Safety Tips for Moving With Pets

Because we know pets are part of the family, Penske provides tips for moving with your pets to help make getting from point A to point B safe and stress-free for you and them.

Before Moving Day

Research the Area

Research emergency animal care centers or veterinary hospitals in the area to which you are moving. Store their numbers in your cell phone so you have them when you arrive.

Consult a Vet

Consult a vet if your pet suffers from anxiety or motion sickness. There are medications available to make the trip more enjoyable for your pet.

Pack a Moving Day Bag

Pack a travel bag for your pet. It should include food, water, treats, plastic bags and anything else that your pet may need for travel.

Buy New ID Tags

Before you head out on the road with your pet, be sure to add a tag to their collar with your NEW address on it and the number of the cell phone you will be using during travel. You might also consider microchip technology, which has full information about your pet placed on a chip under their skin.

Stock Up

Before the trip, make sure you have at least one week's worth of your pet's medications and food, so you have some available at your new destination.

Make Sure Your Pet Is Up to Date With Vaccines

Some states require a health certificate if you are crossing their state line, and almost every state requires a current rabies vaccine. Before you travel, find out what paperwork your pet will need and make sure to pack it in their travel bag.

Research Pet-Friendly Lodging

If you have to travel a long distance to your new home and may need to stay overnight at a hotel or motel, plan ahead of time for a pet-friendly establishment.

On Moving Day

Keep Pets Secure When Loading and Unloading the Truck

Doors will be opening/held open, which are prime opportunities for pets to escape. This is especially important when you get to your new home, as your pet will not be familiar with the area.

Place Your Pet in the Truck Cab With You

Use a dog harness or crate your pet properly for the trip. Be sure your pet is securely leashed when not in the crate and pay attention to doors opening and closing. NEVER TRAVEL WITH YOUR PET IN THE BACK OF THE TRUCK.

Ensure Collars Are Fastened Securely

Make sure collars are fastened securely and double check that the new tags you purchased are attached to the collar.

Don’t Leave Your Pet in the Truck

NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN THE TRUCK UNATTENDED, especially on a warm day. Vehicles can act like an oven, even on a mild day, and a pet can become overheated quickly. In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside your vehicle can rise nearly 20 degrees, making a 70-degree day nearly 90 degrees in your cab. And cracking the windows does not make a difference.

If your pet becomes overheated, take them into an air-conditioned area if possible and use cool water to rub them down. For more safety tips, visit “ Pets in Vehicles” and the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Remember Your Pet’s Travel Bag

Make sure your pet has enough food and water during the trip. And don't forget their travel papers. Your vet can probably help you find out what health information you may need to have for each state through which you will be traveling.

Unpack Your Pet’s Belongings

When you arrive at your new home, unpack your pet's belongings as soon as you get there. These items could include bedding, food and water bowls, and toys. Having familiar items around will help your pet adjust as quickly as possible to their new surroundings.

After Moving Day

Pet-Proof the New House

Before letting your pet explore the new house, make sure it is secure. Shut windows, fasten unsecured cables, and look for anything that might be dangerous. Also, check the fencing in your yard for any openings or weak points.

Introduce Gradually

Give your pet time to get acquainted with their new home. Give access to one room at a time and gradually expand to other places. This can help pets acclimate to the new environment at their own rate and keep them from feeling overwhelmed.

Maintain Routines

Since pets want consistency, make every effort to feed, walk and play on a regular schedule. Familiar habits offer a sense of steadiness in the midst of the upheavals.

Be Patient

Following a move, it's common for pets to show indications of stress or worry. They can act strangely, hide, misbehave or refuse to eat. Allow them time to get used to their new surroundings and show them lots of love and comfort.

Long-Term Adjustment

Explore the Neighborhood

Once your pet is comfortable indoors, gradually introduce them to the new neighborhood. Take dogs for walks to familiarize them with the area. For cats, allow supervised outdoor time if they are used to going outside.

Find a New Veterinarian

Find a new veterinarian in your area as soon as possible. Having a vet lined up will give you peace of mind in case any health issues arise during the transition period.

Socialize and Engage

Keep your pet engaged with playtime and social interactions. This can help reduce any lingering anxiety and reinforce positive associations with their new home.

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