
US News

'Break Kennedy's record': Ex-Clinton aide makes huge prediction about Trump's RNC speech

Political analyst and former adviser to President Bill Clinton Paul Begala made a prediction about Donald Trump’s upcoming Republican National Convention speech Thursday: it’ll be record-breaking.

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Trump allies stalked RNC delegates to crush dissent over party platform: NYT

A group of influential Republicans describe a disturbing encounter with Team Trump that saw their communication devices confiscated and members stalked until they bent to the campaign's will, according to a new report.

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Behind the Heritage Foundation's 50-year history of influencing GOP politics

As the 2024 presidential election heats up, some people are hearing about the Heritage Foundation for the first time. The conservative think tank has a new, ambitious and controversial policy plan, Project 2025, which calls for an overhaul of American public policy and government.

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Paul Begala: 'Walls closing in' on Biden as 'donors are on strike'

Former Bill Clinton White House strategist Paul Begala told CNN on Thursday that things are looking bleak for President Joe Biden, as the whole of Democratic leadership moves to push him out.

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'Offended so many people from the region': Author dismantles 'Hillbilly Elegy' on CNN

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the newly-minted running mate to former President Donald Trump, is mischaracterizing and demonizing people from Appalachia, said Meredith McCarroll, a writer who grew up in Western North Carolina, on CNN Thursday.

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Ohio voter advocates issue urgent plea after 'election integrity' group makes challenges

Voting rights advocacy organizations are calling on the Ohio Secretary of State to create consistency within the county boards of elections when it comes to voter registration challenges.

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People over party: Republicans endorse Michigan Democrat for congress

A number of Republican and independent lawmakers and officials have thrown their endorsement behind former state Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr. (D-East Lansing) for his run for Congress, launching the Republicans & Independents for Hertel Coalition Wednesday.

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Activists face death threats after 'false accusations' by Republican at the RNC

CodePink on Wednesday published a recording of a vicious death threat it received after a GOP congressman's dubious assault allegation against one of the peace group's members resulted in her arrest outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

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Democratic donor circulates Biden resignation draft speech: report

President Joe Biden has grown more receptive to calls to step aside, and a draft speech is reportedly circulating that lays out the key points he might make if he quit the race.

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'Will be horrendous': Senior Republican shares secret fears over second Trump term

An unnamed attendee at the Republican National Convention this week told Reuters that they are harboring secret fears about what former President Donald Trump will do in a second term.

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Disneyland workers threaten strike action over wages, treatment

Anaheim (United States) (AFP) – Hundreds of Disneyland Resort employees protested outside the world-famous California theme parks Wednesday, calling for better wages and denouncing alleged anti-union practices by the company ahead of a looming strike vote.

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Biden allies 'angry and mad' about gambit to rush nomination: D.C. insider

Democrats cannot credibly stick with President Joe Biden after three weeks of questioning his ability to win re-election and serve a second term, according to MSNBC's Claire McCaskill.

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Menendez preps for prison

Minutes after a jury declared Sen. Bob Menendez guilty of 16 federal crimes, an indignant Menendez walked into the searing sunshine outside the federal courthouse in Manhattan Tuesday and ignored the question everyone in the media mob most wanted to know.

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