
29 Pins
a man sitting on a chair in front of a fire place with paper scattered around him
The Hidden Connections in Stephen King’s Universe
Stephen King
an older man with a mustache sitting in front of a bush and looking at the camera
Chasing Kurt Vonnegut with Magical Cats
a woman standing in the grass next to two chairs
My Literotic Bookshelf: The American Woman in the Chinese Hat by Carole Maso
Carole Maso
a man in a suit and tie posing for the camera
Homage to George Orwell’s Nonfiction
George Orwell
an old black and white photo of a man with a beard
Charles Dickens’s Alternate Ending to Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
an old black and white photo of a man with a moustache on his face
What Would Zora Neale Hurston Think of Crowdfunding? And Other Important Questions
Stefan Zweig
a man sitting at a desk with an old typewriter
What Would Zora Neale Hurston Think of Crowdfunding? And Other Important Questions
Patricia Highsmith
an old man holding two cats in his hands
What Would Zora Neale Hurston Think of Crowdfunding? And Other Important Questions
William Burroughs
an old black and white photo of a woman standing in front of a group of people
What Would Zora Neale Hurston Think of Crowdfunding? And Other Important Questions
Zora Neale Hurston
a black and white photo of a woman wearing a hat
What Famous Novelists Would Say If They Knew You Stopped Reading Their Books
Dorothy Parker
the book cover shows a man in a suit and tie with his hands clasped to his chest
What Famous Novelists Would Say If They Knew You Stopped Reading Their Books
F. Scott Fitzgerald
an older woman sitting in front of a window with a quote written on the side
What Famous Novelists Would Say If They Knew You Stopped Reading Their Books
Maya Angelou