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Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development

 Subburaman Mohan, PhD (right), and research associate Bouchra Edderkaoui, PhD, of the Loma Linda VA examine osteoclast cells as part of their study on a gene that appears to regulate bone density. Subburaman Mohan, PhD (right), and research associate Bouchra Edderkaoui, PhD, of the Loma Linda VA examine osteoclast cells as part of their study on a gene that appears to regulate bone density.

Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development (BLRD) supports and conducts preclinical research to understand life processes from the molecular, genomic, and physiological levels for the purpose of advancing science and the understanding of how diseases affect Veterans. This is accomplished by exploring biological or physiological principles in humans or animals through intramural funding mechanisms and career development programs that support talented individual researchers who are working in areas of particular importance to improving the well-being of our nation's Veterans. BLRD supported research includes pre-clinical models and investigations of tissues, blood or other biologic specimens from humans.

BLRD is part of ISRM, the organizational unit for review and management of funded medical research in VA Office of Research and Development. ISRM is in the process of transitioning from services to broad portfolios, which will improve how ORD's Priority Research Areas proactively interact with relevant clinical and operational partners, bringing them closer together with researchers to better meet Veterans' needs.

BLRD advances science to empower Veterans to improve their well-being through the trusted relationships it has built and continues to develop among innovative and creative scientists, medical professionals, and a wide range of medical research stakeholders. It is a self-renewing organization that provides seamless and integrated support to attract extraordinary talent in an effort to advance science through an uncompromising commitment to quality, creativity, diversity, productivity, and efficiency.

See also


VA Centralized Positions - The VA Centralized Positions panel reviews nominations for ORD-funded Research Positions at GS 14 and GS 15. All other ORD funded position classification requests should be submitted via Leaf.

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