I Tried Facial Reflexology and I was Shocked at What Happened

Lauren Ezekiel having facial reflexology
PS UK Photography/Lauren Ezekiel
PS UK Photography/Lauren Ezekiel

If I was to say to you reflexology, I'm sure the first thing you would think of is your feet. You wouldn't be wrong, traditionally this holistic treatment has been been applied to the reflex points in the feet, which all correspond with the body's organs and glands. It has been credited with helping with labour pains, fighting off signs of depression, improving sleep, blood circulation and reducing stress. However recently there has been an increase in practitioners offering facial reflexology — which is said to offer the same benefits as well lymphatic drainage and tension relief in the face itself. I for one was very intrigued.

I tend to find these type of holistic therapies are overlooked by those who haven't tried it, but for those who have experienced the benefits, they will constantly promote its merits. This was the case for PR-turned Reflexologist Daisy Robinson, who took the leap from a very successful career to become a full-time practitioner and specialist in facial reflexology. She started her business Flow with Daisy Holistic Reflexology this year and she is already gaining fans from beauty insiders throughout the UK due to what she describes as her calling. I'm already a big fan of alternative therapies, a round of reikhi led to me starting my very successful charity campaign during covid, a session of sound therapy gave me the clarity to end a relationship, and I had acupuncture both times before falling pregnant with my children. However, the only time I have had reflexology before was during pregnancy. Although I found it beneficial for reducing my anxiety levels and reducing swelling in my ankles, I was so focused on what I was growing, it was hard to look at the bigger picture.

Read on to find out how I couldn't believe what happened during my facial reflexology treatment and why I'm now considering some changes to my lifestyle after discovering a few things about my health.

Experts Featured in This Article

Daisy Robinson is a qualified reflexologist offering foot, facial and hand reflexology to help relax, restore, revive and rebalance mind, body and soul.

Cucumber Fields
PS UK Photography/Lauren Ezekiel

What is Facial Reflexology?

As I arrived at the idyllic Cucumber Fields in Hatfield, Hertfordshire it felt like my whole body relaxed. Robinson is a mobile therapist but she also has residencies throughout central London and Hertfordshire — although she could have come to my home I always find I switch off more when I'm not thinking about the doorbell going or the washing machine finishing its next cycle. Prior to the session we discussed any of my health concerns, such a few hormonal symptoms I've been experiencing and how when I'm stressed it tends to go to my stomach. We also discussed doing both facial and foot reflexology for this first session, this ensures Robinson has a clear over-arching view of my health. We then went through her experience with reflexology. "It's my calling, I truly believe that," she tells me. "I feel like I have always been drawn to reflexology and after a really power session a few years ago I knew it was something I needed to look into more." We then chatted through how some people react to reflexology and then benefits of having it on your face as well as your feet. "In the beginning I was more comfortable with treating the feet," she tells PS UK. "But, over time I have really specialised in facial reflexology and believe that this can be equally as powerful."

I explained how I think due to the growth in touchless wellness and injectables we tend to overlook that it is often how we feel that has the greatest impact on how we looks. Robinson completely agreed: "The more we look after ourselves on a holistic level, the happier we feel and the better we look."

As someone who has had a lot of beauty treatments, all promising to make me look better, I found it really comforting that this was all about how I would feel. In this time of instant gratification we sometimes overlook that self-care isn't about making us look different, it's about taking the time to tell ourselves we are worthy of being taken care of and allowed to relax. As I laid back and Robinson started to touch the pressure points in my head and face I felt a wave of relaxation. It is also unusual these days not to have a treatment that doesn't involve some level of discomfort, we have become accustomed to thinking that something isn't working if its not uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong I love nothing more than a hands-on facial, however I feel like I spend the entire time in a flight or fight state ready to flinch or pull away. This pressure was so light I could feel myself drifting off into a place between sleep and awake. As she pressed certain areas of my face I could feel areas in my body react, it was subtle but noticeable. I kept feeling the need to cough, which I felt was strange until Robinson told me at the end of the session that she had to clear through my diaphragm, where I was holding some stress and not breathing deeply enough.

The gentle pressure is deeply relaxing and it almost feels like with each tap you are being sent into a meditative state. I carry a lot of tension in my jaw, I have had masseter botox in the past to try and help, and I was shocked at how relaxed my jaw felt afterwards with very little pressure applied.

Who Would Benefit From Facial Reflexology?

Potentially anyone would benefit, however I do feel it has a special place for anyone suffering from stress or unknown health problems that you aren't finding the answers to through traditional routes. After the session, Robinson went through all the areas she picked up on and I was surprised at the accuracy. She picked up on my left shoulder, which has been causing me issues recently — so much so that during the treatment I had thought about booking an appointment for a Thai massage as I could feel it aching slightly whilst laying down. She also mentioned my right ovary, which was the side I had been experiencing some discomfort on, as well as my stomach and intestines. As someone who has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in the past, but because it has been under control for about 10 years, doesn't usually write it on a medical list anymore, I was astounded that she picked it up without me mentioning anything.

I find that my stomach reacts to all sorts of stress, anxiety and emotion, which Robinson also picked up on. However, she told me she managed to move and clear some of that energy away, so my fingers are firmly crossed.

For those who have been put off having reflexology before as they aren't keen on someone touching their feet then this is a brilliant option for you as you can reap all the same benefits from your face. It is also a deeply relaxing treatment, which I think everyone should schedule in at least once a year.

What to Consider Before Having Facial Reflexology

Reflexology bed
PS UK Photography/Lauren Ezekiel

This isn't a treatment to have before a big event, I found that after an initial burst of energy I spent much of the evening wondering when it was a feasible time for me to go to bed. My whole body felt quite relaxed the few hours after the treatment, although I did notice that I got a slight headache, especially after having some diet coke in the evening. It was like my body was demanding water and after I went back to water the headache passed.

I would say if you are looking for a facial to make you look better instantly his isn't for you, although I definitely found that I looked less puffy the next morning and my skin appeared brighter.

Robinson said I would feel the real benefits after 24 to 48 hours so I look forward to that. I'm also going to stop ignoring the pain in my left shoulder and to book that massage in ASAP to ensure the pain doesn't get any worse.

How Much Does Facial Reflexology Cost?

Facial reflexology prices differ depending on the therapist and the area, however they tend to start around £100 for a treatment. A consultation and one-hour treatment with Flow by Daisy starts at £95 and for a Advanced Face and Foot Reflexology Treatment (90 mins) prices start from £130.

Lauren Ezekiel is an associate editor at PS UK, where she writes about all things beauty and wellness. With a degree in journalism and 12 years' experience as a beauty editor at a leading Sunday supplement, she is obsessed with skincare, hair and makeup, and is often found offering advice to innocent bystanders. Her work has been published in Grazia, OK, Health and Beauty, The Sun, ASDA, Dare and Metro.