The Worst Shows Your Boyfriend Makes You Watch

Ranker TV
Updated August 15, 2024 28 items
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1.6K votes
184 voters
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TV shows (currently on the air) that your boyfriend watches - and you despise!

With a zillion channels, there's a plethora of TV show choices for everybody. However, some of your boyfriend's faves drive you bonkers! Of all the television shows your dude watches (and we know there are a lot), which are the worst and make you the craziest?

After a long day at work, you might be looking forward to a cozy night on the sofa with your boyfriend and maybe a good movie. But before you uncork the wine, homeboy is already knee-deep in a "Duck Dynasty" marathon. And that really ruffles your feathers! 

So now's the perfect chance to quack your grievances! 
Upvote the most appalling TV shows that you suffer through, all for the sake of your relationship. Which of your boyfriend's viewing habits really cook your goose?