22 G.I. Joe Action Figures You Wouldn't Want in Your Platoon

Jake Baumgart
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Vote up the G.I. Joe toys you never wanted to take on top secret missions

With so many Joes, it was inevitable that there would be stupid G.I. Joe action figures. G.I. Joe's tagline for most of the '80s and '90s was "A Real American Hero." That means that the vast and ever expanding G.I. Joe toy line tried to represent every facet of the American armed forces. As awesome as Hasbro was at churning these little plastic dudes they definitely missed the mark once or twice. 

That's why there were enough duds, losers, and outsiders for this extensive list of the Worst G.I. Joe action figures. This is for every kid that didn't know what to do with Mainframe or the child that had to come up with something cool for Dial Tone to do while the other heroes were at war against Cobra.

So vote up the most ridiculous G.I. Joe toys and characters below, then hop in the silliest G.I. Joe vehicle you can find and hit the road. 
  • Robo-Joe
    This poor guy, born Greg Scott, is just a scientist and engineer when Cobra blows up his lab and most of his body. Luckily Scott worked for G.I. Joe instead of Papa Johns, so they stick that big ole' brain inside a gaudy neon orange robot suit and shoot him into outer space.
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  • What isn't wrong with Banzai? Besides being a blonde white guy co-opting a Japanese battle cry, there's his andolier-thing made of several weapons that could turn a quick chest-punch into a mortal puncture wound. But fear not! He has also painted himself in magenta - the most ninja of all the colors!
    189 votes
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  • Ken Masters
    G.I. Joe's Street Fighter line wasn't the toyl ine anyone wanted - it was the one everyone got. Reusing old body molds from previous Joes, this line was the unholy amalgamation of cross-branding and used body parts. The character with the worst treatment? Ken, seen here with more weapons than he can carry and a face that looks like he spent too much time under a sun lamp. 
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  • Ice Cream Soldier
    Why in the world is this guy named the Ice Cream Soldier? Why, the throw Cobra off in battle and have them lower their expectations when the flamethrower-wielding 'hero' shows up to "scorch those slimy snakes until they melt like hot fudge on a summer sidewalk." Whoa, that's pretty grisly. 
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  • Colonel Courage
    Make no mistake, the colonel's primary function in the G.I. Joe organization is as a pencil pusher. In fact, his file card goes over this again and again, even listing his primary specialty as administrative strategist. It looks like the position also comes with the perk of picking out your own code name too. 
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  • Dee-Jay
    The giant cord leading from this guy's head to his shoulder isn't the strangest thing about Dee-Jay. It's more the fact that this guy was a disk jockey in Boston before the Joes blasted him into space as part of Battle Force 2000. The reason? He's really, really good with speakers...
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  • Space Shot
    • Photo:
      • YoJoe
    Essentially Han Solo working for the Joes, Space Shot is representative of everything wrong with the G.I. Joes towards the end of the classic run of 3 3/4 inch figures. He is the umpteenth space-guy and completely ignores everything that made the line awesome in the early '80s. Get rid of that red, white, and blue logo and this guy looks like he fits in better with the CORPS line of figures.
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  • Clean Sweep
    The eco-consciousness boom of the '90s resulted in a line of Eco-Warriors, the most underwhelming of which is Clean Sweep. This guy shows up AFTER Cobra has spilled toxic waste all over the place and then has his giant water-shooting tank-thing clean up after them. You know this guy hated it when the Joes had one of their all night keggers. 
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  • Psyche Out
    Putting that haircut off to one side for a minute, consider Psyche Out's primary battle tactic. This Joe uses sound waves and repetition to induce a sense of paranoia in combatants (*see victims). Is anybody sure this guy isn't working for Dr. Mindbender?
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  • Granted, a lot of the plastic went into that VHS tape, but Rapid Fire might be one of the most underwhelming Joes of all time. The guy is decked out in more neon than a dive bar.
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  • Tollbooth
    This figure came with the Bridge Layer vehicle (that does exactly what it sounds like) and is totally one of those Joe positions that says, "Well, someone has to do it." But Tollbooth totally leaned into it and made himself of as the most badass DOT employee ever.
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  • Mirage
    Everything about Mirage screams '90s-era G.I. Joe. Neon colored fatigues? Check. Ridiculously oversized rocket/missile/laser weapon? Check. Boring gimmick to sell more toys? Why, is that Play-Doh packed in there with a G.I. Joe? Check. 
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  • Scoop
    Scoop is the kind of guy that, when you get a minute, you ask yourself, "What is he doing on the team again?" Looking like a cameraman for robot empire, Scoops's main job is recording the action (on VHS, probably) as it happens. That means the Joes have their own PR team. How many times do you think Sgt. Slaughter walked up and broke a couple of tapes just to keep dirty deeds off the record?
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  • Captain Grid Iron
    You know that guy that's defined by his time playing high school football? Yeah, they made a G.I. Joe out of him and called him Captain Grid Iron. Even beyond his insufferable insistence on talking like John Wayne, everything about this guy screams, "Hey, I was once a quarterback!" It goes all the way down to his grenades that look like little footballs. 
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  • Salvo
    Salvo's shirt should be the first indication that something isn't right. Just looking at this guy, you know he's the kind of guy who gives painful high fives just because he can. Also, judging by all that hardware he is lugging out to the battlefield, it doesn't look like he plans on coming back.
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  • Hardball
    On a team with not one but TWO guys with a football-motif, looking like an angry outfielder just seems boring. Hardball, just because you didn't make it to the majors doesn't mean you have to take it out on Cobra with a grenade launcher. 
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  • 17
    Besides being the most vanilla-looking G.I. Joe of all time, the only distinguishing detail this guy has is his receding hairline and tiny French mustache. Plus, is "Zap" really a good code name for a guy with a Bazooka? How about "Bazooka?" Oh... wait...
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  • Sci Fi
    Let's try not to dock points for those lime green fatigues (have you seen the other Joes?) but when your specialty is "lasers" on a team where EVERYONE SHOOTS LASERS, it's hard to stand out. 
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  • Quick Kick
    When you have two of the coolest ninjas in all of pop culture on your team, coming into Joe HQ looking like bad Bruce Lee cosplay just doesn't stack up. 
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  • Airtight
    Hasbro couldn't have known that Airtight was going to become a sexual euphemism in the future, but it's also pretty unfortunate that this guy's specialty is cleaning up after everyone. That's not a rifle, it's called a sniffer. 
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  • Dial-Tone
    This isn't to say that the man who operates the radio in combat isn't important. However, the code name and look of poor Dial-Tone ages like milk. Aside from the fact that a kid today would have no clue as to what a dial tone even is, but did he really need all that equipment to man a radio?
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  • Mainframe
    A Silicon Valley escapee, Mainframe's specialty is (you guessed it) computers. However, where most Joes came with too many weapons, Mainframe didn't come with any - just a CPU, hose, and phone. What the heck is this guy doing in the field? 
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