Ryan Lifesaver Portland

Ryan’s story

After many years in the military, including a tough deployment in Iraq, I was one of many veterans trying to adapt back to civilian life. It’s difficult to explain the tempo when you’re deployed overseas. After the suicide of a mutual friend from the Marines, I contacted the co-founder of Team Rubicon to offer my condolences. He encouraged me to get involved with the organization as I had been trying to find my place for a few years.

“When I came back,I wanted to continue serving in some capacity.”

Watch Ryan’s story and hear how Team Rubicon helped him find purpose in continuing to serve others.

By repurposing the skills of veterans to respond to disasters, Team Rubicon helps devastated communities while simultaneously bridging the gap between military and civilian life. During my time with Team Rubicon, I helped the relief efforts in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan and Hurricane Sandy. I now work to help my fellow veterans help themselves by letting their skills and experiences be repurposed and reutilized for a greater purpose.

We have an ability, we have a duty, we have a calling to help these people. Team Rubicon is a great way for me to give back to those who might not have the support structures I had coming back.

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