Erlend Paasche

Bilde av Erlend Paasche
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Stillingstittel Forsker II
Grad Ph.d.
Kontakt 474 01 216 [email protected]

Dr. Erlend Paasche er sosiolog. Han har bodd i en flyktningleir og har feltarbeidserfaring fra Syria, Irak, Kosovo og Nigeria. Gjennom ti år som migrasjonsforsker har han blant annet forsket på avviste asylsøkere, flyktninger, arbeidsinnvandrere, etterkommere og ofre for menneskehandel.

Paasche har publisert i ledende migrasjonstidsskrift, og vært gjesteforsker ved Universitetet i Sussex og Universitetet i Oxford. Som post-dok ved Universitetet i Oslo underviste han et egenutviklet studieemne om migrasjonskontroll, grenser og statsborgerskap.

Han har videre deltatt i en rekke evalueringer av assistert retur til ulike land på oppdrag for Utlendingsdirektoratet, og evaluert et aspekt av politiets migrasjonskontroll på flyplasser i Norge, på oppdrag for EU-kommisjonen.

Tidligere har Paasche vært tilknyttet Senteret for fremragende forskning i borgerkrigsstudier (CSCW) og Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO), samt Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi (ISS) og Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo.

Emneord: Migrasjon og integrering


  • Paasche, Erlend (2022). Corruption and Return Migration. I King, Russell & Kuschminder, Katie (Red.), Handbook of Return Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 185–198.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2018). Elites and Emulators: The Evolution of Iraqi Kurdish Asylum Migration to Europe. Migration Studies. doi: 10.1093/migration/mny036. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Paasche, Erlend; Skilbrei, May-Len & Plambech, Sine (2018). Vulnerable Here or There? Examining the vulnerability of victims of human trafficking before and after return. Anti-Trafficking Review. s. 34–51. doi: 10.14197/atr.201218103. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Paasche, Erlend (2017). A Conceptual and Empirical Critique of ‘Social Remittances’: Iraqi Kurdish Migrants Narrate Resistance. I Nowicka, Magdalena & Šerbedžija, Vojin (Red.), Migration and Social Remittances in a Global Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. s. 121–141. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-60126-1.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Skilbrei, May-Len (2017). Gendered Vulnerability And Return Migration. Temida. 20(2), s. 149–166. doi: 10.2298/TEM1702149P. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Paasche, Erlend (2016). The role of corruption in reintegration: experiences of Iraqi Kurds upon return from Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42(7), s. 1076–1093. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1139445.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Fangen, Katrine (2012). Transnational Involvement: Reading Quantitative Studies in Light of Qualitative Data. International Journal of Population Research. 2012. doi: 10.1155/2012/580819.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Strand, Arne (2012). En komparativ analyse av to landbaserte retur- og reintegreringsprogrammer : : hva fungerer (ikke) i reintegreringsfasen? I Valenta, Marko & Berg, Berit (Red.), Asylsøker: i velferdsstatens venterom. Universitetsforlaget. s. 205–224.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2011). Iraqi Refugees in A Damascus Suburb: Carriers of Sectarian Conflict? International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies. 5(2), s. 263–275. doi: 10.1386/ijcis.5.2.247_1.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Brekke, Jan-Paul; Damsa, Dorina; Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum; Hansen, Vibeke Wøien; Liden, Hilde & Paasche, Erlend [Vis alle 9 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). Tilrettelegging for integrering av flyktninger i Norge. Organisering, tiltak og erfaringer. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lidén, Hilde; Paasche, Erlend & Damsa, Dorina (2022). Protection Seekers’ Lived Experience of Vulnerability in Times of Stricter Migration Policy: The Case of Norway. VULNER - Vulnerability Under the Global Protection Regime. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lidén, Hilde; Paasche, Erlend; Schultz, Jessica & Wessmann, Helene (2021). Flyktningers sårbarhet : Hvordan blir flyktningers sårbarhet forstått, vurdert, ivaretatt og skapt gjennom lovverk og forvaltningspraksis? Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lidén, Hilde; Schultz, Jessica; Paasche, Erlend & Wessmann, Helene (2021). Vulnerable Protection Seekers in Norway: Regulations, Practices, and Challenges. VULNER - Vulnerability Under the Global Protection Regime. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Brekke, Jan-Paul; Paasche, Erlend; Espegren, Astrid & Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora (2021). Selection Criteria in Refugee Resettlement. Balancing vulnerability and future integration in eight resettlement countries. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad; Strand, Arne; Lidén, Hilde; Paasche, Erlend & Aalen, Lovise (2016). Programmes for assisted return to Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Ethiopia and Kosovo: A comparative evaluation of effectiveness and outcomes, Report, 2016: 2. Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI).
  • Carling, Jørgen; Bolognani, Marta; Erdal, Marta Bivand; Ezzati, Rojan; Oeppen, Ceri & Paasche, Erlend [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2015). Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration. Institutt for fredsforskning.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Iraqi Kurdistan: Partner Under Pressure. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). 2014(4).
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Why Assisted Return Programmes Must Be Evaluated. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). 2014(8).

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Ostrand, Nicole Marie & Paasche, Erlend (2024). Co-organised two-day workshop at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, bringing together researchers from NORMS and another project to develop a special issue proposal for Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
  • Ostrand, Nicole Marie & Paasche, Erlend (2024). Co-organised ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). Section, PRA442 workshop. Return and Readmission: A Normative Approach. .
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). What is sustainable reintegration?
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). UTENRIKS Roundtable discussion.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). NORMS presentation.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). Refugee Resettlement and Vulnerability Criteria.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2023). Impact of cash incentives for reintegration assistance.
  • Paasche, Erlend; Brekke, Jan-Paul & Brochmann, Grete (2022). Europeisk dobbeltmoral. Dag og Tid.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2022). Presented at UDI/IOM Embassy Seminar, on the relationship between integration and reintegration. Participated in panel debate.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2022). Co-organized, presented at and moderated three high level panels at EU workshop on return.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2022). A relational dimension of deportation as practice: Obtaining the collaboration of origin states .
  • Paasche, Erlend (2022). MPI-ERRIN Workshop on Monitoring of Reintegration Assistance: Case study Iraq (workshop participation).
  • Paasche, Erlend & Brekke, Jan-Paul (2021). Selection Criteria in Refugee Resettlement Balancing vulnerability and future integration in eight resettlement countries.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2021). DELMI Expert Roundtable Seminar on Return and Reintegration, invitee.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Brekke, Jan-Paul (2021). Sommerseminar for Beregningsutvalget, innleder.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2021). Faglunsj i Justisdepartementet, innleder.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2021). PU Ledersamling i ID-enheten, innleder.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2021). Embassy seminar on return, keynote speech.
  • Schultz, Jessica; Lidén, Hilde & Paasche, Erlend (2021). Norsk flyktningpolitikk skaper nye former for sårbarhet.
  • Schultz, Jessica; Lidén, Hilde & Paasche, Erlend (2021). Assessing vulnerability in Norwegian asylum practice:​ amplifying or displacing refugee rights?
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). DELMI expert roundtable on return policy, invitee.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). Norm Conflicts in International Return Practice, keynote speech.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Brekke, Jan-Paul (2020). PROTECT symposium 1 Norge og FNs flyktningeplattform, keynote speech on selection criteria in refugee resettlement.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). CMI/UiB workshop on project development in migration studies, keynote speech.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). Expert roundtable on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration, invited speaker.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). Grensene for migrasjonskontroll, foredrag for politiet.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2020). Keynote speech: On monitoring the effectiveness of reintegration activities.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2019). Return and reintegration in Iraqi Kurdistan.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Skilbrei, May-Len (2019). Human Trafficking, Migration and Borders Under Pressure.
  • Paasche, Erlend; Skilbrei, May-Len & Plambech, Sine (2019). What happens after victims of trafficking return to Nigeria?
  • Paasche, Erlend (2018). Class, risk and going with a purpose.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2018). Human Trafficking and Migration Studies.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Carling, Jørgen (2018). Representations of return migration in Nigerian cultural production.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2018). Class, risk and ‘going with a purpose’: Nigerian postgraduates reflect on irregular migration.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2017). Crime goes to the movies: The case of Nollywood.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2017). Om migrasjon og Film fra Sør. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Søderholm, Tara Matilde & Paasche, Erlend (2017). From Nollywood to Norway. [Internett]. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Skilbrei, May-Len (2017). Forskningsformidling 2.0.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2017). NRKs Dagsrevyen. [TV]. NRK.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2017). Hayne's Nollywood: A view from migration studies.
  • Villman, Emma Åsa Irene & Paasche, Erlend (2017). Making sense of migration through popular culture. [Internett].
  • Lidén, Hilde; Strand, Arne; Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad; Paasche, Erlend & Brekke, Jan-Paul (2016). Samanliknande evaluering av assisterte returprogram til Afghanistan, Irakisk Kurdistan, Etiopia og Kosovo.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Vaklende løsrivelse. Morgenbladet.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Nasjonalisme under press. Dagens næringsliv.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Kan Irak fikses? Dagsavisen.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2014). Elites and emulators: the evolution of an Iraqi Kurdish - European migration system.
  • Knudsen, Are; Strand, Arne & Paasche, Erlend (2013). War and Migration. I Ness, Immanuel (Red.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley-Blackwell. s. 1–8. doi: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm575.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2013). On the Move: The Journey of Refugees in New Literatures in English. Journal of Peace Research. 50(3), s. 428–428.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Hofman, Lennart (2013). Gedwongen naar huis. [Avis]. Netherland.
  • Paasche, Erlend & van WILGENBURG, Vladimir (2012). Second Kurdish Congress Focuses on Kurdish Diaspora. [Avis]. Rudaw.
  • Paasche, Erlend & van WILGENBURG, Vladimir (2012). Kurdish Studies Network Fills Void for Kurdish Experts. [Avis]. Rudaw.
  • Paasche, Erlend & Hofmann, Lennart (2012). Nederlandse supermarkt in Irak teken van welvart. [Avis]. Netherlands.
  • Jones, Lee; Daniel Clayton, Govinda; Engbo Gissel, Line; Seland Gomsrud, Lars; Leclerc-Gagné, Elise & Paasche, Erlend [Vis alle 9 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2011). The Method Makes the Manuscript: Key Texts in the Theoretical and Methodological Advancement of the Study of Civil War. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 5(2), s. 235–260.
  • Paasche, Erlend (2011). Prospects for Political Stability in a Democratic Iraq: A Study of the Clusters of Conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 48(2), s. 267–267.

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Publisert 18. mars 2020 13:03 - Sist endret 24. apr. 2023 16:06