The Best Cities for Teachers

Ranker Travel
Updated September 1, 2024 54 items
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4.7K votes
354 voters
2 reranks
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Top U.S. city list for teaching jobs

List of the best cities for teachers. Teaching is a tough job only taken on by the toughest, most generous type of person. Usually,teachers can expect to work long, stressful hours without the promise of a high salary or job security. Plus, every year money is taken from education funds,making it even tougher to live on a teacher’s salary. The cities on this list are the answer to the question, “where is the best place to live as a teacher?”

The cities on this list are the best places for teachers to find jobs due to their salaries, treatment of those in the field, and low living costs. Many of these cities also have plenty of employment opportunities for teachers. Metropolitan cities like Minneapolis and New York are always in need of strong teaching candidates for any of the hundreds of private and public schools. Small cities have reverence for their teachers and affordable living costs.

Compiled on this list are all of the best locations for teachers looking for amazing employment opportunities with high pay, good working conditions, and affordable living. If you’re a teacher looking to further your successful teaching career, these cities are for you. 

Most divisive: Minneapolis
Over 300 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Cities to Be a Teacher