Øyvind Søraas Skorge

Bilde av Øyvind Søraas Skorge
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Stillingstittel Forsker II, bistilling
Grad Ph.d.
Kontakt 930 41 655 [email protected]

Øyvind holds a PhD in Political Science from the London School of Eonomics and an MPhil in Comparative Government from the University of Oxford.

His main research concerns gender inequality in politics and the labor market. Additionally, he studies historical democratization and political institutions.

Sosiale medier

Emneord: Arbeid, Velferd, Likestilling


  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2021). Mobilizing the Underrepresented: Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political Participation. American Journal of Political Science (AJPS). s. 1–15. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12654. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli (2021). Volte-Face on the Welfare State: Social Partners, Knowledge Economies, and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies. Politics & Society. s. 1–33. doi: 10.1177/00323292211014371. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Giani, Marco; Hope, David & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2021). Household education gaps and gender role attitudes. Political Science Research and Methods. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2021.16.
  • Iversen, Torben; Rosenbluth, Frances Mccall & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2020). The dilemma of gender equality: How labor market regulation divides women by class. Daedalus. 149(1), s. 86–99. doi: 10.1162/DAED_a_01775. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2020). The business of change: Employers and work-family policy reforms. I Nijhuis, Dennie Oude (Red.), Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State. Routledge. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Finseraas, Henning & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2019). “The Miracle Tablet Maybe”: Legalization of the Pill and Women’s Childbearing and Career Decisions. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society. 26(2), s. 276–298. doi: 10.1093/sp/jxz005.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2018). The Demand for Work-Family Policies in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. I Engelstad, Fredrik; Holst, Cathrine & Aakvaag, Gunnar C. (Red.), Democratic State and Democratic Society. De Gruyter Open. s. 312–342. doi: 10.1515/9783110634082-016.
  • Finseraas, Henning; Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Strøm, Marte (2018). Does education affect immigration attitudes? Evidence from an education reform. Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy. 55(Oct), s. 131–135. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.06.009. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

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  • Halrynjo, Sigtona; Kitterød, Ragni Hege; Mangset, Marte & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2022). CORE næringslivsstudie – kjønnsbalanse på toppen i næringslivet: Hindringer og muligheter. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Rapport(2022:4). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Reisel, Liza; Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Uvaag, Stian (2019). Kjønnsdelte utdannings- og yrkesvalg: En kunnskapsoppsummering. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Umblijs, Janis (2017). Lønns- og karriereutvikling blant høyt utdannede i Norge, 2004–2014. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

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  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas; Morgan-Collins, Mona; Campbell, Rosie; Cowper-Coles, Minna & De-Freitas, Alesha (2023). Online Seminar: "How to Mobilise for Gender Equality in the 21st Century: Policies, Strategies and Organisational Capacity", organized by King's College London and Institute for Social Research (REPS project). [Internett]. Online Seminar and King's College London Youtube Channel.
  • Baltzersen, Eli Sofie; Jensenius, Francesca R. & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). State Action and Moral Attitudes on Sexual Consent (Registered Report).
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). Women in the Public Sphere: Mobilizing Women into Politics in the 21st Century.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Halrynjo, Sigtona (2023). Why Are There So Few Women Executives? Evidence from the Equality Frontier.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Teele, Dawn (2023). The 2nd REPS Workshop: Introduction, Special Issue, and Road Ahead.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas; Paulsen, Tine N. & Teele, Dawn (2023). Suffrage and Education: Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Skarstad, Kjersti (2023). Karriereklar (podcast): Barrierer kvinner og funksjonshemmede møter i arbeidslivet. [Internett]. Podcast, Oslo Nye Høyskole.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas; Lindvall, Johannes & Mechkova, Valeriya (2023). Teaching for Suffrage: How Teachers Spurred Women's Suffrage Activism.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas; Lindvall, Johannes & Mechkova, Valeriya (2023). Teaching for Suffrage: How Teachers Spurred Women's Suffrage Activism.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli (2023). Partiaization: How National Programmatic Parties Took Hold of Local Politics.
  • Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). Partiaization: How National Programmatic Parties Took Hold of Local Politics .
  • Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). Partiaization: How National Programmatic Parties Took Hold of Local Politics .
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona; Kitterød, Ragni Hege; Mangset, Marte & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2022). Derfor er det så få kvinner i toppen av norsk næringsliv. Dagens næringsliv.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2022). The Gendered Politics of Policy Expertise.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2022). Teachers and the Origins of Women’s Political Mobilization.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2022). The gendered politics of policy experts: Do governments appoint women to expert groups as much as men? .
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli (2022). Partiaization: How National Parties Took Hold of Local Politics.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli (2022). Partiaization: How National Parties Took Hold of Local Politics.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Rasmussen, Magnus Bergli (2022). Partiaization: How National Parties Took Hold of Local Politics.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Halrynjo, Sigtona (2022). Why are there so few female executives? Evidence from the equality frontier.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Halrynjo, Sigtona (2022). Why are there so few female executives? Evidence from the equality frontier.
  • Reisel, Liza; Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Uvaag, Stian Aleksander (2019). Hvorfor er arbeidsmarkedet fremdeles så kjønnsdelt?
  • Iversen, Torben; Rosenbluth, Frances & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2019). The Dilemma of Gender Equality: How Labor Market Regulation Divides Women by Class.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2018). The gender equality paradox.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2018). Care for career: Mothers, toddlers, and the benefit of daycare services for female leadership.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2018). Care for career: Mothers, toddlers, and the benefit of daycare services for female leadership.

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Publisert 15. mai 2017 10:19 - Sist endret 11. mai 2022 12:42