DSS Freedom of Information Act - FOIA Requests

SEND DSS FOIA REQUESTS TO:  [email protected]


FOIA requests should be as detailed as reasonably possible and outline the specific information and/or records/documents you are seeking. Please include:

  • Your full name, legal address, email address and phone number and where you would like to have the records sent.
  • If you are an attorney representing a client; please send a ‘Release of Information’ form signed by the client, your client’s name, and other identifying information including the case number (if known/any). As above, include where you would like records/documents to be sent.
  • Include any other relevant details to aid in locating the records/documents you are seeking.
  • Although FOIA requests can be submitted in person, by mail, fax or email, the best way to submit a request to DSS is to submit your request to [email protected].
  • You may have to pay for the records that you request from DSS. FOIA allows us to charge for the actual costs of responding to FOIA requests.
  • If we estimate that it will cost more than $200 to respond to your request, we may require you to pay a deposit, not to exceed the amount of the estimate, before proceeding with your request. The five days that we have to respond to your request does not include the time between when we ask for a deposit and when you respond.
  • You may request that we estimate in advance the charges for supplying the records that you have requested.
  • If you owe us money from a previous FOIA request that has remained unpaid for more than 30 days, DSS may require payment of the past-due bill before responding to your new FOIA request.


FOIA policy states that we must respond to your request within five working days of receiving it. "Day One" is considered the day after your request is received. The five-day period does not include weekends or holidays.

Please note that normal County operating hours are Monday-Friday 8:00AM through 5:00PM.