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Past Program

District Dialogues May 2024
Wed., May 15, 2024

District Dialogues: How Is the Economy, Really?

Attendees heard from a panel of experts who delved into why consumer and business sentiment are not always in alignment with economic data. Panelists and audience members discussed:

  • What does economic data and research say about the state of the economy?
  • How are consumer sentiment and economic data related?
  • How does sentiment influence consumer and business decisions?
  • Do sentiments vary based on income, locality or other demographic characteristics?
  • What implication does consumer and business sentiment have for policymakers?

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Moderator and Speakers

headshot of Andy Bauer
Baltimore branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Zach Edwards headshot
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
headshot of Renee Haltom
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Management Committee member Matt Martin
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Joseph Mengedoth, Regional Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
headshot of John O'Trakoun
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
headshot of Sonya Waddell
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Sarah Wolfe
Morgan Stanley


  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024
    05:30 pm

    Welcome Reception and Networking

    *For in person audiences

    05:55 pm
    Welcome to Branch Audiences
    06:00 pm
    Welcome and Introduction
    06:10 pm
    Panel Discussion on Economic Data and Sentiment
    07:05 pm
    Role of Regional Sensing and Surveys
    07:30 pm

    Reception and Ongoing Discussion

    *For in person audiences

Who Should Attend

We encourage all members of the public, community and business leaders, educators, state and local policymakers, and students to attend.

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