The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

The economic sciences committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for the selection of candidates for the prize in economic sciences from the names submitted for consideration by qualified nominators, who have been invited through formal letters.

The economic sciences committee 2024


Tommy Andersson
Professor of Economics

Peter Fredriksson
Professor of Economics

John Hassler
Professor of Economics

Per Krusell (Secretary)
Professor of Economics

Jakob Svensson (Chair)
Professor of Economics

Ingrid Werner
Professor of Finance

Co-opted members

Timo Boppart
Associate Professor

Kerstin Enflo
Professor in Economic History

Randi Hjalmarsson
Professor of Economics

Per Johansson
Professor in Statistics

Jan Teorell
Professor of political science

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – prize awarder for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

Process of nomination and selection of economic sciences laureates

Web site of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

To cite this section
MLA style: The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sat. 7 Sep 2024. <>