Stephen Reed finished his 27th consecutive Boston Marathon in more than six hours, but he will get the chance to continue his streak at Boston in 2017.

The Boston Athletic Association relaxed a new rule imposing a six-hour cutoff on runners like Reed, who is a member of the Quarter Century Club, a group for runners with at least 25 consecutive Boston finishes.

Club members such as Reed, 68, whose 6:45 finish in 2015 would have placed him in the fourth and final wave of Boston starters on April 18, were moved up to the second wave this year.

That offered them an additional 50 minutes to finish, because according to the BAA this week, runners had six hours after the last starter crossed the starting line to officially finish the race.

Reed finished in 6:08, but due to the rule adopted last summer, the continuation of his streak via guaranteed entry status—a perk available to the longtime consecutive finishers—was not immediately clear.

The BAA, in announcing the rule last year, said Quarter Century Club members finishing in over six hours in 2016 would have to qualify by time, run for a charity or find another invitational entry in order to continue their streaks, albeit unofficially.

But BAA spokesman Marc Davis said that 70 Quarter Century Club members who finished before the timing system was turned off, including Reed, will maintain their status as a “consecutive Boston Marathon participant” in 2017, pending the standard adjudication process of the results.

Told of the news, Reed said, “That makes my day.”

Of the 76 Quarter Century Club members heading into the marathon, Davis said four did not start. 

Two others reached the 40-kilometer mark “well beyond the allotted time, and therefore did not ultimately record a finish time,” because the timing system had been turned off, Davis said.  That includes the club member with the second-longest streak, Timothy Lepore, who reached the 40K mark in 7:27.

“He did not record a finish time, as most likely the timing system was shut down by that time,” Davis said.

Lepore, 71, finished his 47th straight Boston Marathon in 2015 in 6:52.  Davis, who responded to questions by phone and e-mail, said it is too early to say whether Lepore will maintain his registration eligibility.

“We have not completed the adjudication process, so we cannot say whether Mr. Lepore will or will not be on that list moving forward,” Davis said. The review process may take up to six weeks, according to Davis. 

Results on the BAA website show the club member with the longest streak—Bennett Beach, 66—finished in 5:31 for his 49th consecutive Boston Marathon. Patty Hung, 70, holds the longest streak among women. According to the results, Hung finished in 5:17, her 30th in a row according to QCC records. 

Ronald Kmiec, 73, finished his 43rd consecutive Boston Marathon in 5:41. Kmiec founded the Quarter Century Club, which Davis noted is not an official Boston Marathon organization, 15 years ago.

Asked about the number of club members who finished in more than six hours—as did 10 of the 76 who finished in 2015—Davis said he did not yet have that information.

An additional 11 runners reached the 25-year mark April 18, he said.

The policy change, as described by BAA last year, was sparked by safety concerns and limitations on how long the course may remain open, in addition to maintaining consistent standards.

Among club members, it caused some concern. Reed said that he was dismayed upon learning of the policy change. “I called the office and sent a plea letter. I have a general feeling that, not just myself, but a lot of other (club) members reached out,” Reed said.

Reed said that about two months ago, he was told he would get to start in the second wave. He described it as a “way of accommodating us.”

“It made a difference. It would’ve been pretty sketchy getting there if I started in the fourth wave,” said Reed, who was assigned to the third wave in 2015.

Davis said previously that five of the club members qualified for the first wave, which had a 10 a.m. start. The second wave started at 10:25 a.m. and the fourth departed at 11:15 a.m.

Reed is planning to mark his 40th year of running every day on June 16. He needs a hip replacement and is considering undergoing surgery later this summer—a decision that would end his daily running streak, but give him a chance of continuing to run the Boston Marathon.