The Best Tweek Quotes From 'South Park'

Movie and TV Quotes
Updated March 5, 2020 25 items
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2.2K votes
377 voters

The best Tweek quotes really show why he is one of the most popular recurring characters in South Park. He was first introduced in season two as a jittery kid who drinks way too much coffee. While he initially seemed like a one-off joke, he did get a bit of character development when he began a relationship with Craig. He may not get the most lines in the show, but there have been plenty of funny Tweek Tweak quotes over the years that take you by surprise.

Every Tweek Tweak catchphrase is a classic, and he does have quite a few. Whenever anyone asks anything of him, he usually responds with, "Oh man, that is way too much pressure!" He often resorts to inflammatory statements and tends to be a little paranoid, as evidenced with the line, "Maybe they wanna kill us!" 

What's your vote for the best Tweek Tweak quote of all time? Just take a deep breath if this all seems like a lot of pressure. 

  • 1
    147 VOTES

    It's Easy

    News Anchor: Just answer me this Tweek: what do you see as positive for toddler murder?

    Tweek: Ah! Uh... it's... it's easy. 

    News Anchor: Yes... it is easy.

    147 votes
  • 2
    151 VOTES

    Snowman Comes Alive

    Tweek: But, what if when I'm trying to put on the nose, the snowman comes alive and tries to kill me?

    Stan: Tweek, when has that ever happened, except that one time?

    151 votes
  • 3
    155 VOTES

    I Don't Want to Be a God

    Tweek: Me? Oh man, I don't want to be a god. That is way too much pressure.

    155 votes
  • 4
    126 VOTES

    Hammer Time

    Tweek: Guys! (Hums melody to himself) Hammer time!

    126 votes
  • 5
    225 VOTES

    Can I Touch

    Tweek: Craig, can I touch your penis!

    225 votes
  • 6
    138 VOTES


    Mrs. Tweak: Oh hello, son. How was your day?

    Tweek: Ahhh!

    Mrs. Tweak: That's good.

    138 votes
  • 7
    123 VOTES

    I Don't Know You

    Old Lady: Could you help me across the street? 

    Tweek: I don't know you!

    123 votes
  • 8
    117 VOTES

    My Hair

    Tweek: Gnaaahahahah! I pulled out my hair!

    117 votes
  • 9
    103 VOTES

    Jesus Christ

    Tweek: Jesus Christ! We killed her!

    103 votes
  • 10
    191 VOTES

    Too Much Pressure

    Tweek: Oh man, that is way too much pressure!

    191 votes
  • 11
    104 VOTES


    Kyle: OK, we have to do this stupid report, so -

    Tweek: Uhh! ERR! Uhh-Uhhn! Unh, Unh!

    Kyle: - so let's figure out what to do it about.

    104 votes
  • 12
    113 VOTES


    Tweek: Maybe they wanna kill us!

    113 votes
  • 13
    102 VOTES

    What is That!?

    Tweek: Oh, my god! What is that?! What is that?!

    Craig: It's probably nothing. Everything's fine.

    Tweek: Will you please stop saying that?! I can't take it!

    102 votes
  • 14
    96 VOTES

    The Metaphors

    Tweek: Dad!

    Mr. Tweak: What?

    Tweek: The metaphors, man!

    Mr. Tweak: Oh, sorry.

    96 votes
  • 15
    112 VOTES

    I Want Out

    Tweek: Rrrrr! You guys never help me! Your stories never go anywhere! I hate it! I want out! I want out!

    112 votes
  • 16
    74 VOTES

    Rubber Bands

    Butters: But it won't stay on. I need a rubber band or something.

    Tweek: Gah! I got rubber bands!

    74 votes
  • 17
    83 VOTES

    The President

    Tweek: It was real! He tried to get me!

    Kyle: Who did?

    Tweek: The President!

    83 votes
  • 18
    71 VOTES


    Cartman: Oh, you didn't see it? Tweek's family was on the news saying what a wuss you are Craig.

    Kyle: Yea, and then Craig's family came on and said that Tweek was the wuss and punched Tweek's mom in the hooters.

    Tweek: Ahh! You son of a b*tch.

    71 votes
  • 19
    92 VOTES

    My Underpants

    Tweek: They're taking my underpants!

    92 votes
  • 20
    56 VOTES

    My Center

    Tweek: My center, my center. Calm. Puppies.

    56 votes
  • 21
    86 VOTES

    Juice Maker

    Tweek: They really have my balls in a juice maker.

    86 votes
  • 22
    68 VOTES

    These Poor Kids

    Tweek: We've been using these poor kids to pull at your heartstrings for our cause. We're as low and despicable as Rob Reiner.

    68 votes
  • 23
    65 VOTES

    Salad Shooter

    Tweek: They really have my balls in a salad shooter.

    65 votes
  • 24
    90 VOTES

    Vice Grip

    Tweek: They really have my balls in a vice grip.

    90 votes
  • 25
    55 VOTES

    Blow Up the Print

    Tweek: Hello!

    Spielberg: The kid? The Tweaked-out kid?!

    Tweek: I'm gonna blow up the print, Spielberg.

    55 votes