

Comparison of labour market data from the Labour Force Survey and CRAM appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

Bottlenecks in employment appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

Correlation of price and volume movements for pharmaceuticals appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

Debt has fallen more than planned, but consumption has grown more than planned appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

House prices and mortgage debt appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

Earnings of healthcare professionals appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark.

Export performance and relative unit labour cost appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Netherlands - Volume 2008 Issue 1 (chapter 1).

The tax burden remains high and its structure may hinder appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Austria.

Outward-oriented sectors have been the driving engine of appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Austria.

The growth of an ''Austrian economy abroad'' appears in OECD Economic Surveys: Austria.

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