Shadow and Bone Season 1 Recap - Netflix Tudum

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    Everything You Need to Remember Before Watching ‘Shadow and Bone’ Season 2

    Let us guide you through the Fold and beyond with this recap.
    March 13, 2023


Between the sun-summoning and swooping shadow monsters and hunting of mystical stags, a lot happened in Season 1 of Shadow and Bone. Don’t worry if you don’t remember all of what transpired in the epic fantasy series, which is adapted from Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows, two titles in the book series by Leigh Bardugo. We’re here to remind you all about how Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li) burst out with a blast of radiant energy she never knew she had, all in an attempt to destroy the foreboding Shadow Fold dividing her land. Her powers didn’t just unleash waves of light, it also triggered a chaotic series of events that would reverberate throughout the known world, courtesy of a band of brigands, childhood loves and an irresistible Darkling. 

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Catch up with our Season 1 recap of Shadow and Bone below before Season 2 comes out on March 16.

Attila Szvacsek/Netflix

Who are all the characters inhabiting the Shadow and Bone universe?

Let’s start with the heroine of our story, Alina Starkov (Li). She’s an orphaned, half-Shu mapmaker who grew up with tracker and fellow orphan Malyen “Mal” Oretsev (Archie Renaux). They both serve in the First Army on behalf of their war-torn country, Ravka. On the front lines (and at base camp), they encounter an imposing man of many names, General Kirigan (Ben Barnes). Also known colloquially as the Darkling and by his nearest and dearest as Aleksander, Kirigan is one of the rarest of Grisha — a Shadow Summoner — and uses his powers to the fullest as the leader of the elite Second Army of Grisha. He lives in Ravka’s capital at the Little Palace, where Grisha are trained by the fearsome Baghra (Zoë Wanamaker). Grisha Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan) honed her Heartrender capabilities there, but that was all before she was captured by Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman) and his team of Fjerdan hunters called Drüskelle. And then there are the resilient Crows of Ketterdam, who might be on the fringes of Alina's story, but still seem to always find themselves in the thick of the action. “Bastard of the Barrel” Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter) runs the Crow Club in Kerch and is the leader of his crew of devoted Crows, including knife-wielding Inej Ghafa (Amita Suman), who is so stealthy that she’s also known as the Wraith, and Jesper Fahey (Kit Young), an extremely skilled gunslinger who knows how to have a rollicking good time. This flock looks out for one another and partakes in a wee bit of crime on the side. 

Where does Shadow and Bone take place? 

Season 1 immediately thrusts viewers into the middle of the war-ridden land of Ravka. The nation is divided by the menacing Shadow Fold, a miles-wide, towering wall of horrific darkness filled with volcra — winged monsters that feast on human flesh. According to legend, the Black Heretic created the Fold hundreds of years ago, and the bifurcation of Ravka led to years of war on multiple fronts: a military conflict with Fjerda, the nation to the north that is inspired by Scandinavia, and a trade war with Shu Han, the nation to the south that is inspired by East Asia. Ravkan soldiers range from First Army otkazat'sya, who lack special powers, and Grisha, who are part of General Kirigan’s elite second army and practice what’s known as small science, the art of  manipulating matter. The Grisha train at the luxurious Little Palace in Ravka’s capital. Meanwhile, Kaz’s Crown Club is oceans away on the isle of Kerch, where gangs battle it out in the city of Ketterdam’s Barrel.

‘Shadow and Bone’ Season 1 RecapCatch up on all the biggest moments before diving into season 2.

OK, so now that I know who everyone is, what happened in Shadow and Bone Season 1? Can we start with Alina and Mal?

Of course! Alina  is looking to find her place in the world. She’s always felt like an outsider, because she’s always been an outsider — part Shu Han (the southern nation at war with her homeland of Ravka), an orphan, just a mapmaker in the First Army — except when she’s with her best friend since childhood, Mal. He’s her “true north.”

When Mal is called upon to go into the Shadow Fold on a supply run, Alina makes it her mission to join him. The sandskiff boat they’re traveling on is attacked by nightmarish winged creatures of the Fold called volcra, but Alina comes to Mal’s aid and a searing burst of light shines through her, revealing a secret Grisha power she didn’t know she possessed. It seems like she’s the legendary Sun Summoner who’s been destined to destroy the looming Shadow Fold and end years of war and division in Ravka.

David Appleby/Netflix

And what about the Crows? What’s going on there?

Gunslinger Jesper Fahey and knife-wielder Inej Ghafa flock to Kaz Brekker’s side for a new heist worth a million kruge — a lot of money. So what’s the gig for these Crows of Ketterdam? Cross the Fold and bring back the Sun Summoner. No big deal. 

But how to get across? That’s where the Conductor (Howard Charles) comes in. He can help the crew sneak past the volcra, with the help of the calming faculties of Milo (the goat) and Heartrender Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan), a Grisha who can manipulate other people’s bodies. Unfortunately, Fjerda’s most elite witch hunters, the Drüskelle, kidnap Nina before she can join the crew and chain her in the hold of a ship with Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman) as her prison guard.

Who else should we be paying attention to?

Back at base camp, General Kirigan, the leader of the Second Army, requests an audience with Alina, since he (and everyone else) is in awe of her power. He escorts her to the Little Palace, where she can begin training as a Grisha… and they can grow closer. But Alina’s new life at the Little Palace means she’s away from Mal, who realizes he’d never really “seen” his lifelong “little friend” until now — and that his feelings for her are more profound than just friendship. He and Alina try to stay in touch by writing letters to each other, but oddly neither receives them…

Let’s get back to those Crows.

Once the Crows cross the Fold, they break into the royal archives and steal the blueprints for the Little Palace so they can figure out how to sneak in during the winter fete. Their way in? Join a traveling troupe of performers, which is a no-brainer, what with Inej’s acrobatic finesse and Jesper’s sharpshooting prowess.

OK, but how is Alina adjusting to life as a Sun Summoner? And Mal to life without her?

Alina is pretty sure that Mal has forgotten her, even though nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, he volunteers for an expedition to find the mythical Morozova’s stag, based on drawings Alina made that have been disseminated to the First Army. She’s been having visions of the stag in her sleep, and legend has it that the creature can amplify a Grisha’s power. So, Mal realizes: Find the stag, find his way back to Alina.

Alina is busy preparing for her presentation in front of dignitaries at the winter fete, and decides to commit to her new life and forget her past with Mal (who, after all, she thinks isn’t writing back to her letters). This shift in Alina’s thinking is symbolized by her decision to forgo her blue-lined kefta coat for Kirigan’s black regalia. Finally feeling like she belongs somewhere, and more so, to something greater than herself, she goes after what she wants — the Darkling himself.

Meanwhile, Mal finds the stag and travels to the Little Palace to share the news. But he won’t tell Kirigan where the stag is until he sees Alina. However, Kirigan — who, unsurprisingly, is the one who intercepted Mal and Alina’s letters to one another — has no intention of letting Mal and Alina reunite. 

Can we get back to the Crows for a minute?

Yes! So, the Crows are hiding in plain sight watching Alina’s light show. Inej, a devout believer in saints, is blown away at the realization that she is watching an actual saint — Sankta Alina. Even Kaz is unable to deny what he sees. And Jesper? He is taking care of the getaway horses downstairs… and the hot stable boy tending to them. As for the Conductor, he reveals his true allegiance (not to his fellow traveling Crows), murdering Alina’s decoy on behalf of a rival army general.

David Appleby/Netflix

Yikes! Is Alina OK, though?

Not really! After Alina’s spectacular presentation, Kirigan whisks her away to his study, where things start to get intimate until a guard interrupts with news of the Conductor’s attempted murder of Alina. Kirigan leaves and promises he’ll return shortly — only for Baghra, Alina’s trainer in all things Grisha, to come in and tell Alina a secret of her own.

Baghra reveals she’s Kirigan’s mother (and a fellow Shadow Summoner!) and warns Alina that Kirigan has actually been alive for centuries and is the dangerous Black Heretic who created the Shadow Fold. And now that Mal told Kirigan about the stag, he plans to seize the creature for more power and use Alina to help him expand the Shadow Fold rather than destroy it. Devastated by the betrayal, Alina takes Baghra’s advice and flees… into the trunk of the Crows’ getaway carriage.

But before they leave, Inej and Kaz are on the run from an Inferni (fire-manipulating) Grisha who sees they are impostors. Inej breaks her vow never to take a life by killing the Inferni to save Kaz, further cementing their bond. They find Jesper and ride off, unable to believe their luck that the Sun Summoner hitched a ride with them, even though, ultimately, Inej lets Alina leave them because she doesn’t think it’s right to kidnap a saint. 

Kirigan can’t be too happy about this turn of events, right?

Right! The Darkling confronts his mother and begins a search party for Alina. Mal, hiding behind a tree, overhears and begins tracking her on his own. Oh, and the Darkling kills the Conductor. For treason. As one does.

What about Nina? What happened to her?

Well! Nina and Matthias are away from all the Darkling drama, but they have quite a bit of their own, thanks to their ship crashing in a storm. They overcome their mutual distrust after saving one another’s lives and look for shelter in the snowy mountains when they wash ashore. As is so often the case with formerly mortal enemies, the two fall in love. And maybe they would have lived happily ever after except one of Kirigan’s Grisha soldiers finds Nina as she and Matthias are munching on waffles in a northern Ravkan seaport tavern. Nina knows that the Grisha will kill Matthias if they capture him, so she bellows that Matthias is a slaver in hopes that a bounty hunter from Ketterdam will take them aboard his ship. This saves them from the Grisha, but Matthias is still in danger and his trust in Nina is broken, even though she was doing her best to save his life.

Back to Alina and Mal and Kaz and Inej and Kirigan…

Alina runs away to the woods, where Mal finds her, because “he’ll always find her.” And Kaz is not happy that Inej let Alina (and their million kruge) go, especially since he wanted that money to free Inej from indentured servitude. Suddenly Kirigan and his Grisha soldiers arrive believing the Crows took Alina hostage. 

Kirigan faces Kaz, who tells him that Alina fled on her own. “It was pretty clear she wasn’t interested in being a captive anymore,” Kaz spits at him. Furious, Kirigan strikes, but Kaz disappears thanks to a phosphorous smoke bomb. And Alina and Mal? They decide to go after the stag themselves and stop Kirigan, who learns that Alina’s with Mal and sets off to find her.

So, is Kirigan just pure evil?

Well, kind of, but also, in his eyes, the creation of the Shadow Fold and really all his actions are a way of protecting the Grisha. The road to the Shadow Fold is paved with good intentions, but it’s still, you know, really bad. And the stag hunt bears this out further. Alina finds the stag and decides not to kill it for its power; however, Kirigan shows up and does just that. He and his soldiers also take Mal and Alina as prisoners. 

The Darkling tasks David (Luka Pasqualino), his Fabrikator (a Grisha who can manipulate physical materials), with placing the stag’s antlers into Alina’s collarbone and a corresponding stag bone into his own hand, which binds her abilities to his and gives him full access to her light. They board a skiff bound for the Shadow Fold and yet another presentation to dignitaries. 

And the Crows? They escape Kirigan’s carriage and  sneak aboard the skiff — because finding trouble is just what Crows do.

Things are about to happen, aren’t they?

Yes! Before departing, Kirigan and Mal exchange some harsh words. Mal tells the Darkling that he doesn’t have a chance with Alina. But Kirigan isn’t fazed because, as he explains to Mal, he has patience. (He should! He’s immortal!) Kirigan knows he doesn’t need to kill Mal to win Alina over again. “Time will do it for me.” 

The Darkling tries defending his actions to Alina, explaining that he wants to protect all Grisha and she’s his way of accomplishing that goal. But Alina doesn’t fall for it. He pleads with her that the bony collar is a way to help them conquer the Fold. Together. Alina points out that they could have been equals, but he didn’t let that happen. “Fine. Make me your villain,” Kirigan says, and leaves.

As the boat — which, don’t forget, carries Kirigan, Alina, Mal and all the Crows — nears the port city where the rival general is waiting, Kirigan suddenly expands the Fold, turning all the citizens into flesh-eating volcra. The dignitaries aren’t impressed, so the Darkling kills them. Mad with power, Kirigan asks, who would oppose him now? Well, Mal would. He shoots at Kirigan, but Kirigan’s Heartrender constrains Mal’s heart, but Mal manages to escape. 

All hell breaks loose, so of course, the Crows join the party, too. It’s then that Alina has a vision of the stag, realizing the stag chose her, so the power is hers, not Kirigan’s. She cuts the bone out of the Darkling’s hand, and the stag’s antlers sink deep into her skin, becoming a part of her.

She’s not the only one realizing her true strength, as Mal tackles the Darkling off the skiff and they come to blows. The Darkling laughs him off, saying there’s no way Mal could kill him. But as Mal points out, “I don’t have to kill you, Darkling. Your past will do it for me.” And just like that, a volcra swoops down and snatches the Darkling up.

Are Alina and Mal and the Crows OK?

Back on the skiff, Alina is hurt, thanks to Kirigan’s Heartrender, but she wakes up and helps everyone reach safety outside the Fold. The survivors rendezvous in a distant meadow, where Kaz promises to never reveal Alina’s identity — in exchange for jewelry from the queen. It’s more than enough to pay off Inej’s indenture. Then, they all smuggle themselves onto the same ship where Nina and Matthias are, all headed for Ketterdam. The sailors aboard think the Sun Summoner died, so Alina can stay incognito — for now. Wherever they go, she and Mal will have each other. And they plan to return once she’s strong enough to tear the Fold down for good.

So is that it? Is there a happy ending? Well…

Back at the Fold, the Darkling emerges. He’s alive, although he has several dark gashes across his face. As he steps out of the shadows, he calls upon his newly created creatures to follow. And they do, shadow monsters who are capable of leaving the Fold. 

What’s going to happen in Shadow and Bone S2?

Well, with an ending like that, so many questions are bound to arise as the Crows, Mal, Alina, Nina and Matthias head out to sea. But to start with: How did the Darkling survive? And how can his shadow monsters suddenly leave the Fold? With regard to the Crows, we’re left wondering what awaits them in Ketterdam. Will Inej find her family or leave the Crows to help Sankta Alina? What’s up with Kaz’s beef with Pekka Rollins anyway? And why does he use a cane and never take off his gloves? Plus, will Nina join the crew after overhearing that they need a Heartrender for their latest scheme? And how on earth will she free Matthias? Plus, with new horizons ahead, will we see Shu Han or Novyi Zem next season? And will Alina and Mal finally kiss? All to be summoned… on March 16.

Shadow and Bone Season 2 TeaserReturn to the Grishaverse.

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