We’re in the Midst of A Neptune Retrograde — Here's What the Signs Can Expect

Neptune retrograde? I thought it was only a Mercury retrograde I had to watch out for, but the astrologers have proved me wrong. In fact, each of the planets can move into retrograde and each of these will have an effect on the different signs.

Depending on what you're into, you'll have heard of Neptune the planet or Neptune, the Roman god of the sea. In astrology, Neptune is associated with dreams, intuition, and spirituality, reflecting its connection to the Roman god. Neptune, known as Poseidon in Greek mythology, ruled over the oceans and was seen as a powerful yet unpredictable deity.

So, what can we expect from the planet Neptune when it rolls into retrograde? Luckily for us, Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and astrologer at Tarotoo, has the answers to all of our burning questions, including how long will it last and, most importantly, what's in store for my zodiac sign?

When Will the Neptune Retrograde 2024 End?

"The Neptune retrograde of 2024 will take place in the sign of Pisces - on the very tail end of Pisces in fact, never quite making it into Aries," Honigman tells us. "When planets go through the signs, they're always in the same order. Aries, then Taurus, then Gemini and so on - unless they go retrograde. Then, they go through the sign backwards, but the order is always the same.

She continues: "Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions, named for the Roman God of the sea, and of fresh water. This planet rules the sign of Pisces, which is a water sign. From July 2nd to December 7th 2024, Neptune will appear to be going backwards, in the sign of Pisces, the sign which is its home. This combination of the planet of illusion in the dreamy sign of Pisces will impact different signs in different ways.

"The joy and escapism of putting together an illusion, forging a daydream or curating a creative public persona, may be taken away from those who love to dream, and we'll see things exactly as they are, which can be wonderful or disastrous, depending on who we are," Honigman adds.

How Neptune Retrograde 2024 Will Affect the Zodiac Signs

Keep reading to find out exactly how your sign will be affected by the current Neptune retrograde.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

"Bold and fearless, Aries don't try to create an alternative reality. Therefore, when the Neptune retrograde calls on everyone to face facts, Aries thinks 'at long last!', because facing facts has been their hobby all along."

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

"Honest and grounded, Taurus lives life with both feet firmly on the ground. When dreamy Neptune starts its backspin, and lets truth triumph over illusion, Taurus is ok with that. They didn't believe the conspiracies in the first place."

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

"Chatty and friendly, Gemini relies on storytelling and imagination in their day to day life. Neptune can help Gemini along, as they make up exciting escapades together, with which to regale new friends. This does not happen during the retrograde, when their chat has to stay candid."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

"Sensitive and loving, Cancer lives their lives by their hearts. They see the best in everyone, but the Neptune retrograde hinders this gift. With honesty dictating reality, Cancer will have to come face to face with people's flaws and imperfections."

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

"Confident and bright, Leo likes to cover everything with a thin layer of glitter. For Leo, the Neptune retrograde can be upsetting, because it reveals the gritty truth of life and love, and this gritty truth holds no fascination for Leo."

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

"Sociable and frank, Virgo deal with the truth and nothing but the truth when they decide their next step in life. Whether with work, love or home, you won't catch a Virgo lying, so the Neptune retrograde and its factual honesty is a friend to Virgo, letting everyone else be more upfront, too."

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

"Graceful and elegant, Libra is not averse to a bit of embellishment. They'll allow a bit of fantasy to wash over their words and descriptions, to make things sound more exciting. Neptune retrograde puts a stop to that, and their Libran elegance comes back down to earth with a bump."

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

"Enigmatic and intense, Scorpios like a bit of mystery in their lives. The planet Neptune helps keep things mysterious, by adding extra sheen to stories and encounters, but during the retrograde, Scorpio dislikes this dull, frank realism of life."

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

"Adventurous and fun loving, Sagittarius love to dream, and create a fantasy life ahead. Their enthusiasm for travel has to include a good amount of imagination, but the Neptune retrograde interferes with that, so they might feel a little uninspired for the period."

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

"Ambitious and focused, Capricorn needs a little extra flair when they speak, as a way to make things and people appear more special. Neptune retrograde forces them to stick to the facts, and they find it kind of boring. Capricorn can't wait for the Neptune retrograde to finish."

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

"Selfless and caring, Aquarius are completely truthful at all times. Lies are abhorrent to Aquarians, so they enjoy the period of the Neptune retrograde, when everything is as it seems, and people awaken to the truth."

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

"Dreamy and imaginative, Pisces love to narrate their lives creatively, putting an interesting spin on anything ordinary. Neptune is their planet, and it usually helps them along their fantastical way, but when it's retrograde, they look through the window of imagination, and view reality in its fullness."

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.