Georgia o keeffe paintings new mexico

Explore the captivating paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe that were inspired by the breathtaking landscapes of New Mexico. Immerse yourself in the beauty and artistry of her iconic works.
Georgia Okeefe Paintings, Ghost Ranch New Mexico, Georgia O'keefe Art, Georgia O Keeffe Paintings, O Keeffe Paintings, Georgia O'keeffe, Ghost Ranch, Southwestern Colors, Georgia Okeefe

The exhibition brings to light a relatively unknown aspect of Georgia O’Keeffe’s art and thinking—her deep respect for the diverse and distinctive cultures of northern New Mexico. Georgia O'Keeffe in New Mexico: Architecture, Katsinam, and the Land features 53 O’Keeffe works including 15 rarely seen pictures of different Hopi katsina tihu, along with examples of these types of figures.

Robin Wuchina