Abandoned Hospital

Uncover the eerie history of abandoned hospitals and embark on a thrilling urban exploration adventure. Discover top ideas for exploring these hauntingly beautiful and mysterious locations.
Wheelchair in asylum D (UK). The place closed down in the late 1990s, after being open for 150 years - By [AndreasS] via flickr City Reclaimed By Nature, Real Haunted Houses, Lunatic Asylum, Abandoned Cities, Abandoned Asylums, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned Hospital, Spooky Places, Real Ghosts

Wheelchair in asylum D

Thanks to Rusty who found this nice example of old wheelchair in this magic old lunatic asylum. The place closed down in the late 1990s, at a age of 150. From the "1000 miles and running" tour. 10 urbex locations all around UK in 4 days. Picture used by the band Chain Reaction on the cover of Revolving Floor album. chainreactionpl.bandcamp.com/album/revolving-floor =) On tour with Andre Govia, Rusty Photography, Martin Widlund and Haribohoe. My Drone Photography site: www.airbuzz.one…


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