London, London - United Kingdom132 lists

Rebecca Shortall is a British comedian and writer in posession of a BA in Creative Writing and Film and an MA in Media and Cultural Studies. Ooh-wee! She has also been a finalist in the 2016 Brighton Comedy Festival Squawker Awards, a regional finalist in the Funny Women Awards 2016 and a semi-finalist in the New Comedian of the Year Awards 2016. 

So basically a panel of strangers decided she was hella funny. Rebecca is also a regular cast member of BBC Three's comedy shorts. She has gigged all over the world and played at some of New York and London's biggest comedy clubs. Also she's good at writing. I mean, she has a Masters so...

If you want to see her stand up check it out here: 

The Alt-Right Is Dumb

Set at Caroline's On Broadway

Please tell her if you like it. Within hours of that first video being uploaded someone with the username 'ADOLF HITLER' told her to 'get back in the kitchen whore lol' and she can only take so much confidence bashing. We can't let 'ADOLF' win!