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The Veterinarians Preventing the Next Pandemic

Most new diseases have their origins in animals. So why aren’t we paying more attention to their health?
Annals of Inquiry

How Much of the World Is It Possible to Model?

Mathematical models power our civilization—but they have limits.
The Weekend Essay

Bringing Up Lady Bird

How a pandemic chicken found a family.
This Week in Fiction

T. Coraghessan Boyle on Pandemics and Blame

The author discusses “The End Is Only a Beginning,” his story from the latest issue of the magazine.

What COVID Revealed About American Psychiatry

The pandemic destabilized us—and exposed the fractures in our country’s approach to mental health.
Daily Comment

Lab Leaks and COVID-19 Politics

The latest report on the origin of the virus behind the pandemic is still inconclusive, but there are lessons to be learned from it.
The Political Scene Podcast

COVID-19 at Three: Who Got the Pandemic Right?

Dhruv Khullar examines what strategies worked to control the virus, and talks to the C.D.C.’s director, Rochelle Walensky, about the issue of misinformation.

The Dire Aftermath of China’s Untenable “Zero COVID” Policy

Why did the nation, which suppressed the virus for years, fail to prepare for the inevitable?
Annals of Activism

The Case for Wearing Masks Forever

A ragtag coalition of public-health activists believe that America’s pandemic restrictions are too lax—and they say they have the science to prove it.
Q. & A.

Why Xi Jinping Changed His Mind on “Zero COVID”

After weeks of protests, China will ease its stringent pandemic restrictions. The reversal could be a boon for the economy—and lead to a wave of deaths.
The Political Scene

How Republicans Claimed COVID as a Winning Campaign Issue

The backlash against pandemic restrictions has become a more potent talking point than the public-health crisis itself.
Annals of Medicine

Can We Predict Which Viruses Will Spread from Animals to Humans?

COVID, monkeypox, Ebola, and SARS all originated in animals. Some researchers think we can predict what’s next, while others believe it’s an impossible task.
Medical Dispatch

What’s at Stake in the Fight Against Monkeypox

There’s still time for a forceful global response to shape the future of the disease.
Shouts & Murmurs

One Moth’s Time to Shine

It’s brutal out there.
Curriculum Dept.

Readin’, Writin’, and Regulatin’ Emotions

As Eric Adams, who has advocated for daily meditation in public schools, pushes mindfulness classes, the third graders at P.S. 60 in Staten Island assembled for a lesson on identifying and coping with their feelings.

Can Ron DeSantis Displace Donald Trump as the G.O.P.’s Combatant-in-Chief?

A fervent opponent of mask mandates and “woke” ideology, the Florida governor channels the same rage as the former President, but with greater discipline.
The New Yorker Interview

“We Have to Get Out of This Phase”: Ashish Jha on the Future of the Pandemic

President Biden’s COVID czar talks about his public-health philosophy, his Twitter threads, his unlikely path to the White House, and where we go from here.
The Front Row

“The Tsugua Diaries,” Reviewed: A Brilliant, Backward-Running Chronicle of COVID Lockdown

In this drama about a film crew at work on a farm in Portugal, it’s hard to tell where the movie ends and life begins.

The Topsy-Turvy End of Zero COVID in Taiwan

In 2020, I went to crowded restaurants and music festivals. In 2022, I’m in isolation by choice.
Daily Comment

Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Ever End?

If Americans decide too soon that it is over, it could paradoxically drag on even longer.