage and inspire each other.

  • Variety.

    Each module includes videos, exercises, meditations, and homework assignments to assist in mastering your path to authenticity and self-transformation.

  • Toltec Meditations.

    This is a rare opportunity to listen to don Miguel guide meditations.

  • Access.

    Twelve-month access to the program materials.

lesson breakdown


Live gatherings will be guided by don Jose, don Miguel Jr., Aaron Landman and Karla Ruiz

Live gatherings will be every other Saturday at 8 AM Pacific for 60 minutes.

Check your local timezone here.


MAR 30

FEB 17

APR 13


APR 27

MAR 16

MAY 11

Words from students

“I am not who I was prior to undergoing this experience, in that I feel so filled with love for myself, my beloved, in a way I have never known before. I am enormously grateful for Don Miguel, Don Jose, and Don Miguel Jr and the brilliance they've offered.”

— Antonia

“I'm very grateful for this course, it's magical.”

— Jurgita

“The battle for the mind is won in the trenches, with work everyday, in the hard times. This program has taught me how to do that. The results are lasting and not fleeting. I love that you guys have made the Toltec wisdom understandable and usable in a practical way. To say this apprenticeship and all your books have been transformative is an understatement.”

— Grant

“Tears of Joy stream down my face as my heart opens more and more and deeply. I am filled with gratitude in writing this as your family is so straight up. Thank you”

— Lora


your guides

  • Renowned spiritual teacher and international bestselling author of the Toltec Wisdom Series, including The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, The Four Agreements Companion Book, The Circle of Fire, and The Fifth Agreement. The Toltec Wisdom books have sold over 12 million copies in the United States, and have been published in 46 languages worldwide.

    don Miguel has spent the past three decades guiding students to personal freedom through his profound insights regarding the nature of human reality. His newest book, Eros, written with Barbara Emrys, was in 2021.

  • International bestselling author of The Fifth Agreement. As a Toltec Master of Transformation & Modern-day Shaman, he has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the ancient Toltecs through his books, lectures, and journeys to sacred sites around the world. Other books include: Ripples of Wisdom, My Good Friend The Rattlesnake, The Wisdom of the Shamans, and the newly released The Medicine Bag: Shamanic Rituals & Ceremonies for Personal Transformation.

  • Nagual and Toltec Master of Transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz. By combining the wisdom of his family’s traditions with the knowledge gained from his own personal journey, he now helps others realize their own path to personal freedom.

  • Aaron is the program director of this online program. He has been working with the Ruiz family for over 25 years, and has been teaching Toltec Wisdom for over 15 years.

  • Born into the Ruiz family and fully submerged into the family’s wisdom for the past 10 years, Karla is the program coordinator and brings support for both guides and students, bringing a unique perspective to the teachings.



Option One

1 single payment


Option two

4 monthly payments


If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, we have a 14-day money-back guarantee. Email us within the first two weeks and we'll refund you in full. This is how we offer you the opportunity to access the first module and participate in our first live meeting.

After 14 days there are no returns.


  • The first module gets released on January 27, and our first live gathering is on February 3.

    Last day to enroll is February 2. This way you can catch up on the first module and attend our first live gathering!

  • There is no prerequisite or requirement to have an in-depth understanding of Toltec knowledge. However, having an open mind and a desire to live authentically will be helpful. Those not familiar with The Four Agreements may want to read the book beforehand. Other recommended books are The Fifth Agreement (don Jose Ruiz), The Mastery of Self (don Miguel Ruiz Jr.), and The Voice of Knowledge (don Miguel Ruiz).

    Everyone will be on their own personal journey, and the information given will resonate no matter where you are on your life’s journey. Come with an open heart, ready to look deep.

  • Once you enroll, you will receive an email with detailed instructions for accessing the First Lesson of the Path to Authenticity Apprenticeship, as well as how you can access all of the bonus material included.

  • The program is through an online member page and consists of the family’s lessons, exercises, meditations, and supplemental material.

  • At a minimum, we suggest one hour per week listening to provided lessons, talks, and meditations, plus anywhere from two to four hours for personal reflection, homework suggestions, live calls, or any additional content. While you are encouraged to keep up with the bi-weekly lessons, you are free to work at your own pace.

  • Yes, you are free to work at your own pace, however, we encourage you to try to keep up with the lesson schedule. We will send a weekly email as a reminder of the upcoming lessons. You have nine months to access the material, so you can take your time, or revisit and get inspired whenever you need.

  • Every two weeks we will have a live online gathering with don Jose, and don Miguel Jr. to answer questions that arise, as well as a bi-weekly check-in session with teachers from the Ruiz team.

  • No. This program is not intended as a certification or teacher training, but rather a program of self-mastery and focus on your personal path to authenticity.

  • You have twelve-month access to the material so you can revisit and get inspired whenever you need.

  • Yes! Scholarships range from 25%-100%.

    The application period for Reflections: A Path to Authenticity - Level 1 is from January 1 - 13, 2024.


  • You have the option to pay in full or make 4 monthly payments of $249. To complete your enrollment, the first payment is processed immediately and then subsequent payments are charged automatically every month. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have a specific situation. We would love to make this work for you!

  • If for any reason you are not happy with the program, we have a 14-day money-back guarantee. Email us at [email protected] within the first two weeks of your enrollment and we will refund you in full.

  • Reach out to the family’s team: [email protected]

“I absolutely loved it all, especially during this challenging time. It has truly helped me through my life struggles and took me on a great path to look forward to in life and golden time.”

— J.