Summer Solstice Could Be Your Chance to Restart Your Year According to an Astrologer

Dare I say it, there seems to be signs summer is finally here. And with 21 June being the longest day of the year, known as the Summer Solstice, and our vitamin D levels utterly depleted, it couldn't have come at a better time. But what does the summer solstice actually mean? Should we be doing anything special to celebrate with our extra daylight hours or does it just mean even less sleep than usual? According to bestselling author and astrologist, Kirsty Gallagher it is not only important we stop and take notice of this special day, but if you embrace its power it could change the path you take for the rest of the year.

Read on to find out why this should be the time of year to set new year's resolutions and why you should also take this time to set intentions for the rest of the year.

What is the Summer Solstice?

The Summer Solstice is the time of the year when the north pole is tilted as far away as possible from the sun. In western astrology this equinox, which literally means equal or even, separates the year in two with the winter equinox exactly six months later in December. "When we look at the wheel of the year there are 8 turning points, which include the summer solstice," Gallagher tells PS UK. "This is when nature moves throughout different seasons and cycles."

In the summer this means on this day you will see the most amount of daylight hours as the planet continues move round and towards the winter solstice. It also marks the end of Gemini season and as we move into Cancer.

How to Use the Summer Solstice

The word solstice means to stand still and according to Gallagher this is exactly what you should do. "The solstice is a beautiful time in nature to reflect on our lives, and the last six months, and ask ourselves 'Am I happy?'" she says. "Most people only check in on themselves at New Year, which is the worst time of the year to do so, as it's dark, grey and miserable and we can't picture what we want to happen or what we should do to make us happy. This is why by February we have forgotten our intentions."

Instead, she suggests the Summer Solstice is the perfect time to set your intentions for the next six months, and to really ask yourself if you are living the life you want. "Many of us trudge through lives," she tells PS UK. "We tell ourselves we're not meant to be happy, we're not meant to like our job, we're not meant to be happy in our relationships. And then we get this moment to sit and think we have six months left of the year, what am I going to do about it."

Gallagher uses the analogy of nature to understand how we should start to learn to let things go if they aren't serving us anymore. "A tree doesn't worry about loosing it leaves as it knows it will get some more," she says. "Nature shows us this constant cycle of letting go, it takes us through this rhythm and connection with the world around us. It also shows us not to be afraid of change. If we can look at these turning points of the year as a map, or guideline, of how we should use our energy and when we should stop and look at where we are are and how we are feeling. It's such a beautiful check in time," she adds.

Who Can Benefit From the Summer Solstice?

Erm, everyone! This point in the astrological calendar can work for everyone, regardless of your star sign. It is about stopping and taking notice of how you're feeling. It's important if you feel there may be areas that you have a feeling are out of alignment, or an area where you may be holding yourself back, or remaining in a situation that isn't serving you or making you unhappy. Gallagher says you should ask yourself what you could achieve, or do, if anything was possible. "Ask yourself, what is possible for me in the next six months if I really believe in it. On this day we have the peak power of the sun, which means we can grow and shine if we believe we can."

So this summer solstice, consider it your second chance to make New Year-style resolutions, especially if you didn't manage to see yours through or need a bit of a reminder to help set you up for the remaining six months of the year, before we start saying "I can't believe it's nearly Christmas again..."

Lauren Ezekiel is an associate editor at PS UK, where she writes about all things beauty and wellness. With a degree in journalism and 12 years' experience as a beauty editor at a leading Sunday supplement, she is obsessed with skincare, hair and makeup, and is often found offering advice to innocent bystanders. Her work has been published in Grazia, OK, Health and Beauty, The Sun, ASDA, Dare and Metro.