CDC Positive Parenting

Essentials for Parenting
48 Pins
Send your kids to school with more than school supplies! Taking care of their physical and mental health can help them manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Find ways to support your child’s mental well-being and where to go if you need help. Physics, School Supplies, Help Kids, Mental Wellness, Positive Parenting, Well Being, Where To Go, Helping Kids, Parenting
4 Ways to Help Kids Cope with Stress
Send your kids to school with more than school supplies! Taking care of their physical and mental health can help them manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Find ways to support your child’s mental well-being and where to go if you need help.
a young boy sitting on top of a red chair with his legs crossed in front of him
Steps | Time-Out | Essentials | Parenting Information
Follow these 5 steps for time-out. They’re the same steps no matter where you are. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a woman with long dark hair is looking at the camera
Giving Directions: What Would You Do? Clip 3
Handling misbehavior requires putting consequences in place & following through. Only set consequences you’re prepared to act on. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a little boy sitting on top of a metal chair next to a table and chairs
When Should Time-Out Be Used | Essentials | Parenting Information
Time-out can be used anywhere. You can even use it away from home. Use a time-out blanket as a time-out location when you’re in public. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
Limit time-outs with toddlers and preschoolers. Use time-out if your child does something dangerous or harmful like hurting others, fails to follow a direction, or breaks a family rule. Use other consequences for other problem behaviors.  Essentials for Parenting | CDC Funny Health Quotes, Family Rules, Health Smoothies, Behavior Change, Childrens Health, Health Logo, Behavior Problems, Workout Humor
Handling Challenges | Time-Out | Essentials | Parenting Information
Limit time-outs with toddlers and preschoolers. Use time-out if your child does something dangerous or harmful like hurting others, fails to follow a direction, or breaks a family rule. Use other consequences for other problem behaviors. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
Explain time-out to your child before using it. Tell your child the behaviors that will lead to time-out, where time-outs will happen, and how time-out will be used. Learn more tips!  Essentials for Parenting | CDC Parenting Hacks Toddlers, Parenting Teenagers Quotes, Tantrum Kids, Parenting Photography, Parenting Goals, Parenting Discipline, Parenting Teenagers, Parenting Done Right
What is Time-Out? | Essentials | Parenting Information
Explain time-out to your child before using it. Tell your child the behaviors that will lead to time-out, where time-outs will happen, and how time-out will be used. Learn more tips! Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a woman sitting next to a boy on top of a couch
Giving Directions: What Would You Do? Clip 2
Parents, eye contact is key to giving directions to young kids. Get on your child’s level to get their attention. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a wooden chair sitting on top of a hard wood floor next to a white wall
Locations | Time-Out | Essentials | Parenting Information
Select a time-out location where your child cannot get attention from anyone. The location should be away from TV, games, toys, or other things your child likes. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a printable daily schedule is shown with the words,'my daily schedule '
Creating Structure | Activities | Essentials | Parenting Information
Having troubling getting your child to go from one activity to another? Daily schedules take the surprise out of what will happen next. Create a schedule for your family. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a family rules page with a baby's name on it
Creating Structure | Activities | Essentials | Parenting Information
A family rule is a specific, clear statement of what you expect. Get a blank chart you can customize with your family’s rules. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a woman and boy are in the kitchen
Giving Directions: What Would You Do? Clip 1
Watch how to give a clear directions to your kids. Don’t feel like you’re talking to a wall when giving them directions. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a printable chore chart with the words'my chore chart'on it
Creating Structure | Activities | Essentials | Parenting Information
Letting your child know what you expect is important for a positive parent-child relationship. Get a blank chore chart you can customize for your family. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a reward chart with stars on it
Creating Structure | Activities | Essentials | Parenting Information
Sticker charts or similar reward programs can help change your child’s behavior. Create your own reward chart. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
a screen with an image of a teddy bear on it and the words sippy cup
Giving Directions to Your Child
Watch how to give directions to your child & find out what to do when she or he doesn’t listen. Essentials for Parenting | CDC
Ignoring misbehavior means taking away your attention. It helps stop misbehaviors like tantrums, whining, and interrupting. Learn more!  Essentials for Parenting | CDC Baby Face, Tools
Ignoring | Consequences | Essentials | Parenting Information
Ignoring misbehavior means taking away your attention. It helps stop misbehaviors like tantrums, whining, and interrupting. Learn more! Essentials for Parenting | CDC