Report Visit To TH Mega-Farm VF2

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The Revalter project

Multiscale assessment of the livestock development pathways in Vietnam

The TH milk company (Vietnam)

Is such a large-scale investment sustainable?

Report of a visit conducted

in Ngha n District (Ngh An Province) on July 2nd, 2015
completed with a literature review
Jean-Daniel CESARO
NGUYEN Mai Huong
PHAM Duy Khanh
NGUYEN Ngoc Luan

Oct. 2015

This report is a working paper edited under the framework of the REVALTER Research project
( The literature review was compiled by Jean-Daniel Cesaro and
Guillaume Duteurtre (Cirad). The visit was conducted in the context of the Initative of
Sustainable Landscapes ISLA (Chng trnh Sng kin Cnh quan bn vng) of IPSARD.
The team was composed of Nguyen Ngoc Luan (Agro-Info/Ipsard), Pham Duy Khanh and
Nguyen Mai Huong (Rudec/Ipsard) and Guillaume Duteurtre (Cirad). The team is thankful to
TH milk Company for organizing the visit. In particular, the team would like to thank Mr L
c Trng (Office Manager, in charge of the Farm in Ngha n and Thanh Ha) and Mr.
Ng Huy Hn (Office Manager, in charge of the dairy processing plant).

Duteurtre G, Cesaro JD, Nguyen Mai Huong, Pham Duy Khanh, Nguyen Ngoc Luan, 2015 :
The TH dairy company (Vietnam): Is such a large-scale investment
sustainable?, Report of a visit conducted in Ngha n District (Ngh An
Province) on July 2nd, 2015 completed with a literature review, Revalter
Working paper, Hanoi, Cirad, Rudec, 17 p.

The TH dairy farm raises 44 000 cows of which 22 000 cows are in lactation in June 2015.
This is the biggest dairy farm of this kind in Asia. It produces around 500 tons of milk per
day. It is composed of several mega-farms with very high animal concentration integrated to
one single dairy processing plant. This report describes the organization of the TH group
based on a review of existing data available on internet as well as on a field visit conducted on
July 2nd, 2015 on the site in the Ngh An Province. Some questions on its sustainability are
discussed: (i) land access for feed cultivation and the social equity of the project; (ii)
management of animal effluents and the risks of pollution of the environment; (iii) cost of
production of milk and the long term economic profitability of the farm.

TH as part of the scaling-up of the Vietnamese dairy sector

According to FAO, at the beginning of the years 2000, the Vietnamese dairy cattle herd was
less than 35 000 dairy cows for a production of 52 000 tons per year. Since then, the national
dairy production has been multiplied by 8. In 2013, the dairy herd reached 186 000 heads for
a production of 456 000 tons.
The fast development of dairy sector in Vietnam is in line with strong growth of Vietnamese
economy. Demand for milk has been increasing since the 90s. Milk powder imports surged
to respond to the market demand. In response, the Government launched in 2001 a national
dairy development program3 based on the diffusion of dairy activities thought family farming.
As a result, from 2000 to 2010, the milk production was multiplied by 5. This increase was
driven by the growth of small-holder farming. In the same time, the average consumption of
milk and milk products in Vietnam rose from 1 to 16 kg/capita/year between 1985 and 2011.
However, import of milk powder remained an important supply source. This high dependency
of the country on milk powder imports was particularly striking during the Melamine crisis
at the end of 2008.
In this context, in 2008, the Government adopted a new National Livestock Development
Strategy to 20204. Priority was given to large-scale farming system and dairy production is
expected to scale up. This new orientation was confirmed and expanded in 2014 by the
adoption of the Restructuration plan of the livestock sector towards enhancing added value
and sustainable development5. This new plan aims at encouraging a rapid scaling-up
transition: instead of having 20,000 small-scale dairy farms (of 5 cows on average) that
produce 900 tonnes/day, which was the situation in 2010, the country aims at having only
2,000 large-scale farms (of more than 20 cows) who will produce 2 500 tons/day by 20206.
Following this new political orientation, in 2010, one of the world largest dairy farm was set
up in Vietnam. Owned by the TH group, this mega-farm entered in production
progressively. In 2013, a large-scale processing industry was launched next to the production
site. In 2015, the TH Milk group accounts for one-fourth of the national production. According
to the Asian Book of Records, it is the biggest concentrated and high-tech dairy farm in Asia (trang
tri chn nui b sa tp trung ng dng cng ngh cao ln nht chu ). This farm is of great

interest for researchers and experts working in the dairy sector because it provides a new
perspective of agriculture development.
However, this type of large-scale operation raises a lot of questions related to the
sustainability of such a big investment. The scientific community has to provide data and
prospects on the economic and environmental impacts and sustainability of such a big project.
The objective is to support policy decision for a sustainable future of the dairy sector.

Decision 167/2001/QD-TTg of the Price Minister dated on 26 October 2010 on some solutions for development
of dairy cow production for the period of 2001-2010
Decision No 10/2008/QTTg of the Prime Minister dated 10 January 2008 on Livestock development strategy
to 2020
Decision 984/QD-BNN-CN of MARD dated 14 May 2014 on Restructuration plan of the livestock sector
towards enhancing added value and sustainable development.
The dairy development trend in Vietnam can be compared to the strong and deep transformation of Chinese
dairy sector. The TH milk farm is one example of the new large scale investment in agriculture that are being
made in Asia and elsewhere in the world, in particular in the livestock sector.

Presentation of the TH Group7

The TH group is a financial structure who controls 3 companies:
The milk farm is registered under the name of the TH Milk Food JSC. (Cng ty c
phn thc phm sa TH)
The dairy plant is owned and managed by the TH milk JSC. (Cng ty c phn sa
The distribution network corresponds to the TH food chain JSC. (Cng ty C phn
Chui Thc phm TH).
A capital of more than 1.2 million US$
The investors of the TH Group are mostly private. The chairwoman of the TH Group is Mrs
Thi Th Hng who is ranked by Forbes as the 50th position in the list of 2015 Asia's Power
Businesswomen8. Thi Hng has been Deputy Chair and CEO of BAC A Bank (North Asia
Joint Stock Bank) since 1994. She is the co-founder of the bank with Trn Th Thong and
she controls 7% of then bank bounds. Bac A Bank is the TH project's investment advisory.
The TH Group was founded in 2009. From 2009 and 2012, the CEO of TH Milk Food JSC
was Tran Bao Minh who is now CEO of IDP JSC, a well-known Vietnamese dairy plant
based in Ba V district (Hanoi capital region). Prior to TH Group, Tran Bao Minh worked for
Vinamilk and other successful brands. In 2012, Thi Hng became CEO of TH Milk Food
The investment of TH Milk Food JSC was estimated $US 350 million (2012) and is claimed
to be $US 1.2 billion in 2015 9. It is expected to rise in the second phase up to 1.5 billion $US
by 2017. TH Group targets 137 000 dairy cows by 2017 and 200 000 dairy cows by 2020.
Mrs Thi Hng is presented has the owner of TH True Milk JSC but in fact she owns only
2% of the TH Group as well as ng Thi Nguyn and Truong Thi Kim Thu10. The 94% of
investors are other economic entities.
According to Forbes, TH Group has invested $US 450 million to import and raise cows.TH
Group estimates its 2014 revenue exceeded $US 200 million11.
In addition, the Israeli Government has committed an investment of US$ 100 million to the
TH true Milk for 10-year, starting in 2013.

See TH milk, 2014 : The TH truebook (in Vietnamese), published by Cng ty C Phn Chui thc phm TH,
Ngh An, 83 p. See also TH milk web site
Another interesting women profile in the Vietnam dairy industry is Mrs Mai Kiu Lin, CEO of Vinamilk
See, 20/03/2015)
(visited, 20/03/2015)
11 (visited, 20/03/2015)

Vision of the TH group

The TH Group aims to become the Vietnams leading manufacturer of dairy products. Today
TH Group is the second-ranked dairy manufacturer, behind Vinamilk JSC, in Vietnam. The
objective of the company is to meet 50% of the national milk demand by 2020.
The core of the strategy of the group is anchored in the concept of True Milk or True
natural Milk (tht s thin nhin), i.e. it does not use powder milk for processing The
company is proud of the fact that:
All products are made from fresh clean pure milk
produced in the TH commercial farm
(Hon ton t sa ti nguyn cht ca trang tri TH)
For this reason, all the products are sold under the brand TH True Milk.

THs milestones

Welcoming the 1st cow to Vietnam

Commencing construction of TH Fresh and Clean Milk Plant
First milk harvesting when the first calf called May was born
Launching TH True Milk
THs traditional day
Opening Hero store under TH true mart chain in Hanoi
Opening Hero store under TH true mart in Ho Chi Minh city
International Dairy conference and Launching of UHT Fresh Milk
Nutrient Added
Opening Ceremony of TH Fresh and Clean Milk Plant (Phase 1)
Launching TH true Yogurt
Launching Home Delivery Services
Launching TH School Milk
Launching Top Kid formula fresh milks for children of 1-6 years old
Achieving a record of Asias biggest centralized dairy farm with Hi-tech
application in Asia
Launching pasteurized fresh and clean TH true Milk
Source : TH milk dairy web site

The TH Dairy farm: spatial and technical organization

The TH farm complex is located in Ngh An province, 250 km from Hano. The farm
complex is built in two communes of the Ngha n district: Ngha Sn and Ngha Hi. The
nearest town is Tha Ha located at around 10 km. The exact position of plants is latitude
1924'N and longitude 10526'E.
Organisation of TH farm
The farm complex is run through a pyramidal system of clusters (cm) of farms (tri).
Currently, there are two Clusters in operation: The Cluster n1 is composed by 3 farms (n1,2
and 3); the Cluster n2 encompasses 3 farms (n4,5 and 6) and a quarantine farm (no 7). Two
other clusters are now under construction: Cluster n3 having two farms (n8 and 9); and
Cluster n4 with 3 farms (n 10, 11 and 12).

Organization of a Farm Cluster in TH True Milk






Capacity:30,000m /day(2


Capacity:1500m ;Technology:Aqua(Netherlands)







Satellite image analysis

Images available on Google Earth from CNES/Astrium at the date of 10/05/2013 give precise
details of farm infrastructures. Two farms clusters are already constructed. The total surface
area of the industrial farm is 83.23 ha for the first cluster and 79.5 ha for the second cluster.
The third farm cluster was under construction the 29/12/2014. The new milk barns area is
expected to reach 117.3 ha. In total, TH Farms construction needed at least 280 ha of land.
Google Images also give other interesting information in manure management.
Farm Cluster N1 (with Headquarter), Farm Cluster n2 (with quarantine farm), Farm Cluster
n3 (under construction)

Manure management next to Farm cluster n1 and farm cluster n2

TH group imports dairy cows from several countries: Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay,
Canada and United State. No reference to China. Animal breed is 100% Holstein-Friesian

Livestock herd management: individual and automatic recording scheme

By November 2013 the herd at the project was composed of 13,450 cows and 12,800
heifers12. All of them were pure-bred Holstein cows from New-Zeland (imports stopped in
2012). According to De Heus, the TH farm was at 31 000 dairy cows in May 2014. In June
2015, the number of animals raised by TH farm is officially 44 000 dairy cows among which
22 000 lactating cows.
Herd management tools are those provided by the Afimilk company13. They are based on an
individual recording scheme, using the AfiFarm Software. Each cow is provided with (i) an
electronic chip; (ii) a pedometer attached to one foot in order to follow its activity. The
electronic Chip allows to registering the quantity of milk produced at each milking sequence,
as well as the microbiologic quality of milk measured by electrical conductivity.

Milk production:
Each farm has its own milking facility which has a capacity of 120 cows at the same time.

According the Vietnamese newspaper, the production objectives of the farm was 200 000 tons
per year at the beginning of the project14. According to Afimilk, the company transformed
300 tons per day (109 500 tons per year) in 2012 and would reach 500 tons per day in 2015
(182 500 tons per year). In June 2015, according to Mr Tn, director of the milk processing
plant met during the visit, the production was 450 tonnes/day and may reach 500 tonnes/day
in the winter, which meets the objectives of the company.


A production of 450 000 litres of milk from 22 000 milking dairy cows is equivalent to an
average production of 20 liters/day/milking animal. This production average is reasonably
high for a pure-bred Holstein cow in hot environment.
Human resources and work force
The farm is supported by international technical consultants and high technologies
- Management of the herd: Afimilk Israel
- Veterinary support: New Zealand
- Financial management: Germany
- Water filtration: Israel
- Wastewater treatment: Aqua (Netherlands)
- Processing: Liquid milk (Tektra Park Sweden); yogurt (Germany), packaging (Italy),
This high technology requires a heavy training for all staff. Management staff usually follows
6-month training.
In June 2015, there were around 1800 workers for TH Group :
1300 on the farm
100 for the cultivation area
500 in the milk processing plant
Manure and water management
The solid part of the manure is managed in the barn by deep litters (m lt sinh hc).
Those litters are a good fertilizer and they are sold to rubber or coffee plantations.
The liquid part of the effluents is treated in an industrial station. The water is processed
through three stages: sedimentation, strainer (this stage, the water is still yellow, see herebelow right) and treatment with chlorine (bleach water). The treated water is rejected into the
nearby lake. Treatment capacity: 60m3/h = 1500 m3/day

According to some newspapers, the risk of pollution of the surrounding areas is very high, in
particular when heavy rains and typhoons are to take place at the end of the summer. A
journalist estimates that around 600 households have been affected by pollution from the farm
in 2013, which involves pollution of fish pounds, rice fields and underground water drilling15.



The farms also pump water from the lake to water the cows. In the area, now there are more
than 100 lakes, large and small dams that can meet demand for the farms:
- Cluster No 1: 70,000 m3 of water reserves
- Cluster No 2: 50.000 m3 of water reserves
This water is filtered before being given to the animals.
Animal Feed
The management of feed is based on a Total Mix Ration (TMR) approach using a computer
software. The ration is based on mixing together (i) a fodder ration based on silage; (ii) a
concentrate industrial feed; (iii) other supplements such as salts and nutriments. Some
automatic mixers are used to feed the trucks from the silage area to deliver the farms.

The silage mixture is based on different fodders: maize, Mombasa Guinea grass (Panicum
maximum), and other imported raw material such as Alpha-alpha dry hay and soja envelops
(v u tng) In 2015, the need for fodders was estimated to 850 to 1000 tons/day or
310 250 to 365 000 tons per year. Each of the 44 000 cows needs around 7 tons of fodders per
year, i.e. 20 kg/day. The farm also producers sunflower and peas.
The industrial concentrates are supplied by 4 international feed companies, namely CP, CG,
JAPFA and De Heus. They all process concentrates upon formula pre-determined and ordered
by TH
Feed cultivation
The fresh fodders are from 2 origins:
Fodders cultivated on the farm. In July 2014, the farm recognized cultivating 4000
ha of maize, Mombasa Guinea grass (Panicum maximum), Mulato and Sorghum.
Those 4000 ha are part of the 8000 ha claimed by the Farm (see above: access to land
tenure). Est. annual forage production: 40 000 tons of dry matter (10 tons DM/ha)
Maize and other fodders bought from small-holder farmers on contractual basis.
Daily average purchase is about 400-500 tons of corn the whole year round. Est.

annual purchases of fodders: 28 000 tons of dry matter (17 % of dry matter for green

A field cultivated by TH (see water aspersers)

Trucks providing maize to the silage area

TH farm is managing experimentation of Super Sorghum with Japanese consortium16. The

super sorghum has a potential yield of 430 tons/ha. This plant needs a huge quantity of
nutriments but gives on small plots very high biomass production.
Access to land and land tenure
In June 2015, the TH farm claims to have access to 8100 ha of agricultural land to produce
fodder for dairy cows. One subsidiary of the company also produces vegetables. The Farms
uses 1000 ha to build the farms and the factory.

This land was formally owned by some State farms (Nng lm trng) which had been
established in the 1950s: the Ty Hiu State Farm, the ng Hiu State Farm, the State farm
of the 1st of May (1-5), the State Farm of the 19th of May (19-5) and the C State farm17.
Totally, the area of those former State Farms is estimated to 8 000 ha. However, we did not
understand yet by which process those former State farms where converted into land used by
In 2015, the web site of the company claims having access potentially to 37 000 ha (target by
the end of Phase II).

See (in Vietnamese) : In 1963, those 5 state farms nng trng
were created in the Ngha n district


Capture of the screen on in June 2015

mentioning the 37 000 ha

But in June 2015 (end of phase I), the farm only cultivate less than 8 000 ha. No land from
private farmers is said to have been cultivated yet.
Production standards and certification
The TH milk farm is not engaged in applying for the Globalgap certificate. The company
does not want to apply for Vietgap certificate.

The TH processing factory and commercial facilities

TH true Milk plant/complex
The milk plant is claimed to be the largest milk processing plan/ complex in South-East Asia.
It is located along the main HCM trail in the Ngha Bnh commune of the Ngha n District.

Dairy products
All products are made from fresh milk collected at the farm and are sold under the Brand TH
True Milk. The company produces 4 main types of products:
UHT sterilized fresh milk (sa ti sch tit trng) The milk is heated to 137C and
then cooled within 10 seconds to 20C.


Pasteurized fresh milk (sa ti sch thanh trng). The milk is heated to 75C and
then cooled within 20 seconds. This is only a new market, very thin.
Yoghurt (or Yogurt) in pots (sa chua n) that follows the international standards
and are made with acidophilus
Drinking yoghurts (or Yogurt) in bottles (sa chua ung) that do not follow
international standards and are made from paracasei. We shall call those products
fermented milks or lactic acid drinks

There are 4 different areas in the factory for processing activities: (i) the sterilization and
pasteurization room; (ii) the fermentation room for yoghurt making; (iii) the packaging room;
and (iv) the logistics area.
Price of products on the Hanoi market: 30 to 34 000 VND/liter for liquid milk.
The marketing focuses on healthy and secure
The company accounts for 50% of the fresh milk market share in the North and 35% of the
market share in the South of the country. The distribution of the TH milk products is managed
by the subsidiary TH food chain JSC. The products are sold to consumers through specialized
shops TH True Mart and through other supermarkets and minimarkets. This strategy based
on specialized TH milk distribution shops is unique in Vietnam. It illustrates the efforts of the
company to differentiate the product from its competitors. This strategy requires major
investments of TH food chain JSC in commercial facilities in order to promote the image of
its products.
The marketing of TH True Milk JSC is based on calcium supplement, health, natural products
and food security. The company wants to be as transparent as possible for consumers. The
theme of transparency is fully integrated in the discourse of the chairman Thi Hng. The
company shows every step of milk production from harvesting the crops to dairy farming
system and processing dairy products. TH Milk Food JSC provides many products as UHT
pure milk, UHT less sugar, UHT sugar with many flavors, TH True Milk with Collagen
additional specializing for women, All of milk products are in closed process which is
controlled strictly and managed carefully, as a result, the quality of milk is high.

Acces to media
One key of TH True Milk development is the access to media. From internet to television, the
marketing of the brand uses all mass media channels. This privileged access has to be linked
with political support. The morning after 2015 Tt celebration, TH true Milk had a one-hour


documentary on the quality of their products and the official support of government on the
development of the brand activity. The advertising documentary shows the strong public
private partnership.

Political support and corporate social responsibility

Political support at the highest level
The company is very well organized and pays much attention to its general communication at
the local level as well at the national level. The former general Secretary of the Communist
party of the District joins TH Company following his retirement. The General Secretary of the
Political party, the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic and many important
personalities at home and abroad have visited the farm, or have recognized the success of the
TH project.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Many activities are undergone to promote a good image of the company at the local level, i.e.
a company well integrated in its landscape and in coherence with the local development
project. The company is essential in the Master Plan of the Ngha n District.

A ceremony at the TH milk factory with H.E. Cao c Pht, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,
and Mrs Thi Hng, president of the TH group on May 17th 2015

The following social activities are conducted, among others, by the company:

English School for local primary pupils

Scholarships to students of the District
Free deliveries of products to schools (School Milk Compaign), Hospitals or to local
Support to mother heroes
Support to building roads

Questions on the sustainability of the TH project

The TH group is proud of its success. The project is technically a wonderful project, and it
certainly gives some ideas to many entrepreneurs. The TH milk project gives a new
orientation for the future development of industrial livestock farms in Asia and in other


However, the study of the project reveals some risks or weaknesses that may be studied in
order to evaluate the sustainability of the whole project. 3 main emerging questions are:
1. Does TH have a sustainable access to land for cultivation?
Our research is not yet clear about the figures given by the company on the land that is
currently cultivated or that shall be cultivated in the future. Does the company cultivate 4000
ha or 8 000 ha ? How will the company access s 37 000 ha? Does the company face difficulty
to access those land? Is the land currently cultivated only the land of the former state farms?
What is the real Master Plan of the district and when will it be implemented? What are the
real intension of the TH milk company to buy land in the Dak Lak and Thanh Hoa
These questions are related to the social sustainability of the project. In order to assess the
social impact of the Farm settlement, and in particular the number of farmers that might have
been exited out of their land, we need to know exactly the size of the cultivation area and the
number of producers who were settled down on this area before the installation of TH. A
study of the transformation of the former State Farms would be useful to answer these
questions. It would be also interesting to review the Ngha n District development plan.
On the contrary, a large number of farmers are involved in contractual production of maize
for the company. What is the total area cultivated in this context? What is the social impact of
this new market for local farming systems ?
Another issue is related to the employment offered by farmers formerly working on the land
used by the Company. Until know, the company claims that in each family who had leaved on
the area of the former state farms before the installation of TH milk, at least 1 person was
recruited by TH. Could we confirm this assertion?
2. Does TH manage sustainably the livestock effluents from all its farms?
Some information published in the daily Press in Vietnam seems to show that some of the TH
farms are not equipped yet with an optimal system of effluent management. Because of that,
many farmers (600) have been affected by pollution from the farm according to the District
This question is related to environmental sustainability. Where some of those farmers
relocated? Are there other communities threatened by this pollution? What is the real
effectiveness of the water treatment station? What are the effects of heavy rains on the manure
treatment systems? What is the long term impact of the farm on the local water lakes ?
3. What is the real production cost of the TH milk farms?
This question was not answered during our visit. However, the milk production company is
independent from the processing and commercial facilities, and has its own accountability.


Why is this figure not available? What are the real benefits of the TH group? What is the level
of the financial charges and their impact on the results of the farm?
The question is related to the economic profitability of the operation. Currently, the milk
prices are quite high in Vietnam. But in the future, TH milk may face milk prices volatility
and may therefore become more vulnerable than small farms. In the history, family
agriculture has always show its plasticity compared to industrial agriculture because its ability
to reduce family labor costs in case of price fall down.
4. Some key performance indicators
The table below compares the performances of the TH milk company with those of
smallholder farms in Bavi

TH Milk

Dairy smallholder
farms in Bavi (aver.)

Number of workers
Farm area (total) in ha
Fodder crops area in ha
Production of feed on farm in tons
/year/dairy cow (est.)
Number of dairy cows (total)
Number of milking cows
Production of milk (total) in kg/day
Production of milk (total) in tons/year
Productivity per cow in kg/day
Productivity per milking cow in kg/day
Productivity per worker in kg/day
Fodder crops area per cow in ha
Turn-over (in million VND per worker
and per year (our estimation)
Other non-milk agricultural activity
Share of milk activity in income
Use of imported dry hay
Source : Revalter surveys, see in particular : Pham Duy Khanh et al., 201521



Pham Duy Khanh, N. Hostiou, S. Messad, S. Cournut, G. Duteurtre, 2015: Typology of dairy farms in Ba
Vi, working document, Revalter project, CIRAD, RUDEC, Janv 2015, 52 p.


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