Masturbation Fact Sheet

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MASTURBATION MONTH FACT SHEET Wewee KEY TAKEAWAYS Masturbation Mindset ~ Men tend to be either spontaneous or routine masturbators. Those who fallin the routine category use it help with stress, trouble sleeping or lack of focus. Spontaneous masturbators tend to decrease frequency when in a relationship, but routine masturbators maintain ther ritual. Visualization is Key ~ 73% of US men watch pom at least once a week (56% more than once a week) showing the importance of visualization whether itbe through pornography or fantasizing about a previous sexual encounter. Part of a Healthy Lifestyle~ Masturbation is a part of everyday life for men, it satisfies 2 physical need and is part of a healthy Iestyle. The majorty of men continue to masturbate even when In a relationship, and over 1/3 of US men report that thelr partner knows when and where they masturbate, Privacy, Please! ~ The main reason US men won't mastubrate is due to a lack of privacy, closely followed by not feeling the Lurge/not being in the mood, Masturbation Loves Company ~ Men report the best way to make a good thing better is to add In a helping hand, Involving a pariner is seen a big benefit io improving men's masturbation, even iit just to keep them company. US NUMBERS AT A GLANCE GEOGRAPHIC CONTRASTS: What's Your Fantasy? 81% of US men reportedly masturbate when they fantasize about an attractive person, 80% when they have access to porn, and 74% when thinking about a previous sexual encounter I's Natural and Needed Just tke food, exercise and sleep are considered et er ea important for your well-being, 80% of US men reported that masturbation is an ae ‘essential part ofa healthy Mesiyle and 85% says it salisfies a natural physical Pere eens eed more open to the idea of wearing sex toys underneath their Not Just for Singles As an activity that helps destress, focus and better sleep, poeriarero ‘men in relationships sil find masturbation important. 75% of US men reported that cee ar] they stil ike to masturbate when they are in a relationship Seu i tu pera eet ay ‘Sex Toy Experiment 8 out of 10 US men have tied a sex toy and lke to ‘experiment to make masturbating even more pleasureable ‘Only When Feeling Frisky The biggest barrier to masturbation was lack of privacy (46%), though not having the urge or feeling in the mood (38% and 36%, ‘espectively) were also common barriers ‘Toys Are for Everyone The overwhelming majority of men (79%) felt that sex toys were for everyone (gay, straight, men and wornen) ‘What About the Guys” Men have been feeling lef out, 65% of men felt as though there weren't enough sex toys specifically designed for them ‘Group Activity! 60% of men sald sex toys are for using witha partner and 58% ‘said they use sex toys primarily during sexual activity with someone else Part ofthe Bedtime Routine The majory of men tke to start and end the day ‘ona positive note wih pleasure! Across all groups, the most common times to Facir ieie aie eeig a + nNL. the anarenes of cock ngs an aterweking IP before gring i sleep nipple clamps was higher than in the lust Do It 7 out of 10 US males see masturbation asa spur ofthe moment US, but appronialaly lov! wth te edison Ux courtiers + Masturbate at night © get to ‘SEXUAL ORIENTATION BREAKDOWN - US ‘sieep—more than in other markets Siralght: Masturbation frequency is relatively lower among heterosexuals. These + Dutch man speak ina far more ‘weekend warriors favor Friday and Saturday when it comes to tickling their pickles. practical manner about masturbation Gay: Homosexual men are committed! 42% of homesexuals reportedly masturbate amos evry day, more than any ther group wih Monday to Wednesday being he ‘most popular days for masturbation However, wih al hat masturbation they Sl ‘manage to Keep ther “personal ime" om her partner. Homosexuals were mote Tkly © masturbate when they have accuss fo pon, more than any ahr group ABOUT THE SURVEY | 1: While bisewals were mostly © masturoatesbout ce porweek dung the | Sree muncng ie vibe fat net week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), they were more likely than the hetero rings, Pivot and Vergae, we asked 1,805 men ‘roup fo ute a varity of techniques. 1st tar maureion aster ste Shas came fom tes courites OSHS 1 out of 3 heterosexuals and bisexuals say masturbation is also a way to keep the (20, Ux; N= 0 and te Neterance; prostate heathy £58) andepredraabatg ot permonth.

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