The November New Moon in Sagittarius Will Have All 12 Zodiac Signs Feeling Lucky

Every month or so, the moon slides between the Earth and the sun, making it look almost invisible from our point of view. This lunation is called a new moon, and in astrology, it offers the collective a chance to reset and recharge. In this case, that's much needed after the turbulence that is eclipse season. Lucky for us, the Sagittarius new moon, which arrives on 23 Nov., is restoring optimism and bringing with it a major vibe shift.

In astrology, new moons offer the start of a new chapter and are great for introducing fresh ideas, beginning relationships, and seeing things from a different perspective. Since Sagittarius is a fire sign that champions bravery and honesty, this lunation is a beautiful time to aim and shoot for the things you want — just be sure not to make any rash decisions before weighing the potential consequences.

"The new moon in Sagittarius will usher in bright, optimistic, and pleasant energy just ahead of the holiday season," Lauren Ash, resident astrologer for Sanctuary Astrology, tells POPSUGAR. "It's the first since the eclipse season ended, so it's a great time to set new intentions, plan for future goals, assess your options, and charge ahead with a new perspective."

Here, we're diving deep into the spiritual meaning of the Sagittarius new moon, plus how this lunation may affect each zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of the 23 Nov. New Moon in Sagittarius

Between 23 Nov. and 21 Dec. each year, the sun moves into the adventurous fire sign Sagittarius. The new moon in Sagittarius inspires expansion and travel and stokes our thirst for learning. This lunation imposes a newfound sense of optimism and abundance — which is totally on brand for the archer, who's ruled by lucky Jupiter. The Sagittarius new moon also presents the ideal time to do inner spiritual work, travel, and socialise. That's because new moons are a time of fresh starts, and the fire sign's brazen attitude inspires us to take risks and go after what we want.

But according to Ash, the general vibe of this lucky Sagittarius new moon is amplified thanks to the archer's native planet, Jupiter, which will be hanging out in dreamy Pisces. "The energy of Jupiter in Pisces is very mystical, artistic, and sentimental — so this is a good time to revisit old projects and dreams with a fresh, new perspective," Ash explains. "This will be especially helpful to keep yourself occupied during Mars retrograde in Gemini, which is causing everyone to feel a bit stuck and frustrated."

Mars retrograde, which will be happening in chatty Gemini until 12 Jan., 2023, is causing some slowdowns and encouraging us to take important breaks, especially when it comes to chasing our goals. The Sagittarius new moon is helping us keep the faith as we move forward to the end of the year.

How the November New Moon in Sagittarius May Affect the Zodiac Signs

Read on to see how the November 2022 new moon in Sagittarius may impact your zodiac sign.

Aries (20 March-19 April)

With Mars, your planetary ruler, currently retrograde, you may be feeling extra restless lately, Aries. The November new moon is giving you some much-needed energy to explore outside of your comfort zone and find inspiration. "[Expect] changes in your relationships, [such as] making decisions to take the next step toward commitment," Ash says. It could be a "possible connection from your past or ending a relationship and closing out a chapter — one way or another, things will change!"

Taurus (20 April-20 May)

This new moon may feel like a radical transformation, Taurus, so embrace the shifts. You may have felt particularly sluggish due to Mars's backspin, but the fiery energy of this lunation is giving you the confidence to say c'est la vie as you go after what you want. "Fresh starts for you, Taurus!" Ash says. "The best thing for you to do during this new moon [is to get] back in touch with people, activities, and hobbies that help you feel carefree and free-spirited. You've earned it."

Gemini (21 May-20 June)

Things are heating up in your partnership sector, Gemini — a nice change of pace from the recent retrogrades, which have been forcing you into hibernation. Let down your guard, and use the fire sign's feisty energy to take back power in your relationships. "This new moon in your sister sign Sagittarius is the perfect time to feel your feelings, let it all out, and leave it behind," Ash explains. "Try letting go of your anger with a fire cleansing ritual or even just with some new-moon journalling prompts to help clear your head."

Cancer (21 June-22 July)

The bold energy of the new moon poses the perfect time to retreat back into your sanctuary, Cancer. It's a good time to introduce new habits and practices to your daily rituals. "It's time to put your walls up and take some time for yourself, Cancer," Ash says. "And with Jupiter, the planet of your exaltation, ending its retrograde, you're feeling all of the feels."

Leo (23 July-22 Aug.)

Fellow fire sign Sagittarius is flooding you with inspiration, Leo. This comes after a tough Scorpio season, where you've been feeling soft and sentimental. "The new moon in Sagittarius will give you a chance to pause and embrace the fruits of your labour," Ash explains. "Treat yourself to a special date night, or go out with friends to blow off some steam. You're feeling extra confident and carefree today — embrace it!"

Virgo (23 Aug.-22 Sept.)

You've been keeping things under wraps lately, Virgo. The new moon is helping you get back to your roots as you continue to plan and plant seeds. Remember to lean on family or close friendships — you don't have to work alone! "Thankfully, the new moon along with Jupiter back in your sister sign of Pisces will give you a fresh new perspective on things," Ash explains. "It may feel like you can finally catch your breath and assess things with a new eye. Embrace the slow moment, and give yourself time to feel good about things."

Libra (23 Sept.-22 Oct)

The new moon is inspiring you to go down rabbit holes and sharpen some of your skills, Libra. Your directness and honesty will take you far right now, but be cautious, as Sagittarius energy often walks a fine line between being blunt and plain rude — remember to speak from your heart. "You've been hustling in your career specifically, Libra, but it seems that romance has snuck its way into your heart," Ash says. "Who says you can't have both? This lunation is reminding you that you're a badass who knows what you want, and with a little hard work and a lot of honesty about what you want, you can have it!"

Scorpio (23 Oct.-21 Nov.)

What makes you feel safe, Scorpio? While huge shifts may have thrown you off balance, the vibrant energy of the new moon is giving you the confidence to say no when you want without feeling guilty about it. "With this lunation being the first in a while unaffected by eclipse energy, it will also be the first where you're testing out new boundaries," Ash explains. "Don't let others' opinions of you influence what you know to be true about yourself."

Sagittarius (22 Nov.-21 Dec.)

Luck is on your side, Sagittarius — as per usual. This new moon in your native sign is inspiring you to take more risks and explore exciting places (literally and figuratively). "The sun, moon, and Venus are in your sign, and your ruling planet, lucky and optimistic Jupiter, ends its retrograde and goes direct," Ash says. "Everything from flirtatious feelings to communication to job opportunities feels easier to access today, so shoot your shot at whatever has been catching your eye recently."

Capricorn (22 Dec.-19 Jan.)

It's a great time for pause and introspection, Capricorn. The new moon is giving major revelations in hindsight, allowing you to expel unwanted energy and — ultimately — reminding you not to take life too seriously. "You're always looking to improve yourself, and as a result, you take your loved ones' opinions of you to heart," Ash explains. "Take this lunation to review all of the things you've accomplished this year and look ahead to where you want to go."

Aquarius (20 Jan.-18 Feb.)

Leaning on your community and friendship circle has been helping you along your journey, Aquarius. But this new moon is reminding you of the importance of taking a break and slowing down — especially with Mars retrograde rocking the boat in your house of pleasure and play. "Between work, school, friends, love, and being popular (so weird, right?), you can feel your introverted senses kicking in," Ash says. "Don't fight it, and instead give yourself permission to go ghost for a moment."

Pisces (19 Feb.-20 March)

The new moon is making you feel a little vulnerable, Pisces — but don't let that intimidate you. This is a great time to focus on areas that help you shine, especially with lucky Jupiter orbiting your sign. "The new moon in Sagittarius will light a creative spark in your heart for a past project or maybe even an old romantic flame," Ash says. "It might feel a bit crazy or out of nowhere, but you can thank Jupiter going direct in your sign for the magical feeling in the air."