The Juvenile Justice Professional's Guide to
Human Subjects Protection and the IRB Process
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This on-line guide is an overview of the laws and regulations that govern human subjects research and is designed to clarify and to interpret the Common Rule for the Department of Justice, Title 28 part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

  A comprehensive explanation of human subjects protection regulations can be found in the Common Rule document, which should accompany the reading of this guide. Juvenile justice professionals committed to protecting the rights and ensuring the well-being of youth while under the supervision of the juvenile justice system will find this guide to be a practical resource.

  Those interested in interpreting and applying human subject protection regulations to their practice will learn the general principles and details regarding implementation. Those planning to establish an Institutional Review Board (IRB) will find valuable resources to assist in the process.


This site was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The site is currently supported under the National Juvenile Justice Data Analysis Program (OJJDP cooperative agreement number 2010-MU-FX-K058) and was originally supported by the Juvenile Justice Statistics and Systems Development Program (OJJDP cooperative agreement number 95-JN-FX-K008).

Karyl Troup-Leasure authored the site and subsequent revisions with assistance originally from Carol Brooks and Dan Wilt. Patrick Griffin, Kevin Spangenberg, and Paul Harms also provided valuable input to the development of the original site.

Points of view or opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Justice.

The primary source materials and resources for the website are those of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). Elyse Summers, J.D., Director, Division of Education and Development, contributed valuable information to the site by interpreting and clarifying the Federal regulations that govern human subjects protection.

Ellen Campbell, Deputy Director, Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, provided significant input for the interpretation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).

Suggested citation: Troup-Leasure, K. 2012. "The Juvenile Justice Professional's Guide to Human Subjects Protection and the IRB Process". Available Online:


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