Eric Schmeltzer

Political Consultant

MAGA's Disturbing Transformation Into a Church, Trump Into Its Savior

At Trump rallies, including one in Ohio last weekend, congregants were given a booklet claiming that Donald Trump is "the son of man—the Christ." According to the booklet's summary on Amazon, "This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: 'The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer.'"

In Appreciation of Lindsey Graham, the Democrats' Best Friend

When things get bleak for Democrats, they often look around for one singular person to save them. In 2012, they turned their eyes to the "Big Dog," the "Secretary of 'Splaining Stuff" Bill Clinton to electrify a convention and propel Barack Obama to a second term. In 2020, they rallied around an un-retired Joe Bidento sweep Donald Trump out of the White House. And now that control of Congress is teetering on the edge, who can Democrats turn to?