
High Atlas Mountains earthquake: needs assessment and distribution management

The event

In 2023, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Moroccan Atlas Mountains, causing severe impact with over 800,000 people affected and thousands dead.

The response

Four days after the earthquakes, ERT arrived to the field to support new and existing partners. The focus was village needs assessments, medical assessment and distribution management, as data was limited.

The outcome

With monday, our partner, The High Atlas Foundation created the largest needs assessment database of >375 villages, and provided >490 tons of relief items


Bamberg:UA is a German based NGO that in April 2022 began to support Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons.

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Following extreme wildfires, the ERT deployed to support local NGO UniĆ£oBR with their disaster relief efforts.

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IsraAID, a leading INGO in the disaster response space provided extensive support to affected populations following the humanitarian crises in Ukraine.

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