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Santa Clara – Civil

  Electronically Filed
1 BOTTINI & BOTTINI, INC.  by Superior Court of CA,
Francis A. Bottini, Jr. (SBN 175783)  County of Santa Clara,
2 on 3/11/2019 11:35 AM
Albert Y. Chang (SBN 296065) 
Reviewed By: R. Walker
3 Yury A. Kolesnikov (SBN 271173)  Case #19CV343672
7817 Ivanhoe Avenue, Suite 102  Envelope: 2609955
La Jolla, California 92037 
5 Telephone:  (858) 914‐2001 
Facsimile:    (858) 914‐2002 
Louise H. Renne (SBN 36508) 
8 Ann M. Ravel (Of Counsel) (SBN 62139) 
350 Sansome Street, Suite 300 
San Francisco, CA 94101 
10 Telephone:  (415) 848‐7200 
Facsimile:  (415) 848‐7230 
Attorneys for Plaintiff James Martin  
15 JAMES MARTIN, derivatively on behalf of    Case No. 19CV343672 
SUNDAR PICHAI, K. RAM SHRIRAM,    Judge:     The Honorable Brian C. Walsh 
23 SHIRLEY M. TILGHMAN, DAVID C.  Dept.:      1 
24 DRUMMOND, and DOES 1–30, 
– and – 
Nominal Defendant.

                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
I.  NATURE AND SUMMARY OF THE ACTION ...........................................................5 

4 II.  JURISDICTION AND VENUE ......................................................................................10 

5 III.  THE PARTIES ..................................................................................................................11 

6 A.  Plaintiff .................................................................................................................11 
B.  Nominal Defendant ............................................................................................11 
C.  Executive Officer Defendants ............................................................................11 
D.  Director Defendants ............................................................................................15 

11 E.  Former Director Defendant Tilghman .............................................................18 

12 F.  Doe Defendants ...................................................................................................19 

13 G.  Unnamed Participants ........................................................................................19 
A.  Responsibilities of the Individual Defendants................................................20 
B.  Fiduciary Duties of the Individual Defendants ..............................................25 

18 C.  Breaches of Fiduciary Duties by Individual Defendants ..............................26 

19 D.  Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting, and Concerted Action ............................27 
20 V.  SUBSTANTIVE ALLEGATIONS ..................................................................................28 
A.  Defendants Brin and Page, the Company’s Co‐Founders, as Well as 
22 Other Senior Executives, Set the Tone at the Top by Dating 
Employees and Having Extra‐Marital Affairs ................................................29 

24 B.  In 2014 the Individual Defendants Investigated Allegations of 
Sexual Harassment by Defendant Rubin, and Found the Allegations 
25 To Be Credible, But Concealed Rubin’s Harassment and Instead 
26 Gave Him a Hero’s Farewell by Paying Him $90 Million in 
Severance ..............................................................................................................31 



2 C.  The Board of Directors’ and Other Defendants’ Active, Direct, and 
Intentional Role in the Wrongdoing.................................................................33 
D.  Alphabet’s Current Board Failed to Come Clean in Late 2017, Even 
After a News Report Surfaced That Suggested Impropriety by Rubin ......43 
E.  Google Paid Another Executive, Amit Singhal, Millions After He 
Sexually Harassed Google Employees .............................................................44 
F.  Google Asked Other Victims of Sexual Harassment to “Stay Quiet” 
8 After Their Allegations of Harassment Were Found to Be Credible ...........46 
G.  The Director Defendants Caused Google to File False Financial 
10 Statements With the SEC ...................................................................................48 

11 H.  The Board’s Conduct Has Caused Substantial Damage to the 
12 Company ..............................................................................................................51 

DEFENDANTS ................................................................................................................55 

15 VII.  DAMAGES TO ALPHABET AND GOOGLE .............................................................59 

16 VIII.  DERIVATIVE AND DEMAND FUTILITY ALLEGATIONS ...................................60 

17 A.  Demand Is Futile Because the Demand Directors Lack Independence ......60 
B.  At the Outset, Demand Is Futile as to Defendants Page, Brin, 
19 Schmidt, Greene and Pichai Because, as Alphabet Admits, These 
“Inside” Demand Directors Lack Independence............................................61 

21 C.  Demand Is Futile Because Defendants Page, Brin, and Schmidt 
Dominate and Control the Board .....................................................................61 
D.  Demand is Futile Because a Majority of the Board Completely 
Abdicated Its Fiduciary Duties .........................................................................64 
E.  Demand Is Futile Because a Majority of the Board Cannot Conduct 
an Independent and Objective Investigation of the Misconduct Due 
26 to Their Close Professional and Personal Relationships ...............................65 



2 F.  Demand Is Futile Because the Demand Defendants Face a 
Substantial Likelihood of Liability for Their Misconduct .............................73 
G.  The Statute of Limitations Does Not Bar Plaintiff’s Claims or, 
Alternatively, Was Tolled ..................................................................................76 
IX.  CAUSES OF ACTION ....................................................................................................77 

7 X.  PRAYER FOR RELIEF ....................................................................................................79 



1 Plaintiff  James  Martin  (“Plaintiff”),  by  and  through  his  undersigned  attorneys, 

2 submits  this  Amended  Shareholder  Derivative  Complaint  against  certain  directors  and 

3 officers  of  nominal  defendant  Alphabet  Inc.  (“Alphabet”  or  the  “Company”),  in 

4 connection with their breaches of fiduciary duties.  In support of these claims, Plaintiff 

5 alleges the following (1) upon personal knowledge with respect to the matters pertaining 

6 to himself; and (2) upon information and belief with respect to all other matters, based 

7 upon, inter alia, the investigations undertaken by his counsel, which include a review of 

8 documents  produced  by  Alphabet  in  response  to  Plaintiff’s  shareholder  inspection 

9 demand, a review of Alphabet’s legal and regulatory filings, press releases, SEC filings, 

10 analyst reports, and media reports about the Company. Plaintiff believes that substantial 

11 additional  evidentiary  support  will  exist  for  the  allegations  set  forth  below  after  a 

12 reasonable opportunity for discovery. 

14 1. Plaintiff  brings  this  shareholder  derivative  action  against  certain  officers 

15 and  directors  of  Alphabet,  the  parent  company  of  Google  LLC  (“Google”),1  for  their 

16 active and direct participation in a multi‐year scheme to cover up sexual harassment and 

17 discrimination at Alphabet. 

18 2. The  Individual  Defendants’  misconduct  has  caused  severe  financial  and 

19 reputational  damage  to  both  Google  and  Alphabet.    As  one  current  Google  employee 

20 succinctly put it: 
21 When  Google  covers  up  harassment  and  passes  the  trash,  it 
contributes  to  an  environment  where  people  don’t  feel  safe  reporting 
22 misconduct.    They  suspect  that  nothing  will  happen  or,  worse,  that  the 
men will be paid and the women will be pushed aside. 


1 Google is one of Alphabet’s subsidiaries.  As part of Alphabet’s reorganization in 
26 2017, Google Inc. was converted into a limited liability company. 




1 See  Daisuke  Wakabayashi  and  Katie  Benner,  “How  Google  Protected  Andy  Rubin,  the 

2 ‘Father  of  Android,”  THE  NEW  YORK  TIMES  (Oct.  25,  2018)  (quoting  Liz  Fong‐Jones,  a 

3 Google engineer).   

4 3. The  Individual  Defendants  knew  about  sexual  harassment  by  numerous 

5 senior  Google  executives,  including  defendant  Andy  Rubin  (the  creator  of  Android 

6 mobile  software),  against  whom  credible  allegations  of  sexual  misconduct  were 

7 confirmed  through  an  internal  investigation.    Instead  of  disciplining  these  senior 

8 executives,  however,  the  Individual  Defendants  protected  them.    The  Individual 

9 Defendants failed to timely disclose the harassment, and then attempted to cover up the 

10 harassment when news reports began to suggest that egregious sexual harassment and 

11 discrimination had occurred at Google.   

12 4. For  example,  in  Rubin’s  case,  Rubin  was  allowed  to  quietly  resign  by 

13 defendants  Larry  Page  and  Sergey  Brin  (Google’s  co‐founders  and  Alphabet’s 

14 controlling shareholders) after an internal investigation found the allegations of sexual 

15 harassment by Rubin to be credible.  As reported by The New York Times on October 

16 26, 2018, Rubin coerced a Google employee to perform sex acts in 2013, while he was a 

17 Google senior executive: 
18 [A]n  employee  had  accused  Mr.  Rubin  of  sexual  misconduct.    The 
woman,  with  whom  Mr.  Rubin  had  been  having  an  extra‐marital 
19 relationship, said he coerced her into performing oral sex in a hotel room in 
2013 ….  Google investigated and concluded her claim was credible …. 
See Daisuke Wakabayashi & Katie Benner, “How Google Has Protected Its Elite Men,” THE 
NEW YORK TIMES (Oct. 26, 2018).   
5. While  at  Google,  Rubin  is  also  alleged  to  have  engaged  in  human  sex 
trafficking –  paying  hundreds  of thousands of  dollars to  women to be,  in Rubin’s  own 
words, “owned” by him.  Google, meanwhile, has paid lobbyists to oppose legislation in 
Washington  that  had  bi‐partisan  support  and  sought  to  combat  human  sex  trafficking.  
See David McCabe, “Sex Trafficking Bill Hits a Nerve in Silicon Valley,” AXIOS, Sept. 7, 
2017 (noting that Google’s “trade associations and the think tanks they fund have come 


1 out swinging against the bill.”). See also Lisa Correnti, “Google Attempts to Block Bill to 

2 Hold  Sex‐Traffickers  Accountable,”  CENTER  FOR  HUMAN  AND  FAMILY  RIGHTS,  Aug.  24, 

3 2017,  available  at  https://c‐fam.org/friday_fax/google‐attempts‐block‐bill‐hold‐sex‐

4 traffickers‐accountable/ last visited Jan. 5, 2019 (“Google and the tech lobby are working 

5 to derail the passage of a bill to protect girls from online sex traffickers.”).2   

6 6. However,  rather  than firing Rubin for cause, Brin and Page gave  Rubin a 

7 hero’s  farewell.    Together  with  other  members  of  Alphabet’s  Board  of  Directors  (the 

8 “Board”),  Brin  and  Page  allow  Rubin  to  resign  and  approved  a  $90  million  “exit 

9 package,” as a goodbye present to him.  No mention, of course, was made about the true 

10 reason  for  Rubin’s  “resignation”  —  his  egregious  sexual  harassment  while  at  Google.  

11 Instead, Page said in a public statement: “I want to wish Andy all the best with what’s 

12 next”!3   After Mr. Rubin left, Google also invested millions of dollars in his next venture. 

13 7. Similarly,  Amit  Singhal,  a  senior  executive  at  Google,  was  allowed  to 

14 quietly resign at Google in 2016 in the wake of credible allegations of sexual harassment, 

15 and  was  paid  millions  in  severance.    He  then  joined  Uber,  but  failed  to  disclose  the 

16 allegations.    He  was  fired  by  Uber  in  February  2017  for  failing  to  disclose  the  credible 

17 allegations of sexual harassment while at Google.  Google never disclosed the reason for 

18 Singhal’s departure.  


2  See  also  John  M.  Simpson,  Consumer  Watchdog  blog,  available  at 
22 defense‐child‐sex‐trafficking‐hub,  last  visited Jan.  5,  2019 (“A  coalition  of  anti‐child  sex 
trafficking  and  public  interest  groups,  and  the  mother  of  a  trafficking  victim,  today 
23 released a report detailing how a Google‐funded campaign protects a law that shields a 
notorious  hub  of  child  sex‐trafficking,  Backpage.com,  from  any  accountability  for  its 
24 activities.”).  

25   See  Daisuke  Wakabayashi  &  Katie  Benner,  “How  Google  Has  Protected  Its  Elite 

Men,” THE NEW YORK TIMES (Oct. 26, 2018).   



1 8. When Google employees found out about the Board’s deliberate cover‐up 

2 of  sexual  harassment  by  top‐level  executives,  they  were  furious.    Tens  of  thousands  of 

3 Google  employees  engaged  in  a  coordinated  “walk‐out”  to  protest  the  Board’s 

4 wrongdoing on November 1, 2018: 
5 Thousands of Google employees around the world staged a series of 
walkouts Thursday to protest a workplace culture that they say promotes 
6 and protects perpetrators of sexual harassment at the tech giant. 
7 See  Douglas  MacMillan  et  al.,  “Google  Employees  Stage  Global  Walkout  Over  Treatment  of 

8 Sexual Harassment,” THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (Nov. 1, 2018).  See also Exhibit A.  

9 9. Touting  its  mottos  of  “Don’t  Be  Evil”  and  “Do  the  Right  Thing,”  Google 

10 frequently  states  that  the  Board  is  held  to  the  highest  level  of  ethics.    However,  as 

11 demonstrated  herein,  this  statement  is  false  and,  in  practice,  Alphabet’s  Board 

12 employed a completely dual and contradictory standard:  If you were a high‐level male 

13 executive  at  Google  responsible  for  generating  millions  of  dollars  in  revenue,  Google 

14 would let you engage in sexual harassment.  And if you get caught, Google would keep 

15 it quiet, let you resign, and pay you millions of dollars in severance. 

16 10.  On the other hand, if you were a low‐level employee at Google and were 

17 accused of sexual harassment or discrimination, you would be fired for cause with no 

18 severance  benefits.   In this way,  Alphabet  and the  Board  were able to maintain optics 

19 and superficial compliance with its code of conduct, internal rules, and laws regarding 

20 sexual harassment.  By appearing to take decisive action against a significant number of 

21 low‐level employees, and by concealing the blatant and widespread sexual harassment 

22 by senior Google executives, the Board avoided a much bigger scandal. 

23 11. The Directors’ wrongful conduct allowed the illegal conduct to proliferate 

24 and continue.  As such, members of Alphabet’s Board were knowing and direct enablers 

25 of  the  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination.    Thus,  the  Board  not  only  violated 

26 California and federal law, it also violated Alphabet’s ethical standards and guidelines 




1 and caused massive employee protests and revolts to occur when the truth came to light 

2 in late October 2018. 

3 12. This  is  not  a  “failure  to  supervise”  case.    The  Board,  as  demonstrated 

4 herein,  was  directly  involved  in  and  approved  the  $90  million  severance  payment  to 

5 Rubin,  was  directly  involved  in  and  approved  the  severance  payment  to  Defendant 

6 Singhal,  who  also  engaged  in  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination,  and  made  a 

7 conscious and intentional (and bad‐faith) decision to conceal the sexual harassment at 

8 Google, thereby also breaching its duties of candor and good faith.   

9 13. The  conduct  of  Rubin  and  other  executives  was  disgusting,  illegal, 

10 immoral,  degrading  to  women,  and  contrary  to  every  principle  that  Google  claims  it 

11 abides by.  Rubin was engaging in sex trafficking of women, and Google itself had found 

12 bondage  videos  on  Rubin’s  work  computer  at  Google.    Far  from  firing  him  for  cause, 

13 Google  and  the  Board  merely  docked  Rubin’s  bonus  slightly  in  the  year  Google 

14 discovered the bondage sex film, and then later gave him a hero’s farewell when he was 

15 finally fired  along  with a  $90 million severance.4 Rubinʹs  ex‐wife  said in a civil  lawsuit 

16 that he had multiple ʺownership relationshipsʺ with other women, with a screenshot of 

17 an email reading, ʺBeing owned is kinda like you are my property, and I can loan you to 

18 other people.ʺ5 

4  See  Corbin  Davenport,  “Google  Allegedly  Paid  $90  Million  Severance  to  Andy 
Rubin  After  Misconduct  Allegation,”  THE  ANDROID  POLICE,  Oct.  30,  2018,  available  at 
21 https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/10/30/google‐allegedly‐paid‐90‐million‐severance‐
andy‐rubin‐misconduct‐allegation/,  last  visited  Jan.  5,  2019.    See  also  Daisuke 
22 Wakabayashi  &  Katie  Benner,  “How  Google  Protected  Andy  Rubin,  the  ‘Father  of 
Android,’” THE  NEW  YORK  TIMES (Oct. 25, 2018) (“Mr. Rubin often berated subordinates 
23 as stupid or incompetent, they said. Google did little to curb that behavior. It took action 
only when security staff found bondage sex videos on Mr. Rubin’s work computer, said 
24 three  former  and  current  Google  executives  briefed  on  the  incident.  That  year,  the 
company  docked  his  bonus,  they  said.”),  available  at 
25 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/25/technology/google‐sexual‐harassment‐andy‐
rubin.html, last visited Jan. 5, 2019.   
26 5 Id.  




1 14. The  Individual  Defendants’  misconduct,  as  set  forth  below,  constitutes 

2 bad  faith  and  disloyal  acts,  giving  rise  to  claims  that  fall  outside  the  scope  of  the 

3 business judgment rule and outside of permissible indemnification by Alphabet.  As a 

4 result,  all  members  of  the  Board  face  a  substantial  likelihood  of  liability  and  any 

5 demand  on  them  to  bring  this  case  would  be  a  futile  and  useless  act.    Moreover,  as 

6 defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  control  the  majority  of  Alphabet’s  voting  power, 

7 they exercise domination and control over Alphabet’s Board and management.  Finally, 

8 as Alphabet admits, five “inside” directors are not independent under Alphabet’s own 

9 “independence standards.”  Plaintiff was therefore excused from making any demand 

10 prior to filing this complaint.  

12 15. This Court has jurisdiction over all causes of action herein pursuant to the 

13 California Constitution, Article VI, section 10, because this case is a cause not given by 

14 statute to other trial courts.  This is a shareholder derivative action brought pursuant to 

15 California Corporations Code section 800 to remedy defendants’ violations of law. 

16 16. The  amount  in  controversy,  exclusive  of  interest  and  costs,  exceeds  the 

17 jurisdictional minimum of this Court.   

18 17. Furthermore,  this  Court  has  general  jurisdiction  over  each  named 

19 defendant  who  is  a  resident  of  California.    Additionally,  this  Court  has  specific 

20 jurisdiction  over  each  non‐resident  defendant  because  these  defendants  maintain 

21 sufficient  minimum  contacts  with  California  as  directors  or  officers  of  Alphabet  and 

22 Google, to render jurisdiction by this Court permissible under traditional notions of fair 

23 play and substantial justice.  Because the claims asserted in this Complaint are brought 

24 derivatively  on  behalf  of  a  California‐headquartered  corporation,  defendants’  conduct 

25 was  purposefully  directed  at  California.    Finally,  exercising  jurisdiction  over  any  non‐

26 resident defendant is reasonable under these circumstances. 



1 18. Venue  is  proper  in  this  Court.    A  substantial  part  of  the  events  or 

2 omissions  giving  rise  to  the  claims  alleged  occurred  in  San  Mateo  County.    Because  a 

3 significant  amount  of  the  harm,  as  well  as  important  evidence,  is  located  within  this 

4 jurisdiction, this is the best venue for this action.  Each defendant has sufficient contacts 

5 with this jurisdiction that venue in this jurisdiction is appropriate.  Moreover, because 

6 several  defendants  (including  Rubin,  Schmidt,  Doerr,  Hennessy,  and  Shriram)  reside 

7 within San Mateo County, the exercise of jurisdiction by this Court is appropriate. 

9 A. Plaintiff 
10 19. Plaintiff  is  a  current  shareholder  of  Alphabet,  and  has  continuously  held 

11 Alphabet stock since at least October 27, 2009.  

12 B. Nominal Defendant 
13 20. Nominal  defendant  Alphabet  Inc.  is  a  Delaware  corporation  with 

14 principal  executive  offices  located  at  1600  Amphitheatre  Parkway,  Mountain  View, 

15 California.  Alphabet’s main subsidiary, Google, is a global technology leader, primarily 

16 focused  around  the  following  key  areas:  search,  advertising,  operating  systems  and 

17 platforms,  enterprise,  and  hardware  products.    Google  generates  most  of  its  revenue 

18 primarily by delivering relevant, cost‐effective online advertising. 

19 C. Executive Officer Defendants 
20 21. Defendant  Lawrence  E.  Page  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

21 member of the Board since September 1998.  Page is Alphabet’s Chief Executive Officer 

22 (“CEO”),  and  has  held  that  position  since  April  2011.    Page  also  held  several  senior 

23 executive  positions  at  Google,  including  President,  Products  from  July  2001  to  April 

24 2011, Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) from September 1998 to July 2002, and CEO from 

25 September 1998 to July 2001.  Page co‐founded Google in 1998.  Since Alphabet’s initial 

26 public  offering  (“IPO”)  in  2004,  Page  has  continuously  owned  over  40%  of  Alphabet’s 

27 Class B common stock, and controlled over 25% of Alphabet’s total voting power.  Page, 


1 together with defendants Sergey Brin, Eric E. Schmidt, and John Doerr, exercise control 

2 and  domination  over  the  Board.    As  admitted  in  Alphabet’s  April  27,  2018  Proxy 

3 Statement,  Page  is  not  an  independent  director  under  Alphabet’s  own  “independence 

4 standards,”  which  “mirror  the  criteria  specified  by  applicable  laws  and  regulations  of 

5 the SEC and the Listing Rules of NASDAQ.”  Page knowingly or recklessly: (a) failed to 

6 implement  and  maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at  Alphabet;  (b)  fostered  a  culture 

7 that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination  at  Google;  (c)  actively 

8 participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (d)  failed  to 

9 ensure  that  Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual  harassment 

10 and discrimination. 

11 22. Defendant Sergey Brin is a director of Alphabet and has been a member of 

12 the Board since September 1998.  Brin currently directs special projects for Google.  Brin 

13 was  Google’s  President  of  Technology  from  July  2001  to  April  2011  and  President  and 

14 Chairman  of  the  Board  from  September  1998  to  July  2001.    Brin  co‐founded  Google  in 

15 1998.    Since  Alphabet’s  IPO  in  2004,  Brin  has  continuously  owned  over  40%  of 

16 Alphabet’s  Class  B  common  stock,  and  controlled  over  25%  of  Alphabet’s  total  voting 

17 power.  Thus, Brin and Page together control the majority of Alphabet’s voting power.  

18 Brin,  together  with  defendants  Larry  Page,  Eric  E.  Schmidt,  and  John  Doerr,  exercise 

19 control and domination over the Board.  As admitted in Alphabet’s April 27, 2018 Proxy 

20 Statement,  Brin  is  not  an  independent  director  under  Alphabet’s  own  “independence 

21 standards,”  which  “mirror  the  criteria  specified  by  applicable  laws  and  regulations  of 

22 the SEC and the Listing Rules of NASDAQ.”  Brin knowingly or recklessly: (a) failed to 

23 implement  and  maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at  Alphabet;  (b)  fostered  a  culture 

24 that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination  at  Google;  (c)  actively 

25 participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (d)  failed  to 

26 ensure  that  Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual  harassment 

27 and discrimination.   


1 23. Defendant  Eric  E.  Schmidt  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

2 member  of  the  Board  since  March  2001.    Schmidt  has  been  Alphabet’s  Executive 

3 Chairman  of  the  Board  since  April  2011.    Schmidt  was  also  Google’s  CEO  from  July 

4 2001 to April 2011 and Chairman of the Board from April 2007 to April 2011, and from 

5 March  2001  to  April  2004.    Schmidt  was  introduced  to  defendants  Page  and  Brin 

6 through defendant L.  John  Doerr, one of Google’s earliest investors.  Since Alphabet’s 

7 IPO in 2004, Schmidt has continuously owned millions of shares of Alphabet’s Class B 

8 common  stock,  and  controlled  over  5%  of  Alphabet’s  total  voting  power.    Schmidt, 

9 together with defendants Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and John Doerr, exercise control and 

10 domination over the Board.  As admitted in Alphabet’s April 27, 2018 Proxy Statement, 

11 Schmidt  is  not  an  independent  director  under  Alphabet’s  own  “independence 

12 standards,”  which  “mirror  the  criteria  specified  by  applicable  laws  and  regulations  of 

13 the  SEC  and  the  Listing  Rules  of  NASDAQ.”    Schmidt  knowingly  or  recklessly:  (a) 

14 failed to implement and maintain adequate internal controls at Alphabet; (b) fostered a 

15 culture  that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination  at  Google;  (c) 

16 actively  participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (d) 

17 failed  to  ensure  that  Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual 

18 harassment and discrimination. Schmidt lives in Atherton, which is part of San Mateo 

19 County.  

20 24. Defendant Andrew E. Rubin was a senior executive officer at Google from 

21 July 2005 to October 2014.  Rubin became Google’s senior vice president of mobile and 

22 digital  content  in  July  2005,  when  Google  acquired  Android.  In  March  2013,  Rubin 

23 moved  from  Google’s  Android  division  to  take  on  new  projects,  including  the 

24 management of Google’s robotics division.  In 2014, defendant Page (Alphabet’s CEO) 

25 asked  Rubin  to  resign  in  light  of  an  internal  investigation  that  found  allegations  of 

26 sexual  harassment  by  Rubin  to  be  credible.    However,  Alphabet’s  Board,  chaired  by 

27 defendant  Schmidt  at  the  time,  decided  to  conceal  the  allegations  of  harassment  by 


1 Rubin.    Instead  of  firing  Rubin  for  cause,  the  Board  bestowed  a  lavish  $90  million 

2 severance  package  on  him.    After  leaving  Google,  Rubin  co‐founded  incubator 

3 Playground  Global,  where  he  subsequently  developed  Essential  Products,  a  maker  of 

4 technology  devices,  such  as  smartphones.    Google  invested  in  Playground  Global.  

5 Rubin lives in San Mateo County.  

6 25. Defendant  Laszlo  Bock  is  the  former  Senior  Vice  President  of  People  & 

7 Operations  at  Google,  Inc.    While  at  Google,  Bock  was  heavily  involved  in  matters 

8 regarding  the  investigation  of  sexual  harassment  by  executives  at  Google  and  the 

9 payments to Rubin and others to keep the sexual harassment quiet, thereby perpetuating 

10 the serious problems.   

11 26. Defendant  David  C.  Drummond  is  Alphabet’s  Senior  Vice  President  of 

12 corporate  development  and  Chief  Legal  Officer.    Drummond  joined  Google  in  1998 

13 from  Wilson  Sonsini  Goodrich  &  Rosati’s  corporate  transactions  group.    Drummond 

14 was Google’s first outside counsel.  Drummond had an extra‐marital relationship with 

15 one  of  his  subordinates  at  Google,  Jennifer  Blakely,  a  contract  manager  in  the  legal 

16 department who reported to one of Drummond’s deputies.  Drummond concealed his 

17 affair  with  Blakely  from  the  Company  until  he  and  Blakely  had  a  son  in  2007,  after 

18 which Drummond disclosed his relationship with Blakely.  Blakely has alleged that she, 

19 rather  than  Drummond,  was  later  demoted  by  being  transferred  to  sales  in  2007  and 

20 then forced out of the Company a year later.  In late 2008, Drummond ended this extra‐

21 marital relationship and they later fought a custody battle for their son, won by Blakely.  

22 Drummond  has been  paid  about  $190 million in stock  options and  stock  awards  from 

23 Google  since  2011  and  could  earn  up  to  another  $200  million  on  other  options  and 

24 equity awards according to Google filings.  During the time he was receiving these huge 

25 compensation  awards,  Defendant  Drummond  had  knowledge  of  pervasive  sexual 

26 harassment  by  Google  executives  and  was  complicit  in  failing  to  disclose  the 

27 harassment and taking steps to cover it up. 


1 27. Defendant Sundar Pichai is director of Alphabet and has been a member of 

2 the Board since July 2017.  Pichai is also Google’s CEO, and has held that position since 

3 October  2015.    Previously,  Pichai  was  Google’s  Product  Chief.    As  admitted  in 

4 Alphabet’s April 27, 2018 Proxy Statement, Pichai is not an independent director under 

5 Alphabet’s  own  “independence  standards,”  which  “mirror  the  criteria  specified  by 

6 applicable laws and regulations of the SEC and the Listing Rules of NASDAQ.”  Pichai 

7 had knowledge of pervasive sexual harassment by Google executives and was complicit 

8 in failing to disclose the harassment and taking steps to cover it up.   

9 28. Defendant  Amit  Singhal  was  an  Executive  Vice  President  and  Head  of 

10 Search  at  Google.    Singhal  was  forced  out  at  Google  after  Google  had  determined  that 

11 credible allegations against Singhal of sexual harassment existed.   

12 D. Director Defendants 
13 29. Defendant L. John Doerr is a director of Alphabet and has been a member 

14 of  the  Board  since  May  1999.    Doerr  is  currently  the  chair  of  Google’s  Leadership 

15 Development  and  Compensation  Committee  (“LDCC”),  in  which  he  was  a  member 

16 from  at  least  April  2005  to  May  2007,  from  October  2009  to  December  2015,  and  from 

17 June 2016 to the present.  As a member of LDCC in 2014, Doerr, together with the other 

18 two  LDCC  members  (defendant  K.  Ram  Shriram  and  nonparty  Paul  S.  Otellini),6 

19 reviewed  and  approved  the  compensation  to  defendant  Rubin,  including  the  $150 

20 million  stock  grant  and  $90  million  severance  package.    Doerr  was  also  a  member  of 

21 Google’s  Audit  Committee  from  May  2007  to  January  2012.    Doerr  is  a  partner  and 

22 Chairman  of  Kleiner  Perkins,  a  venture  capital  investment  firm  that  was  itself  a 

23 defendant  in  a  high‐profile,  multi‐million‐dollar  sexual‐harassment  and  gender‐

6 Defendant K. Ram Shriram was appointed to the LDCC in July 2014.  Before his 
25 appointment,  the  LDCC  had  two  members  —  defendant  Doerr  and  nonparty  Paul  S. 
Otellini.  Defendant Doerr was appointed to serve as chair of the LDCC in October 2017, 
26 following the death of Mr. Otellini. 



1 discrimination lawsuit filed in 2012 by Ellen Pao, Doerr’s mentee, in the Superior Court 

2 of California, County of San Francisco, captioned Pao v. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 

3 LLC,  Case  No.  CGC‐12‐520719  (Cal.  Super.  Ct.  Cnty.  of  San  Francisco).7    Doerr 

4 knowingly  or  recklessly:  (a)  allowed  defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  to  dominate 

5 and control the Board with little  to no effective oversight; (b) failed to implement and 

6 maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at  Alphabet;  (c)  fostered  a  culture  that  permitted 

7 rampant sexual harassment and discrimination at Google; (d) on information and belief, 

8 actively  participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (e) 

9 failed  to  ensure  that  Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual 

10 harassment  and  discrimination.    Doerr  lives  in  Woodside,  California,  which  is  part  of 

11 San Mateo County.  

12 30. Defendant Ann Mather is a director of Alphabet and has been a member 

13 of the Board since November 2005.  Mather has also been Chairman of Google’s Audit 

14 Committee  since  November  2005.    Mather  knowingly  or  recklessly:  (a)  allowed 

15 defendants Page, Brin, and Schmidt to dominate and control the Board with little to no 

16 effective  oversight;  (b)  failed  to  implement  and  maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at 

17 Alphabet;  (c)  fostered  a  culture  that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment  and 

18 discrimination  at  Google;  (d)  on  information  and  belief,  actively  participated  in  the 

19 cover‐up of Google executives’ sexual harassment; and (e) failed to ensure that Google 

20 complied with rules and regulations regarding sexual harassment and discrimination.   

21 31. Defendant Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. is a director of Alphabet and has been a 

22 member  of the  Board since  June 2016.   Ferguson is  a member  of the Audit Committee.  


7  See  Pao  v.  Kleiner  Perkins,  WIKIPEDIA  (available  at  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 
25 Pao_v._  Kleiner_Perkins  (last  visited  Jan.  5,  2019));  see  also  David  Streitfeld,  “Ellen  Pao 
Loses  Silicon  Valley  Bias  Case  Against  Kleiner  Perkins,”  THE  NEW  YORK  TIMES  (Mar.  27, 
26 2015). 



1 Ferguson had knowledge of pervasive sexual harassment by Google executives and was 

2 complicit in failing to disclose the harassment and taking steps to cover it up. 

3 32. Defendant  Diane  B.  Greene  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

4 member  of  the  Board  since  January  2012.    Greene  was  a  member  of  Google  and 

5 Alphabet’s  Audit  Committee  in  2014,  at  the  time  of  the  internal  investigation  into 

6 Rubin’s sexual harassment, including at the time the $90 million severance payment to 

7 Rubin  was  approved  by  the  Board.    Greene  is  also  Senior  Vice  President  and  CEO, 

8 Google Cloud.  As admitted in Alphabet’s April 27, 2018 Proxy Statement, Greene is not 

9 an  independent  director  under  Alphabet’s  own  “independence  standards,”  which 

10 “mirror  the  criteria  specified  by  applicable  laws  and  regulations  of  the  SEC  and  the 

11 Listing  Rules  of  NASDAQ.”    Greene  knowingly  or  recklessly:  (a)  allowed  defendants 

12 Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  to  dominate  and  control  the  Board  with  little  to  no  effective 

13 oversight; (b) failed to implement and maintain adequate internal controls at Alphabet; 

14 (c)  fostered  a  culture  that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination  at 

15 Google;  (d)  on  information  and  belief,  actively  participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google 

16 executives’ sexual harassment; and (e) failed to ensure that Google complied with rules 

17 and regulations regarding sexual harassment and discrimination. 

18 33. Defendant  John  L.  Hennessy  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

19 member of the Board since April 2004.  Hennessy has been Google’s Lead Independent 

20 Director since April 2007.  At the time the Board asked for Rubin’s resignation in 2014, 

21 Hennessy  was  President  of  Stanford  University.    Famously  called  “the  godfather  of 

22 Silicon  Valley,”  Hennessy  has  significant  influence  in  Silicon  Valley.    Hennessy  had 

23 knowledge  of  pervasive  sexual  harassment  by  Google  executives  and  was  complicit  in 

24 failing  to  disclose  the  harassment  and  taking  steps  to  cover  it  up.    Hennessy  lives  in 

25 Atherton, California, which is part of San Mateo County.  

26 /// 

27 /// 


1 34. Defendant  Alan  R.  Mulally  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

2 member of the Board since July 2014.  Mulally served on Google and Alphabet’s Audit 

3 Committee  at  the  time  of  the  internal  investigation  into  Rubin’s  sexual  harassment, 

4 including at the time the $90 million severance payment to Rubin was approved by the 

5 Board.    Mulally  had  knowledge  of  pervasive  sexual  harassment  by  Google  executives 

6 and was complicit in failing to disclose the harassment and taking steps to cover it up. 

7 35. Defendant  K.  Ram  Shriram  is  a  director  of  Alphabet  and  has  been  a 

8 member  of  the  Board  since  September  1998.    Shriram  is  currently  a  member  of  the 

9 LDCC, and has been a member since at least July 2014.  In 2014, Shriram was a member 

10 of  the  Audit  Committee  until  July  2014,  around  the  time  of  the  internal  investigation 

11 into  Rubin’s  sexual  harassment,  including  at  the  time  the  $90  million  severance 

12 payment  to  Rubin  was  approved  by  the  Board.    As  a  member  of  the  LDCC  in  2014, 

13 Shriram,  together  with  the  other  two  LDCC  members  (defendant  Doerr  and  nonparty 

14 Paul  S.  Otellini),  reviewed  and  approved  the  compensation  to  defendant  Rubin, 

15 including the $150 million stock grant and $90 million severance package.  Shriram was 

16 a  member of  Alphabet’s Audit Committee from  April  2005 and to July 2014.   Shriram 

17 knowingly  or  recklessly:  (a)  allowed  defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  to  dominate 

18 and control the Board with little  to no effective oversight; (b) failed to implement and 

19 maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at  Alphabet;  (c)  fostered  a  culture  that  permitted 

20 rampant sexual harassment and discrimination at Google; (d) on information and belief, 

21 actively  participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (e) 

22 failed  to  ensure  that  Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual 

23 harassment and discrimination.  Shriram lives in Menlo Park, California, which is part 

24 of San Mateo County.  

25 E. Former Director Defendant Tilghman 
26 36. Defendant  Shirley  M.  Tilghman  was  director  of  Alphabet  from  October 

27 2005 until February 2018.  Tilghman was on the Board when Rubin was asked to resign 


1 and approved his $90 million severance package notwithstanding the fact that Google 

2 had performed an internal investigation and found the allegations of sexual harassment 

3 by  Rubin  to  be  credible.    Tilghman  also  failed  to  cause  such  facts  to  be  disclosed  by 

4 Google.    Tilghman  had  knowledge  of  pervasive  sexual  harassment  by  Google 

5 executives  and  was  complicit  in  failing  to  disclose  the  harassment  and  taking  steps  to 

6 cover it up.  

7 37. The defendants identified in ¶¶ 21‐28 are referred to herein as the “Officer 

8 Defendants.”    The  Defendants  identified  in  ¶¶  29‐36  are  referred  to  herein  as  the 

9 “Director  Defendants.”    Collectively,  all  defendants  are  referred  to  herein  as  the 

10 “Individual Defendants.” 

11 F. Doe Defendants 
12 38. Except  as  described  herein,  Plaintiff  is  ignorant  of  the  true  names  of 

13 defendants  sued  as  Does  1  through  30,  inclusive,  under  California  Code  of  Civil 

14 Procedure section  474  and,  therefore,  Plaintiff  sues  these  defendants  by  such  fictitious 

15 names.    Following  further  investigation  and  discovery,  Plaintiff  will  seek  leave  of  this 

16 Court  to  amend  this  Complaint  to  allege  their  true  names  and  capacities  when 

17 ascertained.    These  fictitiously  named  defendants  are  Google  and  Alphabet  officers, 

18 other  members  of  management,  employees,  and/or  consultants  or  third  parties  who 

19 were involved in the wrongdoing detailed herein.  These defendants aided and abetted, 

20 and participated with and/or conspired with the named defendants in the wrongful acts 

21 and course of conduct or otherwise caused the damages and injuries claimed herein and 

22 are  responsible  in  some  manner  for  the  acts,  occurrences,  and  events  alleged  in  this 

23 Complaint. 
G. Unnamed Participants 
39. Numerous individuals and entities participated actively during the course 
of and in furtherance of the wrongdoing described herein.  The individuals and entities 
acted in concert by joint ventures and by acting as agents for principals, to advance the 


1 objectives  of  the  scheme  and  to  provide  the  scheme  to  benefit  defendants  and 

2 themselves to the detriment of Alphabet and Google. 

4 A. Responsibilities of the Individual Defendants 
5 40. Corporate  officers  and  directors  owe  the  highest  fiduciary  duties  of  care 

6 and loyalty to the corporation they serve.  This action involves a massive breach of such 

7 duties  relating  to  Google’s  policies  concerning  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination.  

8 Alphabet’s Board knew about allegations of sexual harassment by numerous high‐level 

9 executives  at  Google,  which  the  Company  found  to  be  “credible”  after  performing 

10 internal  investigations  and  review,  and  yet  failed  to  disclose  the  finding  that  the 

11 allegations  were  credible,  and  instead  allowed  the  high‐level  executives  to  resign  with 

12 lavish pay packages.  In stark contrast, low‐level employees who were accused of sexual 

13 harassment  were  fired  for  cause  and  received  no  severance  benefits  (according  to 

14 Google,  it  terminated  the  employment  of  48  such  persons  in  the  last  two  years  alone).  

15 This  lawsuit is being  brought  by  Plaintiff on behalf  of Alphabet to  seek  redress  for  the 

16 financial and reputational harm suffered by the Company as a result. 

17 41. Google  frequently  states  that  the  Board  is  held  to  the  highest  level  of 

18 ethics.  However, as demonstrated above, this statement is false and, in practice, Google 

19 employed  a  completely  dual  and  contradictory  standard:    if  you  were  a  high‐level 

20 executive at Google responsible for generating millions of dollars in revenue for Google, 

21 you could engage in sexual harassment and the Company would keep it quiet and pay 

22 you millions of dollars to quietly leave the Company. 

23 42.  On the other hand, if you were a low‐level employee at Google and were 

24 accused  of  sexual  harassment  or  discrimination,  you  would  be  fired  for  cause  and 

25 would  not  receive  any  severance  benefits.    In  this  way,  Alphabet  and  the  Board  were 

26 able to maintain optics and superficial compliance with the Company’s code of conduct 

27 and internal rules and laws regarding sexual harassment by appearing to take decisive 


1 action  against  a  significant  number  of  low‐level  employees,  yet  avoid  a  much  bigger 

2 public  scandal  and  hit  to  its  profits  by  concealing  the  blatant  and  widespread  sexual 

3 harassment by senior executives of the Company.   

4 43. The  Directors’  conduct  in  fact  allowed  the  illegal  conduct  to  proliferate 

5 and  continue.    By  so  doing,  the  Board  not  only  violated  California  and  federal  law,  it 

6 also violated Alphabet’s ethical standards and guidelines and caused massive employee 

7 protests and revolts to occur when the truth came to light in late October 2018. 

8 44.   The  Board’s  egregious  wrongdoing  resulted  in  a  massive  employee 

9 “walk out” on November 1, 2018 in Google’s offices across the world.  Employees were 

10 enraged  that  the  Board  knowingly  allowed  this  “dual  standard”  to  persist  at  Google, 

11 that  the  Board  never  disclosed  the  serious  sexual  harassment  by  senior  executives  at 

12 Google,  and  that  Google  paid  millions  of  dollars  to  the  senior  executives  who  were 

13 allowed to resign rather than being fired for cause like low‐level employees. 

14 45. Employee  outrage  was  understandable  given  Google’s  repeated 

15 statements over the years that its Board and senior executives were subject to the same 

16 exacting  standard  as  all  employees:    For  example,  in  a  “Message  from  our  Executive 

17 Chairman,” defendant Schmidt stated:  
18 We  believe  in  the  importance  of  building  stockholder  trust.    We 
adhere  to  the  highest  levels  of  ethical  business  practices,  as  embodied  by 
19 the Google Code of Conduct, which provides guidelines for ethical conduct 
by our directors, officers and employees.  We think that we’ve created the 
20 optimal  corporate  structure  to  realize  Google’s  long‐term  potential  and 
have  established  the  appropriate  financial  controls  and  management 
21 oversight of our internal process. 
22 46. Alphabet’s  Code  of  Conduct  specifically  states  that  it  applies  to  the 

23 Company’s Board and senior executives, not just rank‐and‐file employees: 
24 Who Must Follow Our Code? 
We  expect  all  of  our  employees  and  Board  members  to  know  and 
25 follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including 
termination of employment. 
47. The  Code  of  Conduct  further  states  the  responsibility  and  duties  of  the 
1 Principal Duties of the Board of Directors 
2 To  Oversee  Management  and  Evaluate  Strategy.    The  fundamental 
responsibility of the directors is to exercise their business judgment to act 
3 in what they reasonably believe to be the best interests of Google and its 
stockholders.    It  is  the  duty  of  the  Board  to  oversee  management’s 
4 performance  to  ensure  that  Google  operates  in  an  effective,  efficient  and 
ethical manner in order to produce value for Google’s stockholders.   
48. The  Board  failed  to  live  up  to  its  duties  by  concealing  the  sexual 
harassment  of  high‐level  executives  and  paying  them  millions  of  dollars  when  they 
“resigned,”  notwithstanding  the  Board’s  determination  that  the  allegations  of  sexual 
harassment  against  such  senior  executives  were  credible.    For  example,  in  2014 
Defendant  Rubin  was  “asked  to  leave”  by  Defendants  Brin  and  Page  after  Google 
conducted an internal investigation which found that the allegations against Rubin were 
credible.  Brin, Page, and the rest of Alphabet’s Board not only failed to disclose Rubin’s 
sexual harassment and the fact that the Company found the allegations of harassment to 
be credible, but gave Rubin a hero’s farewell party and paid him $90 million.  By such 
despicable  conduct,  Alphabet’s  Board  breached  its  fiduciary  duties  of  good  faith  and 
loyalty  and  violated  the  Company’s  policies  requiring  them  to  act  in  an  “effective  and 
ethical manner.” 
49. Additionally,  the  Code  of  Conduct  goes  further  to  discuss  the  Board’s 
responsibility in regards to oversight: 
The  Board  is  responsible  for  oversight  of  strategic,  financial  and 
20 execution  risks and  exposures associated with Google’s business strategy, 
product  innovation  and  sales  road  map,  policy  matters,  significant 
21 litigation  and  regulatory  exposures,  and  other  current  matters  that  may 
present  material  risk  to  Google’s  financial  performance,  operations, 
22 infrastructure, plans, prospects or reputation, acquisitions and divestitures.  
Directors  are  expected  to  invest  the  time  and  effort  necessary  to 
23 understand Google’s business and financial strategies and challenges. 
24 50. The  Board  is  responsible  for  oversight  in  regards  to  policy  matters, 

25 litigation,  and  other  matters  that  could  affect  Google’s  prospects  and  reputation.    It  is 

26 clear  from  recently  disclosed  evidence  that  the  Board  knowingly  facilitated  sexual 

27 harassment by senior executives of the Company, and then was also directly involved in 


1 the  cover‐up  of  such  harassment  by  not  disclosing  it  and  by  paying  such  executives 

2 millions of dollars in severance benefits when they were asked to resign in light of the 

3 credible allegations of sexual harassment.  

4 51. The direct involvement of Alphabet’s Board makes them interested in the 

5 outcome of this litigation because they face a substantial likelihood of liability.  Demand 

6 is thus futile.  

7 52. Alphabet’s Code of Conduct specifically addresses the Company’s policy 

8 regarding sexual harassment and discrimination:     
9 Google  prohibits  discrimination,  harassment  and  bullying  in  any 
form  —  verbal,  physical,  or  visual,  as  discussed  more  fully  in  our  Policy 
10 Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation. 
11 53. In turn, Alphabet’s Anti‐Harassment and Retaliation states: 
12 Harassment is not tolerated.  Harassment includes, but is not limited 
to:  verbal  language  that  reinforces  social  structures  of  domination  related 
13 to  gender  identity  and  expression,  sexual  orientation,  disabilities, 
neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, 
14 age, religion, or other protected category; sexual imagery in public spaces; 
deliberate  intimidation;  stalking;  following;  harassing  photography  or 
15 recording;  sustained  disruption  of  talks  or  other  events;  offensive  verbal 
language; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention.  
16 Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply 
54. The  Director  Defendants  have  additional  responsibilities  due  to  their 
respective memberships on various committees of the Board: 
(a) Google’s  Leadership  Development  and  Compensation  Committee 
is charged with:  
[B]roadly  oversee[ing]  matters  relating  to  the  attraction, 
motivation,  development  and  retention  of  all  Googlers.    In  undertaking 
23 these  responsibilities,  the  Committee  shall  take  into  account  factors  it 
deems appropriate from time to time, including Google’s business strategy, 
the risks to Google and its business implied by its executive compensation 
25 and  incentive  programs  and  awards,  and  the  results  of  any  shareholder 
26 advisory votes with respect thereto.  



1 (b) The LDCC is comprised of defendants Doerr and Shriram.  Doerr is 

2 one  of  the  original  investors  in  Google  and  has  substantial  influence  at  Google 

3 with Page and Brin.  This committee was designated with the broad power over 

4 the  compensation,  retention  and  termination  of  all  Google  executive  officers.  

5 Based  upon  defendant  Doerr’s  relationship  with  defendants  Brin,  Page,  and 

6 Shriram, the LDCC had full knowledge of the unlawful acts and allowed them to 

7 continue.  

8 (c) Google’s  Audit  Committee’s  key  function  is  to  oversee  the 

9 accounting  and  financial  reporting  process  as  well  as  the  adequacy  of  the 

10 Company’s  internal  controls.    The  Audit  Committee  also  provides  oversight 

11 regarding significant financial matters, including Google’s tax planning, treasury 

12 policies,  currency  exposures,  dividends,  and  share  issuance  and  repurchases.  

13 The Audit Committee is charged with supervising Google’s relationship with its 

14 independent  auditors,  internal  controls,  financial  risk  oversight,  and  among 

15 others,  the  ability  to  investigate  any  matter  brought  to  its  attention,  with  full 

16 access to all Google books, records, facilities, and employees.   

17 (d) The Audit Committee consists of defendants Mather (Chairperson), 

18 Shriram, and Greene.  These directors either consciously or recklessly ignored the 

19 financial  and  reputational  risk  to  Alphabet  from  allowing  senior  executives  to 

20 engage in sexual harassment and then allow them to quietly resign, with Google 

21 paying them millions in severance benefits.  Through their active involvement in 

22 these unlawful practices, the Audit Committee members have exposed Google to 

23 a significant amount of potential liability on top of the already realized attorney’s 

24 fees and loss of goodwill.  

25 (e) Google’s  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee’s 

26 (“NCGC”)  purpose  is  to  assist  the  Board  in  identifying  individuals  qualified  to 

27 become members of the Board consistent with criteria set forth by the Board, to 


1 oversee  the  evaluation  of  the  Board  and  management,  and  to  develop  and 

2 update corporate governance principles.  

3 (f) During the relevant period, the NCGC was comprised of defendants 

4 Hennessy  (Chairperson)  and  Tilghman.    These  members  were  also  tasked  with 

5 the ability to recommend the termination of service of individual members of the 

6 Board as appropriate, for cause or for other “proper reasons.”  These individuals 

7 all have ties to other members of the Board.  If any member encouraged or voted 

8 to  bring  suit,  these  NCGC  members  would  be  able  to  recommend  their 

9 termination.  Since the termination is not reliant on “just cause,” the NCGC could 

10 terminate anyone that attempted to go against the Board’s misconduct relating to 

11 Google  executives’  sexual  harassment  or  try  to  hold  the  Board  accountable  for 

12 such activities.   

13 (g) Google’s  Executive  Committee’s  purpose  is  to  serve  as  an 

14 administrative committee of the Board to act upon and facilitate the consideration 

15 by senior management and the Board of certain high‐level business and strategic 

16 matters.  Defendants Schmidt (Chairperson), Brin, and Page are on the Executive 

17 Committee.    Brin  and  Page  were  directly  involved  in,  and  in  fact  authorized, 

18 several  of  the  negotiations  with  departing  high‐level  executives  who  had  been 

19 accused  of  sexual  harassment.    For  example,  upon  information  and  belief,  Brin 

20 and  Page  approved  the  details  regarding  Rubin’s  departure  and  $90  million 

21 severance package.   

22 B. Fiduciary Duties of the Individual Defendants 
23 55. By reason of their positions as officers and directors of the Company, each 

24 of  the  Individual  Defendants  owed  and  continue  to  owe  Google  and  its  shareholders 

25 fiduciary  obligations  of  trust,  loyalty,  good  faith,  and  due  care,  and  were  and  are 

26 required to use their utmost ability to control and manage Google in a fair, just, honest, 

27 and  equitable  manner.    The  Individual  Defendants  were  and  are  required  to  act  in 


1 furtherance  of  the  best  interests  of  Google  and  not  in  furtherance  of  their  personal 

2 interest or benefit. 

3 56. To  discharge  their  duties,  the  officers  and  directors  of  Google  were 

4 required to exercise reasonable and prudent supervision over the management, policies, 

5 practices,  and  controls  of  the  affairs  of  the  Company.    By  virtue  of  such  duties,  the 

6 officers and directors of Google were required to, among other things: 

7 (a) conduct  the  affairs  of  the  Company  in  an  efficient,  business‐like 

8 manner  in  compliance  with  all  applicable  laws,  rules,  and  regulations  so  as  to 

9 make  it  possible  to  provide  the  highest  quality  performance  of  its  business,  to 

10 avoid  wasting  the  Company’s  assets,  and  to  maximize  the  value  of  the 

11 Company’s stock; and 

12 (b) remain  informed  as  to  how  Google  conducted  its  operations,  and, 

13 upon  receipt  of  notice  or  information  of  imprudent  or  unsound  conditions  or 

14 practices,  make  reasonable  inquiry  in  connection  therewith,  and  take  steps  to 

15 correct  such  conditions  or  practices  and  make  such  disclosures  as  necessary  to 

16 comply with applicable laws. 

17 C. Breaches of Fiduciary Duties by Individual Defendants 
18 57. The conduct of the Individual Defendants complained of herein involves a 

19 knowing and culpable violation of their obligations as officers and directors of Google, 

20 the absence of good faith on their part, and a reckless disregard for their duties to the 

21 Company.  

22 58. The Individual Defendants breached their duty of loyalty and good faith 

23 by  allowing  defendants  to  cause,  or  by  themselves causing,  the  Company  to  cover  up 

24 Google executives’ sexual harassment, and caused Google to incur substantial damage.   

25 59. The  Individual  Defendants,  because  of  their  positions  of  control  and 

26 authority  as  officers  and/or  directors  of  Google,  were  able  to  and  did,  directly  or 

27 indirectly, exercise control over the wrongful acts complained of herein.  The Individual 


1 Defendants  also  failed  to  prevent  the  other  Individual  Defendants  from  taking  such 

2 improper actions.  As a result, and in addition to the damage the Company has already 

3 incurred,  Google  has  expended,  and  will  continue  to  expend,  significant  sums  of 

4 money.  

5 D. Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting, and Concerted Action 
6 60. At all relevant times, Individual Defendants were agents of the remaining 

7 Individual  Defendants,  and  in  doing  the  acts  alleged  herein,  were  acting  within  the 

8 course  of  scope  of  such  agency.    The  Individual  Defendants  ratified  and/or  authorized 

9 the  wrongful  acts  of  each  of  the  other  Individual  Defendants.    The  Individual 

10 Defendants,  and  each  of  them,  are  individually  sued  as  participants  and  as  aiders  and 

11 abettors in the improper acts, plans, schemes, and transactions that are the subject of this 

12 Complaint. 

13 61. In committing the wrongful acts alleged herein, the Individual Defendants 

14 have pursued, or joined in the pursuit of, a common course of conduct, and have acted 

15 in  concert  with  and  conspired  with  one  another  in  furtherance  of  the  improper  acts, 

16 plans, schemes, and transactions that are the subject of this Complaint.  In addition to 

17 the  wrongful  conduct  herein  alleged  as  giving  rise  to  primary  liability,  the  Individual 

18 Defendants  further  aided  and  abetted  and/or  assisted  each  other  in  breaching  their 

19 respective duties. 

20 62. The Individual Defendants engaged in a  conspiracy,  common enterprise, 

21 and/or common course of conduct, by failing to maintain adequate internal controls at 

22 the Company and covering up Google executives’ sexual harassment. 

23 63. During  all  times  relevant  hereto,  the  Individual  Defendants,  collectively 

24 and individually, initiated a course of conduct that was designed to and did circumvent 

25 the  internal  controls  at  the  Company  and  cause  the  Company  to  cover  up  Google 

26 executives’  sexual  harassment.    In  furtherance  of  this  plan,  conspiracy,  and  course  of 



1 conduct,  the  Individual  Defendants,  collectively  and  individually,  took  the  actions  set 

2 forth herein.   

3 64. The purpose and effect of the Individual Defendants’ conspiracy, common 

4 enterprise, and/or common course of conduct was, among other things, to disguise the 

5 Individual Defendants’ violations of law, breaches of fiduciary duty, waste of corporate 

6 assets,  and  unjust  enrichment;  and  to  conceal  adverse  information  concerning  the 

7 Company’s operations.  

8 65. The  Individual  Defendants  accomplished  their  conspiracy,  common 

9 enterprise,  and/or  common  course  of  conduct  by  intentionally  circumventing  internal 

10 controls  at  the  Company  and  causing  the  Company  to  cover  up  Google  executives’ 

11 sexual harassment.  Because the actions described herein occurred under the authority 

12 of the Board, each of the Individual Defendants was a direct, necessary, and substantial 

13 participant  in  the  conspiracy,  common  enterprise,  and/or  common  course  of  conduct 

14 complained of herein. 

15 66. Each  of  the  Individual  Defendants  aided  and  abetted  and  rendered 

16 substantial  assistance  in  the  wrongs  complained  of  herein.    In  taking  such  actions  to 

17 substantially  assist  the  commission  of  the  wrongdoing  complained  of  herein,  each 

18 Individual Defendant acted with knowledge of the primary wrongdoing, substantially 

19 assisted in the accomplishment of that wrongdoing, and was aware of his or her overall 

20 contribution to and furtherance of the wrongdoing. 

22 67. As alleged in detail herein, the Individual Defendants knew about sexual 

23 harassment  by  senior  executives  of  Google,  including  Rubin,  failed  to  timely  disclose 

24 the  harassment,  and  then  attempted  to  cover  up  the  harassment  when  news  reports 

25 began to suggest that egregious sexual harassment and discrimination had occurred at 

26 Google.    For  example,  in  Rubin’s  case,  Rubin  was  forced  out  by  defendants  Brin  and 

27 Page after an internal investigation found the allegations of sexual harassment by Rubin 


1 to  be  credible.    However,  rather  than  firing  Rubin  for  cause,  Brin  and  Page  —  the  co‐

2 founders and controlling shareholders of the Company — gave Rubin a hero’s farewell 

3 and approved a $90 million goodbye present to Rubin, and then also invested millions 

4 in Rubin’s subsequent startup.  No mention was made about Rubin’s egregious sexual 

5 harassment while at Google.  

6 A. Defendants  Brin  and  Page,  the  Company’s  Co‐Founders,  as  Well  as 
Other  Senior  Executives,  Set  the  Tone  at  the  Top  by  Dating  Employees 
7 and Having Extra‐Marital Affairs 
8 68. Google was founded in 1988 by defendants Page and Brin, who at the time 

9 were  Stanford  graduate  students.    Defendant  Doerr  was  one  of  the  first  investors  in 

10 Google.    Schmidt,  after  being  introduced  to  Page  and  Brin  by  Doerr,  joined  Google  as 

11 CEO.    In  April  2011,  Page  became  Google’s  CEO,  and  Schmidt  became  Executive 

12 Chairman  of  Google’s  board  of  directors.    In  connection  with  the  October  2015 

13 reorganization,  Page  became  Alphabet’s  CEO,  and  Schmidt  became  the  Executive 

14 Chairman  of  Alphabet’s  Board.    In  January  2018,  following  Schmidt’s  decision  to  step 

15 down  from  his  role  as  the  Executive  Chairman,  defendant  Hennessy  was  appointed  to 

16 serve as Alphabet’s Chairman of the Board. 

17 69. At  all  relevant  times,  defendants  Page  and  Brin  have  dominated  and 

18 controlled Google and have had and continue to have voting control of the Company. 

19 70. In the early 2000s, defendant Page dated Marissa Mayer, who was then an 

20 engineer at Google who later went on to become Yahoo! Inc.’s CEO. 

21 71. Defendant Schmidt, who joined Google as  CEO in 2001, at which time he 

22 was married, retained a mistress to work as a Google consultant.8   



8 See Daisuke Wakabayashi & Katie Benner, “How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the 
26 ‘Father of Android,’” THE NEW YORK TIMES (Oct. 25, 2018).   



1 72. In  2014,  during  the  time  the  Company  was  investigating  allegations  of 

2 sexual harassment by defendant Rubin, defendant Brin had an extra‐marital affair with a 

3 Google employee.9 

4 73. As  one article noted: 
“The  Board  and  top  executives  are  overwhelmingly  male,  many  of  whom  have 
6 been  accused  of  questionable  behavior  with  women  –  reportedly  extramarital 
affairs with underlings are common.  There have been countless reports that the 
two founders, the former CEO, various directors, and even the chief counsel have 
8 been romantically involved with women employees – many while married.  How 
9 can any of these men in leadership condemn one of their own with a straight face? 
It  is  understandable  why  Google  would  keep  silent  about  the  accusations.  
10 Women are liabilities in these cases and have been treated that way.”   
11 See  Kristi  Kaulkner,  “Three  Reasons  to  Believe  Google  Must  Pay  Alleged  Sexual 

12 Harassers,” FORBES, Oct. 29, 2018.   

13 74. Defendant  Drummond,  Alphabet’s  Senior  Vice  President  of  corporate 

14 development  and  Chief  Legal  Officer,  who  joined  Google  in  1998  from  Wilson  Sonsini 

15 Goodrich & Rosati’s corporate transactions group, had an extra‐marital relationship with 

16 one  of  his  subordinates  at  Google,  Jennifer  Blakely,  a  contract  manager  in  the  legal 

17 department  who  reported  to  one  of  Drummond’s  deputies.    Drummond  concealed  his 

18 affair with Blakely from the Company until he and Blakely had a son in 2007, after which 

19 Drummond disclosed his relationship with Blakely.  Blakely has alleged that she, rather 

20 than  Drummond,  was  later  demoted  by  being  transferred  to  sales  in  2007  and  then 

21 forced  out  of  the  Company  a  year  later.    In  late  2008,  Drummond  ended  this  extra‐

22 marital relationship and they later fought a custody battle for their son, won by Blakely.  

23 Drummond  has  been  paid  about  $190  million  in  stock  options  and  stock  awards  from 


26 9 Id.   



1 Google  since  2011  and  could  make  up  to  another  $200  million  on  other  options  and 

2 equity awards according to Google filings.10 













Photo:  David C. Drummond, Alphabet’s chief legal officer, had an extramarital relationship with 
17 Jennifer Blakely, a senior contract manager in the legal department who reported to one of his deputies. 

18 75. According  to  Blakely,  the  disparate  way  in  which  she  and  Drummond 
19 were  treated  “amplifies  the  message  that  for  a  select  few,  there  are  no  consequences.  

20 Google felt like I was the liability.”   

21 B. In  2014  the  Individual  Defendants  Investigated  Allegations  of  Sexual 

Harassment  by  Defendant  Rubin,  and  Found  the  Allegations  To  Be 
22 Credible,  But  Concealed  Rubin’s  Harassment  and  Instead  Gave  Him  a 
Hero’s Farewell by Paying Him $90 Million in Severance 
76. In  2014,  complaints  were  made  by  several  persons  concerning  sexual 
harassment  by  defendant  Rubin.    Rubin  was  extremely  influential  and  “important”  at 
26 10 Id.   



1 Google  because  he  had  developed  the  Android  operating  system,  while  successfully 

2 allowing  Google  to  make  a  critical  transition  from  desktop  to  mobile,  earning  Google 

3 billions of dollars in revenues in the ensuing years. 

4 77. Rubin sold Android to Google in July 2005 for $50 million.  

5 78. After the sale, Rubin was named Senior Vice President of Mobile at Google.  

6 In the following decade, at his peak, Rubin was paid $20 million per year in base salary.  

7 79. Because of Rubin’s importance to Google’s financial results, he was treated 

8 differently  than  other  employees  by  Google’s  Board  and  senior  management.    He  was 

9 given more deference and was lavished with compensation.  

10 80. In 2012 Google also loaned him $14 million to buy a beach house in Japan. 

11 The  loan  was  offered  at  less  than  1%  interest,  far  below  market  rate.  The  loan  was 

12 required to be repaid immediately if Rubin’s employment with Google was terminated 

13 for any reason. 

14 81.  In 2013 Rubin received a $40 million bonus and an additional $72 million 

15 worth of stock to be paid over the next two years.  

16 82. Rubin  allegedly  often  “berated  subordinates  as  stupid  or  incompetent,” 

17 with  little  retaliation  from  Google  executives.  Google  only  took  action  when  “bondage 

18 sex  videos”  were  found  on  Rubin’s  work  computer,  which  caused  his  bonus  to  be 

19 docked that year.11 

20 83. The  New  York  Times  has  reported  that  Rubin’s  ex‐wife  said  in  a  civil 

21 lawsuit  that  he  had  multiple  “ownership  relationships”  with  other  women,  with  a 

22 screenshot of an email reading, “Being owned is kinda like you are my property, and I 

23 can  loan  you  to  other  people.”    Rubin  started  dating  a  subordinate  from  the  Android 

11 See Corbin Davenport, “Google Allegedly Paid $90 Million Severance to Andy 
25 Rubin  After  Misconduct  Allegation,”  THE  ANDROID  POLICE,  Oct.  30,  2018,  available  at 
26 andy‐rubin‐misconduct‐allegation/, last visited Jan. 5, 2019.  



1 team in 2012, while he was still leading the division at Google.  According to the woman, 

2 she was pressured into meeting him at a hotel in 2013, at which time he pressured her 

3 into performing oral sex.  Thereafter, Rubin’s relationship with the women ended.12  She 

4 reportedly  waited  until  the  following  year  to  file  a  complaint  with  Google.    The 

5 company began an investigation, but a few weeks into the inquiry, Google’s Board gave 

6 Rubin a $150 million stock grant. 

7 C. The  Board  of  Directors’  and  Other  Defendants’  Active,  Direct,  and 
Intentional Role in the Wrongdoing 
84. Google’s  co‐founders  and  its  Board  were  active  in  the  events  related  to 
Rubin.    During  2014,  Google’s  Audit  Committee  held  six  meetings  and  acted  by 
unanimous  written/electronic  consent  nine  times.  During  2014,  Google’s  Audit 
Committee was comprised of defendants Greene, Mulally, and Mather (Chair).  As part 
of their duties on the Audit Committee in 2014, defendants Greene, Mulally, and Mather, 
along  with  defendants  Brin  and  Page,  as  well  as  the  other  directors  at  the  time  (e.g., 
Doerr,  Hennessy,  Shriram  and  Tilghman)  received  information  and  reports  about  the 
Company’s investigation regarding sexual harassment by Rubin.  Defendant Drummond 
actively  participated  in  the  investigation  as  part  of  his  duties  in  Google’s  legal 
department.    All  such  defendants  were  advised  that  the  allegations  were  found  to  be 
85. In  2014,  Google’s  Leadership  Development  and  Compensation 
Committee was comprised of Directors Paul Otellini (Intel’s former chief executive who 
died  in  October  2017)  and  Defendant  Ram  Shriram  (of  the  venture  firm  Sherpalo 
Ventures) and Defendant John Doerr (of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins).  
86. Google’s Proxy Statement for 2014 (filed with the SEC on April 23, 2015 — 
the year after the $150 million equity award to Rubin) states that: 
26 12 Id.   


1 The  purpose  of  our  Leadership  Development  and  Compensation 
Committee  is  to  oversee  our  compensation  programs.  The  Leadership 
2 Development and Compensation Committee’s responsibilities include: 
•  Reviewing and approving our general compensation strategy.    
•  Establishing  annual  and  long‐term  performance  goals  for  our 
5 executive officers.       
6 •  Conducting  and  reviewing  with  the  board  of  directors  an  annual 
evaluation of the performance of our executive officers. 
•  Evaluating  the  competitiveness  of  the  compensation  of  our 
8 executive officers.    
9 •  Reviewing and approving the selection of our peer companies.     
10 •  Reviewing  and  approving  all  salaries,  bonuses,  equity  awards, 
perquisites,  post‐service  arrangements,  and  other  compensation  and 
11 benefit  plans  for  Google’s  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  all  other  executive 
•  Reviewing and approving the terms of any offer letters, employment 
13 agreements,  termination  agreements  or  arrangements,  change  in  control 
agreements,  indemnification  agreements,  and  other  material  agreements 
14 between us and our executive officers, including our Executive Chairman.    
15 •  Acting  as  the  administering  committee  for  our  stock  and  bonus 
plans and for any equity or cash compensation arrangements that may be 
16 adopted by us from time to time.       
17 •  Providing oversight for our overall compensation plans and benefit 
programs,  monitoring  trends  in  executive  and  overall  compensation,  and 
18 making  recommendations  to  the  board  of  directors  with  respect  to 
improvements  to  such  plans  and  programs  or  the  adoption  of  new  plans 
19 and programs.       
20 •  Reviewing  and  approving  compensation  programs,  as  well  as 
salaries, fees, bonuses, and equity awards for the Executive Chairman and 
21 the non‐employee members of the board of directors. 
•  Reviewing  plans  for  the  development,  retention,  and  succession  of 
23 our executive officers.     
24 •  Reviewing executive education and development programs.    
25 •  Monitoring  total  equity  usage  for  compensation  and  establishing 
appropriate equity dilution levels. 
1 •  Reviewing  and  discussing  with  management  the  annual 
Compensation Discussion and Analysis (CD&A) disclosure and the related 
2 tabular  presentations  regarding  named  executive  officer  compensation 
and,  based  on  this  review  and  discussions,  making  a  recommendation  to 
3 include the CD&A disclosure and the tabular presentations in our annual 
public filings.       

5 •  Preparing  and  approving  the  annual  Leadership  Development  and 

Compensation  Committee  Report  to  be  included  in  our  annual  public 
6 filings. 
87. Rubin  was  an  executive  officer  of  Google  and  thus  the  LDCC  was 
responsible  for  all  matters  regarding  Rubin’s  compensation  and  termination.  
Shockingly,  in  September  2014,  while  Google’s  internal  investigation  of  Rubin  was 
underway, Rubin was awarded a $150 million stock grant to be paid over several years. 
88. The $150 million stock grant to Rubin was approved by the Board’s LDCC, 
which  was  composed  at  the  time  of  Paul  S.  Otellini  as  well  as  two  of  Google’s  earliest 
investors,  defendant  Shriram  (of  the  venture  firm  Sherpalo  Ventures)  and  defendant 
Doerr (of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins).  
89. Because,  as  demonstrated  above,  the  Board’s  LDCC  Charter  made  the 
LDCC  responsible  for  all  matters  regarding  the  compensation  and  termination  of 
executive  officers,  the  LDCC  was  involved  with  reviewing  complaints  about  sexual 
harassment at Google involving executive officers such as Rubin, and also the payment 
of  severance  to  executives  who  were  forced  out  due  to  credible  allegations  of  sexual 
harassment or discrimination. 
90. After finding the allegations against Rubin to be credible, defendants Brin, 
Page,  Greene,  Mather,  Mulally,  Doerr,  Hennessy,  Shriram,  Drummond,  and  Tilghman 
agreed to have Page ask for Rubin’s resignation, but did not cause Google to disclose the 
reason for Rubin’s resignation.  They further approved a $90 million severance package 
for  Rubin,  to  be  paid  over  the  next  four  years  in  installments  of  about  $2  million  per 
month. Google also delayed repayment of Rubin’s $14 million loan. 



1 91. Rubin stepped down from his position at Google on October 31, 2014, after 

2 he  was  reportedly  given  a  “hero’s  farewell.”13  At  the  time,  Defendant  Page  heaped 

3 effusive praise on Rubin on his way out the door, stating “I want to wish Andy all the 

4 best with what’s next.  With Android he created something truly remarkable — with a 

5 billion‐plus happy users.”14 

6 92. Afterward, Google also invested in Playground Global, a venture firm Mr. 

7 Rubin  started  six  months  after  leaving  the  company.    Playground  has  raised  $800 

8 million.  He also founded Essential, a maker of Android smartphones. 

9 93. During 2014, the year in which Rubin was investigated and given the $150 

10 million stock grant and then the $90 million severance payment, the Board’s LDCC held 

11 just five meetings, but acted by unanimous written/ electronic consent 28 times.  During 

12 2014, Google’s full Board held eight meetings and acted by unanimous written/electronic 

13 consent six times.   

14 94. The documents produced by Google in response to Plaintiff’s shareholder 

15 inspection  demand  demonstrate  the  active  and  direct  involvement  of  the  Board  in  the 

16 matters regarding the Company’s investigation into Rubin’s sexual harassment and the 

17 decision to pay Rubin a $90 million severance to keep the matter quiet.  For example: 

18 95. At  the  LDCC  meeting  on  October  22,  2014,  the  LDCC  discussed  the 

19 separation  agreement  for  Rubin.   Present  at  that  meeting  were  Defendants  Larry  Page, 

20 David Drummond, Laszlo, Bock, Doerr, and Shriram.   

21 96. At  that  meeting,  Defendant  Laszlo,  Google’s  Senior  Vice  President  of 

22 People & Operations provided an update to the LDCC Committee on Rubin’s expected  


13 See Daisuke Wakabayashi and Katie Benner, “How Google Protected Andy Rubin, 
the ‘Father of Android,’” THE NEW YORK TIMES (Oct. 25, 2018).   
26 14 Id.   



1 departure  effective  November  4,  2014.    After  discussions  with  Rubin,  Laszlo  requested 

2 that the Committee approve the terms and conditions of Andy’s separation agreement as 

3 set  forth  in  an  Exhibit  B  (the  “Separation  Terms”)  to  the  minutes.    The  Committee 

4 members discussed and asked questions, to which Laszlo and Bill Campbell responded.  

5 The  committee  considered  and  approved  the  Separation  Terms.    See  GOOG‐MRTN‐

6 SHD‐00000110. 

7 97. Moreover,  just  two  months  prior  to  the  October  22,  2014  LDCC  meeting, 

8 Larry  Page  had  proposed  an  aggressive  equity  compensation  package  valued  at  $150 

9 million,  consisting  of  two  grants  which  were  awarded  on  August  6,  2014.    See  GOOG‐

10 MRTN‐SHD‐00000143‐4.  See also GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000476. 

11 98. Despite the fact that these awards were supposed to be recommended and 

12 approved by the LDCC, the Board minutes and related emails produced by Google make 

13 it clear that Larry Page made the decision to approve the $150 million in equity awards 

14 directly, by himself, without the prior approval or involvement of the Board or LDCC.  

15 For example, the Google Board minutes state that “In order to retain Andy [Rubin] from 

16 pursuing  external  startup  opportunities,  Larry  [Page]  proposes  an  aggressive  equity 

17 compensation  package  valued  at  $150  million,  consisting  of  two  grants  which  were 

18 awarded on 6‐Aug‐14.”  See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000143‐144.   

19 99. Larry Page only later sought the rubber‐stamp of the LDCC beginning on 

20 August  14,  2014  ‐‐  8  days  after  the  date  of  awarding  the  grants.    Emails  produced  by 

21 Google  demonstrate  that,  on  that  date,  Setty  Prasad  of  Google  sent  an  email  to  LDCC 

22 members  John  Doerr,  Paul  Otellini,  and  Ram  Shriram  which  stated:    “We  request  the 

23 Committee’s approval to grant Andy Rubin an SVP Equity Award of $50M and a one‐

24 time stub grant of $100M . . . If you are supportive of the equity grants for Andy Rubin, 

25 please reply to this email with ‘I approve.’”  See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000143‐144.  Two 

26 weeks later, without any further documents being provided to the LDCC members other 



1 than this single email, Defendants Doerr, Otellini, and Shriram all sent one‐line emails to 

2 Setty stating “I approve.”   

3 100. No meeting of the LDCC was ever held, and no documents were reviewed 

4 or analyzed by the LDCC. Instead, it simply rubber‐stamped the request by Larry Page 

5 to  give  Rubin  $150  million.    This  conduct  represented  a  blatant  example  of  abdication 

6 and  bad  faith  by  Doerr,  Otellini,  and  Shriram.    Corporate  directors  have  an  absolute 

7 obligation  to  fully  inform  themselves  of  all  material  facts  before  acting,  especially  in  a 

8 matter as important as a $150 million equity grant to a senior executive of the company – 

9 especially one such as Rubin who was being simultaneously investigated by Google for 

10 sexual harassment.  The conduct of Defendants Page, Doerr, and Shriram was thus not 

11 protected  by  the business judgment rule, constituted bad faith, and represents conduct 

12 amply demonstrating demand futility in this shareholder derivative action.   

13 101. The  Google  Board  minutes  in  fact  reflect  the  active  and  substantial 

14 intervention  of  Defendant  Page  on  Rubin’s  behalf.    Rubin’s  compensation  had  in  fact 

15 come  up  before,  at  the  April  16,  2014  LDCC  meeting.    At  that  meeting,  the  LDCC  had 

16 approved drastically lower compensation for Rubin in the form of a $650,000 base salary 

17 and a 250% bonus target.  The Board minutes indicate that Rubin declined acceptance of 

18 the compensation until he could speak with Larry Page.  As demonstrated above, Page 

19 and  Rubin  had  discussions  after  the  April  2014  meeting  without  the  involvement  or 

20 knowledge  of  the  LDCC,  the  result  of  which  was  that  Rubin  received  a  $150  million 

21 equity award on August 6, 2014, and the approval of the LDCC in this massive increased 

22 award  (from  a  $650,000  base  salary  and  a  250%  bonus  target,  to  a  $150  million  equity 

23 grant) was only retroactively sought by Page from the LDCC beginning eight days after 

24 the award was already made.    

25 102. At  its  next  meeting  on  January  28,  2015,  the  LDCC  summarized  the  key 

26 guidance received from the previous meeting (Oct. 22, 2014) and reiterated its approval 

27 of  the  separation  agreement  for  Andy  Rubin  in  which  the  LDCC  cancelled  $173M  in 


1 unvested  equity;  gave  Rubin  a  $90M  cash  severance  paid  out  monthly  for  four  years 

2 contingent on compliance with a non‐compete agreement; and extended by several years 

3 repayment  of  Rubin’s  $14M  loan  otherwise  due  upon  termination.    See  GOOG‐MRTN‐

4 SHD‐00000240.    In  its  Organizational  Update  at  the  same  meeting,  the  LDCC  grossly 

5 mischaracterized the nature of Rubin’s departure by stating:  “On 4‐Nov‐14 Andy Rubin 

6 resigned to start a hardware startup incubator.”  See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000246. 

7 103. Moreover,  the  Minutes  of  the  LDCC  Meeting  from  April  17,  2013  reveal 

8 that as of that time Google, at least temporarily, had transitioned Rubin to an advisory 

9 role:  “Prasad  reviewed  the  recent  changes  to  senior  leadership  including:  (1)  the 

10 transition of Andy Rubin to an advisory role (previously Senior Vice President, Mobile, 

11 currently  Google  Advisor)”.  See  GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000482.    The  fact  that  Rubin’s 

12 role at Google had been diminished to that of a mere “advisor” in 2013 demonstrates to 

13 even  greater  a  degree  the  wrongfulness  of  the  conduct  of  Page,  the  LDCC,  and  the 

14 Company’s  other  directors  in  approving  a  $150  million  equity  grant  to  Advisor  Rubin, 

15 especially after the LDCC had initially approved a salary of “just” $650,000 to Rubin in 

16 its April 2014 meeting.  

17 104. The $150 million “hush money” to Rubin was also egregious in light of the 

18 original  vesting  restrictions  that  accompanied  the  $150  equity  grant.    Google’s  Board 

19 minutes demonstrate that the $50 million grant would not vest until April 2018, and the 

20 $100  million  stub  grant  would  only  vest  on  a  quarterly  basis  starting  in  July  2015  and 

21 ending in October 2017.  Moreover, the prior equity that Rubin had been granted did not 

22 even vest until, in one instance, April 2015, and in another instance a cliff vest of April 

23 2018.    Thus,  none  of  Rubin’s  equity  –  neither  the  $150  million  new  grants  or  the  prior 

24 grants – were vested as of the date Rubin’s employment with Google was terminated in 

25 October 2014.   

26 105.  Simply put, Rubin was not contractually entitled to any of the equity, and 

27 should not have been granted any severance.  The Board’s egregious conduct in not only 


1 not  firing  Rubin  for  cause,  but  paying  him  a  $90  million  severance  when  he  was  not 

2 entitled  to  anything,  represents  bad‐faith,  disloyal  conduct  that  is  not  protected  by  the 

3 business judgment rule and amply demonstrates demand futility.   

4 106. The  rational  and  reasonable  inference  from  these  facts  is  that  Larry  Page 

5 and Google’s directors wanted to make sure Rubin was paid handsomely to ensure his 

6 silence,  since  they  apparently  feared  that  if  they  fired  Rubin  for  cause,  he  would  sue 

7 Google  for  wrongful  termination  and  all  the  tawdry  details  of  sexual  harassment  by 

8 senior executives at Google would become public.  As one writer noted after some of the 

9 facts  became  public  later  in  2018:    “How  can  any  of  these  men  in  leadership  condemn 

10 one of their own with a straight face? It is understandable why Google would keep silent 

11 about  the  accusations.    Women  are  liabilities  in  these  cases  and  have  been  treated  that 

12 way.”  See Kristi Kaulkner, “Three Reasons to Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual 

13 Harassers,” FORBES, Oct. 29, 2018. 

14 107. In 2014, Google’s Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer, Nikesh 

15 Arora, also resigned.  As part of its Form 10‐Q filed with the SEC on October 23, 2014, 

16 Google  attached an Exhibit  10.3  to the  10‐Q,  which was a copy of a  separate letter and 

17 settlement  agreement  and  release  with  Mr.  Arora.      Google  paid  Arora  $8  million  as  a 

18 severance,  and  the  accompanying  “Separation  Agreement  and  Release”  provided 

19 Google  with  a  very  broad  release  of  any  and  all  claims,  including  claims  for  wrongful 

20 termination, and contained a strict non‐disclosure agreement.  The agreement was dated 

21 September 8, 2014 and was signed by Arora and by Defendant Bock for Google.  The $8 

22 million  payment  by  Google  was  unusual  because,  pursuant  to  an  original  award  of 

23 compensation to Arora from the Board’s LDCC in 2012 and reported via a SEC filing on 

24 April  26,  2012,  Arora  would  have  had  forfeited  and  had  to  re‐pay  the  $8  million  in 

25 compensation  when  he  left  Google  in  2014.    Instead  of  forcing  him  to  re‐pay  the  $8 

26 million,  Google’s  Board  approved  the  Separation  Agreement  and  Release  which 

27 explicitly  stated  that  “Bonus  Repayment  Forgiveness.  Conditioned  on  your  accepting 


1 this Agreement, the Company will forgive repayment of the $8,000,000 bonus that  was 

2 approved  by  the  Leadership  Development  and  Compensation  Committee  of  the 

3 Company’s Board of Directors, and reported on a Form 8‐K with the U.S. Securities and 

4 Exchange Commission, on April 26, 2012 (the “Bonus”).” 

5 108. At the time, Google did not provide any reason for the $8 million payment 

6 to  Arora.    The  whole  purpose  of  the  restrictions  contained  in  the  2012  compensation 

7 award  to  Arora  was  to  try  to  get  Arora  to  work  at  Google  longer  by  making  him 

8 contractually  obligated  to  re‐pay  significant  portions  of  his  compensation  if  he  left 

9 Google earlier than anticipated or hoped.  Arora stated at the time that he was leaving 

10 Google to work at Softbank.  Going to work for Softbank did not provide any benefit to 

11 Google,  and  thus  there  was  no  discernible  reason  for  Google  to  waive  Arora’s 

12 contractual obligation to pay back the $8 million, but it did so. 

13 109.   Interestingly,  the  Transition  Agreement  attached  with  Arora  as  Exhibit 

14 10.02  to  the    October  23,  2014  Form  10‐Q  contained  a  provision  stating  that  “You  may 

15 characterize your departure from the Company as voluntary and communicate the same 

16 to your team and peers, however, any written communications related to your departure 

17 must be pre‐approved by Google’s Communications representative.”   

18 110.  During  2015,  the  Board’s  LDCC  held  five  meetings  and  acted  by 

19 unanimous written/ electronic consent 37 times. 

20 111. In  its  meeting  of  April  22,  2015,  five  and  a  half  months  after  Rubin  was 

21 terminated because claims of sexual harassment against him were found credible by an 

22 undisclosed  internal  Google  investigation,  the  LDCC  discussed  still  undisclosed 

23 modifications to Rubin’s separation agreement: 

24 “After  discussion,  the  Committee  requested  that,  going  forward,  management 

25 provide  pre‐notification  to  the  Committee  of  any  proposed  modifications  to  any 

26 severance  and  similar  arrangements  previously  approved  by  the  Committee  to 

27 further transparency.” See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000573.   


1 112. These  facts  demonstrate  that  Defendants  Page  and  others  at  Google  were 

2 taking  action  with  respect  to  action  that  was  reserved  to  the  LDCC  pursuant  to  the 

3 charter  of  the  LDCC,  and  that  Google’s  directors  were  allowing  such  circumvention  to 

4 happen  and  yet  doing  nothing  to  stop  it.    These  facts  demonstrate  the  complete 

5 abdication of fiduciary duty by Google’s directors.  Again, abdication of fiduciary duty is 

6 not protected by the business judgment rule and demonstrates demand futility.  

7 113. During  2016,  Doerr,  defendant  Shriram  and  nonparty  Paul  S.  Otellini,  as 

8 members  of  the  LDCC,  held  five  meetings  and  acted  by  unanimous  written/electronic 

9 consent 13 times. 

10 114. During  2017,  the  LDCC  held  five  meetings  and  acted  by  unanimous 

11 written/ electronic consent 13 times. 

12 115. On  October  2,  2017,  nonparty  Paul  S.  Otellini  passed  away  and  ceased  to 

13 serve  as  a  Board  member  and  chair  of  the  LDCC.    Defendant  Doerr  was  appointed  to 

14 serve  as  chair  of  the  LDCC.    Since  then,  the  LDCC  has  consisted  of  two  members  — 

15 defendants Doerr and Shriram. 

16 116. In November 2017, after the technology news site The Information reported 

17 that Google had investigated Rubin for an inappropriate relationship, Rubin took a leave 

18 of  absence  from  Essential.    He  has  since  returned  to  run  it  and  is  busy  with  speaking 

19 engagements and investments. 

20 117.  Rubin  was  allegedly  able  to  negotiate  the  $90  million  severance  package 

21 due  to  the  $150  million  stock  grant  he  had  been  given  by  Google’s  Board  after  the 

22 internal  investigation  was  commenced.  According  to  his  ex‐wife’s  divorce  filings, 

23 Rubin’s net worth increased from around $10 million in 2008 to $350 million as of 2018. 

24 Rubin was forced to list his $34.5 million mansion in Woodside, California for sale as a 

25 result of the divorce proceedings.   

26 118. At  the  time  of  Rubin’s  “resignation”  in  2014,  defendants  Page,  Brin,  and 

27 Schmidt were controlling shareholders, owning over 92.6% of Google’s Class B common 


1 stock and exerting 59.8% of Alphabet’s voting power, as reflected in the following chart 

2 based on the data provided in Alphabet’s April 23, 2015 Proxy Statement: 
3 Name  Class B Shares and Percentage Owned  Voting Control
4 Larry Page  22,246,906 42.4%  27.4%
Sergey Brin  21,879,314 41.7%  26.9%
Eric Schmidt  4,464,597 8.5%  5.5%
6 L. John Doerr  1,117,447 2.1%  1.4%
Total  44,656,305 94.8%  61.2%

8 D. Alphabet’s Current Board Failed to Come Clean in Late 2017, Even After 
a News Report Surfaced That Suggested Impropriety by Rubin 
9 119. On  November  29,  2017,  a  news  report  appeared  on  CNBC  stating  that 
10 Rubin had taken a leave of absence at his current employer, Essential.  The report noted 

11 that “Essential founder and CEO Andy Rubin has taken a leave of absence from his new 

12 company  for  “personal  reasons”  following  a  report  on  the  circumstances  of  his  2014 

13 departure from Google.  According to The Information, Rubin left Google shortly after an 

14 investigation  found  that  he  had  maintained  an  “inappropriate  relationship”  with  a 

15 woman who worked under him and filed a complaint to HR.”  See Sam Byford, “Andy 

16 Rubin  takes  leave  from  Essential  as  probe  into  ‘inappropriate’  Google  relationship  goes  public: 

17 Report,” CNBC (Nov. 29, 2017).   

18 120. The November 29, 2017 news article also stated:   
The  woman  who  filed  the  complaint  reportedly  worked  in  the 
20 Android  division  run  by  Rubin,  which  would  make  any  personal 
relationship between the two violate Google policy; the company requires 
21 employees to disclose such relationships so that one of them can be moved 
to another division.  Rubin left the Android department in March 2013 to 
22 lead  Google’s  efforts  in  robotics,  but  the  HR  investigation  is  said  to  have 
taken  place  in  2014.    That  investigation,  according  to  The  Information, 
23 concluded  that  “Rubin’s  behavior  was  improper  and  showed  bad 
24 121. Despite  this  article,  however,  the  Alphabet  Board  at  the  time  (which  was 
25 identical  to  the  current  Board  —  defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  Doerr,  Ferguson, 

26 Mulally, Pichai, Hennessy, Mather, Shriram, and Greene) failed to make any disclosure 

27 of the true reasons for Rubin’s departure from Google, including the fact that the Board 


1 had  investigated  Rubin  and  found  the  allegations  of  sexual  harassment  to  be  credible, 

2 leading  the  Board  to  ask  for  Rubin’s  resignation.    In  failing  again  in  December  2017  to 

3 disclose  the  true  facts  regarding  Rubin’s  departure,  even  after  the  reports  made  in  the 

4 November 29, 2017 CNBC article, the Board acted in bad faith and breached its duty of 

5 loyalty to Alphabet.   

6 122. During  Autumn  2018,  the  N.Y.  Times  broke  a  major  story  on  the  Board’s 

7 cover‐up of Rubin’s sexual harassment, which in turn resulted in dozens and dozens of 

8 news  articles  about  the  subject  around  the  world,  demonstrating  the  materiality  of  the 

9 issue.  A sampling of those news articles is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 

10 E. Google  Paid  Another  Executive,  Amit  Singhal,  Millions  After  He 

Sexually Harassed Google Employees 
123. In  another  harassment  case,  Google  paid  Amit  Singhal,  a  senior  vice 
president who headed search, millions of dollars on the way out. 
124. In 2015, an employee said Mr. Singhal groped her at a boozy off‐site event 
attended  by  dozens  of  colleagues,  said  three  people  who  were  briefed  on  the  incident. 
Google  investigated  and  found  that  Mr.  Singhal  was  inebriated  and  there  were  no 
witnesses, they said. 
125. Google  found  the  female  employee’s  claim  credible.    But  Google  did  not 
fire Mr. Singhal and instead accepted his resignation and negotiated an exit package that 
paid him millions and prevented him from working for a competitor.15 
126. Googleʹs  practice  of  disregarding,  covering  up,  and  rewarding  the 
malfeasance of its senior executives continued with the handling of Singhal’s separation 
agreement.    The  documents  produced  by  Google  in  response  to  Plaintiff’s  shareholder 


15 See Daisuke Wakabayashi & Katie Benner, “How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the 
26 ‘Father of Android,’” THE NEW YORK TIMES (Oct. 25, 2018).   



1 inspection demand indicate that the LDCC Committee, in its Summary of Key Guidance 

2 at its January 27, 2016 meeting, indicate that on January 11, 2016: 

3 ʺThe LDCC approved the following separation agreement for Amit Singhal (SVP, 

4 Search): 

5 ● Separation date no later than mid‐February 

6 ●  Annual  cash  payments  of  $15M,  to  be  paid  12  months  and  24  months 

7 after exit, and $5M (negotiating range to $15M), to be paid 36 months after 

8 exit, contingent on not being employed by a competitor 

9 ● Reaffirmation of all non‐compete and intellectual property agreementsʺ16   

10 127. Moreover,  just  prior  to  terminating  Singhal,  on  January  27,  2016,  Pichai 

11 proposed to the LDCC various equity grants to the SVPs at Google: 

12 ʺBased  on  his  subjective  assessment  of  each  SVPʹs  performance,  criticality 

13 and  external  marketability,  Sundar  proposes  the  following  grants:  … 

14 Executive: Amit Singhal [to be discussed at the 27‐Jan‐16 LDCC meeting], 

15 Role:  SVP,  Search;  Proposed  Grant  Freq.:    N/A;  Proposed  Grant  Value:  

16 N/A; 2015 SVP Bonus, $3M; Last Refresh/Commitment Freq.: Biennial; Last 

17 Refresh/Commitment Value: $40M; 2x Bonus + Biennial, $46M.ʺ See GOOG‐

18 MRTN‐SHD‐00000621.  

19 128. Including this in an LDCC meeting is particularly egregious in light of the 

20 action  taken  by  the  LDCC  by  email  just  two  weeks  earlier  to  pay  Singhal  the  $35‐45M 

21 severance despite the credible sexual harassment charges against him.   

22 129. In  seeking,  and  subsequently  receiving  without  question  or  discussion, 

23 approval of the LDCC for Singhalʹs separation payout, Defendant Bock stated: 


26 16 See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000581. 



1 ʺWere we to instead prorate his existing equity and make a cash payment 

2 at  termination,  as  we  have  in  select  past  cases,  the  amount  would  be 

3 ~$33M.ʺ See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000665. 

4 130. The  Board  has  yet  to  identify  these  ʺselect  past  cases,ʺ  demonstrating  its 

5 willingness  to  continue  the  practice  of  rewarding  sexual  harassment  by  its  senior 

6 executives. 

7 131. The  LDCC  continued  its  practice  of  covering  up  the  real  reason  for 

8 Singhal’s departure by describing Singhal’s departure as follows: 

9 “On  26‐Feb‐16,  Amit  Singhal  (SVP,  Search)  left  Google  to  focus  on 

10 philanthropic activities.” See GOOG‐MRTN‐SHD‐00000706. 

11 132. Because  Google’s  Board  concealed  the  reasons  for  Singhal’s  departure,  he 

12 found another lucrative job.  Less than a year later, he became head of engineering at the 

13 ride‐hailing company Uber.  Weeks later, the technology news website Recode reported 

14 that  Mr.  Singhal  had  left  Google  after  a  misconduct  accusation.    Uber  dismissed  Mr. 

15 Singhal for not disclosing the inquiry at Google.17 

16 F. Google Asked Other Victims of Sexual Harassment to “Stay Quiet” After 
Their Allegations of Harassment Were Found to Be Credible 
133. In  2013,  Richard  DeVaul,  a  director  at  Google  X,  the  company’s  research 
and development arm, interviewed Star Simpson, a hardware engineer.  During the job 
interview, she said he told her that he and his wife were “polyamorous,” a word often 
used to describe an open marriage.  She said he invited her to Burning Man, an annual 
festival in the Nevada desert, the following week. 
26 17 Id.   














Photo:  Richard DeVaul of X apologized for an “error of judgment” with Star Simpson, who had 
13 interviewed for a job with him.  Credit:  Jason Henry for The New York Times 

14 134. Ms.  Simpson  went  with  her  mother  and  said  she  thought  it  was  an 
15 opportunity  to  talk  to  Mr.  DeVaul  about  the  job.  She  said  she  brought  conservative 

16 clothes suitable for a professional meeting. 

17 135. At Mr. DeVaul’s encampment, Ms. Simpson said, he asked her to remove 
18 her  shirt  and  offered  a  back  rub.  She  said  she  refused.  When  he  insisted,  she  said  she 

19 relented to a neck rub. 

20 136. “I  didn’t  have  enough  spine  or  backbone  to  shut  that  down  as  a  24‐year‐
21 old,” said Ms. Simpson, now 30. 

22 137. A  few  weeks  later,  Google  told  her  she  did  not  get  the  job,  without 
23 explaining why. 

24 138. Ms.  Simpson  waited  two  years  to  report  the  episode  to  Google  after  she 
25 said she wrestled with talking about it.  A human resources official later told her that her 

26 account was “more likely than not” true and that “appropriate action” was taken. 



1 139. Significantly,  Simpson  said  the  Google  official  asked  her  to  stay  quiet 

2 about  what  had  happened,  which  she  did  —  until  Mr.  DeVaul’s  public  profile  began 

3 rising in articles in The New York Times and The Atlantic. 

4 140. In a statement, Mr. DeVaul apologized for an “error of judgment.”  

5 G. The  Director  Defendants  Caused  Google  to  File  False  Financial 

Statements With the SEC 
141. On  February  9,  2015,  Director  Defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  Hennessy, 
Doerr, Greene, Mather, Mulally, Shriram, and Tilghman reviewed, approved, and signed 
Google’s  Annual  Report  to  shareholders  on  Form  10‐K  for  its  fiscal  year  ending 
December 31, 2014 (the “2014 10‐K”).  Google’s fiscal year 2014 covered the time period 
when Defendant Rubin was investigated for sexual harassment, when those allegations 
were found to be credible, and when Rubin nonetheless was allowed to “resign” with a 
$90 million exit package. 
142. The 2014 10‐K, at p. 5, represented that: 
Culture and Employees 
     We  take  great  pride  in  our  culture.  We  embrace  collaboration  and 
16 creativity,  and  encourage  the  iteration  of  ideas  to  address  complex 
technical  challenges.  Transparency  and  open  dialogue  are  central  to  how 
17 we work, and we like to ensure that company news reaches our employees 
first through internal channels. 
Despite our rapid growth, we still cherish our roots as a startup and 
19 wherever possible empower employees to act on great ideas regardless of 
their  role  or  function  within  the  company.  We  strive  to  hire  great 
20 employees,  with backgrounds and  perspectives as  diverse as those of our 
global  users.  We  work  to  provide  an  environment  where  these  talented 
21 people  can  have  fulfilling  careers  addressing  some  of  the  biggest 
challenges in technology and society. 
23 143. This  statement  was  materially  false  and  misleading  because  the  Director 

24 Defendants had covered up the true reason for Rubin’s departure from Google.  Rather 

25 than  communicating  the  truth  to  the  Company’s  employees  through  internal  channels, 

26 the  Directors  and  senior  officers  of  Google  concealed  the  truth  from  employees,  thus 

27 making  the  statements  in  the  Form  10‐K  inaccurate  and  misleading.    The  cover‐up 


1 continued until the fall of 2018, when some of the truthful information was disseminated 

2 through outside major news outlets. 

3 144. Other  representations  in  the  2014  10‐K  admitted  the  outsize  importance 

4 and  influence  of  Defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  and  other  senior  officers  at  Google, 

5 while  at  the  same  time  concealing  the  lengths  to  which  the  Company  went  to  protect 

6 senior executives from harassment charges: 
7 If  we  were  to  lose  the  services  of  Larry,  Sergey,  Eric,  or  other  key 
personnel, we may not be able to execute our business strategy. 
Our future success depends in a large part upon the continued service 
9 of key members of our senior management team. In particular, Larry Page 
and  Sergey  Brin are critical to  the  overall  management of  Google and the 
10 development of  our technology. Along with our Executive Chairman Eric 
E.  Schmidt,  they  also  play  a  key  role  in  maintaining  our  culture  and 
11 setting  our  strategic  direction.  All  of  our  executive  officers  and  key 
employees are at‐will employees, and we do not maintain any key‐person 
12 life insurance policies. The loss of key personnel could seriously harm our 
See 2014 10‐K, at p. 15.   
145. This statement in the 2014 Annual Report was misleading and a half‐truth 
because the Director Defendants who signed the Form 10‐K knew, but did not disclose, 
that the Company viewed these senior executives (which included not only Brin, Page, 
and  Schmidt,  but  also  Rubin  and  Singhal)  to  be  so  crucial  to  Google’s  money‐making 
ability  (e.g.,  “PROFITS”)  that  the  Company  was  protecting  them  against  credible 
allegations  of  sexual  harassment  and  not  disclosing  the  Company’s  own  findings  to 
employees and shareholders.   As noted above, Defendants Page, Brin, Schmidt, and the 
other  Director  Defendants  abused  their  power  and  positions  of  fiduciary  responsibility 
at  Google  to  perpetuate  a  culture  of  harassment  and  to  lead  Google  in  a  strategic 
direction  that  allowed  subsequent  cover  ups  and  payouts  for  the  misdeeds  of  male 
146. Key  elements  of  the  financial  disclosures  contained  within  the  2014  10‐K 
also  are  false  and  misleading  due  to  omission  of  an  explanation  of  the  true  nature  of 
Defendant Rubin’s departure from Google and the consequent substantial liability faced 

1 by Google both in terms of possible financial payout and harm to reputation.  The 2014 

2 10‐K stated: 

3 Loss Contingencies 
We are regularly subject to claims, suits, government investigations, 
4 and  other  proceedings  involving  competition  and  antitrust,  intellectual 
property,  privacy,  indirect  taxes,  labor  and  employment,  commercial 
5 disputes,  content  generated  by  our  users,  goods  and  services  offered  by 
advertisers or publishers using our platforms, and other matters. Certain of 
6 these  matters  include  speculative  claims  for  substantial  or  indeterminate 
amounts of damages. We record a liability when we believe that it is both 
7 probable that a loss has been incurred, and the amount can be reasonably 
estimated.  If  we  determine  that a  loss  is  possible  and  a  range  of  the  loss 
8 can be reasonably estimated, we disclose the range of the possible loss in 
the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 

10 See 2014 10‐K, p. 36‐7.   
147. Despite their knowledge of the true nature of Defendant Rubin’s departure 

12 from  Google  and  the  Company’s  possible  liability  for  the  credible  claims  of  sexual 

13 harassment,  the  Defendant  Directors  failed  to  include  this  information  in  its  loss 

14 contingencies disclosures. 
148. Similarly,  when  setting  forth  other  legal  matters,  the  2014  10‐K  was 

16 noticeably silent on Defendant Rubin’s departure and its possible legal consequences: 
17 Other 
We  are  also  regularly  subject  to  claims,  suits,  government 
18 investigations,  and  other  proceedings  involving  competition  (such  as  the 
pending  investigation  by  the  EC  described  above),  intellectual  property, 
19 privacy,  tax,  labor  and  employment,  commercial  disputes,  content 
generated  by  our  users,  goods  and  services  offered  by  advertisers  or 
20 publishers using our platforms, personal injury, consumer protection, and 
other  matters.  Such  claims,  suits,  government  investigations,  and  other 
21 proceedings  could  result  in  fines,  civil  or  criminal  penalties,  or  other 
adverse consequences. 
Certain of our outstanding legal matters include speculative claims for 
23 substantial  or  indeterminate  amounts  of  damages.  We  record  a  liability 
when we believe that it is probable that a loss has been incurred and the 
24 amount  can  be  reasonably  estimated.  If  we  determine  that  a  loss  is 
possible and a range of the loss can be reasonably estimated, we disclose 
25 the  range  of  the  possible  loss.  We  evaluate,  on  a  monthly  basis, 
developments in our legal matters that could affect the amount of liability 
26 that  has  been  previously  accrued,  and  the  matters  and  related  ranges  of 
possible  losses  disclosed,  and  make  adjustments  as  appropriate. 
27 Significant  judgment  is  required  to  determine  both  likelihood  of  there 
being and the estimated amount of a loss related to such matters. 
With  respect  to  our  outstanding  legal  matters,  based  on  our  current 
2 knowledge,  we  believe  that  the  amount  or  range  of  reasonably  possible 
loss  will  not,  either  individually  or  in  the  aggregate,  have  a  material 
3 adverse  effect  on  our  business,  consolidated  financial  position,  results  of 
operations,  or  cash  flows.  However,  the  outcome  of  such  legal  matters  is 
4 inherently unpredictable and subject to significant uncertainties. 
See 2014 10‐K, p. 66.   
6 149. Instead  of  revealing  that  the  credible  claims  of  sexual  harassment  against 
7 Rubin led to his departure and exposed Google to significant financial liability and loss 

8 to  reputation,  thereby  having  a  material  adverse  effect  on  Google’s  business,  the 

9 Defendant Directors signed the false and misleading  Annual  Report  that  concealed the 

10 true facts.   

H. The Board’s Conduct Has Caused Substantial Damage to the Company 
12 150. The  Individual  Defendants’  misconduct  has  caused  severe  financial  and 
13 reputational damage to Alphabet and Google.   

14 151. As one current Google employee succinctly put it: 
When  Google  covers  up  harassment  and  passes  the  trash,  it 
16 contributes  to  an  environment  where  people  don’t  feel  safe  reporting 
misconduct.    They  suspect  that  nothing  will  happen  or,  worse,  that  the 
17 men will be paid and the women will be pushed aside. 

18 See  Daisuke  Wakabayashi  &  Katie  Benner,  “How  Google  Protected  Andy  Rubin,  the 

19 ‘Father  of  Android,’”  THE  NEW  YORK  TIMES  (Oct.  25,  2018)  (quoting  Liz  Fong‐Jones,  a 

20 Google engineer).   
152. On  November  1,  2018,  furious  over  the  Board’s  cover‐up  of  sexual 

22 harassment  by  senior  executives  at  Google,  Google  employees  staged  a  synchronized 

23 walkout at Google offices across the world.   
153. In New York, more than 3,000 gathered in a city park and carried signs that 
said, “O.K.  Google, really?” In  Dublin, dozens filled a  sidewalk. And  in Silicon Valley, 




1 thousands  poured  out  of  office  buildings  into  a  common  outdoor  area  and  chanted: 

2 “Stand up! Fight back!”18 

3 154. Similar  scenes  played  out  in  other  cities  around  the  world  —  from 

4 Singapore  and  Hyderabad,  India,  to  Berlin,  Zurich,  London,  Chicago  and  Seattle  —  as 

5 Google employees held  a wave of walkouts on Thursday, November 1, 2018  to protest 

6 the internet company’s handling of sexual harassment.  















25 18  See  Daisuke  Wakabayashi,  Erin  Griffith,  Amie  Tsang  &  Kate  Conger,  “Google 

Walkout:  Employees  Stage  Protest  Over  Handling  of  Sexual  Harassment,”  THE  NEW  YORK 
26 TIMES (Nov. 1, 2018).   






[Caption: On November 1, 2018, Google employees staged a walkout in New York City, 
15 San  Francisco,  and  multiple  other  locations  throughout  the  world,  in  a  protest  against 
what they said is the tech company’s mishandling of sexual‐misconduct allegations.  See 
Douglas MacMillan et al., “Google Employees Stage Global Walkout Over Treatment of Sexual 
17 Harassment,”  THE  WALL  STREET  JOURNAL  (Nov.  1,  2018);  see  also  Douglas  MacMillan, 
“Google  to  End  Forced  Arbitration  for  Sexual‐Harassment  Claims,”  THE  WALL  STREET 
JOURNAL (Nov. 8, 2018).] 
155. The  backlash  was  prompted  by  an  article  in  The  New  York  Times  the 
previous week that revealed that Google had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to 
male executives accused of misconduct, while staying silent about the transgressions. 
156. “I  am  here  because  what  you  read  in  The  New  York  Times  are  a  small 
sampling  of  the  thousands  of  stories  we  all  have,”  Meredith  Whittaker,  a  Google 
employee who helped organize the walkout, said to a crowd of colleagues in New York. 




1 After  she  called  out  the  company’s  “pattern  of  unethical  and  thoughtless  decision‐

2 making,” protesters chanted, “Time’s up.”19 

3 157. The  walkouts  capped  a  turbulent  week  for  Google.    After  The  New  York 

4 Times article was published, the Company revealed that it had fired 48 people for sexual 

5 harassment  over  the  last  two  years  and  that  none  had  received  an  exit  package.  

6 Defendant  Pichai  (Google’s  CEO)  and  defendant  Page  (Google’s  co‐founder  and 

7 Alphabet’s  CEO)  apologized.  And  one  of  the  executives  whom  Alphabet  continued 

8 employing after he was accused of harassment resigned, with no exit package. 

9 158. But  employees’  discontent  continued  to  simmer.  Many  said  Google  had 

10 treated  female  workers  inequitably  over  time.    Others  were  outraged  that  Google  had 

11 paid Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile software, a $90 million exit package even 

12 after the company concluded that a harassment claim against him was credible. 

13 159. That led some Google employees to call for a walkout. The organizers also 

14 produced  a  list  of  demands  for  changing  how  Google  handles  sexual  harassment, 

15 including  ending  its  use  of  private  arbitration  in  such  cases.  They  also  asked  for  the 

16 publication  of  a  transparency  report  on  instances  of  sexual  harassment,  further 

17 disclosures  of  salaries  and  compensation,  an  employee  representative  on  the  company 

18 board, and a chief diversity officer who could speak directly to the board. 

19 160. Defendant Pichai, who spoke at The New York Times’s DealBook conference 

20 on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, said: “It’s been a difficult time.  There is anger and frustration 

21 within the company.  We all feel it.  I feel it, too.” 

22 161. Defendant Pichai conceded that Google had not lived up to the high bar it 

23 set  for  itself.  It  has  since  “evolved  as  a  company.”    And  he  expressed  support  for  the 


26 19 Id.   



1 employees who participated in the walkout.  He promised that Google would take steps 

2 to address the issues they raised. 

3 162. The  walkouts,  which  started  in  Asia  and  spread  across  continents,  were 

4 planned  for  around  11  a.m.  in  local  time  zones.  Many  employees  —  both  men  and 

5 women  —  posted  photos  on  social  media  to  chronicle  their  experiences.  The  images 

6 showed  dozens  of  people  gathered  in  different  locations,  chanting  slogans  and 

7 displaying signs.  One read: 
8 What do I do at Google? I work hard every day so the company can 
afford $90,000,000 payouts to execs who sexually harass my co‐workers. 
11 163. Some  of  the  Defendants  received  unjust  compensation  and/or 

12 compensation and payments that constituted corporate waste.  Much of the information 

13 about  the  payments  is  not  publicly  available,  and  has  been  fraudulently  concealed  by 

14 Defendants.  As a result, Plaintiff requires discovery in order to properly allege the full 

15 extent and details of the Defendants’ unjust enrichment.   

16 164. However,  at  a  minimum,  Defendants  Page,  Rubin,  Pichai,  Drummond, 

17 Doerr,  and  Shriram  received  compensation  during  the  relevant  time  period  which  was 

18 unjust in light of their direct participation in the wrongful conduct alleged herein, which 

19 constituted  bad  faith  and  disloyal  conduct.    The  defendants’  receipt  of  such 

20 compensation while they were knowingly or recklessly breaching their fiduciary duties 

21 to  the  Company  constituted  unjust  enrichment  and/or  corporate  waste  that  should  be 

22 recouped by Alphabet. 

23 165. As detailed herein, Defendant Rubin received a $150 million stock grant in 

24 2014  after  the  internal  investigation  into  his  sexual  harassment  had  commenced.    He 

25 thereafter was given a $90 million severance payment from Google in 2014, even though 

26 none of the $150 million in stock grants had vested as of the date of Rubin’s departure.     

27 This compensation was unjust in light of Rubin’s wrongful conduct related to the sexual 


1 thousands  poured  out  of  office  buildings  into  a  common  outdoor  area  and  chanted: 

2 “Stand up! Fight back!”18 

3 154. Similar  scenes  played  out  in  other  cities  around  the  world  —  from 

4 Singapore  and  Hyderabad,  India,  to  Berlin,  Zurich,  London,  Chicago  and  Seattle  —  as 

5 Google employees held  a wave of walkouts on Thursday, November 1, 2018  to protest 

6 the internet company’s handling of sexual harassment.  















25 18  See  Daisuke  Wakabayashi,  Erin  Griffith,  Amie  Tsang  &  Kate  Conger,  “Google 

Walkout:  Employees  Stage  Protest  Over  Handling  of  Sexual  Harassment,”  THE  NEW  YORK 
26 TIMES (Nov. 1, 2018).   






[Caption: On November 1, 2018, Google employees staged a walkout in New York City, 
15 San  Francisco,  and  multiple  other  locations  throughout  the  world,  in  a  protest  against 
what they said is the tech company’s mishandling of sexual‐misconduct allegations.  See 
Douglas MacMillan et al., “Google Employees Stage Global Walkout Over Treatment of Sexual 
17 Harassment,”  THE  WALL  STREET  JOURNAL  (Nov.  1,  2018);  see  also  Douglas  MacMillan, 
“Google  to  End  Forced  Arbitration  for  Sexual‐Harassment  Claims,”  THE  WALL  STREET 
JOURNAL (Nov. 8, 2018).] 
155. The  backlash  was  prompted  by  an  article  in  The  New  York  Times  the 
previous week that revealed that Google had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to 
male executives accused of misconduct, while staying silent about the transgressions. 
156. “I  am  here  because  what  you  read  in  The  New  York  Times  are  a  small 
sampling  of  the  thousands  of  stories  we  all  have,”  Meredith  Whittaker,  a  Google 
employee who helped organize the walkout, said to a crowd of colleagues in New York. 




1 After  she  called  out  the  company’s  “pattern  of  unethical  and  thoughtless  decision‐

2 making,” protesters chanted, “Time’s up.”19 

3 157. The  walkouts  capped  a  turbulent  week  for  Google.    After  The  New  York 

4 Times article was published, the Company revealed that it had fired 48 people for sexual 

5 harassment  over  the  last  two  years  and  that  none  had  received  an  exit  package.  

6 Defendant  Pichai  (Google’s  CEO)  and  defendant  Page  (Google’s  co‐founder  and 

7 Alphabet’s  CEO)  apologized.  And  one  of  the  executives  whom  Alphabet  continued 

8 employing after he was accused of harassment resigned, with no exit package. 

9 158. But  employees’  discontent  continued  to  simmer.  Many  said  Google  had 

10 treated  female  workers  inequitably  over  time.    Others  were  outraged  that  Google  had 

11 paid Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile software, a $90 million exit package even 

12 after the company concluded that a harassment claim against him was credible. 

13 159. That led some Google employees to call for a walkout. The organizers also 

14 produced  a  list  of  demands  for  changing  how  Google  handles  sexual  harassment, 

15 including  ending  its  use  of  private  arbitration  in  such  cases.  They  also  asked  for  the 

16 publication  of  a  transparency  report  on  instances  of  sexual  harassment,  further 

17 disclosures  of  salaries  and  compensation,  an  employee  representative  on  the  company 

18 board, and a chief diversity officer who could speak directly to the board. 

19 160. Defendant Pichai, who spoke at The New York Times’s DealBook conference 

20 on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, said: “It’s been a difficult time.  There is anger and frustration 

21 within the company.  We all feel it.  I feel it, too.” 

22 161. Defendant Pichai conceded that Google had not lived up to the high bar it 

23 set  for  itself.  It  has  since  “evolved  as  a  company.”    And  he  expressed  support  for  the 


26 19 Id.   



1 employees who participated in the walkout.  He promised that Google would take steps 

2 to address the issues they raised. 

3 162. The  walkouts,  which  started  in  Asia  and  spread  across  continents,  were 

4 planned  for  around  11  a.m.  in  local  time  zones.  Many  employees  —  both  men  and 

5 women  —  posted  photos  on  social  media  to  chronicle  their  experiences.  The  images 

6 showed  dozens  of  people  gathered  in  different  locations,  chanting  slogans  and 

7 displaying signs.  One read: 
8 What do I do at Google? I work hard every day so the company can 
afford $90,000,000 payouts to execs who sexually harass my co‐workers. 
11 163. Some  of  the  Defendants  received  unjust  compensation  and/or 

12 compensation and payments that constituted corporate waste.  Much of the information 

13 about  the  payments  is  not  publicly  available,  and  has  been  fraudulently  concealed  by 

14 Defendants.  As a result, Plaintiff requires discovery in order to properly allege the full 

15 extent and details of the Defendants’ unjust enrichment.   

16 164. However,  at  a  minimum,  Defendants  Page,  Rubin,  Pichai,  Drummond, 

17 Doerr,  and  Shriram  received  compensation  during  the  relevant  time  period  which  was 

18 unjust in light of their direct participation in the wrongful conduct alleged herein, which 

19 constituted  bad  faith  and  disloyal  conduct.    The  defendants’  receipt  of  such 

20 compensation while they were knowingly or recklessly breaching their fiduciary duties 

21 to  the  Company  constituted  unjust  enrichment  and/or  corporate  waste  that  should  be 

22 recouped by Alphabet. 

23 165. As detailed herein, Defendant Rubin received a $150 million stock grant in 

24 2014  after  the  internal  investigation  into  his  sexual  harassment  had  commenced.    He 

25 thereafter was given a $90 million severance payment from Google in 2014, even though 

26 none of the $150 million in stock grants had vested as of the date of Rubin’s departure.     

27 This compensation was unjust in light of Rubin’s wrongful conduct related to the sexual 


1 harassment allegations against Rubin, which the Company’s internal investigation found 

2 to be credible.   

3 166. For 2015 through 2017,  Defendants Doerr and Shriram, as the members of 

4 the  Board’s  Leadership,  Development  and  Compensation  Committee,  approved  the 

5 award of the following compensation to certain of the defendants:   

7 Non‐Equity Deferred
Name and  Stock Option Incentive Plan Compensation All Other
8 Principal  Salary Bonus Awards Awards Compensation Earnings Compensation Total
Position  Year  ($)(1)   ($)(2)   ($)(3)  ($)  ($)  ($)(4)   ($)(5) ($)
9 Eric E.                 
2017  1,250,000 – – – – 2,798,606 677,986(7) 4,726,592
Technical        –   –   –  –  2,430,685   629,106   4,309,791
Advisor,  2016  1,250,000
Former    2015   1,254,808   6,000,000   –   –  –  –   783,370   8,038,178
12 Executive 
2017  650,000 – – – – – 683,557(8) 1,333,557
14 Pichai 

Chief        –   198,695,790   –  –  –   372,410   199,718,200

15 Executive 
Officer,  2016  650,000
16 Google    2015   652,500   –   99,829,142   –  –  –   150,460   100,632,102
167. Moreover,  egregiously,  Defendant  Schmidt  received  a  $100  million  stock 
award in 2014, the year in which he signed off on the $90 million severance payment to 
Rubin notwithstanding the Company’s finding that the allegations of sexual harassment 
by  Rubin  were  credible.    Pichai  received  a  similar  $99.8  million  award  the  following 
year, in 2015.  Schmidt also received a $6 million bonus in 2014.  The compensation of 
Pichai  and  Schmidt  in  2014  was  disclosed  by  the  Company  in  the  2015  Proxy  in  the 
following table: 
1                              Non‐Qualified         
             Non‐Equity  Deferred         
2 Name and                 Stock  Option Incentive Plan  Compensation  All Other      
Principal         Salary   Bonus  Awards Awards Compensation  Earnings Compensation    Total
Position    Year  ($)(1)   ($)(2)  ($)(3)  ($)  ($)  ($)  ($)(4)    ($)
Eric E. Schmidt    2015  1,254,808  6,000,000  —  —  —  —  783,370 (6)  8,038,178
4 Executive    2014  1,250,000  6,000,000 100,443,838  —  —  —  996,934    108,690,772
Chairman,    2013  1,250,000  6,000,000  11,365,184  —  —  —  708,196    19,323,380
5 Alphabet                                        
Sundar Pichai    2015   652,500    —  99,829,142  —  —  —  150,460 (7) 100,632,102
6 Chief                                        
Executive Officer                                      
168. For Defendant Pichai, the $99.8 million stock award was approved by the 
Leadership  Development  and  Compensation  Committee  (which  was  comprised  at  the 
time by Non‐Defendant Otellini and Defendant Shriram) on October 22, 2014, just nine 
days before Rubin stepped down from his position at Google on October 31, 2014, after 
he was reportedly given a “hero’s farewell.”20   
169. The following table provides information on the current holdings of stock 
options and unvested GSUs by certain of the defendants at December 31, 2017. 
           Option Awards    Stock Awards 
17    Number of Shares Market Value of
Number of Securities Option or Units of Stock Shares or Units of
18 Underlying Exercise Option That Have Not Stock That Have
Unexercised Options Price(2) Expiration Vested Not Vested(3)
19 Name  Grant Date    (#) Exercisable  
(1) ($)  Date (#)  ($)
Eric E. Schmidt    2/5/2014(4)  –  –  – 27,457  28,923,204
     2/5/2014(4)  –  –  – 27,457  28,731,005
21      2/2/2011   181,840  306.61  2/2/2021 –  –

22      2/2/2011   181,840  305.39  2/2/2021 –  –

Sundar Pichai    2/3/2016  (5) –  –  – 136,664  143,005,210
     8/6/2014(6)  –  –  – 353,939  370,361,770
24      5/1/2013(7)  –  –  – 20,213  21,292,374

20  The  Company’s  Proxy  states  that  the  stock  award  was  formally  granted  on 
26 January 7, 2015 after having been approved by the Committee on Oct. 22, 2014.   


     5/1/2013(7)  –  –  – 20,213  21,150,883
     4/4/2012   8,646  318.21  4/4/2022 –  –
2      4/4/2012   8,646  316.94  4/4/2022 –  –

3      8/4/2010   1,459  253.67  8/4/2020 –  –

     8/4/2010   1,459  252.65  8/4/2020 –  –
4      7/29/2009   2,436  218.56  7/29/2019 –  –

5      7/29/2009   2,436  217.68  7/29/2019 –  –

David C. Drummond   8/6/2014(6)  –  –  – 70,788  74,072,563
     4/4/2012   44,955  318.21  4/4/2022 –  –
7      4/4/2012   44,955  316.94  4/4/2022 –  –
     4/4/2012   8,646  318.21  4/4/2022 –  –
     4/4/2012   8,646  316.94  4/4/2022 –  –
9      4/6/2011   29,288  287.66  4/6/2021 –  –
     4/6/2011   29,288  286.52  4/6/2021 –  –
     12/1/2010   9,998  282.74  12/1/2020 –  –
11      12/1/2010   9,998  281.61  12/1/2020 –  –
     3/4/2009   34,138  159.78  3/4/2019 –  –
     3/4/2009   34,138  159.14  3/4/2019 –  –
170. The  following  table  provides  information  about  contributions,  earnings, 
and  balances  under  Google’s  nonqualified  deferred  compensation  plan  in  fiscal  year 
17 Executive Aggregate Withdrawals/
Contributions Earnings Distributions Aggregate Balance at
18 in 2017 in 2017(1) in 2017(2) December 31, 2017(3) 
Name    ($)  ($) ($) ($)
19 Eric E. Schmidt    –  3,625,563   3,618,179   29,643,886   

20 Sundar Pichai    –  52,779   –   4,425,884   

David C. Drummond   
21 –  –   –   – 

171.   The  Defendants’  compensation  and  stock  awards  detailed  herein  were 
unjust  and  should  be  disgorged  or  returned  by  such  Defendants  because  they  acted  in 
bad faith and in a disloyal manner by virtue of the conduct alleged in this complaint. 



172. As  a  result  of  the  Individual  Defendants’  improprieties,  Alphabet  and 
Google have suffered significant financial harm.  
173. Due to the Individual Defendants’ misconduct, Alphabet and Google paid 
Rubin  $90  million,  which  represented  corporate  waste.    Similar  to  the  low‐level 
employees  whose  employment  was  terminated  because  Google  found  allegations  of 
sexual harassment to be credible, Rubin should have been fired for cause and not given 
any severance. 
174. Similarly,  due  to  the  Individual  Defendants’  wrongdoing,  Alphabet  and 
Google  paid  millions  in  severance  to  Amit  Singhal,  who  should  have  been  fired  for 
cause and not given any severance.   
175. Moreover,  Alphabet  and  Google’s  reputation,  goodwill,  and  market 
capitalization have been harmed as a result of the Individual Defendants’ misconduct. 
176. Further,  as  a  direct  and  proximate  result  of  the  Individual  Defendants’ 
actions, Alphabet and Google have expended, and will continue to expend, significant 
sums of money.  Such expenditures include, but are not limited to: 
(a) costs  incurred  from  having  to  hire  new  employees,  as  employees 
have  quit  in  protest  over  Defendants’  misconduct  and  the  double  standard 
employed by Alphabet and Google;  
(b) costs  incurred  from  defending  and  paying  settlements  in  sexual 
harassment lawsuits, since the Individual Defendants’ wrongdoing caused sexual 
harassment to proliferate at Google;   
(c) costs  incurred  from  defending  and  settling  governmental 
investigations into the Individual Defendants’ misconduct;  
(d) loss of reputation; and 
(e) costs  incurred  from  compensation  and  benefits  paid  to  the 
Individual Defendants who have breached their duties to Google. 

177. Plaintiff  brings  this  action  derivatively  in  the  right  and  for  the  benefit  of 
Google to redress injuries suffered, and to be suffered, by Alphabet as a direct result of 
breaches of fiduciary duty, abuse of control, gross mismanagement, waste  of corporate 
assets,  and  unjust  enrichment,  as  well  as  the  aiding  and  abetting  thereof,  by  the 
Individual Defendants.  Alphabet is named as a nominal defendant solely in a derivative 
capacity.  This is not a collusive action to confer jurisdiction on this Court that it would 
not otherwise have. 
178. Plaintiff and his counsel will adequately and fairly represent the interests 
of Alphabet in enforcing and prosecuting its rights. 
179. Plaintiff was a shareholder of Google and then Alphabet at the time of the 
wrongdoing complained of, has continuously been a shareholder of Alphabet since that 
time, and is a current Alphabet shareholder.   
180. Plaintiff has delivered to Alphabet a true copy of this Complaint prior to its 
181. The  current  Board  of  Alphabet  consists  of  the  following  eleven 
individuals:  defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  Doerr,  Ferguson,  Mulally,  Pichai, 
Hennessy,  Mather,  Shriram,  and  Greene  (the  “Demand  Directors”).    Plaintiff  has  not 
made a demand on the Board to institute this action, because such a demand would be 
a futile, useless act, as set forth below.  
A. Demand Is Futile Because the Demand Directors Lack Independence 
182. Plaintiff has  not made a  demand  on Alphabet’s Board to  investigate  and 
prosecute  the  wrongdoing  alleged  herein.  Such  a  demand  is  futile  and  therefore 
excused because: (a) the Board’s wrongful conduct is not subject to protection under the 
business  judgment  rule;  and  (b)  a  majority  of  the  Board  is  unable  to  conduct  an 
independent  and  disinterested  investigation  of  the  alleged  wrongdoing.    Under  such 
circumstances, the demand requirement is excused since making such a demand on the 


1 Board would be futile.  Aronson v. Lewis, 473 A.2d 805 (Del. 1984) overruled by Brehm v. 

2 Eisner, 746 A.2d 244 (Del. 2000); Rales v. Blasband, 634 A.2d 927 (Del. 1993).  

3 183. The  Board  was  aware  of,  and  is  responsible  for,  Alphabet  and  Google’s 

4 employment policies and practices, as well as its failure to disclose credible allegations of 

5 sexual harassment by Google senior executives.  The Board breached its fiduciary duties 

6 of good faith, loyalty, and due care by failing to properly investigate, handle, and resolve 

7 allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct committed by Google executives.  The 

8 Boards’  actions  and  omissions  amounted  to  breach  of  fiduciary  duty,  abuse  of  control, 

9 gross mismanagement, and waste of corporate assets. 

10 B. At  the  Outset,  Demand  Is  Futile  as  to  Defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt, 
Greene  and  Pichai  Because,  as  Alphabet  Admits,  These  “Inside” 
11 Demand Directors Lack Independence 
12 184. As  stated  in  Alphabet’s  April  27,  2018  Proxy  Statement,  the  Board  “has 

13 adopted  independence  standards  that  mirror  the  criteria  specified  by  applicable  laws 

14 and regulations of the SEC and the Listing Rules of NASDAQ.” 

15 185. Under  its  own  “independence  standards,”  Alphabet  admits  in  the  2018 

16 Proxy Statement that five members of its eleven‐member Board — Page, Brin, Schmidt, 

17 Greene, and Pichai — are not independent. 

18 C. Demand  Is  Futile  Because  Defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt 

Dominate and Control the Board  
186. As of April 18, 2018, Alphabet has issued three classes of stock: 298,656,198 
shares  of  Class  A  common  stock;  46,940,340  shares  of  Class  B  common  stock;  and 
348,952,225 shares of Class C capital stock.  On matters requiring shareholder approval, 
such as the election of directors, the holders of the shares of Class A common stock and 
Class B common stock vote as a single class, while Class C stock has no voting power.  
Each  share  of  Class  A  common  stock  is  entitled  to  one  vote,  and  each  share  of  Class  B 
common stock is entitled to ten votes. 
187. Under this dual‐class voting structure, defendants Page, Brin, and Schmidt 
control  a  majority  of  Alphabet’s  total  voting  power  because,  as  of  April  18,  2018,  they 

1 hold an aggregate of 43,526,358 shares — approximately 92.7% — of Alphabet’s Class B 

2 shares, giving them 56.6% voting control.  In addition, a group of 13 Alphabet directors 

3 and  executive  officers,  including  defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  Doerr,  Pichai,  and 

4 Drummond hold an aggregate of 44,656,305 shares — constituting approximately 95.1% 

5 — of the Class B shares.  Details of the voting control exercised by defendants Page, Brin, 

6 Schmidt, and Doerr, as of April 18, 2018, are set forth in the chart below: 
Name  Class B Shares and Percentage Owned  Voting Control
8 Larry Page  19,952,558 42.5%  25.9%
9 Sergey Brin  19,290,366 41.1%  25.1%
Eric Schmidt  4,283,434 9.1%  5.6%
10 L. John Doerr  1,117,447 2.4%  1.5%
11 Total  44,656,305 95.1%  58.2%
188. In  fact,  defendants  Page  and  Brin  have  owned  and  exercised  majority 
voting control of Alphabet’s stock since Google’s IPO in 2004.  According to Alphabet’s 
Proxy Statements, Page and Brin have controlled between 51% and 54.3% of Alphabet’s 
stock  voting  power  every  year  between  2014  and  2018.    In  addition,  Schmidt  has 
controlled at least 5.5% of Alphabet’s stock voting power between 2014 and 2018.  Thus, 
the aggregate stockholdings of Page, Brin, and Schmidt have accounted for at least 56.6% 
of Alphabet’s voting power at all relevant times. 
189. Defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  maintained  majority  voting  control 
over Alphabet’s stock throughout these years, even though multiple shareholders have 
proposed  at  the  shareholder  meetings  each  year  to  amend  Alphabet’s  certificate  of 
incorporation  to  implement  a  one‐vote‐per‐share  policy.    Each  year,  the  Board  — 
controlled  by  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  —  voted  their  controlling  shares  against  such 
proposals,  thereby  single‐handedly  defeating  the  proposals  without  even  considering 
the  votes  of  the  minority  shareholders.    Moreover,  Alphabet’s  Board  made  the 
recommendations  to  shareholders  against  these  proposals  even  though  the  evidence 
suggests  that  the  current  dual‐class  voting  structure  deprives  Alphabet’s  public 

1 shareholders of their ability to press for reform and to hold management accountable for 

2 misconduct.    As  stated  in  shareholder  Proposal  4  in  the  2018  Proxy  Statement, 

3 Alphabet’s  dual‐class  voting  structure  received  a  “high‐risk”  rating  with  respect  to 

4 corporate governance: 
5 In our company’s dual‐class voting structure, each share of Class A 
common stock has one vote and each share of Class B common stock has 10 
6 votes.  As a result, Mr. Page and Mr. Brin currently control over 51% of our 
company’s  total  voting  power,  while  owning  less  than  13%  of  stock.    All 
7 insiders  control  nearly  57%  of  the  vote.  This  raises  concerns  that  the 
interests  of  public  shareholders  may  be  subordinated  to  those  of  our  co‐
8 founders.  By allowing certain stock to have more voting power than other 
stock our company takes our public shareholder money but does not let us 
9 have  an  equal  voice  in  our  company’s  management.  Without  a  voice, 
shareholders cannot hold management accountable. 
For  example,  despite  the  fact  that  more  than  85%  of  outsiders 
11 (average  shareholders)  voted  AGAINST  the  creation  of  a  third  class  of 
stock  (class  C)  in  2012,  the  weight  of  the  insiders’  10  votes  per  share 
12 allowed the passage of this proposal. 
13 … 
14 In reaction to the change at the S&P, Ken Bertsch, executive director 
of  the  Council  of  Institutional  Investors,  stated:  “Multi‐class  structures  ... 
15 rob  shareholders  of  the  power  to  press  for  change  when  something  goes 
wrong,  which  happens  sooner  or  later  at  most  if  not  all  companies  ... 
16 Shareholders at such companies have no say in electing the directors who 
are supposed to oversee management.” 
Independent  analysts  appear  to  agree  with  our  concerns.  As  of 
18 December  1,  2017,  Institutional  Shareholder  Services  (ISS),  which  rates 
companies on risk, gave our company a 10, its highest risk category, for the 
19 Governance  Quality  Score.    ISS  rates  our  shareholder  rights  and 
compensation  a  10,  and  our  board  is  rated  a  9,  also  indicating  relatively 
20 higher risk according to the ISS. 
21 190. Despite the corporate‐governance risks resulting from the dual‐class voting 

22 structure,  the  Board  continued,  year  after  year,  to  justify  its  recommendation  to  vote 

23 against  any  equal‐shareholder‐voting  proposal  on  the  purported  basis  that  allowing 

24 Page and Brin control over Alphabet would provide “stability over long time horizons.” 

25 191. In addition to controlling the majority of Alphabet’s voting power, Page, 

26 Brin,  and  Schmidt  exercise  control  and  domination  over  the  entire  eleven‐member 

27 Board.    In  fact,  Alphabet  has  repeatedly  admitted  in  its  annual  reports  during  the 


1 relevant  period  that  defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt  “have  significant  influence 

2 over management and affairs and over all matters requiring stockholder approval,” and 

3 that they have the ability to elect all of [Alphabet’s] directors”: 
As  of  December  31,  2017,  Larry,  Sergey,  and  Eric  E.  Schmidt 
5 beneficially  owned  approximately  92.7%  of  our  outstanding  Class  B 
common  stock,  which  represented  approximately  56.7%  of  the  voting 
6 power  of  our  outstanding  capital  stock.    Larry,  Sergey,  and  Eric  therefore 
have  significant  influence  over  management  and  affairs  and  over  all 
7 matters requiring stockholder approval, including the election of directors 
and significant corporate transactions, such as a merger or other sale of our 
8 company  or  our  assets,  for  the  foreseeable  future.    In  addition  …,  the 
issuance of the Class C capital stock … could prolong the duration of Larry 
9 and  Sergey’s  current  relative  ownership  of  our  voting  power  and  their 
ability to elect all of our directors and to determine the outcome of most 
10 matters submitted to a vote of our stockholders.  Together with Eric, they 
would  also  continue  to  be  able  to  control  any  required  stockholder  vote 
11 with respect to certain change in control transactions involving Alphabet 
(including an acquisition of Alphabet by another company). 
This  concentrated  control  limits  or  severely  restricts  our 
13 stockholders’  ability  to  influence  corporate  matters  and,  as  a  result,  we 
may  take  actions  that  our  stockholders  do  not  view  as  beneficial.    As  a 
14 result,  the  market  price  of  our  Class  A  common  stock  and  our  Class  C 
capital stock could be adversely affected. 
15 See Alphabet’s Form 10‐K Filed with the SEC on February 5, 2018, at 18–19.  

16 192. Due  to  the  control  and  domination  exercised  by  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt, 
17 the  other  Demand  Directors  are  prevented  from  taking  remedial  action  against 

18 defendants  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt.    Indeed,  Alphabet’s  Proxy  Statements  have 

19 repeatedly  conceded  that  Brin,  Page  and  Schmidt  exercise  control  over  the  “election  of 

20 directors” due to their stock voting control and can therefore easily fire any director they 

21 do  not  like  or  who  would  dare  to  take  any  legal  action  against  them.    A  demand  is 

22 therefore futile and excused. 

D. Demand is Futile Because a Majority of the Board Completely Abdicated 
24 Its Fiduciary Duties 
193. Corporate  directors’  actions  are  only  protected  by  the  business  judgment 
rule to the extent that directors fully inform themselves before taking action and act in 
good faith, in a manner they believe is in the best interests of the corporation. 


1 194.   Here,  as  demonstrated  above,  Google’s  directors  completely  failed  to 

2 inform  themselves  before  taking  action  with  respect  to  Rubin’s  compensation  and 

3 termination, and instead blindly deferred to Defendant Page.   

4 195. The actions that Alphabet’s Board took with respect to Rubin represented 

5 active and conscious decisions, not failures to act.  Thus, before acting, Alphabet’s Board 

6 had  a  duty  to  fully  inform  themselves  of  all  material  facts,  which  they  wholly  and 

7 abysmally failed to do.   

8 196. At  the  time  Alphabet’s  Board  agreed  to  pay  $90  million  in  severance  to 

9 Rubin,  the  Board  consisted  of  a  majority  of  those  individuals  still  on  the  Board.  

10 Specifically,  the  Board  at  the  time  consisted  of  Defendants  Page,  Brin,  Schmidt,  Doerr, 

11 Greene, Hennessy, Mather, Mulally, Shriram, and Tilghman.  Thus, demand is excused 

12 as to a majority of the current Board.  

13 E. Demand  Is  Futile  Because  a  Majority  of  the  Board  Cannot  Conduct  an 
Independent  and  Objective  Investigation  of  the  Misconduct  Due  to 
14 Their Close Professional and Personal Relationships  
15 197. Demand is futile if at least a majority of Google’s Board cannot fairly and 

16 independently adjudicate potential claims against themselves.  Of the current Board, all 

17 directors  except  two  of  the  Demand  Directors  were  on  the  Board  in  2014,  when  the 

18 Board concealed the credible claims of sexual harassment against Rubin, and instead of 

19 terminating  Rubin,  paid  him  a  $90  million  severance  package.    Moreover,  all  Demand 

20 Directors were on the Board in late 2017, when they failed to remedy their misconduct in 

21 late 2017, when the first report of Rubin’s sexual harassment emerged.   A majority of the 

22 Board therefore engaged, and continues to engage, in the wrongdoing and has interests 

23 that are adverse to performing a fair, unbiased investigation. 

24 198. Defendants  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt  were  directly  involved  in  asking 

25 Rubin to resign and in paying him $90 million, and they deliberately concealed the fact 

26 that  Google  had  performed  an  internal  investigation  that  found  the  allegations  against 

27 Rubin to be credible.  Defendants Doerr, Hennessy, Greene, Mather, and Shriram were 


1 also  on  the  Board  at  the  time,  were  fully  briefed  about  the  fact  that  the  internal 

2 investigation  had  found  the  allegations  against  Rubin  to  be  credible,  and  directly 

3 participated in the wrongdoing and the cover‐up.  For example, Doerr and Shriram were 

4 on  the  Leadership  Development  and  Compensation  Committee  that  approved  the 

5 payment to Rubin and which was involved in the internal investigation.  Hennessy was 

6 the  Lead  Independent  Director  at  the  time  and  the  Chair  of  the  Nominating  and 

7 Corporate Governance Committee.   

8 199. Moreover,  Doerr,  Shriram,  Greene,  Hennessy  and  Mather  are  not 

9 independent of defendants Brin, Page, and Schmidt due to their close professional and 

10 personal relationships.  These relationships have caused conflicts of interest precluding 

11 defendants  Doerr,  Hennessy,  Shriram,  Mather,  and  Greene  from  taking  any  necessary 

12 and proper steps against Brin, Page, and Schmidt on behalf of the Company as requested 

13 herein.  None of these six directors are disinterested as explained herein. 

14 200. Page  and  Brin:    Defendants  Brin  and  Page  met  at  Stanford  University  in 

15 1995, when Page was 22 years old, and Brin was 21.  They crammed a dorm room with 

16 inexpensive  computers  and  used  defendant  Brin’s  data  mining  system  on  a  research 

17 project  together  at  Stanford  in  1996,  during  which  time  they  became  friends.  The 

18 research  project,  known  as  “BackRub,”  explored  backlinks,  or  links  on  other  websites 

19 that  refer  back  to  a  given  webpage,  as  a  way  to  measure  the  relative  importance  of  a 

20 particular site.  Defendants Page and Brin then developed an algorithm together called 

21 “PageRank”  which  returned  rankings  based  on  the  number  of  times  a  search  term 

22 appeared.  The program became so popular that they both suspended their PhD studies 

23 to  start  Google,  which  they  initially  ran  out  of  their  dorm  rooms.    During  all  relevant 

24 times,  defendants  Page  and  Brin  worked  closely  together,  even  sharing  the  same  tiny 

25 office, talking about all the issues impacting Google, and being the final decision‐makers 

26 on all major decisions. 



1 201. Schmidt:  Defendant Schmidt joined Google in 2001 as CEO and has held a 

2 seat  on  the  Board  since  then.    Since  April  2011,  he  has  been  Google’s  Executive 

3 Chairman.  He has always been considered the “resident grown‐up” at Google.  He has a 

4 close  relationship  with  defendants  Brin  and  Page  and  with  them  has  control  over 

5 decisions  at  Google.    He  holds  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  electrical  engineering  from 

6 Princeton  University  as  well  as  a  master’s  degree  and  Ph.D.  in  computer  science  from 

7 the University of California, Berkeley.  Prior to joining Google, he worked at Bell Labs, 

8 Xerox  Corp.,  Sun  Microsystems,  and  Novell.    Schmidt  was  a  member  of  Princeton 

9 University’s  board  from  2004–2008.    Defendant  Schmidt’s  charitable  giving  includes 

10 donating  $25  million  in  2010  to  Princeton  University  to  create  an  endowment,  the 

11 Schmidt  Transformative  Technology  Fund,  which  donation  was  announced  by 

12 defendant  Tilghman,  who  was  then  the  President  of  Princeton.    Schmidt  has  taught  at 

13 Stanford University. 

14 202. Defendants Hennessy, Shriram, Mather, and Greene are not independent 

15 from  defendants  Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt,  due  to  their  interrelated  business, 

16 professional,  and  personal  relationships.    These  relationships  have  resulted  in 

17 debilitating conflicts of interest that prevent defendants Hennessy, Shriram, and Greene 

18 from  taking  the  necessary  and  proper  action  on  behalf  of  the  Company  as  requested 

19 herein.   

20 203. Hennessy:  Defendant  Hennessy  is  the  former  President  of  Stanford,  and 

21 served in that role from 2000 to August 2016.  Defendant Hennessy has been a member 

22 of the Boards of Cisco Systems, Inc. and Atheros Communications, Inc.  Hennessy is still 

23 a professor of Stanford and very influential at the school.  In addition to  his work as a 

24 Professor  at  Stanford,  he  has  served  as  Chair  of  the  Department  of  Computer  Science 

25 (1994‐96),  Dean  of  the  School  of  Engineering  (1996‐99),  Provost  (1999‐2000),  and 

26 President  (2000‐2016).  He  is  currently  the  Director  of  the  Knight‐Hennessy  Scholars 

27 Program. 


1 204.  At  the  direction  of  defendants  Brin  and  Page,  who  are  Stanford  alumni, 

2 Google  donates  millions  of  dollars  every  year  to  Stanford.    Since  2006,  Google  has 

3 donated over $14.4 million to the University.  Defendant Hennessy’s role at Google has 

4 created  the  closest  intersection  with  his  Stanford  duties  per  The  Wall  Street  Journal.    In 

5 2004, several months before Google’s IPO, the Company appointed defendant Hennessy 

6 to  its  Board.    Defendant  Doerr,  one  of  Google’s  original  investors  and  directors,  made 

7 the first overture to defendant Hennessy.  Defendant Hennessy has invested money with 

8 defendant  Doerr’s  firm,  Kleiner  Perkins  Caufield  &  Byers  (“Kleiner  Perkins”).  Google 

9 granted  defendant  Hennessy  65,000  options  to  buy  Google  stock  at  $20  apiece.    After 

10 Google’s IPO, SEC filings reveal that defendant Hennessy received 10,556 Google shares 

11 as part of an earlier investment in a Kleiner Perkins fund.  

12 205. With his positions at Stanford and Google, defendant Hennessy effectively 

13 sits  on  two  sides  of  a  business  relationship.    Google  licenses  its  Internet  search 

14 technology  from  Stanford,  where  defendant  Brin  and  Page  started  the  Company  and 

15 were  Ph.D.  students.    As  payment,  Stanford  received  shares  in  the  offering  that  the 

16 school has since sold for $336 million.  Stanford continues to receive what it describes as 

17 “modest”  annual  licensing  fees  from  Google.    Paul  Aiken,  Executive  Director  of  the 

18 Authors  Guild,  calls  defendant  Hennessy’s  personal  holdings  in  Google  “a  great 

19 concern”  and  says  “there  seems  to  be  both  a  personal  and  institutional  profit  motive 

20 here.”    In  November 2006, Google pledged  $2  million  to  Stanford Law School’s Center 

21 for Internet and Society, founded by Stanford Professor Lawrence Lessig, known for his 

22 views that copyright laws are often too restrictive.  Aine Donovan, Executive Director of 

23 the  Ethics  Institute  at  Dartmouth  College,  says  Stanford  should  not  have  accepted  the 






1 Google gift because it is too narrowly tailored to benefit Google’s corporate interests.  “It 

2 might as well be the Google Center,” she says.21  

3 206. Defendant Hennessey attended a political dinner with defendants Schmidt 

4 and Greene at defendant Doerr’s home in February 2011; to no one’s surprise, defendant 

5 Hennessey was the only non‐business leader invited.22  Additionally, defendant Schmidt 

6 joins a third of Professor Peter Wendell’s Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital classes 

7 at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.  Defendant Schmidt stated when Google is 

8 looking  for  engineers,  they  start  at  Stanford.    Five  percent  of  Google  employees  are 

9 Stanford graduates.23  

10 207. Defendant  Hennessy  has  much  to  lose  by  voting  to  initiate  litigation 

11 against  defendants  Brin  or  Page.    If  defendant  Hennessy  voted  to  initiate  litigation 

12 against  defendants  Brin,  Page,  or  Schmidt,  Stanford  would  risk  losing  multi‐million‐

13 dollar  donations  every  year.    As  one  of  defendant  Hennessy’s  principle  duties  is  to 

14 ensure  continued  alumni  support  as  Stanford’s  President,  he  would  not  jeopardize  the 

15 loss  of  such  a  substantial  donation.    Furthermore,  defendant  Hennessy  would  not  risk 

16 his prestigious positions at Stanford or Google’s continued support of the University by 

17 voting  to  initiate  litigation  against  defendants  Brin,  Page,  or  Schmidt.    Accordingly, 

18 defendant  Hennessy  lacks  independence  from  defendants  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt, 

19 rendering a pre‐suit demand on him futile.  



21 John Hechinger & Rebecca Buckman, “The Golden Touch of Stanford’s President,” 
23 THE  WALL  STREET  JOURNAL  (Feb.  24,  2007)  (available  at  http://online.wsj.com/news/ 
articles/SB117226912853917727 (last visited Nov. 8, 2018)). 
22  Ken  Auletta,  “Get  Rich  U,”  THE  NEW  YORKER  (Apr.  30,  2012)  (available  at 

25 http://www. newyorker.com/reporting/2012/04/30/120430fa_fact_auletta?currentPage=all 
(last visited Nov. 8, 2018)). 
26 23 Id.  



1 208. Doerr:  Defendant  Doerr  has  been  a  partner  at  the  venture  capital  firm  of 

2 Kleiner Perkins since August 1980, was an early investor in Google and has been on its 

3 Board since May 1999. 

4 209. It was in his capacity as a partner at Kleiner Perkins that he met defendants 

5 Brin  and  Page,  according  to  a  book  written  with  full  cooperation  from  Google’s  top 

6 management.    The  meeting  was  just  ending  when  defendant  Doerr  asked  a  final 

7 question:  “How  big  do  you  think  this  can  be?”    “Ten  billion,”  said  defendant  Page.  

8 “Doerr just about fell off his chair.  Surely, he replied to Page, you can’t be expecting a 

9 market  cap  of  $10  billion.    Doerr  had  already  made  a  silent  calculation  that  Google’s 

10 optimal market cap — the eventual value of the company — could go maybe as high as 

11 one  billion  dollars.”    “Oh,  I’m  very  serious,”  said  defendant  Page.  “And  I  don’t  mean 

12 market cap, I mean revenues.”  Defendant Doerr would go on to invest in Google.  The 

13 Company  surpassed  even  defendant  Page’s  wild  projection.24    Defendant  Doerr  also 

14 regularly visits Stanford to scout for ideas.  He describes Stanford as the “germplasm for 

15 innovation.  I  can’t  imagine  Silicon  Valley  without  Stanford  University.”    He  hosts 

16 political and charitable events attended by many of the other Google directors. 

17 210. Furthermore,  defendant  Doerr  has  sought  and  obtained  significant 

18 investments  from  Google  for  private  companies  in  which  Kleiner  Perkins  is  a  major 

19 investor.  For example, Google bought Peakstream, Inc. for $20.3 million in 2007.  As part 

20 owner of Peakstream, Inc., Kleiner Perkins received 24.5% of that figure (approximately 

21 $5  million).    Kleiner  Perkins  invested  in  Intuit.    Since  then,  Google  has  continued  to 

22 invest in companies in which Kleiner Perkins has major investments.  Since 2008, Google 

23 has invested $47.5 million in the same companies in which Kleiner Perkins invested.  In 

24 2010,  at  the  direction  of  defendants  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt,  Google  invested  over  $21 

24 Levy, Steven, In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives (New 
26 York Simon & Schuster 2011). 



1 million  in  companies  in  which  Kleiner  Perkins  has  a  substantial  interest.    If  defendant 

2 Doerr voted in favor of initiating litigation against defendants Brin, Page, or Schmidt, he 

3 would risk Google’s continued financial support in companies in which Kleiner Perkins 

4 has major investments.  Defendant Doerr will not take such a risk.  

5 211. Defendant Doerr has a close relationship with defendants Brin, Page, and 

6 Schmidt,  having  been  one  of  the  early  investors  in  Google.    Doerr  also  introduced 

7 Schmidt  to  Page  and  Brin.    Doerr’s  firm,  Kleiner  Perkins,  was  an  early  investor  in  Sun 

8 Microsystems, where Schmidt began his career.  Schmidt held various positions at Sun 

9 Microsystems  from  1983  to  March  1997.    In  1996,  when  defendant  Schmidt  was  Sun 

10 Microsystems’ Chief Technology Officer, Kleiner Perkins formed a $100 million fund to 

11 invest in companies that would create software and related products based on the Java 

12 programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.   

13 212. Defendant  Doerr  also  directed  early  venture  capital  funding  to  Netscape 

14 Communications  Corp.  (“Netscape”)  in  1994  when  the  web  browser  company  was 

15 founded, and defendant Shriram was its Vice President.  Netscape had not yet shipped 

16 products  or  posted  revenue  during  these  now  legendary  early  days  of  the  Internet.  

17 Defendant  Doerr’s  firm,  Kleiner  Perkins,  paid  $4  million  in  1994  for  around  25%  of 

18 Netscape  and  profited  from  Netscape’s  IPO  and  subsequent  $4  billion  acquisition  by 

19 America  Online,  Inc.  (“America  Online”)  in  1999.  Doerr  and  Shriram’s  close  working 

20 relationship  began  with  Netscape  and  has  continued  on  to  Google’s  Board.    In  2006, 

21 defendants Doerr and Shriram visited India together. “[Kleiner Perkins] and Shriram are 

22 working  together  to  make  investments  in  Indian  companies  serving  the  domestic 

23 market.  The  visit  by  [Kleiner  Perkins]  partners  and  Shriram  to  the  country  later  this 

24 month is to meet entrepreneurs as well as business and political leaders,” stated Sandeep 





1 Murthy, who represented both Sherpalo Ventures, LLC (“Sherpalo”) (Shriram’s venture 

2 capital firm) and Kleiner Perkins in India. 25   

3 213. Accordingly,  defendant  Doerr  is  not  independent  from  “interested” 

4 defendants Brin, Page, and Schmidt.  As such, a pre‐suit demand on defendant Doerr is 

5 futile. 

6 214. Shriram:    Defendant  Shriram  was  one  of  four  angel  investors  in  Google 

7 and  a  founding  member  of  its  Board,  on  which  he  continues  to  sit  today.    Defendant 

8 Shriram  counseled  defendants  Brin  and  Page  every  Monday  morning  during  Google’s 

9 earliest days and helped them to incorporate the Company.  Shriram also helped them 

10 work  out  a  licensing  agreement  with  Stanford  so  the  University  would  benefit  if  their 

11 two graduate students were successful.  According to Googled: The End of the World as We 

12 Know  It,  a  Stanford  computer  science  professor,  David  Cheriton,  had  introduced 

13 defendant  Shriram  to  defendants  Brin  and  Page  in  1998.26    Impressed  by  their  idea, 

14 defendant Shriram made an investment of $250,000. 

15 215. Defendant  Shriram  has  been  a  member  of  Stanford  University’s  board 

16 since  December  2009.    As  a  Google  director  and  Stanford  trustee,  defendant  Shriram 

17 closely  works  on  two  boards  with  defendant  Hennessey,  a  Google  director  since  April 

18 2004 and President of Stanford since October 2000.  Shriram has a very close relationship 

19 with the University. He and his wife have served on Stanford’s Parents Advisory Board 

20 since 2006 and endowed the Shriram Family Professorship in Science Education.  Both of 

21 his daughters are also students at Stanford.  Defendant Shriram also assisted defendants 


25 Ishani Duttagupta, “Moneybag VCs Shriram, Doerr set sail from US,” THE  TIMES OF 
INDIA  (Jan.  9,  2009)  (available  at  http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/ 
25 1363995. cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst. 
26  Ken  Auletta,  Googled:  The  End  of  the  World  as  We  Know  It  (The  Penguin  Press: 
26 New York, 2009). 



1 Brin  and  Page  in  negotiating  a  licensing  agreement  with  Stanford,  so  the  University 

2 would benefit if Google was successful. 

3 216. Alphabet’s  CFO,  Ruth  Porat,  also  currently  serves  on  Stanford’s  Board  of 

4 Trustees with Shriram.  

5 217. Shriram  became  a  Vice  President  of  Netscape  in  1994  during  the  now 

6 legendary early days of the Internet when the web browser company was founded and 

7 before it shipped products or posted revenue.  That same year, defendant Doerr directed 

8 early venture capital funding to Netscape.  Doerr’s firm, Kleiner Perkins, paid $4 million 

9 in 1994 for around 25% of Netscape and profited from Netscape’s IPO and subsequent $4 

10 billion  acquisition  by  America  Online  in  1999.    Shriram  and  Doerr’s  close  working 

11 relationship  began  with  Netscape  and  has  continued  on  to  Google’s  Board.    In  2006, 

12 defendants  Shriram  and  Doerr  visited  India  together.    “[Kleiner  Perkins]  and  Shriram 

13 are  working  together  to  make  investments  in  Indian  companies  serving  the  domestic 

14 market.  The  visit  by  [Kleiner  Perkins]  partners  and  Shriram  to  the  country  later  this 

15 month is to meet entrepreneurs as well as business and political leaders,” stated Sandeep 

16 Murthy,  who  represented  both  Sherpalo  (Shriram’s  venture  capital  firm)  and  Kleiner 

17 Perkins in India. 

18 218. Accordingly, based upon defendant Shriram’s many ties and involvement, 

19 he lacks independence, rendering a pre‐suit demand futile. 

20 F. Demand  Is  Futile  Because  the  Demand  Defendants  Face  a  Substantial 

Likelihood of Liability for Their Misconduct 
219. Each of the Demand Defendants face a substantial likelihood of liability for 
their roles in the sexual harassment scandal. 
220. At the outset, defendants Page, Brin, and Schmidt breached their fiduciary 
duties  by  setting  the  wrong  tone  at  the  top  and  by  fostering  a  culture  of  sexual 
harassment  and  discrimination.    Specifically,  in  the  early  2000s,  defendant  Page  dated 
Marissa Mayer, then an employee at Google.  Defendant Schmidt, who joined Google as 
CEO  in  2001,  retained  a  mistress  to  work  as  a  Google  consultant.    And  in  2014,  as 

1 Alphabet conducted an internal investigation regarding claims of sexual misconduct by 

2 defendant Rubin, defendant Brin had an extra‐marital affair with a Google employee.   

3 221. Upon information and belief, at all relevant times, the Board’s LDCC was 

4 directly  involved  in  reviewing:  (a)  complaints  about  sexual  harassment  at  Google;  and 

5 (b)  severance  payments  to  executives,  like  Rubin,  who  were  forced  out  due  to  credible 

6 allegations of sexual harassment or discrimination. 

7 222. In  2014,  while  Alphabet’s  internal  investigation  of  defendant  Rubin’s 

8 sexual misconduct was under way, defendant Page and the three members of the LDCC 

9 (defendants  Doerr  and  Shriram,  as  well  as  nonparty  Paul  S.  Otellini)  reviewed  and 

10 approved the $150 million stock grant to Rubin.   

11 223. Without  waiting  for  a  complete,  conclusive  report  on  the  investigation’s 

12 findings, Page and the LDCC members approved the $150 million stock grant to Rubin.   

13 224. This  decision  proved  significant  for  two  reasons.    First,  this  stock  grant 

14 gave  Rubin  a  major  financial  incentive  for  remaining  at  Google.    Second,  it  also  gave 

15 Rubin  an  enormous  bargaining  chip  for  negotiating  a  favorable  severance  package, 

16 when he was later forced to resign.   

17 225. Sometime before October 2014, Alphabet’s internal investigation concluded 

18 that  the  allegations  of  sexual  misconduct  against  defendant  Rubin  were  credible.  

19 Specifically,  a  female  employee,  with  whom  Rubin  was  having  an  extra‐marital  affair, 

20 accused Rubin of coercing her to perform oral sex in a hotel room in 2013.   

21 226. Upon information and belief, the Board’s Audit Committee (comprised of 

22 defendants  Greene,  Mulally,  and  Mather  in  2014)  and  the  LDCC  (comprised  of 

23 defendants Doerr and Shriram, as well as nonparty Mr. Otellini), along with defendants 

24 Page,  Brin,  and  Schmidt,  as  well  as  defendant  Hennessy,  received  information  and 

25 reports  about  the  findings  of  the  investigation  regarding  Rubin.    All  nine  Demand 

26 Directors were advised that the allegations were found to be credible.   



1 227. Based  on  the  findings  of  the  internal  investigation,  the  Board  could  have 

2 terminated Rubin for cause.  But Page and others decided to quietly ask Rubin to resign, 

3 without  exposing  Rubin’s  misconduct,  even  though  the  claims  of  sexual  harassment 

4 against him had been found to be credible.   

5 228. For  his  part,  Doerr  has  additional,  personal  reasons  for  wanting  to  avoid 

6 being  associated  with  any  allegations  of  sexual  harassment  or  discrimination.    In  2014, 

7 Doerr’s  venture  capital  firm,  Kleiner  Perkins,  was  defending  a  lawsuit  brought  by  a 

8 former  junior  partner,  Ellen  Pao,  who  claimed  to  have  experienced  sexual  harassment 

9 and  discrimination  while  working  at  Kleiner  Perkins  between  2005  and  2012.    Pao’s 

10 lawsuit, filed in 2012, sought damages in excess of $16 million.  Doerr was a key witness 

11 in  Pao’s  case,  because  he  mentored  Pao  when  she  worked  for  him  for  two  years  as 

12 technical chief of staff.  As Doerr was dealing with the internal investigation and Rubin’s 

13 resignation at Alphabet, Pao’s lawsuit was proceeding in discovery in earnest.  

14 229. Defendant  Rubin  took  advantage  of  the  Board’s  desire  to  cover  up  the 

15 sexual  misconduct  claims  against  him.    Using  the  leverage  of  the  $150  million  stock 

16 grant,  Rubin  secured  a  $90  million  severance  package,  to  be  paid  by  monthly 

17 installments between $1.25 million and $2.5 million over four years.  Upon information 

18 and  belief,  Page  and  the  members  of  the  LDCC  reviewed  and  approved  Rubin’s  $90 

19 million severance package. 

20 230. Upon  information  and  belief,  the  Audit  Committee  (consisting  of 

21 defendants  Mather  (Chairperson),  Shriram,  and  Greene)  consciously  or  recklessly 

22 ignored  the  financial  and  reputational  risk  to  Alphabet  from  (a)  concealing  Rubin’s 

23 misconduct;  (b)  permitting  Rubin  to  resign,  despite  the  findings  of  the  internal 

24 investigation and the ample basis to terminate him for cause; and (c) awarding Rubin a 

25 $90  million  severance  package.    Through  their  active  involvement  in  these  unlawful 

26 practices,  the  Audit  Committee  members  have  exposed  Alphabet  and  Google  to  a 



1 significant amount of potential liability on top of the already realized attorneys’ fees and 

2 loss of goodwill.   

3 231. Moreover,  all  Demand  Directors  were  on  the  Board  in  November  2017, 

4 when  allegations  of  Rubin’s  sexual  misconduct  first  came  to  light.    Despite  this 

5 revelation, however, the Demand Directors failed to disclose the true reasons for Rubinʹs 

6 “resignation” and the true facts regarding the 2014 internal investigation. 

7 232. The  foregoing  facts  demonstrate  that  the  Demand  Directors  acted  in  bad 

8 faith  and  breached  their  duty  of  loyalty  to  Alphabet  by  (a)  failing  to  implement  and 

9 maintain  adequate  internal  controls  at  Alphabet;  (b)  fostering  a  culture  that  permitted 

10 rampant  sexual  harassment  and  discrimination  at  Google;  (c)  actively  participating  in 

11 the  cover‐up  of  Google  executives’  sexual  harassment;  and  (d)  failing  to  ensure  that 

12 Google  complied  with  rules  and  regulations  regarding  sexual  harassment  and 

13 discrimination.  As such, a pre‐suit demand is futile and excused. 
14 G. The  Statute  of  Limitations  Does  Not  Bar  Plaintiff’s  Claims  or, 
Alternatively, Was Tolled 
233. The  statute  of  limitations  does  not  bar  Plaintiff’s  shareholder  derivative 
action.  Plaintiff has brought this Complaint within the applicable statute of limitations. 
234. Alternatively,  the  statute  of  limitations  was  tolled  during  the  Individual 
Defendants’  adverse  domination  of  Google  and  the  concealment  by  the  Individual 
Defendants of their wrongful acts.  Here, the Demand Directors and Google were wholly 
under  the  adverse  domination  of  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt,  who  collectively  control 
almost  two‐thirds  of  shareholder  votes.    Consequently,  the  Demand  Directors  were 
“deemed to be in the same position as an incompetent person or a minor without legal 
capacity  either  to  know  or  to  act  in  relation  to”  the  wrongful  conduct.    Moreover, 
Defendants  concealed,  and  continue  to  conceal,  their  wrongful  acts  and  this  is  a 
continuing  conspiracy.  The  statute  of  limitations  has  therefore  been  tolled  since 
defendants  Brin,  Page,  and  Schmidt  adversely  dominated  Google.    The  statute  of 
limitations  should  not  bar  Plaintiff,  an  innocent  stockholder,  from  bringing  this 

1 shareholder  derivative  suit.    Additionally,  Plaintiff  did  not  and  could  not  have 

2 discovered the liability of the Individual Defendants until the revelation of misconduct 

3 by the October 26, 2018 article in The New York Times. 

Breach of Fiduciary Duty 
6 Against All Individual Defendants and Does 1–30 
7 235. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each and every allegation 
8 contained above, as though fully set forth herein. 

9 236. The  Individual  Defendants  and  Does  1–30  owed  and  owe  Alphabet 
10 fiduciary  obligations.    By  reason  of  their  fiduciary  relationships,  the  Individual 

11 Defendants owed and owe Alphabet the highest obligation of good faith, fair dealing, 

12 loyalty, and due care. 

13 237. The Individual Defendants and Does 1–30, and each of them, violated and 
14 breached their fiduciary duties of candor, good faith, and loyalty.  More specifically, the 

15 Individual Defendants violated their duty of good faith by, despite having knowledge 

16 of pervasive sexual harassment by Google executives, failing to disclose the harassment 

17 and by taking steps to cover it up. 

18 238. The  Individual  Defendants  owed  Google  the  highest  duty  of  loyalty.  
19 These defendants breached their duty of loyalty because they knowingly or recklessly: 

20 (a) allowed defendants Page, Brin, and Schmidt to dominate and control the Board with 

21 little  to  no  effective  oversight;  (b)  failed  to  implement  and  maintain  adequate  internal 

22 controls  at  Alphabet;  (c)  fostered  a  culture  that  permitted  rampant  sexual  harassment 

23 and  discrimination  at  Google;  (d)  actively  participated  in  the  cover‐up  of  Google 

24 executives’ sexual harassment; and (e) failed to ensure that Google complied with rules 

25 and regulations regarding sexual harassment and discrimination. 

26 239. As a direct and proximate result of the Individual Defendants’ and Does 
27 1‐30’s  breaches  of  their  fiduciary  obligations,  Alphabet  has  sustained  significant 


1 damages,  as  alleged  herein.    As  a  result  of  the  misconduct  alleged  herein,  these 

2 defendants are liable to the Company. 

Abuse of Control 
4 Against Defendants Page, Brin, Doerr, and Schmidt 
5 240. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each and every allegation 
6 contained above, as though fully set forth herein. 

7 241. By  virtue  of  their  positions  and  financial  holdings  at  Alphabet  and 
8 Google, defendants Page, Brin, Doerr and Schmidt exercised control over Alphabet and 

9 its  operations,  and  owed  duties  as  controlling  persons  to  Alphabet  not  to  use  their 

10 positions of control for their own personal interests and contrary to Alphabet’s interests. 

11 242. Defendants  Brin,  Schmidt,  Doerr  and  Page’s  conduct  alleged  herein 
12 constitutes an abuse of their ability to control and influence Alphabet, for which they are 

13 legally responsible. 

14 243. As  a  result  of  defendants  Page,  Brin,  Doerr  and  Schmidt’s  abuse  of 
15 control,  Alphabet  has  sustained  and  will  continue  to  sustain  damages  and  injuries  for 

16 which it has no adequate remedy at law. 

17 244. Because  the  acts  of  defendants  named  herein,  and  each  of  them,  were 
18 done  maliciously,  oppressively,  and  with  intent  to  defraud,  Plaintiff  on  behalf  of 

19 Alphabet  is  entitled  to  punitive  and  exemplary  damages  in  an  amount  to  be  shown 

20 according to proof at the time of trial. 

Waste of Corporate Assets 
22 Against All Individual Defendants and Does 1–30 
23 245. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each and every allegation 
24 contained above, as though fully set forth herein. 

25 246. As  a  result  of  the  wrongdoing  detailed  herein  and  by  failing  to  conduct 
26 proper  supervision,  the  Individual  Defendants  and  Does  1‐30  have  caused  Alphabet 

27 and Google to waste its assets by paying improper compensation and bonuses to certain 


1 of its executive officers and directors who breached their fiduciary duties.  Such waste 

2 of corporate assets includes the tens of millions of dollars in severance packages paid to 

3 defendants Rubin and Singhal in 2014 and 2015, respectively.   

4 247. As a result of the waste of corporate assets, the Individual Defendants and 

5 Does 1–30 are liable to Alphabet. 

6 248. Plaintiff, on behalf of Alphabet, has no adequate remedy at law. 

Unjust Enrichment 
8 Against Defendants Schmidt, Drummond, Doerr, Shriram, Page, Rubin, Singhal 
9 Pichai, and Does 1‐30 

10 249. Plaintiff incorporates by reference and realleges each and every allegation 

11 contained above, as though fully set forth herein. 

12 250. By  their  wrongful  acts  and  omissions,  defendants  Schmidt,  Drummond, 

13 Doerr,  Shriram,  Rubin,  Singhal,  Pichai,  and  Does  1‐30  were  unjustly  enriched  at  the 

14 expense  of  and  to  the  detriment  of  Alphabet  and  Google.    These  defendants  were 

15 unjustly  enriched  as  a  result  of  the  compensation  and  benefits  they  received  while 

16 breaching  fiduciary  duties  owed  to  Alphabet  and  Google.    Each  of  these  defendants 

17 received tens of millions of dollars in salaries, cash bonuses, and equity grants through 

18 their employment at Alphabet and Google, as alleged herein.    

19 251. Plaintiff, as  shareholder and representative  of Alphabet, seeks restitution 

20 from these defendants, and each of them, and seeks an order of this Court disgorging 

21 all profits, benefits, and other compensation obtained by these defendants, and each of 

22 them, from their wrongful conduct and fiduciary breaches.   

23 252. Plaintiff, on behalf of Alphabet, has no adequate remedy at law. 


25 WHEREFORE,  Plaintiff,  on  behalf  of  Google,  requests  judgment  and  relief  as 

26 follows: 

27 A. Against  all  of  the  Defendants,  jointly  and  severally,  and  in  favor  of 

November 2,
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Google Employees Stage Global Walkout
Over Treatment of Sexual Harassment
Organizers demand the tech giant remove mandatory-arbitration clauses from employee contracts

By Douglas MacMillan, Ezequiel Minaya and Mengqi Sun

Thousands of Google employees around the worl d staged a series of walkouts Thursday to protest a
workplace culture that they say promotes and protects perpetrators of sexual harassment at the tech giant.

The organizers of the wa lkout published a letter demanding the company change its poli cies to make it
safer for women to report instances of sexual harassment and to bolster the transparency of those reports.
"There are thousands of us, at every level of the company," the letter said . "And we' ve had enough. "

The protests marked perhaps the largest display of employee activism concerning sexual harassment in a
year in which the issue has come to the fore at companies world-wide. The events were also striking,
given they occurTed at a company that has long been considered at the leading edge of efforts to empower
and suppmt employees through generous perks and a permissive stance toward internal disagreements.

Google more recently, though, has had to take steps to rein in workplace debate, whi ch at times led to
lower productivity, the company said .
Employee activism at Google is rising lately in response to a New York Times article last week on how
the Alphabet fnc. aooa L -1.33% unit protected three senior executives over the past decade after they were
accused of sexual mi sconduct, including one who received a $90 million exit package in 20 14. Google
declined to comment on details in the Times story.

Photos of the walkout flooded social media on Thursday, as Google employees filled the streets outside of
offices from Mumbai to Dublin.

The largest crowds were at Google's main campus in Mountain View, Calif., where thousands of
employees encircled a stage. There, organizers of the wa lkout thanked the crowd and began leading
chants. Many employees who gathered were quiet, continuing to check their phones and chat about work,
but the atmosphere was punctuated by calls of "Time's up! " and "Not OK!" News helicopters hovered

One employee told a story about how she was sexually harassed by her colleague, according to two
people who heard the speech. The female employee described going to human resources to fil e a
complaint, but was disappointed because HR didn ' t take action, the people said. Her manager told her
they would fire the person responsible if that person was " less important" than her, the speaker said .

In New York, throngs of Google employees fil ed out of glass doors at the company's offi ce in lower

They gathered at nearby Hudson River Park and wielded signs with slogans such as ··worker's rights are
women' s rights."

Google employee Demma Rodriguez- 38 years old and one of the organ izers- told the crowd that
workers wanted the tech company to live up to its potential as "the brain trust of the world."
" I am fed up," she said through a bullhorn. " Every single person here has the tools to change Google."

At a New York Times conference on Thursday, Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai said the company
was trying to address employee concerns. "Moments like this show we didn ' t always get it right. We are
listening to employees, which is why today is impo1tant," he said. "Words alone aren 't enough, you have
to follow up with actions." He also said the company no longer makes payouts to employees who are
accused of sexual harassment.

In their letter, employees demanded Google remove its mandatory-arbitration clauses from employee
contracts, a widespread but controversial practi ce that prevents U.S. workers from suing their employer in
open court. Companies prefer arbitration for sexual-harassment claims because it tend s to lead to quicker
settlements at a lower cost than class-action suits and may spare companies from bad publicity.

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, corporations have come under greater public pressure to scrap
their arbitration policies, said Steve Smith communications director for the Cali forn ia Labor Federation,
an umbrella group for state labor unions. "Companies are definitely seeing that this is bad for their
image," Mr. Smith said.

Uber Technologies Inc. and Microsoft Corp. in the past year both stopped requiring arbitrationfor
sexually related claims.
The letter also asked that an employee representative be put on the board of directors and that the
company's chief diversity officer repo1t to Mr. Pichai.

It is becoming more common for chief diversity officers to rep01t directly to CEOs as companies try to
stamp out harassment and make gender and racia l promotion and pay equ ity a priority. Apple Inc. and
NBCU niversa l, a divi sion of Comcast Corp. , have chief diversity officers that report to the CEO rather
than a chief people officer.
It isn' t common for employees to be represented on boards.

At Google-where employees this year have protested the company' s work with the Defense Department
and the company' s controversial plan to explore a censored search engine for Chinese citizens-
employee outrage over sexual-harassment policies has reached a boiling point.
In New York, Laura Rokita-a 31-year-old software engineer who has worked at Google for three
years- said she was surprised and angry after reading the recent New York Times article that described
how the company has dealt with sexual-harassment claims. She said she walked out Thursday to incite
changes at the company and to support colleagues.

"When the article came out last week about some unfortunate events that happened in the past, a lot of
Googlers were not happy about that," Ms. Rokita said . "We want to see a difference in the future."

Thomas Kneeland, a Google software engineer, said there is a sense among employees that they work at a
special place with a mission to change the world, he said. But he acknowledged there was "widespread
fru stration and deep-seated anger" in the ranks.

"We can be exceptional moving forward," Mr. Kneeland sa id . " It remains to be seen how."

-Sarah E. Needleman contributed to this article.

11/1/2018 Goog le staff walk out over women's trealment - BBC News

Home News Sport Weather i Shop Reel !i Travel


Google staff walk out over women's treatment

Dave Lee
North America tech nology reporter

57 minutes ago

https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 1/19
11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

Staff at Google offices around the world are staging an unprecedented series of
walkouts in protest at the company's treatment of women.

The employees are demanding several key changes in how.sexual misconduct allegations
are dealt with at the firm, including a call to end forced arbitration - a move which would make
it possible for victims to sue.

Google ch ief executive Sundar Pichai has told staff he supports their right to take the action.

"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of you feel," he said in an all-staff
email. "I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has
persisted for far too long in our society .. . and , yes, here at Google, too."

A Twitter feed titled -@googlewalkout

·' -· .... has documented the movement at Goog le's
- ~~.... ~ , ~

international offices.

Google staff in Singapore, Zurich, London, Tokyo, Berlin and New York were among those to
take part.

https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 2/19
November 2,
2, 2018

Gopglg flarassmgnt Allegations Spark»V\rIVa!kputv



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11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News


https ://www.bbc.com/new s/technology-46054202 4/19

11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

Web developer Sam Dutton who joined the walkout in London told the BBC: "We're walking
out to support colleagues in any workplace that have suffered harassment and to ensure that
perpetrators aren't protected or rewarded."


Discover the Benefits of


What led to the walkout?

An_gei:_~t ~h~ fir~ ha.~_ ~oiled ov~ r in the pas_!. week since t~~_ New York Ti_mes a ll_eg~d
that one high profile executive received a $90m payout after he left the firm, despite what
Google considered a "credible" allegation of sexual misconduct made against him. Andy
Rubin , known as the "creator" of the Android mobile operating system , denies the allegation,

https://www.bbc,com/news/technology-46054202 5/19
11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

On Tuesday, another executive - this time from the company's X research lab - also resigned.
Richard Devaul was said to have made unwanted advances towards a woman who was
recently interviewed for a job in which she would have reported to Mr DeVaul.

Mr Devaul has not commented since his resignation, but in the past ca lled the incident an
"error of judgement".

At least 48 other employees have been sacked for sexual harassment without receiving a
payout, Mr Pichai told staff. He admitted the New York Times' report had been "difficult to

Google's workforce

women globally in 2018

2 5. 5 °/o of leadership roles

across the world taken by women
in 2017

22 0/C/0 of the highest paid (top

quarter) in the UK workforce are

Source: Google

What do the employees want?

Staff involved in Thursday's walkout will leave a note on their desks telling co lleagues: "I'm
not at my desk because I'm walking out with other Googlers and contractors to protest sexual
harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a workplace culture that's not working for

They are also making formal demands to Goog le's management. They are:

1. A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequality

2. A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report

3. A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexua l misconduct safely and

4. The elevation of the chief diversity officer to answer directly to the CEO, and make
recommendations directly to the board of directors

https://www.bbc.com/news/lechnology-46054202 6/19
11/1 /2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

5. The appointment of an employee representative to the board

6. An end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination for all current and
future employees

What is forced arbitration?

Forced arbitration, a common contract clause for Silicon Valley workers, demands any
disputes are dealt with internally rather than through other methods such as the courts .

Critics of forced arbitration say it is used to not only protect the reputations of both the
company and the accused, but also to silence victims who are unable to appeal against
decisions or take further action.

"Employees have raised constructive ideas for how we can improve our policies and our
processes going forward," said Mr Pichai in a statement on Wednesday evening.

"We are taking in all their feedback so we can turn these ideas into action. "

11 Am_azon scrC:lpped 'sexist Al' tool

• Uber's m essr_ea~ h es b~yond S~.l(iS_f!l - and ~i!icon Valley


• Are y ou taking part in the walk out? Email haveyoursay@bbc

- ·-- ·-·-······

What else are Google employees angry about?

Co-ordinated action of this scale is unprecedented at a Silicon Valley company, but follows a
trend for increasingly impassioned employee activism.

"Women are fed up, and I don't thin k it's just women ," said Prof Kellie McElhaney, from the
Haas School of Business.

"There are a lot of 'manbassadors' out there who are equally as fed up and using their
positions of power and voice, which ca n cost Google money. I think you have to hit these
compan ies where it hurts.

"I think it empowers other Goog le offices when women and men are watching this happen ,
that they can do a similar action that's not just sitting by or making comments to one another
or sharing emails."

https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 7/1 9
11/1/201 8 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

In the past year, Google employees have spoken out strongly against the company's work
with the US Department of Defense, as well as plans to re-enter the Chinese market with a
search product.

The Tech Workers Coalition , a San Francisco-based advocacy group, said the day's dispute
was just one of several tech compan ies need to address.

"We stand in solidarity with the Google workers," a spokesperson for the group said.

https ://www.bbc.com/new s/technology-46 054202 8/ 19

11 /1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

"It's clear the executives won't do this for us so we're taking matters into our own hands."

• Goog!e. exe..c~tive l ~aves ~f~~r. sexu.al h~rassrn_e.n~ ~ l~LI!)

• Does Sil_ic.on Valleyhave a §e~js.~ pro~l~rn?

Are y o u a Google employee who is taking part in industrial action? Tell us about your
ex periences by email ing h~y_e.x,~!_~C!Y_@~P..C._:_~g_:_uk_

Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also
contact us in the following ways:

• WhatsApp: +44 7555 173285

• Tweet: @~.l?~-ti~ye'(~_urSay_

• Send pictures/video to [email protected]

. .
~ . ·-·. ·-

• Text an SMS or MMS to 61124 or +44 7624 800 100

• Please read our ~~rm_~ & con~_~t!.9.r:!S and p_riyac;y_ poli~y

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https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 9/19
11/1/2018 Google Staffers Walk Out Over Sexual Harassment Scandals I Time

Google Staffers Are Walking Out Over Sexual Harassment
Scandals. Here's What to Know

Google employees at its European headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, join others from around the world walking out of the ir offices in
protest over claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism at the tech giant. Niall Carson - PA Images-PA
Im ages via Getty Images


Thousands of Google staffers across the world are walking off the job Thursday
in protest of the tech giant's handling of sexual misconduct at the company.

The protest, called "Walkout for Real Change," comes after a New York Times
report that Google gave Android creator Andy Rubin a $90 million severance
fee in 2014 when he left the company, all while hiding t hat he had been
accused of sexual misconduct - a claim the company found to be credible
following an investigation. Rubin has denied the allegation.

http://time.com/5441 6 18/google-wal kout-over-sexual-harassmenU 1/3

11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

Staff at Google offices around the world are staging an unprecedented series of
walkouts in protest at the company's treatment of women.

The employees are demanding several key changes in how.sexual misconduct allegations
are dealt with at the firm, including a call to end forced arbitration - a move which would make
it possible for victims to sue.

Google ch ief executive Sundar Pichai has told staff he supports their right to take the action.

"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of you feel," he said in an all-staff
email. "I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has
persisted for far too long in our society .. . and , yes, here at Google, too."

A Twitter feed titled -@googlewalkout

·' -· .... has documented the movement at Goog le's
- ~~.... ~ , ~

international offices.

Google staff in Singapore, Zurich, London, Tokyo, Berlin and New York were among those to
take part.

https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 2/19
11/1/2018 Google Staffers Walk Out Over Sexual Harassment Scandals I Time

"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of yo u fe el," he wrote.
"I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to making progress on an iss ue that
has persisted for far too long in our society and, yes, here at Google, too."

Pichai said in an email last week that Google had fired 48 employees , including
13 senior manage rs, for sexual harassment without giving th em seve rance pay.

Write to Mahita Gajanan at mahita.gajanan @time.com.

http://time.com/5441618/google-walkout-over-sexual-harassment/ 3/3
111112018 Google employees walk out to protest treatment of women - The Washington Post

[;')°he Washington Post


Google employees walk out to protest treatment of women

By Michael Liedtke I AP
November 1at1:40 PM

SAN FRANCISCO - Carrying signs with messages such as "Don't be evil," several hundred Google
employees around the world briefly walked off the job Thursday in a protest against what they said is the
tech company's mishandling of sexual misconduct allegations against executives.

Employees staged walkouts at offices from Tokyo and Singapore to London and New York, with more
expected to do so in California later in the day, reflecting a growing #MeToo-style backlash among
women against frat-house misbehavior in heavily male-dominated Silicon Valley.

In Dublin, organizers used megaphones to address the crowd of men and women to express their
support for victims of sexual harassment. Other workers shied away from the media spotlight, with
people gathering instead indoors, in packed conference rooms or lobbies, to show their solidarity with
abuse victims.

Protesters in New York carried signs with such messages as "Not OK Google" and "Don't Be Evil" - a
mocking reference to Google's one-time motto.

Many demonstrators cited fears about their job security in refusing to talk, but one woman who did
speak, designer Leeung Li Jo, said in New York that she wanted to show support for the #MeToo
movement "so we can have a comfortable working environment."

"Time is up on sexual harassment, time is up on systemic racism, time is up on abuses of power. Enough
is enough," organizer Vicki Tardif Holland shouted, her voice hoarse, at a gathering of about 300 people
in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Thursday's walkout could signal that a significant number of the 94,000 employees working for Google
and its corporate parent Alphabet Inc. remain unconvinced that the company is doing enough to adhere
to Alphabet's own advice to employees in its corporate code of conduct: "Do the right thing."

The organizers said Google has publicly championed diversity and inclusion but hasn't done enough to
put words into action.

In an unsigned statement from organizers, the Google protesters called for an end to forced arbitration
in harassment and discrimination cases, a practice that requires employees to give up their right to sue

https:flwww.washingtonpost.comfnational/google-employees-to-walk-out-to-protest-treatment-of-women/2018111101I4bd 21 d86-dd94-11 e8-8bac-bfe01 f... 1/3

11/1/2018 Google employees walk out to protest treatment of women - The Washington Post

and often includes confidentiality agreements.

They also want Google to commit to ending pay inequity, issue a report on sexual harassment inside the
company and adopt a clearer process for reporting complaints.

The Google protest unfolded a week after a New York Times story detailed allegations of sexual
misconduct about the creator of Google's Android software, Andy Rubin. The report said Rubin received
a $90 million severance package in 2014 after Google concluded the sexual misconduct allegations
against him were credible.

Rubin denied the allegations in a tweet .

The same story also disclosed allegations of sexual misconduct against other executives, including
Richard DeVaul, a director at the Google-affiliated lab that created such projects as self-drivin g cars and
internet-beaming balloons. DeVaul had remained at the "X" lab after allegations of sexual misconduct
surfaced about him a few years ago, but he resigned Tuesday without severance, Google said.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologized for the company's "past actions" in an email sent to employees

"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of you feel," Pichai wrote. "I feel it as well, and I
am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has persisted for far too long in our society ...
and, yes, here at Google, too."

The email didn't mention the reported incidents involving Rubin, DeVaul or anyone else at Google, but
Picha i didn't dispute anything in the Times story.

Pichai indicated that Google wouldn't interfere with protest plans and would ensure that "you have the
support you need."

In an email last week, Pichai and Eileen Naughton, Google's executive in charge of personnel issues,
sought to reassure employees that the company had cracked down on sexual misconduct since Rubin's
departure four years ago.

Among other things, Pichai and Naughton said Google had fired 48 employees , including 13 senior
managers, for sexual harassment in recent years without giving any of them severance packages.

The latest complaints from employees are part of a wider discontent at Google and other Silicon Valley
companies, though much of the complaints so far have been aired not at public protests but at company
town halls, internal message boards and petitions that got leaked.

http s ://www.washingtonpost.com/national/google-employees-to-walk-out-to-protest-treatment-of-women/2018/11 /01 /4bd21 d86-dd94-11eB-Bbac-bfeO1 f... 2/3

11/1/2018 Google employees walk out to protest treatment of women - The Washington Post

In August, more than 1,000 Google employees signed a letter protesting the company's plan to build a
search engine that would comply with Chinese censorship rules.

Earlier, thousands signed a petition asking Google to cancel an artificial-intelligence project to help the
Pentagon improve the targeting of drone strikes. Google later said it won't renew the contract, according
to published reports.

A Silicon Valley congresswoman tweeted her support of the Google walkout using the #MeToo hashtag
that has become a battle cry for women fighting sexual misconduct.

"Why do they think it's OK to reward perpetrators & further violate victims?" asked Democratic Rep.
Jackie Speier, who represents a well-to-do district where many of Google's employees live.

AP Technology Writer Mae Anderson in New York, Frank Bajak in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Matt
O'Brien in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this report.

Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,
rewritten or redistributed.

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hltps://www.washingtonpost.com/national/google-employees-to-w alk-out-to-pro tesl-treatment-of-women/201 8/11 /01/4bd21 d86-dd94-11 e8-8bac-bfe01f... 313

11/1 /2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women : NPR

fiiiM•r NPR Station

There are at least three stations nearby

Google Employees Begin Global Walkout lo Protest
Company's Treatment Of Women
/ .... -· -.. '\
LI STEN · 3:17 \ QUEUE ,/Download

November 1, 2018 · 7:10 AM ET


People participate in a walkout at the Google office in Zurich on Thursday.

@tedonprivacy via Reuters

Updated at 12:15 p.m. ET

Google employees worldwide are walking off the job to protest the company's
treatment of women and its handling of sexual assault cases.

https ://www.npr.org/2018/11 /01 /662851489/google-employees-plan-global-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 1/11

11/1/2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women : NPR .

Organizers say they expect more than a thousand employees vrul walk out of Google
offices worldwide at 11:10 a.m. in each time zone on Thursday. Hundreds of employees
have walked out in Singapore, Zurich, London, Dublin, and New York City, filling
nearby streets, sidewalks and parks.

"We've always been told that Google is a leading-edge company, that our culture is
something really special. And in that way we totally have the space to walk out and do
this today," Clai re Stapleton, a New York-based marketing manager for YouTube and
one of the walkout's core organizers. "But we also see some very real changes that need
to happen."

She said the walkout isn'tjust about women, but also people of color, contractors, and
others at the company who have experienced "feeling diminished or disrespected, have
experienced feeling unsafe."

Organizers are calling for an end to forced arbitration, a commitment from the
company to end pay and opportunity inequity, a publicly disclosed sexual harassment
transparency report, and a safe and anonymous process for reporting sexual
misconduct at Google.

Articl e co ntinues afte r sponsorship

The employee protest comes a week after The New York Times published an extensive
report on sexual harassment at the company. Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android
software operating system, was accused by a female colleague of coercing her to
perform oral sex on him in 2013, the Times reports.

https://www.npr.org/2018/11 /01/662851489/google-employees-planiJlobal-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 211 1

11/1/2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

On Tuesday, another executive - this time from the company's X research lab - also resigned.
Richard Devaul was said to have made unwanted advances towards a woman who was
recently interviewed for a job in which she would have reported to Mr DeVaul.

Mr Devaul has not commented since his resignation, but in the past ca lled the incident an
"error of judgement".

At least 48 other employees have been sacked for sexual harassment without receiving a
payout, Mr Pichai told staff. He admitted the New York Times' report had been "difficult to

Google's workforce

women globally in 2018

2 5. 5 °/o of leadership roles

across the world taken by women
in 2017

22 0/C/0 of the highest paid (top

quarter) in the UK workforce are

Source: Google

What do the employees want?

Staff involved in Thursday's walkout will leave a note on their desks telling co lleagues: "I'm
not at my desk because I'm walking out with other Googlers and contractors to protest sexual
harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a workplace culture that's not working for

They are also making formal demands to Goog le's management. They are:

1. A commitment to end pay and opportunity inequality

2. A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report

3. A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexua l misconduct safely and

4. The elevation of the chief diversity officer to answer directly to the CEO, and make
recommendations directly to the board of directors

https://www.bbc.com/news/lechnology-46054202 6/19
11/1/2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women : NPR

We, Google employees and contractors, will walkout on

November 1 at 11 :10am to demand these five real changes.
6:19 PM- Oct 31 , 2018

2 ,580 1,473 people are talking about this

"As Google workers, we were disgusted by the details of the recent New York Times
article, which provided the latest example of a culture of complicity, dismissiveness,
and support for perpetrators in the face of sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse
of power," organizers told NPR in an emailed statement.

"For every story in the New York Times, there are thousands more, at every level of
the company. Most have not been told."

First #GoogleWalkout photo coming straight from our office in Singapore where it's 11/1 just after 12p!
- Google Walkout For Real Change {@GoogleWalkout) November 1, 2018

Since the Times report, the company's leadership is dealing with an agitated
workforce, according to multiple reports.

"While Google has championed the language of diversity and inclusion, substantive
actions to address systemic racism, increase equity, and stop sexual harassment have
been few and far between," organizers say.

Some demands relate directly to Google's workforce gender makeup: Only 31 percent
of its global workforce and just over a quarter of its executives are women.

Last year, the federal government sued Google, a government contractor, to release
compensation data in order to ensure the company was obeying equal opportunity

Others relate to the company's treatment of sexual harassment. Currently, the

company requires employees to waive their right to sue in cases of sexual harassment
and often includes confidentiality agreements, the Times reports.

'4' JBD
~ @ rakyll

Tomorrow I will be at the #GoogleWalkout and ask Andy Rubin

to release his records and Google to hire an independent
9 :25 PM - Oct 31, 2018

123 25 people are talking about this

Organizers are also asking for "a clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for
reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously. "

https:/lwww.npr.org/2018/11/0 1/66285 1489/google-employees-plan-global-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 4/11

11/1 /2018 Google staff walk out over women's treatment - BBC News

5. The appointment of an employee representative to the board

6. An end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination for all current and
future employees

What is forced arbitration?

Forced arbitration, a common contract clause for Silicon Valley workers, demands any
disputes are dealt with internally rather than through other methods such as the courts .

Critics of forced arbitration say it is used to not only protect the reputations of both the
company and the accused, but also to silence victims who are unable to appeal against
decisions or take further action.

"Employees have raised constructive ideas for how we can improve our policies and our
processes going forward," said Mr Pichai in a statement on Wednesday evening.

"We are taking in all their feedback so we can turn these ideas into action. "

11 Am_azon scrC:lpped 'sexist Al' tool

• Uber's m essr_ea~ h es b~yond S~.l(iS_f!l - and ~i!icon Valley


• Are y ou taking part in the walk out? Email haveyoursay@bbc

- ·-- ·-·-······

What else are Google employees angry about?

Co-ordinated action of this scale is unprecedented at a Silicon Valley company, but follows a
trend for increasingly impassioned employee activism.

"Women are fed up, and I don't thin k it's just women ," said Prof Kellie McElhaney, from the
Haas School of Business.

"There are a lot of 'manbassadors' out there who are equally as fed up and using their
positions of power and voice, which ca n cost Google money. I think you have to hit these
compan ies where it hurts.

"I think it empowers other Goog le offices when women and men are watching this happen ,
that they can do a similar action that's not just sitting by or making comments to one another
or sharing emails."

https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46054202 7/1 9
11 /1/201 8 Google employee walkout: Engineers and other workers plan to walk off the job today at 11 :10 a.m. over sexual harassment scandals - C .. .

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Google walkout: Employees Police are tiying to figure out what
happened to two Saudi sisters
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Last Updated Nov 1, 2 018 11:4 8 AM EDT Seve re weather slams southern
U.S. ind uding tornadoes and
Google engineers a nd other workers at the internet giant's offices a round the heavy flooding
world walked off the job Thursday m orning t o protest its lenient treatme nt of
executives a ccused o f s exual m isconduct. Lion Air crash: Blad< box
recovered from Indonesia crash
It is the latest express ion of a backlash agains t m any m en's m istreatme nt of female
employees across the bus iness landscape and in politics. In Silicon Valley, women
als o are becoming fe d up wit h the m ale-dominat ed composit ion of the technology Trump launches final midterm
industry's workforce - a glar ing imbalance that cri tics say fosters ui1savo1y push to encourage base to go out
behavior akin to a college fraternity house. and vote

Walkouts are occurr ing at Google offices around t he world, including Dublin and
Singapore, accord ing to posts on social medi a. In New York City, "tho usa nds"
j oi ned the walkout, according to a Twitter account under the na me of the Google
protest, Google W alkout for Rea l Change.
CBS News. Alwoys CY.I.
Watch Now >

Big crowd he re now at Google Dubli n for the #GoogleWalkout

pi c.twitter.com/ hvRgPHX27D

- Will Goodbody (@willgoodbody) Novem ber 1, 2018

According to Google Walko ut for Real Change, the protesters' goals include several
policy changes at the tech firm, including "a pub licly dis closed sexual harassment
transparency repo11:" and "a commitm ent to end pay and opportunity inequ ity."

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-walkout-employees-protest-over-sexual-harassment-scandals/ 1/5
i .
11/1/2018 Google employee walkout: Engineers and other workers plan to walk off the job today at 11 : 10 a.m. over sexual harassment scandals - C ...

We, Google employees and contractors, wi ll walkout on November 1 at

i, 11:10am to demand these five real changes. #googlewalkout
pic.twit ter.C'o m/ amgTxl<JN""

- Google Walkout For Real Change (@GoogleWalkout) November l,


The protest is unfolding a week after a New York Times s tory detailed allegations
of sexual misconduct about creator of its Android software, Andy Rubin. The !'aid co11te111 by Kelley Blue Book®
repo1t said Rubin received a $ 90 million severance package in 2014 even though First Look: New Cars of '>Mo
Google concluded the sexual misconduct a llegations against him were credible.

Rubin derided th e Times s tory article as inaccurat e a nd denied the allegations in a


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Go ogle slaff stage a walkoul al the company's UK headquarlers in London on November 1, 2018 as part of a global
campaign over lhe U S lech gianl's handling of sexual harassmenl. I TOLGA AKMEN I AFP/GETTY IMAGES

The s ame story also disclosed allegations of sexual m isconduct of other executives,
including Richard DeVaul , a director at the same Google-affiliated lab that created
far-flun g projects such as self-d riving cars and internet-beaming balloons. DeVaul
had remained at t he "X" lab after allegations of sexual misconduct s urfaced about
him a few years ago, but he resigned Tuesday without severance, Google
confirmed Wednesday.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologized for th e company's "past actions" in an email
sent to employees Tuesday. "I understand the a nger and disappointment that
many of you fee l," Pichai wrote. "I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to
making progress on an issue that has persisted for far too long in our society. and,
yes, here at Google, too."
Latest Features
Pichai also said an earlier apology fo r its handling of sexual harassment claims
didn't go far enough, and that the company will take a "harder line." He expressed U.S. farmers are missing out
support for the workers who plan to walk off the job in protest. on America's boom

Thousands are walking out of Google NYC # GoogleWalkout

pic.twittcr.com/7FrhpKk.Kcd Investors reboot in November
after worst October in 7 years
- Google Walkout For Real Change (@Google Walkout) November 1,
~",;; •t•i.ilf•~ How lega l immigrants can
claim U.S. tax credits

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-walkout-employees-protest-over-sexual-harassment-scandals/ 215
11/112018 Google employee walkout: Engineers and olher workers plan to walk off the job today at 11 :10 a.m. over sexual harassment scandals - C ...

The email didn't m ention the reported incidents involvi ng Rubin, DeVaul or ·M; ~ .. Google walkout: Employees
anyone else, but Pichai didn't dis pute a nyth ing in the Times story. protest ove r sexua l
harassment scandals
48 employees fired
In a n email last week, Pichai and Eileen Naughton, Google's executive in charge of ~~~--
. :
, 711 A bummer fo r Canada's legal
~ ~I pot market: Weed shortages
pers onnel issues, sought to reassure workers that the company had cracked down
on sexual misconduct s ince Rubin's departure four years ago.

Among other things, Pichai and Naughton disclosed that Google had fired 48
Marl<et News
employees, including 13 senior managers, for "sexual harassm ent" in recent years
without givi ng any of them severance packages. 1:36 PM JAL pilot admits being almost
10 times over alcohol limit
Google NYC # GoogleWalkout pic.twitte r.corn/5BJou5EZGJ
1:36 PM Google employees walk out to
- Google Walkout For Real Change (@Google Walkout) November 1, protest treatment of women
2018 1:36 PM Sources: Trump eyes asylum
restrictions fo r caravans
But Thursday's workout could s ignal that a significant number of the 94,000 1:35 PM Germany, France say Russian-
employees working for Google and its corporate parent Alphabet Inc. remained backed separatists down drone
unconvinced the company is doing enough to adhere to Alphabet's own edict 1:33 PM US charges Chinese
urg ing a ll em ployees to "do t he right thing." companies in trade secrets
A S ilicon Valley congresswoman tweeted her s uppott of the Google walkout us ing 1:33 PM The Latest: Minnesota DNR
the "metoo" hashtag that has become a battle cry for wom en fighting sexual approves permits for PolyMet
misconduct. "Why do they think it's OK to reward perpetrators & fu1th er violate mine
victims?" asked Rep. Jackie Speier, who represents an affluent dis trict where 1:32 PM Venice floodwaters ease;
m any of Google's employees live. Italian storms kill 2 more people
1:32 PM Police: Fire consumes
© 2018 CBS Jnternctiuc In c.All Rig hts Reserved. This material may not bepub/is/1cd, broadcast,
rewritten, or· redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this repor·t. hundreds of shops in capital
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11/1/2018 Google employees walkout in protest at culture of sexual harassment

Technology Smartphones
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Google employees walkout in protest at culture

of sexual harassment
Latest expression of a backlash against men's exploitation of female subordinates in a
business, entertainment and politics.

By Associated Press
November 1, 2018 11:51 GMT

S AN FRANCISCO - Thousands of Google engineers and other workers around the world have
walked off the job to protest the internet company's lenient treatment of executives accused
of sexual misconduct.

It is the latest expression of a backlash against men's

exploitation of female subordinates in a business,
entertainment and politics. In Silicon Valley, women also
are becoming fed up with the male-dominated
composition of the technology industry's workforce - a
glaring imbalance that critics say fosters unsavory
behaviour akin to a co llege fraternity house.

Employees are being urged to leave a flyer at their desk

which reads: "I'm not at my desk because I'm walking
out in solidarity with other Googlers and contractors to
Why advertise with us
protest [against] sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of
transparency, and a workplace cu lture that's not working for everyone."

The Google protest, billed "Walkout For Real Change," is unfolding a week after a New York Times
story detailed allegations of sexual misconduct about creator of its Android software, Andy Rubin.
The report said Rubin received a $90 million severance package in 2014 even though Google
concluded the sexual misconduct allegations against him were credib le.

Rubin derided the Times story article as inaccurate and denied the allegations in a tweet.

The same story also disclosed allegations of sexual misconduct of other executives, including
Dirh-:.rrl r'lo\/-:> 1ii -:> rlirortl'"\r -:.t tho c-:.mo r:""crlo--:>ffdi-:.torl 1-:.h th-:.t rro-:.torl f-:.r~f1 1 1ncr nrl'"\iortc c11rh -:>c

f in
https ://www.ibtimes .co .u k/google-employees-wa lkout-protest-culture-sexual-harassment-1666838 1/2
11/1/2018 Google Staffers Walk Out Over Sexual Harassment Scandals I Time

Google Staffers Are Walking Out Over Sexual Harassment
Scandals. Here's What to Know

Google employees at its European headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, join others from around the world walking out of the ir offices in
protest over claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism at the tech giant. Niall Carson - PA Images-PA
Im ages via Getty Images


Thousands of Google staffers across the world are walking off the job Thursday
in protest of the tech giant's handling of sexual misconduct at the company.

The protest, called "Walkout for Real Change," comes after a New York Times
report that Google gave Android creator Andy Rubin a $90 million severance
fee in 2014 when he left the company, all while hiding t hat he had been
accused of sexual misconduct - a claim the company found to be credible
following an investigation. Rubin has denied the allegation.

http://time.com/5441 6 18/google-wal kout-over-sexual-harassmenU 1/3

11/1/2018 What the Google employees are demanding - CNN

What the Google employees are demanding

By Kaya Yurieff, CNN Business
Upda ted 12:52 PM ET, Thu Novembe r 1, 2018

New York (CNN Business) - Google employees around the world are calling for sweeping changes in how the
company handles sexual harassment and discrimination.

Employees walked out of their offices on Thursday in a coordinated protest over what they call a "destructive
culture" at the company. They are demanding five main changes, according to a post on an lnstagram account
dedicated to the walkout.

Google employees say they want: An end to forced arbitration in harassment and discrimination cases; a
commitment to end pay and opportunity inequity; a sexual harassment transparency report disclosed to the
public; a clear inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously; and for the chief diversity
officer to repo rt directly to the CEO and make recommendations to the board of directors, as well as the
appointment of an employee representative to the board.

The walkout was prompted by a New York Times investigation last week, which detailed years of sexual
harassment allegations. multimillion-dollar severance packages for executives accused of misconduct, and little
transparency over the cases.

In an op-ed for the Cut on Thursday, the seven core organizers said Google employees "demand an end to the
sexual harassment, discrimination, and the systemic racism that fuel this destructive c ulture."

"The (New York Times] article provided a narrow window into a culture we. as Google employees. know well. These
stories are our stories. We share them in hushed tones to trusted peers. friends. and partners. There are thousands
of us, at every level of the company. And we've had enough," they wrote.

By using ,tl1is site, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy and our Term s of Use.

https :/lwww.cnn.com/2018/11 /01/tech/google-walkout-demands/index .html 1/2

11/1/2018 Google Staffers Walk Out Over Sexual Harassment Scandals I Time

Google workers, from Singapore to Switzerland, started walking out of the

office at 11: 10 a.m. in their respective time zones. Here's what to know about
the Google protest.

Google employees are demanding the company change

how it deals with sexual misconduct claims

Demands from staffers include an end to forced arbitration in harassment and

discrimination cases, a commitment to ending pay inequality, a public sexual
harassment transparency report and establishing a clear process for reporting
sexual misconduct anonymously.

Congresswoman Jackie Spier, who represents California's 14th District, shared

her support for those who wa lked out in a tweet using the #MeToo hashtag.

The protest kicked off in Singapore and is continuing

around the world

Google employees were seen walking out in Singapore and across Europe,
including in London, Dublin, Berlin and Zurich.

Google employees have left flyers explaining why

they're walking out at their empty desks

The flyers say, "I'm not at my desk because I'm walking out in solidarity with
other Googlers and contractors to protest sexual harassment, misconduct, lack
of transparency, and a workplace culture that's not working for everyone. I'll be
back at my desk later."

Google leadership has apologized

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has apologized for the company's "past actions,"
according to an email sent to employees on Tuesday.

http://time.com/544 1618/google-walkout-over-sexual-harassmenU 2/3

11/ 112018 #Me Too: Google workers across the world walk out over treatment of women amid sexual misconduct claims - Times of India

Printed from


#MeToo: Google workers across the world walk out over

treatment of women amid sexual misconduct claims
PTI I Nov 1, 2018, 08.36 PM IST

LONDON/ NEW DELHI: Hundreds of employees at Google offices around

the world, including in India, Thursday staged an unprecedented series of
walkouts in protest at the company's treatment of women and lenient
treatment of senior executives accused of sexual misconduct.

The demonstrations, dubbed "Google Walkout," follow an outcry over a

New York Times investigation that detailed years of sexual harassment
allegations, multimillion-dollar severance pa ckages for accused
executives, and a lack of transparency over the cases.

The employees are demanding several key changes in how sexual

misconduct allegations are dealt with at the technology giant, including a
call to end forced arbitration - a move which would make it possible for victims to sue.

Forced arbitration, a common contract clause for Silicon Valley employees, demands any disputes are dealt with internally
rather than through other methods such as the courts.

Unequal pay and a lack of gender representation were also said to be among employees' concerns as they staged the action.

Google chief executive Sundar Pichai has told staff he supports their right to protest.

"Yesterday, we let Googlers know that we are aware of the activities planned for Thursday and that employees will have the
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/metoo-google-workers-across-the-world-walk-out-over-treatment-of-women-amid-sexual-misconduct-claims/articleshowprinU66464567.cms 114
11 /1/2018 #Me Too: Google workers across the world walk out over treatment of women amid sexual misconduct claims - Times of India

support they need if they wish to participate," the Indian-American top executive said.

Demonstrations at the company's offices around the world began at 11:10 am in Tokyo and took place at the same time in other
time zones. A photo from the Singapore hub showed at least 100 staff protesting.

When contacted a Google spokesperson confirmed to PTI that 150 employees participated in the walkout in India. The
employees were from Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Mumbai offices. Overall, Google has about 2,000 people across four offices in
India (Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Mumbai and Bangalore).

A Google spokesman in Singapore said he could not provide details on how many people took part in the walkouts at those
two offices, which each have more than 1,000 employees.

In Europe, a small group of Google employees wa lk out at the company's London headquarters. A larger protest was reported
in Zurich, Switzerland.

Hoi Lam, a staff developer advocate at one of Google's London offices, posted a photo on Twitter of workers gathered

He wrote: "The stories shared at Google London Walkout are heartbreaking."

In t he United States, there are hundreds of posts on social media using the hashtag #googlewalkout.

Google's management has been struggling to deal with the backlash from The New York Times investigation.

Top executives have assured employees that the company is "dead serious about making sure we provide a safe and inclusive
workplace" in an e-mail sent shortly after the Times investigation was published last week.

At least 48 other employees have been sacked for sexual harassment without receiving a payout, Pichai has informed Google
staff. He admitted the New York Times' report had been "difficult to read".

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/metoo-google-workers-across-the-world-walk-out-over-treatment-of-women-amid-sexual-misconduct-claims/articleshowprinl/66464567.cms 2/4
11/112018 #MeToo: Google workers across the world walk out over treatment of women amid sexual misconduct claims - Times of India

"Employees have raised constructive ideas for how we can improve our policies and our processes going forward," said Pichai
in his latest statement.

"We are taking in all their feedback so we can turn these ideas into action," the Google CEO said.

In a press release, organisers of the global walkout said: "As Google workers, we were disgusted by the details of the recent
New York Times article, which provided the latest example of a culture of complicity, dismissiveness, and support for
perpetrators in the face of sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse of power.

According to the Times report, the company stayed silent about sexual misconduct allegations against three executives over
the past decade, including Android creator Andy Rubin , who exited the company in 2014.

Tech news site The Information previously reported that Google had investigated Rubin for an inappropriate relationship while
at the company.

But the Times uncovered new details, including a reported $90 million exit package that Rubin is said to have been granted
when he departed the company. He was allowed to go despite what Google considered a "credible" allegation of sexual
misconduct made against him, according to the report.

Sam Singer, a lawyer for Rubin, disputed the allegations in the Times report.

"None of the allegations made about Mr. Rubin are true," he said in a statement, calling them "demonstrably false."

Earlier this week, Richard DeVaul, a director of Google X, resigned from his position.

The Times report claimed he had sexually harassed a job applicant. DeVaul is leaving without any exit package, CNN reported,
quoting a person familiar with the matter as saying.

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.comlindialmetoo-google-workers-across-the-world-walk-out-over-treatment-of-women-amid-sexual-misconduct-claimslarticleshowprinl/66464567.cms 3/4
11/1/2018 #MeToo: Google workers across the world walk out over treatment of women amid sexual misconduct claims - Times of India

In a statement to the Times, Devaul said he was sorry for the "error of judgement."

The employees are also making formal demands to Google's management, including a commitment to end pay and
opportunity inequality, a clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously, the
appointment of an employee representative to the board and an end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and
discrimination for all current and future employees.

Updated: TOl's ROlicy on covering #MeToo

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/metoo-google-workers-across-the-world-walk-out-over-treatment-of-women-amid-sexual-misconduct-claims/articleshowprinU66464567.cms 4/4
·i111/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times

Google Faces Internal Backlash Over

Handling ofSexual Harassment

Oct. 31, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO - Google is struggling to contain a growing internal backlash over its
handling of sexual harassment and its workplace culture.
Over the past week, Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, and Larry Page, a co-founder of
Google and the chief executive of its parent company, Alphabet, have taken multiple steps to calm
its agitated 94,000-person work force. The anger arose after The New York Times revealed last
week that Google had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of
harassment and stayed silent about their transgressions.
Google later said it had fired 48 people for sexual harassment over the last two years; none
received an exit package. Mr. Page and Mr. Pichai also issued apologies, with Mr. Pichai later
saying his initial statement "wasn't enough" and apologizing again. And one of the executives
whom Alphabet continued employing after he was accused of harassment resigned on Tuesday
and did not obtain an exit package.

But employees' dissatisfaction has not subsided. On Thursday, more than 1,500 - most of them
women - plan to walk out of almost two dozen company offices around the world to protest the
treatment, organizers said.

"We don't want to feel that we're unequal or we're not respected anymore," said Claire Stapleton,
33, a product marketing manager at Google's YouTube who helped call for the walkout. "Google's
famous for its culture. But in reality we're not even meeting the basics of respect, justice and
fairness for every single person here."

[Google employees around the globe are walking out of their offices in protest.]
The walkout is a culmination of simmering tensions at a time when Silicon Valley workers have
become more activist. Tech employees once moved in lock step with their leaders to make
products that they said would change the world, but the industry has come under the spotlight for
causing harm rather than good. That has led engineers, data scientists and others to increasingly
question how their work is being used.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/31/tech nology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout. html 1/4

: 11/ 1/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times

Employees at Microsoft and Amazon recently protested the companies' work with federal
immigration authorities when migrant children were being separated from their families at the
Mexican border. And some employees at Facebook have complained that the social network is
intolerant of different political perspectives.
Nowhere has the tech employee activism been more evident than at Google. Workers have
pushed back this year against the company's artificial intelligence work with the Pentagon,
saying their work shouldn't be used for warfare. Google eventually decided not to ren ew its
contract with the Pentagon. Employees also rebuked Mr. Pichai and other executives for
developing a search engine for China that would censor results. Since then, Google has not moved
forward on a search product for China.

Google declined to comment.

The treatment of female employees has been an especially charged topic at Google. Just 31
percent of its global work force and about 26 percent of its executives are women. Google has also
been sued by former employees and the Department of Labor, which claim that it underpaid
women; the company has said it does not have a wage gap between male and female employees.

Google workers said other incidents had raised questions about the company's attitude toward
women. Last year, one engineer, James Damore, argued in an internal document that women
were biologically less adept at engineering and that "personality differences" explained the
shortage of female leaders at the company. After an outcry, Google executives rejected the memo
and fired Mr. Damore.

https://www.nytimes.com/20 18/10/31/technology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout.html 214

11/1/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York limes

Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, apologized for the handling of harassment claims
and later said his initial statement "wasn't enough." Jim Wilson/The New York Times

At a staff meeting last year, Google's founders, Mr. Page and Sergey Brin, also struggled to
answer a question about who their female role models were, said two employees who saw a video
of the meeting.
Mr. Brin tried to recall the name of a woman he had recently met at a company event who had
impressed him, the people said. Mr. Page eventually reminded Mr. Brin that the woman's name
was Gloria Steinem, the feminist writer. Mr. Page said his hero was Ruth Porat, the chief financial
officer of Google and Alphabet, said the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly.

Last week, The Times reported that Google had paid Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android
mobile software, a $90 million exit package even after the company concluded that a harassment
claim against him was credible. (Mr. Rubin has denied any misconduct and has said the report of
his compensation is a "wild exaggeration.") Google also paid millions of dollars in an exit package
to another executive who was accused of harassment, and continued employing a third despite a
harassment claim.
Google's workers were outraged. They immediately raised questions at a staff meeting with
executives last Thursday about how the company approaches sexual harassment.

"I know this is really an exceptionally painful story for some of you, and I'm really sorry for that,"
Mr. Page said at the time.

The meeting did little to quell the anger. On Friday, Ms. Stapleton said, she created an internal
mailing list to organize a walkout. More than 200 employees joined over the weekend, she said,
and the numbers have since grown to more than 1,500.
On Tuesday, Richard Devaul, one of the Alphabet executives who The Times revealed was
accused of harassment, resigned from the company. He did not receive an exit package,
according to a company spokeswoman.

That same day, Mr. Pichai sent an apologetic email to employees saying he would support this
week's protest. He said that some workers had already raised constructive ideas of how to
improve policies around harassment and that he hoped to "turn these ideas into action,"
according to the email, which was obtained by The Times.

Employees organizing the walkout have called on Google to end the practice of private arbitration
- which requires people to waive their right to sue and often includes confidentiality agreements
- in cases of sexual assault and harassment. They also are demanding publication of a
transparency report on instances of sexual harassment, more disclosure of salaries and
compensation, an employee representative on the company's board and a chief diversity officer
who could make recommendations directly to the board.

https://www.nylimes.com/2018/10/31/technology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout.html 3/4
' 11/ 1/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times

Other employees said they were disappointed that senior executives such as David C.
Drummond, Alphabet's chief legal officer, who had a child with a female subordinate, and Mr.
Brin, who had a public extramarital relationship with an employee, remained in influential
positions. Some raised questions about whether it was appropriate for Eric Schmidt, the
company's former chief executive and chairman, to remain on Alphabet's board after former and
current employees said he had retained a mistress as a company consultant.

Thursday's walkout is set to begin in Google's Tokyo office and then circle the globe, with
employees leaving work around 11 a.m. in their time zones, Ms. Stapleton said. People can choose
whether or not to return to work, she said.

"While Google has championed the language of diversity and inclusion, substantive actions to
address systemic racism, increase equity and stop sexual harassment have been few and far
between. ENOUGH," organizers of the walkout wrote on an internal website, which was viewed
by The Times. "Time's up at Google."

Kate Conger and Daisuke Wakabayashi reported from San Francisco, and Katie Benner from Washington.

Follow Kate Conger, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Katie Benner on Twitter: @kateconger, @daiwaka and @ktbenner.

A version of th is article ap pea rs in print on Oct. 3 1, 2018 , on Page Al of t he New York edition with t he headline: Google Workers Pla n Wa lkout To
Protest Harassment Culture


https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/31 /technology/g oogle-sexual-harassment-walkout. html 4/4

1'11/2018 Google walkoul Hve: Pictures of prntesting Google workers· Business Insider


Google walkout live: Pictures of Google workers

leaving their desks in protest over sexual
Isobel Asher Hamilton and Jake Kanter 32m

Google employees on Thursday were prot esting sexual misconduct. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

Google employees around the world are stagi ng a mass walkout

Thursday in protest of sexual misconduct.

httpsJlwww.bus.inessinsider.com/google-walkout-llve-pictures-or-protesting- google-w orkers-2018- 1'\#ceo-sundar-pichaj..sald-he-supported-the-walkout-22 \/21

1111 12018 Goog le walkout live: Pictures of protest ing Google workers - Business !nsider

It follows a bombshell New York Times report last week that named
executives who had been accused of sexual misconduct, including
Andy Rubin, the creator of the mobile operating system Android.
Rubin denied any misconduct. v x
Thousands of workers are expected to take part in the protest, which
calls for people in Google's offices to walk away from their desk at 11
a.m. in their respective time zone. Protesters are using the hashtag
#GoogleWalkou t. Employees in London, Tokyo, and Berli n are among
those to have already taken p art.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said he supported the protests and was
listening to his staff. "We are aware of the activities planned for
Thursday and that employees will have the support they need if they
wish to participate," he said.

Business Insider is covering th e Google walkout live. Refresh this

page for updates.

Business Insider reporters Shona Ghosh and Sean Wolfe were on the
scene in London and New York.

Google employees in Singapore were among the first to

observe the walkout.

Google walkout/Twitter

As 11.10 a.m. rolled around in Europe, other Google

offices took part. This picture was posted from Zurich by
a software engineer named Danila Sinopalnikov.

htt ps:Jtwww.t>usinessinsider.con\lgoogle-wa!kout-live-pictures-of-protesting-google-workers-2018-1 1#ceo-sundar-pichaj..said-he-supported-lhe-walkout-22 2/2 1

11/1/2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women : NPR .

Organizers say they expect more than a thousand employees vrul walk out of Google
offices worldwide at 11:10 a.m. in each time zone on Thursday. Hundreds of employees
have walked out in Singapore, Zurich, London, Dublin, and New York City, filling
nearby streets, sidewalks and parks.

"We've always been told that Google is a leading-edge company, that our culture is
something really special. And in that way we totally have the space to walk out and do
this today," Clai re Stapleton, a New York-based marketing manager for YouTube and
one of the walkout's core organizers. "But we also see some very real changes that need
to happen."

She said the walkout isn'tjust about women, but also people of color, contractors, and
others at the company who have experienced "feeling diminished or disrespected, have
experienced feeling unsafe."

Organizers are calling for an end to forced arbitration, a commitment from the
company to end pay and opportunity inequity, a publicly disclosed sexual harassment
transparency report, and a safe and anonymous process for reporting sexual
misconduct at Google.

Articl e co ntinues afte r sponsorship

The employee protest comes a week after The New York Times published an extensive
report on sexual harassment at the company. Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android
software operating system, was accused by a female colleague of coercing her to
perform oral sex on him in 2013, the Times reports.

https://www.npr.org/2018/11 /01/662851489/google-employees-planiJlobal-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 211 1

1111/2018 Google walk.out live: Pictures o l prot esting Googte workers - Business Insider

Google Walkout

Berlin Googlers stood in front of the iconic Brandenburg


hltps:Jlwww.bus.inessinsider.com/goog le-walkout- live- pidures-of-protesting.goog\e-workers-201 S.. 1 1#ceo-sundar-picha~sa id-he-suppor1ed-the-walkout-22 4121

11/1/2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women : NPR

- t"' - · ->· ·- • " . . '

·.#::,) Karen O'Connell
:l .;J @karenmaryo

Very proud to participate in the #googlewalkout today showing

solidarity with my colleagues, fighting for equality and
demanding real change !
5 :36 AM - Nov 1, 2018 · Dublin City, Ireland

380 121 people are talking about this

TicToc by Bloomberg

Google employees at the company's U.K. headquarters are

staging a walkout to protest how the tech giant has handled
sexual harassment
6 :55 AM - Nov 1, 2018

114 73 people are talking about this

Google reportedly found the allegation credible, asked for his resignation and gave
him an exit package worth $90 million.

The company did not mention the allegations in the announcement of his departure.

Rubin has tweeted, "These false allegations are part of a smear campaign."

1. An end to Forc:OO Arbitration In cases of haraasment and discriminaUon.

2. A commitment lo end pay and opportunity inequity.

3. A publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report.

4, A clear, uniform, globally inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and

5. Elevate the Chief Diversity Officer to answer directly to the CEO and make
recommendations directly to the Board of Directors. In addition, appoint an Employee
Representative to the Bo111d.

Google Walkout For Real Change

@Goog leWalkout

https :Jtwww.npr.org/2018/11 /01 /662851 489/google-employees-plan-global-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 3/11

111112018 Google walkoU1 live Pictures of prolesting Google WOfkers - Business lnsidet

Google Walkout

Though many London Googlers stayed inside to avoid

the rain, some decided to brave the elements. Staff
members were reluctant to talk to reporters, however.

Shona Ghosh/Business Insider

Google employees in Dublin also showed their solidarity

for the cause. The RTE journalist Will Good body posted
this video:

e Will Goodbody @willgoodbody · 4h

Replying to @willgoodbody
Quick group photo and then it was back to work. Huge reluctance
among th ose taking part to talk to press about why they were there -

hnps:/!Wv.w .business1nsider.tomlgoogle-watkout..jrve.pictures.-of-protesltng.google-workers-201fr11keo-sundar-ptena.,.satd-he-supponed-the-walkout-22 6121

11/\12018 Google walkout live· Ptdures of p<otes1ing Google wOJkers · Bus1neu tnstdet

seemed to be under impression they weren't allowed by the company

despite being told by it they could speak to media in a personal

Will Goodbody

Here is Kate, the Google Dublin "Walkout for Real Change"

coordinator addressing the crowd. pic.twitter.com/iZFhHAJ9VO
4:51 AM - Nov 1, 2018

168 77 people are talking a bout this

And the Irish Googlers brought doughnuts.

REUTERS/Qodagh Kilcoyne

hnpsJIWWW.Dusme1Sln"der. comtgoogle.walkoU1""1rve-pldures-of-protesttn~google-wor1c.ers-2018-1 t#ceo-soodar-pic.haJ..said-he-supponed--lhe-walJcoUl·22 7121

111112018 Google walkout five. PM::tures of protesling Google wOJkers • 8!Jsine ss lnstder

../ x
After the protests in Europe, the east coast of America
began making preparations. These signs showed the
walkout would spill over into other areas of concern.

Google Walkout

Project Maven was Google's now-abandoned contract to build

artificial inrelligence tools fo r the US military, which caused some
employees to resign in protest.

Dragonfly is Google's codename for its plans to launch a censored

search engine in China. The plans sparked an internal war at t he
company, and also prompted a Google scientist rn quit in protest.

Throngs of reporters were waiting for Google staff in

New York City. Business Insider's Sean Wolfe was on the

hnpsJIWWW.busmessmsider.com/google-waflcout·~ve-p·dute$-Of-protest1n!l}-goog1e-workers-2018-11#cee>-sundar·plc.ha.. said·he·suppocted-the-walkout·22 8121

11/1/2018 Google Employees Begin Global Walkout To Protest Company's Treatment Of Women: NPR

They have also asked that the company's chief diversity officer answer directly to the
CEO and make recommendations directly to the Board of Directors - and that the
company add an employee representative to the board.


How A Female Engineer Built A Public Case Against A Sexual Harasser In Silicon Valley

"This is part of a growing movement, not just in tech, but across the country, including
teachers, fast food workers, and others who are using their strength in numbers to
make real change," organizers said.

Employees who walk out will display a poster on their desk that reads, "Hi. I'm not at
my desk because I'm walking out in solidarity with other Googlers and contractors to
protest sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a workplace culture
that's not working for everyone. I'll be back at my desk later."

Stapleton, one of the walkout's organizers in New York, said she is hopeful that Google
can change its culture. She said the past week had actually restored her faith in the
company, as she worked together with colleagues on a wide spectrum of issues.

"We h ave tremendous allies," she said. "I mean, we immediately took the name
'women' out of the walkout because we had so much support from men. And we
wanted this to feel really inclusive, and for this to be about a bigger thing than one
executive payout."

"I think if change can happen anywhere I hope it's here," she said. "But we'll see."

goog le

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https://www.npr.org/2018/11 /01 /66285 1489/google-employees-plan-global-walkout-to-protest-companys-treatment-of-women 5/11
111112016 Google walkout live: Pictu1es of protesi lng Google workers • Business Insider

Sean Wolfe/Business Insider

Women waved placards as they marched.


Crowds started to accumulate en masse at Hudson River


h1tps'/twww.bus!neninslder.com19oogle-walkoll1 -1ive-pictures-or-protesting.-google-workers-201S..11#.ceo-sund1r-plchaf.said-he-suppor1ed.the-walkou1-22 10/21

\11112018 Google walkout bve; Pidures of protesting Google workers· Business In sider

Sean Wolfe/Business Insider

The park soon filled up, so people stood outside.

Sean Wolfe/Business Insider

Here are Tokyo Googlers at the beginning of their


https 1/'w\wl.business insider. com/goog le-walkou1-live-pictures-of- prote sting-google-worke rs-20 18-11#ceo-sund ar-pi ch ai- said-he-supported-the--walko ut-22 11121
11/1'2018 Google walkout live: Pictures of protesting Google workers - Business Insider

Google Walkout

V L K 'A ll C M _l l ~ !:, J' $ .

In Haifa, Israel, Google has a small office of fewer than

100 people, but that didn't stop them from standing with
Googlers worldwide.

Google Walkout

The organisers behind the walkout published an article

outlining their stance.

https://www.businessi nsider.comlgoogle-walkout-live-pictures-of· protesting-google·wori(;ers-2018-11fkeo-sundar-picha~said- he-supported-the-walkout-22 12121

1111/2018 Google walltOU1 rJVe: PidUfes of protes1ing Google workers - Business Insider

Googlers in London. REUTERS/Toby MeMlle

Googlers Claire Stapleton, Tanuja Gupta, Meredith Whittaker, Celie

O'Neil-Hart, Stephanie Parker, Erica Anderson, and Amr Gaber
cowrote a piece in The Cut detaiLing their reasons for organ ising the

"The executive team has demonstrated through their lack of

meaningful action that our safety is not a priority," they wrote.

The protesters have five demands.

1. An end to fOf'ced Arbitration tn casH of ha~m.nt and dlsertmlnation.

2. A commitmont t o end Jl"Y and opportuni ty inequity.

3. A publtcly disclosed soxuol harassment transparency report..

4. A clear, unHorm, globally Inclusive procesa for reporting sexual misconduct safely and

5. Elevate the Chief Dlvetalty Offlcer to on awer directly t o the CEO and make
recommendations directly to the Board of Directors.. In addition, appoint an Employ~
Aepresontativa lo lh• BOllrd.

A Google Wa lkout Fo r Real Cha nge

~ @Google'Nalkout

We, Google employees and contractors, will walkout on November

1 at 11 :10am to demand these five real changes. #googlewalkout
6: 19 PM-Oct 31, 2018

2, 183 1.232 people are talking about this

The CNBC reporter Jillian D'Onfro provided more detail:

http$://www.busines.sinsJder.comfgoogfe..w1lkout-live-p1dures.-or-protestln9-google-worker1-201 8-11~sundar-plchai-nld·he-suppor1ed-the-walkout-22 13/21

i .
11/1/2018 Google employee walkout: Engineers and other workers plan to walk off the job today at 11 : 10 a.m. over sexual harassment scandals - C ...

We, Google employees and contractors, wi ll walkout on November 1 at

i, 11:10am to demand these five real changes. #googlewalkout
pic.twit ter.C'o m/ amgTxl<JN""

- Google Walkout For Real Change (@GoogleWalkout) November l,


The protest is unfolding a week after a New York Times s tory detailed allegations
of sexual misconduct about creator of its Android software, Andy Rubin. The !'aid co11te111 by Kelley Blue Book®
repo1t said Rubin received a $ 90 million severance package in 2014 even though First Look: New Cars of '>Mo
Google concluded the sexual misconduct a llegations against him were credible.

Rubin derided th e Times s tory article as inaccurat e a nd denied the allegations in a


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Go ogle slaff stage a walkoul al the company's UK headquarlers in London on November 1, 2018 as part of a global
campaign over lhe U S lech gianl's handling of sexual harassmenl. I TOLGA AKMEN I AFP/GETTY IMAGES

The s ame story also disclosed allegations of sexual m isconduct of other executives,
including Richard DeVaul , a director at the same Google-affiliated lab that created
far-flun g projects such as self-d riving cars and internet-beaming balloons. DeVaul
had remained at t he "X" lab after allegations of sexual misconduct s urfaced about
him a few years ago, but he resigned Tuesday without severance, Google
confirmed Wednesday.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologized for th e company's "past actions" in an email
sent to employees Tuesday. "I understand the a nger and disappointment that
many of you fee l," Pichai wrote. "I feel it as well, and I am fully committed to
making progress on an issue that has persisted for far too long in our society. and,
yes, here at Google, too."
Latest Features
Pichai also said an earlier apology fo r its handling of sexual harassment claims
didn't go far enough, and that the company will take a "harder line." He expressed U.S. farmers are missing out
support for the workers who plan to walk off the job in protest. on America's boom

Thousands are walking out of Google NYC # GoogleWalkout

pic.twittcr.com/7FrhpKk.Kcd Investors reboot in November
after worst October in 7 years
- Google Walkout For Real Change (@Google Walkout) November 1,
~",;; •t•i.ilf•~ How lega l immigrants can
claim U.S. tax credits

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-walkout-employees-protest-over-sexual-harassment-scandals/ 215
1111/20 18 Google walkout hve Pidures of protesting Google w orkers - Busine ss Insider

Liz Fong-Jones

All of the headlines that start with "Google CEO supports .. ." are
focusing on the wrong thing.
,/ x
Whal matters today is workers' voices and demands.

It doesn't matter whether management claims to support; the real

test w ill be whether the demands are met. #GoogleWalkout
9:57 PM -Oct 31, 20 16

557 196 people are tal king about this

Get the latest Google stock price here.

More: Google Google walkout Sundar Pichai

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hnpsJJwww,busJne.ssjnl lder,com/poogle-walkou1-IJVe-pidures-of-protesting.-goog\e-workerr201 S.-11 #Ceo-.sundar-picha~sa ~d-he..suppor1ed.-the-.walkout-22 15121

1111 /2018 The S90M Women's Walkout At Google: Is Real Change Coming?

EDITOR'S PICK I 14,626 views I Oct 30, 2018, 08:17pm

The $90M Wolllen's Walkout At

Google: Is Real Change Coming?
~ Chdstina Vuleta

Google's headquarter s inMountain View, California, USA

Post updated 10/31/2018, 1:30 pm EST

How much does sexual harassment cost? If you are Google, it may cost up to $90
million per case.

Last week the New York Times reported that a female employee accused Andy
Rubin, the creator of Android and former Google employee, of allegedly forcing
her to perform a sexual act at a hotel in 2 013. According to the reporting, the
https ://www.for bes .com/sites/christinavuleta/2018/10130/the-90m-womens-walkout-at-google-is-real-cha nge-coming/#3a584fc5 1d62 1/5
11/1/2018 The S90M Women's Walkout At Google : Is Real Change Coming?

company investigated and found the claim credible enough to let him go in 2 014.

But not without toasting his achievements and sending him off with a $90 million
exit package.

Whether spurred on by the gigantic price tag or the tech giant's silent acceptance
of alleged sexual misconduct, now the women of Google are ready to walk. As first
reported by Buzzfeed, more than 200 women engineers are planning to walk out
this Thursday to protest the company's handling of the sihrntion. Many
employees seem crushed by the realization that their company rewards
innovation at the cost of women's well-being and safety.

Kill-y Ellis ~
_,-- ---~--..,-~.,··-...,\

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I feel like the lede is getting lost:

3:05 PM - 25 Oct 2018

394 Retweets 890 Likes \:, fj) • - " (I '(j e t}

0 9 tl 394 Q 890

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Twitter // @ju stkelly_ok TWITTER

While Rubin released a statement to the New York Times saying its story
contained "numerous inaccuracies," this is just one of three cases of Google
executives who, after being accused of sexual misconduct, were either quietly let
go with generous compensation or, in one instance, kept on in a well-paid

https ://www.forbes.com/sites/christinavuleta/2018/10/30/the-90m-womens-walkout-at-google-is-real-change-coming/#3a584 fc51 d62 215

11/1/20 18 The $90M Women's Walkout At Google: Is Real Change Coming?


To make matters worse, Larry Page, cofounder of Google and CEO of parent
company Alphabet, seemed to have missed the mark when addressing the issues
at a company meeting. According to the Times, he told employees: "I know this is
really an exceptionally painful story for some of you, and I'm really sorry for

But shouldn't this situation be painful for everyone, most especially Google
leadership? Is this really the best response possible from the company that
includes "Don't Be Evil" in its code of conduct? Or is it simply unsurprising given
the tech culture's history with lack of empathy? One instance that comes to mind
is the ten-page memo that fired Google engineer James Damore wrote in 2017
explaining why women make bad engineers and arguing against the advancem ent
of women in STEM.

Will the planned women's walkout make any difference in the corporate culture
and executive behavior at Google and other t ech giants? Maybe, but it's going t o
be an uphill struggle. A recent study by Lean In and McKinsey, "Women In The
Workplace," says that despite the #MeToo movement, women are not feeling
confident that their claims about sexual harassment will be taken seriously. The
study shows that 30 % of women are skeptical that the changes taking place
around sexual harassment policies and programs are effective, and women are
twice as likely as men to say that it would be risky or pointless to repo1t an

That is the concern that Liz Fong-J ones, workplace activist and Google engineer,
was referencing when she told the New York Times: "When Google covers up
harassment and passes th e trash, it contribut es to an environment where people
don't feel safe reporting misconduct." She added, "They suspect that nothing will
happen or, worse, that the men will be paid, and the \vomen will be pushed

https ://www.forbes.com/sites/christinavuleta/2018/10/30/the-90m-womens-walkout-at-google·is-real-change-coming/#3a584fc5 1d62 3/5

11/1/2018 The S90M Women's Walkout At Google: Is Real Change Coming?

The response by Page and the consistent bad corporate beh avior indicate that real
change can't h appen until the men in leadership and corporat e boards value the
pipeline of women and their contributions as much as the work of one man, even
if he created Android. Here's hoping that this walkout inspires the company, as
well as others, to walk the talk and commit to real change.

Update 10/31/2018, 1:30 pm EST:

Last night the New York Times reported that Richard Devaul, a director at the X
unit of Google's parent company, Alphabet, resigned from the company. The
resignation came after the New York Times reported last week that a former
female job applicant accused him of sexual harassment. While Rubin was let go,
DeVaul remained employed by Google despite the company's reported statem ent
that the accuser's "account was 'more likely than not' true and that 'appropriat e
action' was t aken," according to the Times article. The subsequent anger in
response to the handling of DeVaul and the other executives was the impetus for
the Google walkout planned for Thursday. The walkout is now estimated to
include more than i,ooo employees, according to the Times.

The walkout planned in protest of the protection of sexual harassers now has the
support of Google leadership. On Tuesday evening Axios shared Google CEO
Sundar Pichai's apology to Google employees. He admitted in a company em ail
that the h andling of prior sexual harassment issues "didn't go fa r enough"
and committed to take a "much harder line" going forward . Pichai also pledged to
support employees who choose to take part in the walkout on Thursday. Th e
question for many remains: When will tech leadership start hiring, paying and
promoting more women to lessen the need for future apologies?

" 'Google CEO Sundar Pichai promised to take a "much harder line" on sexual
harassment.' @inafried @axioshttps://t. co/ MQKCpo81CS Here's a better
idea, Sundar : hire, promote, champion, give juicy 'moonshots' to WOM EN.
Sexual harassment disappears in a gender-equal work enviroment

- Cindy Gallop (@cindygallop) October 31, 2018

https ://www.forbes.com/sites/christinavuleta/20 18/10/30/the-90m-womens-walkout-at-google-is-real-change-coming/#3a584fc51 d62 415

11/1/2018 Google employees walkout in protest at culture of sexual harassment

Technology Smartphones
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Google employees walkout in protest at culture

of sexual harassment
Latest expression of a backlash against men's exploitation of female subordinates in a
business, entertainment and politics.

By Associated Press
November 1, 2018 11:51 GMT

S AN FRANCISCO - Thousands of Google engineers and other workers around the world have
walked off the job to protest the internet company's lenient treatment of executives accused
of sexual misconduct.

It is the latest expression of a backlash against men's

exploitation of female subordinates in a business,
entertainment and politics. In Silicon Valley, women also
are becoming fed up with the male-dominated
composition of the technology industry's workforce - a
glaring imbalance that critics say fosters unsavory
behaviour akin to a co llege fraternity house.

Employees are being urged to leave a flyer at their desk

which reads: "I'm not at my desk because I'm walking
out in solidarity with other Googlers and contractors to
Why advertise with us
protest [against] sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of
transparency, and a workplace cu lture that's not working for everyone."

The Google protest, billed "Walkout For Real Change," is unfolding a week after a New York Times
story detailed allegations of sexual misconduct about creator of its Android software, Andy Rubin.
The report said Rubin received a $90 million severance package in 2014 even though Google
concluded the sexual misconduct allegations against him were credib le.

Rubin derided the Times story article as inaccurate and denied the allegations in a tweet.

The same story also disclosed allegations of sexual misconduct of other executives, including
Dirh-:.rrl r'lo\/-:> 1ii -:> rlirortl'"\r -:.t tho c-:.mo r:""crlo--:>ffdi-:.torl 1-:.h th-:.t rro-:.torl f-:.r~f1 1 1ncr nrl'"\iortc c11rh -:>c

f in
https ://www.ibtimes .co .u k/google-employees-wa lkout-protest-culture-sexual-harassment-1666838 1/2
11/1 /2018 A lphabet Executive Resigns After Harassment Accusation - The New York Times

Alphabet Executive Resigns After

Harassment Accusation

Oct. 30, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO - Richard Devaul, a director at the X unit of Google's parent company,
Alphabet, resigned from the company on Tuesday after he was accused in a New York Times
article published last week of sexually harassing a female job applicant.
Star Simpson, a hardware engineer, said that in 2013, Mr. Devaul made unwanted advances to her
at his encampment at Burning Man, an annual festival in the Nevada desert. It was a week after
she interviewed at Google for a job reporting to him.
When Ms. Simpson reported his behavior to Google two years later, a company official told her
.that her story was "more likely than not" true and that appropriate action had been taken against
Mr. DeVaul without explaining what the company had done.
After the article was published, many employees expressed anger and disappointment that Mr.
Devaul was still employed at the company despite Ms. Simpson's harassment claim.

Women at Google, upset at the company's handling of accusations against Mr. Devaul as well as
other executives, plan to stage a walkout on Thursday with more than 1,000 people planning to
leave Google's offices in protest.
Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, said in an email to employees on Tuesday that the
company's initial apology after the publication of The Times article "wasn't enough" and that staff
participating in the walkout would get "the support you need."
"As CEO, it's been personally important to me that we take a much harder line on inappropriate
behavior," Mr. Pichai wrote. "We have taken many steps to do so, and know our work is still not
After Ms. Simpson reported Mr. DeVaul's actions, Google continued to promote Mr. DeVaul's
work in news articles.
"It probably feels hard to trust me and X right now, but I want to reassure you that we do take
these issues very seriously, we investigate every allegation we receive, and we do what's right
based on the information we have," Astra Teller, the head of X, the company's research and
development arm, wrote on Friday in an email obtained by The Times.

https:l/www.nylimes.com/20 18/10/30/technology/alphabet-executive-sexual-harassment-resigns .html 1/2

11 /1/2018 Alphabet Executive Resigns After Harassment Accusation - The New York Times

Mr. Devaul received no exit package from Alphabet, Google's parent company, after he resigned,
a company spokeswoman said. She declined to elaborate further. Mr. DeVaul's resignation was
reported earlier by Axios.

Mr. DeVaul did not respond to several requests for comment. In a statement before the Times
article had published, Mr. Devaul apologized for an "error of judgment." He said X decided not to
hire Ms. Simpson before she went to Burning Man and that he did not realize she had not been

Mr. Devaul was an influential figure within the X unit. Until recently, he was the director of rapid
evaluation, running a team that weighs the progress of various X projects, deciding which
endeavors get killed and which continue. In the last few months, he had taken on a new role as
the "director of mad science."

Follow Daisuke Wakabayashi on Twitter: @daiwaka

A version of this article appears in print on Oct. 30, 2018, on Page 84 of the New York edition with the headline: Alphabet Executive Resigns After
Job Applicant's Claim of Harassment at Burning Man

https :l/www.nytimes.com/2018110130/technology/alphabet-executive-sexual-harassment-resigns.html 212

12/13/2018 Timeline of a crisis: The #MeToo movement comes to Google I PR Week

Timeline of acrisis: The #Meloo movement

comes to Google
November 21, 2018 by Sean Czarnecki

Google was hit with one of its worst crises yet after revelations about former exec
Andy Rubin


Photo credit: Getty images

November 28, 2017

Digital media company The Information reports Andy Rubin, the creator of And roid and
a former Google executive, left the company in 2014 after it discovered he had an
inappropriate relationship with a subordin ate.

https://www.prweek.com/article/1519122/timeline-crisis-metoo-movement-comes-google 1/4
12/ 13/201 8 Timeline of a crisis: The #MeToo movement comes to Google I PR Week

It was unclear what those allegations were and whether he was paid an exit package.

Rubin takes a leave of absence from his new smartphone venture, Essential, for
personal reasons. His spokesperson, crisis wrangler Mike Sitrick, denies wrongdoing.

October 25, 2018

The New York Times publishes an investigation saying Google paid Rubin
handsomely despite finding credible allegations he coerced a female employee to
perform oral sex on him.

Instead of firing Rubin, then-Google CEO Larry Page asked for his resignation. The
tech company kept the revelations under wraps and paid Rubin a $90 million exit
package in 2014. Rubin denies the allegations through spokesperson Sam Singer. He
tweets the allegations are part of a smear campaign.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai and HR head Eileen Naughton email employees, saying
they've fired 48 people over the past two years for sexual harassment with no exit

October 26
Google staff confronts Pichai and current-Alphabet CEO Page at its weekly meetings,
asking what it will do to reverse its current course of action: protecting abusers at the
expense of victims' well-being. Page admits there are some decisions he "would have
made differently" and offers an apology.

October 29
A group of more than 200 engineers organize a companywide walkout for November 1
to protest Google protecting perpetrators of sexual harassment.

Pichai emails employees to voice his support of the walkout.

October 30
Axios reports Richard beVaul , a director at Alphabet's research and development arm,
X, has left the company following allegations in the Times.

The newspaper reports he made a pass at a woman applying for a job at X. Devaul
did not receive an exit package, according to a spokeswoman .

October 31
Over 1,500 Google employees plan to walk out of nearly two dozen offices worldwide.

November 1
Pichai addresses the crisis at the Dealbook conference, saying, "At Google, we set a
high bar, and we didn't live up to expectations."

https ://www.prweek.com/article/1519 122/timeline-crisis-metoo-movement-comes-google 2/4

11/1/2018 What the Google employees are demanding - CNN

What the Google employees are demanding

By Kaya Yurieff, CNN Business
Upda ted 12:52 PM ET, Thu Novembe r 1, 2018

New York (CNN Business) - Google employees around the world are calling for sweeping changes in how the
company handles sexual harassment and discrimination.

Employees walked out of their offices on Thursday in a coordinated protest over what they call a "destructive
culture" at the company. They are demanding five main changes, according to a post on an lnstagram account
dedicated to the walkout.

Google employees say they want: An end to forced arbitration in harassment and discrimination cases; a
commitment to end pay and opportunity inequity; a sexual harassment transparency report disclosed to the
public; a clear inclusive process for reporting sexual misconduct safely and anonymously; and for the chief diversity
officer to repo rt directly to the CEO and make recommendations to the board of directors, as well as the
appointment of an employee representative to the board.

The walkout was prompted by a New York Times investigation last week, which detailed years of sexual
harassment allegations. multimillion-dollar severance packages for executives accused of misconduct, and little
transparency over the cases.

In an op-ed for the Cut on Thursday, the seven core organizers said Google employees "demand an end to the
sexual harassment, discrimination, and the systemic racism that fuel this destructive c ulture."

"The (New York Times] article provided a narrow window into a culture we. as Google employees. know well. These
stories are our stories. We share them in hushed tones to trusted peers. friends. and partners. There are thousands
of us, at every level of the company. And we've had enough," they wrote.

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https :/lwww.cnn.com/2018/11 /01/tech/google-walkout-demands/index .html 1/2

12/13/201 8 Timeline of a crisis: The #MeToo movement comes to Google I PR Week

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November 2, 2018

~;3f'.~:~;_~:·- .-. :..:.~. . ·,·: :.~--~-

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. .
•. '

Jes~lca Ct:u(stlan I The Chronicle

, Google employees participate in a company-wide walk~ut from their offices in San Fran~isco, part of the final
·wave-of protests that began at 11 a.m. local ti.me in Singapore and Tokyo.

·w alkout forwomen
claim.ing "numerous inaccuracies"
Thousands of workers·worldwide protest and "wild exaggerations about my
Google's response to sexual miscondtic~ · compensation.")
· Hun.d reds ofemployees at Google's
San FranciscQ office walked out
By Melia Russell The walkouts came in response to around u ~.m. on Thursday, gather-
and ~ophia Kunthara recent revelations ofbig payouts and ing at Harry Bridges Plaza ou tside the
-light treatment given to company Ferry Building to c;all for an end to
In a coordinated protest ofwhat executives accused ofbad behavior at · sexual h;i.rassment and pay inequity
theysayisal:µcapproachtosexual the workplace. The most prominent at the company.
misc9nduct complaints, thousands of case was the departure ofAndy Ru- Speakers shared stories of harass-
Google employees march~d Thursday bin, creator ofthe Android mobile ment that colleagues had submitted,
along the Embarcadero in San Fran- operating systein. He left Google in and the crowd chanted·"Women's
cisco; at company headquarters in 2014 following an investigation into a .rights are worker's rights" and "Equal
Mountain View; and as far afield as relationship with afemhle.subordi- pay for equal work." .
Hyderabad, India; Singapore; Lon- nate, the New York Times reported, Cathay Bi, a product manager at
don; Tokyo; Toronto; and Dublin, and collected a payout of$90 million. Google who led the chants, said she
Ireland. (Rubin h as disputed the reports, Walkout continues on D3

.: ·. :··

Nlall Carson I Associated Press Eltyan R. Smith I AFP I Getty lmog~

Google employees walked out of the company's l.'urop~an headquarters in The walkout included Google's large office in New York City, as well as others
Dublin to protest lenient treabnent of executives accused of sexual misconduct. in Singapore, Londoo, Tokyo· and the Indian city of Hyderabad.

Google workers
call for changes
Walkout from page D1 views) h as been nothing endorsed employee walk-
but negatively impacted outs to protest govern-
had experienced sexual by it," Brown said. She ment policies on immigra-
h arassment at the compa- 'was heartened by the tion. But its approval of
ny. reaction to a New York the Thursday walkout
"I did not feel safe talk- Times report that detailed amounts to an unusual act
ing about it,'; Bi said. That Google's history with ofcorporate self-criticism.
feeling, sh e said, prompf: harassment complaints: In Mountain View,
ed her to participate in the "Th ere'sanewcommi.mi- hundreds ofemployees
walkout. She said sl:ie ty forming at Google and poured in.lo the main
wanted to take a s tand, it's good." . courtyard at the Google-
despite fears of retalia- In a demonstrntion of plex, thecompany's head-
tion: '1 said to myself last the compllny's freewheel- quarters campus.
Cole Burston I Canadian Prus
night that I hope I s till ing culture, which is un- "I think this was the
have a career in Silicon usually tolennt of internal $90 .million su-:;w that Google employees gatl1er under a tree as fellow employees read from a list of
Valley after this." dissent, Google CEO Sun- broke the camel's back, to personal accoun_ts during a walkout in Toronto.
J enny Brown, an em- . dar Pichai has said he be hone.st," said Google
ployee at Google, partici- supp0rts the walkouts. employee Ceily O'Neil- protes ters were seeking Google offices had some · and Mountain View.
pated in the walkout in · "Employees have raised . Hart, an organizerof the an end to clauses in em- workers participate, she
San Francisco. She held-a constructive ideas for h ow walkout in Mountain ployment contracts that said. Melia Russe//and Sophia
sign: "I reported :ind he we can improve our pol-· View, referring to Rubin'~ require arbitration for "We do feel beard," she Kun/hara are San Francisco
got promoted." icies and our processes reported payout. "But disputes related to sexual said. ''.And we look forward Chronicle staffwriters.
Brownsaidshewas going forward," Picbai there are s o many stories harassment; a commit- to seeing action." Email: melia."rosself@
sexually harassed by a said in a statement. "We that we've heard for so m ent to pay equjty; and an The walkouts began MU sfchronicfe.com,
s uperioratGooglewho . are taking in all their - long and it's time for ac- employee representative a.m. local time in Singapore sophia.kunthara@
was subsequently pro· feedback so we can tum tion and change, real on the company's board of and Tokyo and circled the sfchronicfe.com Twit/er: .
rooted twice. these ideas into action." change.'.' directors. globe, ending with the @meliarobin,
"My performan~e (re- Google has previously · O'Neil-Hart said the More than 6o percent of protests in San Francisco @SophiaKunthara

11/5/2018 Three Reasons To Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers

1,354 views I Oct 29, 2018, 02:30pm

Three Reasons To Believe Google

Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers
Kristi Faulkner Contributor 0
l want gender equality in my lifetime. In fact, the sooner the better.

W hy would Google pay alleged h arassers millions? GOOGLE

Though it's hardly breaking news these days, yet another prominent man has
been pushed out of his high-level position amid allegations of sexual harassment,
abuse of power, and exploiting women reports.

While it does seem like the same old story we've been hearing since # MeToo
began galvanizing a movement early last year, this one, uncovered by the New
York Times, is different. Because this one involves Andy Rubin, the "Father of
Android," and Google, a company that touches almost every man, woman, and
child on earth, and where "don't be evil" is the ingrained credo.

In spite of the accusations, Google feted Rubin's departure, with Larry Page
himself publicly wishing him "all the best with what's next" and, according to the

h ttps ://www. for bes. com/sites/kri stifau Ikner/201 8/10/29/th ree-reasons-google-has-to-pay-the-stu pid-mo ney-to-sexuaI-ha rassers/#c 1a a3fb4 7208 1/5
11/5/2018 Three Reasons To Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers

Time's stellar reporting, backed that good will up with $2.5 million cash in
Rubin's bank account every month for years.

Why didn't they just fire him without severance, you ask? It's a reasonable
question, and Google has at least three tried-and-true reasons to believe it's more
important to pay nearly a hundred million dollars to the alleged abuser rather
than, say, publicly disavow his behavior, press charges, or equally compensate the
women Google believes have credible accounts.

Reason #t: He's a genius.

Google is known for hiring the most skilled, mostly male, technology talent in the
world. Andy Rubin is both. He's the guy who developed Android- a platform that
made it easier to put Google in the hands of the masses. Page called Rubin's
creation of Android "truly remarkable," and he's been hailed as a genius in Silicon
Valley. As Hannah Gatsby famously asserts, once it's decided a guy is a genius, his
reputation is more important than his actions-even if some of those alleged
actions include storing bondage porn on his work computer and forcing a woman
who worked with him to perform oral sex. Rubin's no Picasso, but still, Google
found it easy enough to separate the man from the art. After all, says Gatsby, in
our culture, geniuses must be protected and revered.


So why doesn't Google hire some equally genius women software developers to
bring balance to power? As most big tech companies like to espouse, there just
aren't enough qualified women in the pipeline. Girls outperform boys in school,
and more women graduate college now than men, but female genius seems to
vanish when women join the workforce. According to a Google search, only about
30% of Google employees are women-a stat that hasn't changed in many years.

Reason #2: He's worth it.

htips://www. forbes.com/sites/kri s tifauIkner/20 18/ 10/29/th ree-reasons-goog le-has-to-pay-the-stupid-money-to-sexual-ha rassers/#c 1 aa3 fb4 7208 2/5
11 /5/2018 Three Reasons To Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers

Rubin made his first $so million when Google acquired his software company.
Once he joined Google, they gave him a $40 million bonus plus $72 million in
stock, plus a reported $20 million in annual compensation. Even in the midst of
the harassment investigation, the Google board continued to demonstrate his
extreme value to the company when it awarded him another $i50 million in stock
grants. And to sweeten his depa1ture, on top of his incredibly generous exit
package, Google kicked in even more millions to fund his startup. Rubin was so
valuable to Google, they were willing to look the other way when accounts of his
alleged bad behavior became even worse. Meanwhile, as Rubin was collecting his
hundreds of millions, the women he's accused of abusing weren't earning
anything close to equal what Rubin was, which indicates their relative worth to

Though he wasn't known for valuing the feelings or morale of his team, Rubin
appears to know the value of women- and according to his wife, owned a few. In
her divorce suit, Rubin's ex-wife supported her case with a screenshot of an email
to a woman, "Being owned is kinda like you are my property, and I can loan you
to other people." One has to wonder if that's the general attitude of other men
leading Google, who seem to look at the women there as most romantic interests.

Reason #3: Google leads by example.

Google is the third most valued company in the world, employs more than
80,000 people and interacts with several billion users every day. Like most tech
companies, its leadership makeup reflects its employees, not its customers,
which, like the general population, is half women. The company is 70% male. The
board and top executives are overwhelmingly male, many of whom have been
accused of questionable behavior with women-reportedly, extramarital affairs
with underlings are common. There have been countless reports that the two
founders, the former CEO, various directors, and even the chief counsel have
been romantically involved with women employees- many while married. How
can any of these men in leadership condemn one of their own with a straight
face? It's understandable why Google would keep silent about the accusations.
Women are liabilities in these cases and have been treated that way.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/kristifa ulkner/2018/10/29/three-reasons-google-has-to-pay-the-stupid-money-to-sexual-harassers/#c1aa3fb47208 3/5

11 /5/2018 Three Reasons To Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers

The weak apology.

After the rationalizations, next up in the patriarchal playbook is the pseudo-

apology. When Larry Page finally acknowledged the corporate cover-up to
employees, his non-apology exacerbated the outrage and disgust. "I know this is
really an exceptionally painful story for some of you, and I'm really sorry for
that," he said in a meeting, failing to indicate that either he or the board felt
exceptional pain for their complicity in the situation. He did not mention any
regret, remorse, or embarrassment for the millions of dollars the company has
given the accused to leave.

Google: The world's most innovative company?

The fact is, until women are hired, groomed, and promoted at Google in parity to
men, given fair representation on the board, similar job titles and duties, and
rewarded with equal pay for equal work, Google is not fulfilling its promise to be
the most innovative company in the world. When leadership obfuscates facts,
Google is not fulfilling its mission to democratize information. When leadership
seems to condone alleged harassment, assault and exploitation of women, Google
undermines its commitment to do no evil.

A note to the men leading Google: the same old patriarchal ideas and behaviors
will not change the world. Don't keep paying stupid amounts of money to accused
harassers. Put the smart money on women instead. That will definitely change the
world-and isn't that what you first set out to do?

https://www.forbes.com/sites/kristifaulkner/201 8/10/29/three-reasons-google-has-to-pay-the-stupid-money-to-sexual-harassers/#c 1aa3fb4 7208 4/5

11/5/2018 Three Reasons To Believe Google Must Pay Alleged Sexual Harassers

A Google dood l e celebrating women. GOOGLE

I'm a founding partner of Gender Fair, an organization that independently

rates companies' commitment to equality and shares that data to inform
consumers. I'm interested in stories about the enlightened companies that
embrace and promote gender fair policies and practices; ... MORE

Kristi Faulkner is a creative director, strategist, and co-founder of @GenderFair

and @Womenkind, a strategic marketing firm dedicated to serving women.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/kristifaulkner/2018/10/29/three-reasons-google-has·to-pay-the-stupid-money-to-sexual-harassers/#c1aa3fb47208 5/5
·i111/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times

Google Faces Internal Backlash Over

Handling ofSexual Harassment

Oct. 31, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO - Google is struggling to contain a growing internal backlash over its
handling of sexual harassment and its workplace culture.
Over the past week, Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, and Larry Page, a co-founder of
Google and the chief executive of its parent company, Alphabet, have taken multiple steps to calm
its agitated 94,000-person work force. The anger arose after The New York Times revealed last
week that Google had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of
harassment and stayed silent about their transgressions.
Google later said it had fired 48 people for sexual harassment over the last two years; none
received an exit package. Mr. Page and Mr. Pichai also issued apologies, with Mr. Pichai later
saying his initial statement "wasn't enough" and apologizing again. And one of the executives
whom Alphabet continued employing after he was accused of harassment resigned on Tuesday
and did not obtain an exit package.

But employees' dissatisfaction has not subsided. On Thursday, more than 1,500 - most of them
women - plan to walk out of almost two dozen company offices around the world to protest the
treatment, organizers said.

"We don't want to feel that we're unequal or we're not respected anymore," said Claire Stapleton,
33, a product marketing manager at Google's YouTube who helped call for the walkout. "Google's
famous for its culture. But in reality we're not even meeting the basics of respect, justice and
fairness for every single person here."

[Google employees around the globe are walking out of their offices in protest.]
The walkout is a culmination of simmering tensions at a time when Silicon Valley workers have
become more activist. Tech employees once moved in lock step with their leaders to make
products that they said would change the world, but the industry has come under the spotlight for
causing harm rather than good. That has led engineers, data scientists and others to increasingly
question how their work is being used.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/31/tech nology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout. html 1/4

The employee rebuke played out on Thursday and Friday in
company meetings and on internal message boards and social
networks, as well as on Twitter. Jaana Dogan, who works in Google
Cloud, the company's cloud computing business, tweeted. "If you are
worth of millions of dollars, you should be able to show the door to
autho1;tarian governments and serial abusers. If not now, then

Another Google employee, Sanette Tanaka Sloan, also posted on

Twitter that the way Google had handled Mr. Rubin's misconduct
claim was "crushing." She added, "We can do so much better."

A Sanette Tanaka Sloan

'fl 1 @ssktanaka

News like the @nytimes report on @google's handling of Andy

Rubin and other top execs is crushing. As much as I believe in
supporting the company you work for, it's equally important to
voice what you vehemently disagree with. We can do so much
better nytimes.com/201 8/10/25/tec ...
9:23 AM - Oct 26, 2018

How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the 'Father of Android'

The internet giant paid Mr. Rubin $90 million and praised him, while
keeping silent about a misconduct claim.

77 31 people are talking about this

On Memegen, an internal Google photo-messaging board popular

among employees for its humor, one of the top posts on Thursday
featured a GIF of an ove1joyed game show contestant showered with
confetti. Beneath the image was the text "got caught sexually
h arassing employee," said one employee who saw the post and who
asked not to be identified because she was not authorized to speak

Google's work force often takes to internal messaging.platforms to

protest management decisions. Employees have opposed the
company's decisions to work with the PentagQll on artificial
intelligence technology and to create a censored search eng~ for
: 11/ 1/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times

Employees at Microsoft and Amazon recently protested the companies' work with federal
immigration authorities when migrant children were being separated from their families at the
Mexican border. And some employees at Facebook have complained that the social network is
intolerant of different political perspectives.
Nowhere has the tech employee activism been more evident than at Google. Workers have
pushed back this year against the company's artificial intelligence work with the Pentagon,
saying their work shouldn't be used for warfare. Google eventually decided not to ren ew its
contract with the Pentagon. Employees also rebuked Mr. Pichai and other executives for
developing a search engine for China that would censor results. Since then, Google has not moved
forward on a search product for China.

Google declined to comment.

The treatment of female employees has been an especially charged topic at Google. Just 31
percent of its global work force and about 26 percent of its executives are women. Google has also
been sued by former employees and the Department of Labor, which claim that it underpaid
women; the company has said it does not have a wage gap between male and female employees.

Google workers said other incidents had raised questions about the company's attitude toward
women. Last year, one engineer, James Damore, argued in an internal document that women
were biologically less adept at engineering and that "personality differences" explained the
shortage of female leaders at the company. After an outcry, Google executives rejected the memo
and fired Mr. Damore.

https://www.nytimes.com/20 18/10/31/technology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout.html 214

how they responded to the question from employees, but the
executives struck a conciliatory tone, according to remarks obtained
by The Times.

During the meeting, Mr. Page and Mr. Pichai did not comment on
specific misconduct cases. Mr. Pichai noted that Google had made
some "important changes" in how it handles harassment cases,
according to the remarks.


"We want to get better, and we want to get to a place where it truly
reflects our values of respect, particularly respect for each other,"
Mr. Pichai said.

Mr. Page said if employees suffered from harassment while at

Google, then the compa ny was not "the company we aspire to be."

He also offered an apology.

"I've had to make a lot of decisions that affect people every day, some
of them not easy. And, you know, I think certainly there's ones with
the benefit of hindsight I would have made differently," Mr. Page
said. "I know this is really an exceptionally painful story for some of
you, and I'm really sorry for that."

Follow Daisuke Wakabayashi and Kate Conger on Twitter: @daiwaka and @kateconger.

A version of this article appears In print on Oct. 26, 2016, on Page Bl of the New York edition with the
headline: Workers Take Google to Task Over Payouts. Order Reprints I Today's Paper I Subscribe
11/1/2018 Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment - The New York limes

Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive, apologized for the handling of harassment claims
and later said his initial statement "wasn't enough." Jim Wilson/The New York Times

At a staff meeting last year, Google's founders, Mr. Page and Sergey Brin, also struggled to
answer a question about who their female role models were, said two employees who saw a video
of the meeting.
Mr. Brin tried to recall the name of a woman he had recently met at a company event who had
impressed him, the people said. Mr. Page eventually reminded Mr. Brin that the woman's name
was Gloria Steinem, the feminist writer. Mr. Page said his hero was Ruth Porat, the chief financial
officer of Google and Alphabet, said the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly.

Last week, The Times reported that Google had paid Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android
mobile software, a $90 million exit package even after the company concluded that a harassment
claim against him was credible. (Mr. Rubin has denied any misconduct and has said the report of
his compensation is a "wild exaggeration.") Google also paid millions of dollars in an exit package
to another executive who was accused of harassment, and continued employing a third despite a
harassment claim.
Google's workers were outraged. They immediately raised questions at a staff meeting with
executives last Thursday about how the company approaches sexual harassment.

"I know this is really an exceptionally painful story for some of you, and I'm really sorry for that,"
Mr. Page said at the time.

The meeting did little to quell the anger. On Friday, Ms. Stapleton said, she created an internal
mailing list to organize a walkout. More than 200 employees joined over the weekend, she said,
and the numbers have since grown to more than 1,500.
On Tuesday, Richard Devaul, one of the Alphabet executives who The Times revealed was
accused of harassment, resigned from the company. He did not receive an exit package,
according to a company spokeswoman.

That same day, Mr. Pichai sent an apologetic email to employees saying he would support this
week's protest. He said that some workers had already raised constructive ideas of how to
improve policies around harassment and that he hoped to "turn these ideas into action,"
according to the email, which was obtained by The Times.

Employees organizing the walkout have called on Google to end the practice of private arbitration
- which requires people to waive their right to sue and often includes confidentiality agreements
- in cases of sexual assault and harassment. They also are demanding publication of a
transparency report on instances of sexual harassment, more disclosure of salaries and
compensation, an employee representative on the company's board and a chief diversity officer
who could make recommendations directly to the board.

https://www.nylimes.com/2018/10/31/technology/google-sexual-harassment-walkout.html 3/4
10/26/2018 Google ignored sexual misconduct by Andy Rubin, gave him $90 million


Notably, Rubin says he "never coerced a woman to have sex in a hotel room," which could b\
interpreted as a denial of the facts - or a lesson in semantics, depending on how you read it.
Either way, Rubin's tweets are below:

Andy Rubin @Arubin · 17.IJ

1/2 The New York limes story contains numerous inaccuracies about my
employment at Google and wild exaggerations about my compensation.
Specifically, I never coerced a woman to have sex in a hotel room. These
false allegations are part of a smear campaign

Andy Rubin

212 to disparage me during a divorce and custody battle. Also, I am

deeply troubled that anonymous Google executives are commenting
about my personnel file and misrepresenting the facts.
6:29 PM - Oct 25, 2018

84 61 people are talking about this

Update #1, October 25, 2018 (4:51PM EST): After The New York Times published its
bombshell report described below, Google sent out an email to all employees to make a
statement on the matter, via CNBC.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai is quick to point out Google has fired 48 employees in the last two
years for problems revolving around sexual misconduct. Of those 48 employees, 13 were
"senior managers and above," and none of the 48 received an exit package.

However, nowhere in the email does Pichai attempt to explain what exactly happened with
Rubin nor what the company plans to do to respond to these serious allegations of corporate

You can read the full email here.

Original Article, October 25, 2018 (2:06PM EST): When Andy Rubin - the so-called "Father
of Android" who was the primary developer of the world's largest mobile operating system -
https://www.androidauthority.com/andy-rubin-scandal-google-918439/ 2/4
10/26/2018 Google ignored sexual misconduct by Andy Rubin, gave him $90 million

resigned from the Google Android team in 2014, he was given a fond farewell.

"I want to wish Andy all the best with what's next," Larry Page, Google's then-CEO, said in a
,A.Jblic statement. "With Android he created something truly remarkable - with a billion-plus
happy users."

On his way out of Google's door, Rubin received a parting gift: $90 million paid out over monthly
installments of $2 million. The final payment is expected next month.

However, in November of last year, news broke that the "resignation" wasn't quite so simple.
According to anonymous sources familiar with the matter, Rubin was actually forced to resign
after having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a female subordinate on the Google
Android team.

After this news broke, Rubin took a leave-of- EDITOR'S PICK

absence from his startup, Essential, which Andy Rubin taking leave from Essential in wake of
"inappropriate relationship" report
at that point was just launching the Essential
0 hone.

While Rubin's forced exit from Google was known in November last year, we are now just
learning about this $90 million gift from Google, which the company would not have had to pay if
it had fired.Rubin instead of forcing him to resign.

According to The New York Times report on the matter, Rubin is actually one of three known
male executives who received credible claims of sexual misconduct against them and were
either given huge parting gifts on their resignation or - in one case - allowed to continue high-
paying work with the company.

To make matters worse, Google is also a major investor in Essential.

Andy Rubin didn't just leave Google - he was given

the choice to be fired or resign. He resigned and got a
huge payout for it.

https:l/www.androidauthority.com/andy-rubin-scandal-google-91 8439/ 314

1'11/2018 Google walkoul Hve: Pictures of prntesting Google workers· Business Insider


Google walkout live: Pictures of Google workers

leaving their desks in protest over sexual
Isobel Asher Hamilton and Jake Kanter 32m

Google employees on Thursday were prot esting sexual misconduct. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

Google employees around the world are stagi ng a mass walkout

Thursday in protest of sexual misconduct.

httpsJlwww.bus.inessinsider.com/google-walkout-llve-pictures-or-protesting- google-w orkers-2018- 1'\#ceo-sundar-pichaj..sald-he-supported-the-walkout-22 \/21

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Andy Rubin, the creator of Android, reportedly had

bondage sex videos on his work computer, paid
women for 'ownership relationships,• and allegedly
pressured an employee into oral sex
Nick Bastone 17h

Brian Ach/Getty

GOOGL Alphabet-A

-14.11 (-1 .30 %)

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• On Thursday, The New York Times published more details about

the allegation that led to Android founder Andy Rubin's dismissal
from Google in 2014.

• The Times reported that Rubin was found to have pressured a

woman with whom he had an extramarital relationship into
performing oral sex in a hotel room in 2013.

httos:ltwww businesslnsJdec.comlaooole-ancfv·rubin.sexual· misoonduct·allGQations-nvt-2018· 10 1f7

~·u uA\:t\. l'\llOy Kuom 1aces otm111 ttU Mi ~u a1 m1sconouct altegauons: N r 1 · i;usiness 1ns1oer

• The Times also cited an incident when Google's security staff

found bondage sex videos on Rubin's work computer and
screenshots of messaged that alluded to the Android founder
paying for "ownership relationships" with women. ../
• Rubin's spokesperson told The Times that the Android founder did
not partake in misconduct and that "any relationship that Mr.
Rubin had while at Google was consensual and did not involve any
person who reported directly to him."

On Thursday, new details about Android fou nder Andy Rubi n's 2014
exit from Google came to light in a bombshell report by The New York
Times. The report alleges the internet company paid him $90 million
despite concluding that there was credibility to a sexual misconduct
claim against him.

According to The Times, Rubin was ultimately asked to leave Google

after pressuring a woman (with whom he had an extramarital
relationship) into performing oral sex in a hotel room in 2013. The
two's relationship was cooling around the time of the incident, but
the woman had been worried to cut things off in fear that doing so
would affect her career, according to two company executives briefed
on the relationship.

Rubin was involved in other sexual incidents during his time at

Google as well, according to the report.

The report claims:

• Rubin dated other women at Google while he was married -

according to four people who worked with him - including one
woman on the Android team.

• Google's security staff fou nd bondage sex videos on Rubin's work

computer, according to three anonymous executives familiar with
the incident. For that case, Rubi n's yearly bonus was dinged.

• Rubin's ex-wife said he had multiple "ownership relationships"

with other women during their marriage, paying them hund reds
of thousands of dollars. Screenshots released in the couple's civil
suit revealed Rubin telling one woman: "You will be happy being
taken care of. Being owned is kind a like you are my property, and I
can Joan you to other people."

Rubin's spokesperson told The Times that the Android founder did
not partake in misconduct and that "any relationship that Mr. Rubin
had while at Google was consensual and did not involve any person
who reported directly to him."

httos:Jtwww.businessinsider.COITllaooole·andv·rubln·sexuat-misconduct·alleoatlOnS·nvt·201S.10 217
Upon Rubin's departure from Google in 2014, he was celebrated by
Google's chief executive at the time, Larry Page. ./ x
"I want to wish Andy all the best with what's next," Page said in a
statement. "With Android he created something truly remarkable -
with a billion-plus happy users."

In an email to employees on Thursday, CEO Sundar Pichai said the


"In recent years, we've made a num ber of changes, including taking
an increasingly hard line on inappropriate conduct by people in
positions of authority: in the last two years, 48 people have been
term inated for sexual harassment, including 13 who were senior
managers and above. None of these ind ividuals received an exit

Read the New York Times full report

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10/25/2018 Report: Alphabet CLO Drummond Secretly Fathered Child With Subordinate I The Recorder

Q Click to Rrint or Select 'Print' in your browser menu to print this document.

Page printed from: https:l/www. law.com/ therecorder/201 8/10/25/report-alphabet-clo-drummond-secretly-fathered-


Report: Alphabet CLO

Drummond Secretly Fathered
Child With Subordinate
David Drummond, the chief legal offi cer of Google parent co mpany
Alphabet, fat hered a chi ld with a co ll eague du ri ng an extramarital affai r
whi le he was GC of Google, accordi ng to a New Yo rk Times report.
aroline Spiezio I October 25, 201 8

David Drummond, th e chief lega l offi cer

of Google parent company Alphabet,
fat hered a child with a colleague during
an ext ra marital affair whil e he was GC of
Google, according to a Thursday report

"Googlep/ex, " Google headquarters,

Mountain View, California. Photo credit:
Shutters tock

https://www.law.com/therecorder/2018/10/25/report-alphabet-clo-drummond-secretly-fathered-child-w ith-subordinate/?printer-friendly/ 1/3

1111/2018 Google walk.out live: Pictures o l prot esting Googte workers - Business Insider

Google Walkout

Berlin Googlers stood in front of the iconic Brandenburg


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10/25/20 18 Report: Alphabet CLO Drummond Secretly Fathered Child With Subordinate I The Recorder

se nior vice president Amit Singhal.

Copyright 2018. ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved.

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11/112018 Google walkout live: Pictures of pro1esting Google workers - Business Insider

Google Walkout

Rainfall kept some Londoners indoors, but that did not

stop them from making thei'ffeelings known.

Google Walkout

The Business Insider reporter Shona Ghosh was at Google's St Giles

Street offices.

An employee taking part in the walkout told her: ''I'm proud that
we're now supporting everyone, and hopefully now gives them a
voice which most seem to feel th ey have not had before."

She was told that workers at the Victoria office had a talk about the
issues t hey're raising with management, including a call for a
transparency report on sexual harassment.

A Googler from London's Camden office who shared this

picture said stories shared during the walkout were

https:Jtwww.businessinsider.comlgoOQle-walkoU1-live-pictures-of-protest ing-google-workers-2018- l 1#ceo-sundar-plchai-said-he-supported-the-wa!kout-22 5121

11/5/2018 How Google protected the 'father of Android' who was accused of sexual misconduct - The Globe and Mail

credible, said the people, who spoke on the condition they not
be named, citing confidentiality agreements. Page asked for
his resignation.


Related: After media report, Google discloses 48 employees

were fired for sexual harassment during past two years

Google could have fired Rubin and paid him little to nothing
on the way out. Instead, the company handed him a $90-
million exit package, paid in installments of about $2-million
a month for four years, said two people with knowledge of the
terms. The last payment is scheduled for next month.

Rubin was one of three executives that Google protected over

the past decade after they were accused of sexual misconduct.
In two instances, it ousted senior executives, but softened the
blow by paying them millions of dollars as they departed, even
though it had no legal obligation to do so. In a third, the
executive remained in a highly compensated post at the
company. Each time Google stayed silent about the
accusations against the men.

The New York Times obtained corporate and court documents

and spoke to more than three dozen current and former
Google executives and employees about the episodes,
including some people directly involved in handling them.
Most asked to remain anonymous because they were bound by
confidentiality agreements or feared retribution for speaking

The transgressions varied in severity. Rubin's case stood out

for how much Google paid him and its silence on the
circumstances of his departure.

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-how-goog le-protected-the-father-of-android-who-was-accused-of-sexual/ 216

11/5/2018 How Google protected the 'father of Android' who was accused of sexual misconduct - The Globe and Mail

Sam Singer, a spokesman for Rubin, disputed that Rubin had

been told of any misconduct and said he left the company of
'-\is own accord.

"The New York Times story contains numerous inaccuracies

about my employment at Google and wild exaggerations about
my compensation," Rubin said in a statement after the
publication of this article. "Specifically, I never coerced a
woman to have sex in a hotel room. These false allegations are
part of a smear campaign by my ex-wife to disparage me
during a divorce and custody battle."



In settling on terms favourable to two of the men, Google

protected its own interests. The company avoided messy and
"'Ostly legal fights, and kept them from working for rivals as
_.art of the separation agreements.

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11/\12018 Google walkout live· Ptdures of p<otes1ing Google wOJkers · Bus1neu tnstdet

seemed to be under impression they weren't allowed by the company

despite being told by it they could speak to media in a personal

Will Goodbody

Here is Kate, the Google Dublin "Walkout for Real Change"

coordinator addressing the crowd. pic.twitter.com/iZFhHAJ9VO
4:51 AM - Nov 1, 2018

168 77 people are talking a bout this

And the Irish Googlers brought doughnuts.

REUTERS/Qodagh Kilcoyne

hnpsJIWWW.Dusme1Sln"der. comtgoogle.walkoU1""1rve-pldures-of-protesttn~google-wor1c.ers-2018-1 t#ceo-soodar-pic.haJ..said-he-supponed--lhe-walJcoUl·22 7121

11/5/2018 How Google protected the 'father of Android' who was accused of sexual misconduct - The Globe and Mail

Rubin joined Google in 2005 when it acquired his startup,

Android, for $so-million. Over the next few years, he helped
11uild Android - the software now used in 80 per cent of the
{vorld's smartphones - into a huge success.

That success gave Rubin more latitude than most Google

executives, said four people who worked with him.

In a civil suit filed this month by Rubin's ex-wife, Rie Rubin,

she claimed he had multiple "ownership relationships" with
other women during their marriage, paying hundreds of
thousands of dollars to them. The couple were divorced in

The suit included a screenshot of an August 2015 e-mail Rubin

sent to one woman. "You will be happy being taken care of," he
wrote. "Being owned is kinda like you are my property, and I
can loan you to other people."

1bin built a robotics division within Google named


Around that time, Rubin was casually seeing another woman

he knew from Android, according to two company executives
briefed on the relationship. The two had started dating in 2012
when he was still leading the division.

By 2013, she wanted to break things off but worried it would

affect her career, said the executives. That March, she agreed
to meet him at a hotel, where she said he pressured her into
oral sex, they said. The incident ended the relationship.

The woman waited until 2014 before filing a complaint to

Google's human resources department and telling officials
about the relationship, the people said. Google began an

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11 /5/2018 How Google protected the 'father of Android' w ho was accused of sexual misconduct - The Globe and Mail

While Rubin denied the accusation, it became clear that - at

the very least - the relationship was inappropriate, the
executives said. Page decided Rubin should leave, they said.

When Google fires lower-level employees, it typically marches

them out immediately and pays little, if any, severance. But for
senior executives, Google weighs other factors, said former
executives. A wrongful termination lawsuit could mean
unwanted media attention for Google and the victims of a
misconduct case, with a loss resulting in significant damages.

In the end, Google paid Rubin $go-million, said two people

with knowledge of the terms. The package was structured so
that he received $2.5-million a month for the first two years
and $i.25-million a month for the following two years.

A provision in the separation agreement precluded Rubin

from working for rivals or disparaging Google publicly, they

The company then went out of its way to make Rubin's

departure seem amicable, including Page's public statement of

Afterward, Google invested in Playground Global, a venture

firm Rubin started six months after leaving the company.
Playground has raised $800.:.million. He also founded
Essential, a maker of Android smartphones.

Rubin's wealth, fuelled by Google, has increased by 35 times in

less than a decade. According to his ex-wife's suit, his net
worth is now about $350-million, up from $lo-million in

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-how-goog le-protected-the-father-of-android-who-was-accused-of-sexual/ 616

11 /3/2018 Google Paid Android Inventor $90 Million After Sexual Accusation I Fortune

r,oogle Paid Android Inventor Andy Rubin $90 Million to Keep Quiet
After He·Was Credibly Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Report Says

By GLENN FLEISHMAN October 25, 201 8

Android's creator, Andy Rubin, received $90 million from Google to resign
without fuss after the company found an accusation of forced oral sex by a
former girlfriend and Google employee was credible, the New York Times has

Google did not deny the story's substance to the Times, and its CEO and HR
chief told employees in email after the article appeared that 13 senior
managers have been fired in the last two years for sexual harassment. None of
them, they said, had received an "exit package" paid for agreeing to leave.

A personal spokesperson for Rubin denied the substance of the story to the
Times, and said Rubin left of his own accord and did not engage in misconduct,
nor have a relationship with a direct report or one that was other than
consensual while at Google. Rubin and Google did not reply to requests for
comment from Fortune.

The alleged incident that led to Rubin's departure from Google involved a
former romantic partner who worked in the Android division. In 2014 she told
Google's human resources department that, after she was no longer interested
in the relationship, she had met with Rubin in a hotel room in 2013, according
to the Times. She accused Rubin of then forcing her into oral sex, and she
ended the relationship, the report says.

Rubin joined Google in 2005 with the acquisition of Android, a company he had
co-founded, to build smarter mobile devices. According to the Times, Rubin

http://fortune.com/2018/10/25/google-paid-andy-rubin-millions-to-keep-quiet-on-sexual-accuation/ 1/3
11 13/2018 Google Paid Android Inventor $90 Million After Sexual Accusation I Fortune

engaged in multiple relationships with other Google employees. In 2009, he

married one, Rie Rubin.

Rie Rubin filed for divorce May 24, 2017. Court filings show the divorce is not
yet final. On Sept. 17, a court ordered Andy Rubin to pay nearly $80,000 a
month in child support. Many aspects of the proceedings and filings were
sealed because of minor children. (Andy Rubin hasn't spoken publicly of
children, and his ex-wife has mentioned them only in passing in an article
about a now-closed bakery, and on social media.)

On Oct. 3, 2018, she filed a civil lawsuit against Andy Rubin. The case was
temporarily sealed at Andy Rubin's request on Oct. 1i' until a hearing on Dec.
3. Rubin's attorneys argued, among other points, that "journalists and others
will publicize the allegations if allowed to learn of them."

The Times report maintains that Larry Page, Google's co-founder, encouraged
Rubin within the company and felt Rubin hadn't received enough
compensation for his role in Android. This led to a $150 million stock grant
issued in Sept. 2014, even after the sexual-assault investigalion was underway.
The Times reports that it was unclear if Page or the board knew of the
investigation when the grant was approved.

However, Rubin was earlier passed over, in 2013, to run a combined Android
and Chrome team. Sundar Pichai got the nod instead. Pichai went on to become
Google's CEO when the firm shifted to a holding company structure with
Google as a separate division and crown jewel.

After the sexual assault allegation was reportedly found credible by Google, the
Times says Page made the decision to push Rubin out. Rubin left in Oct. 2014.

Rubin went on to co-found a venture-capital firm, Playground and later

founded a smartphone maker, Essential, which laid off part of its staff a few
days ago after disappointing sales of its first phone model.

http://fortune. com/201811012 5/goog le-pa id-and y-ru bin-mii Iion s-to-keep-quiet-on-sexual-accuation/ 213
11/3/2018 Google Paid Android Inventor $90 Million After Sexual Accusation I Fortune

Rubin was briefly on a leave of absence from Essential after the news site The
Information reported on a 2014 complaint at Google that appears to be one of
the elements of the Times story. At the time, Rubin said the relationship was
consensual and not someone in his managerial area.

The story also documented with named and anonymous sources other incidents
of sexual harassment, inappropriate remarks, and relationships that crossed
lines of reporting.

Hours after the story appeared, the company's CEO, Sundar Pichai, sent email
to employees that noted 48 people had been terminated in Google in the last
two years, "including 13 who were senior managers and above," and that none
received an exit package. The email was co-signed by Google's HR chief, Eileen

htip ://fortune. com/20 18/ 10/25/g oogle-paid-andy-ru bin-mi 11 ions-to-keep-qui et-on-sexu al-accu ati on/ 3/3
11/5/2018 Sex Trafficking Bill Heads to Trump, Over Silicon Valley Concerns - The New York Times

~be Nc\u Uork ~itncs

x Trafficking Bill Heads to Trump, Over

Silicon Valley Concerns
By Cecilia Kang and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

March 21, 2018

WASHINGTON -The Senate gave final approval on Wednesday to legislation that strengthens
the policing of sex trafficking, over the opposition of many internet companies. Lawmakers are
trying to catch up to the reality of prostitution long after the bartering of children and adults
moved from the streets to the web.
The 97-to-2 vote was the culmination of a multiyear effort by Republicans and Democrats to allow
state law enforcement officials to go after websites like Backpage.com that facilitate sex
trafficking. The bill would also suspend protections that shielded internet companies from legal
liability for the content on their sites.
The legislation has pitted lawmakers against Silicon Valley companies and civil liberties groups,
·--',1ch hold starkly differing views on the government's oversight of the internet. Big tech
.panies like Facebook and Google have flourished with little regulation for years, but they
have come under intense scrutiny after their platforms were manipulated by foreign agents
during the 2016 presidential election.
With passage of the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, Silicon Valley's ability to stay out of the
government's reach suffered a rare setback. The bill passed the House overwhelmingly last
month, and President Trump is expected to sign it into law.

"The president and his entire administration are firmly committed to holding those who
participate in these horrific crimes accountable, and look forward to continued work with these
stakeholders in order to put an end to this scourge," the White House press secretary, Sarah
Huckabee Sanders, said in a statement after the vote.
"It's a wake-up call," said Senator John Thune of South Dakota, chairman of the Senate
Commerce Committee, which convened hearings on sex trafficking. "This is clearly illegal
activity. It was happening online. But I think in the future, tech companies have to understand
that it's not the wild West, and they have to exercise responsibility."
T' -,ll Gallant, an analyst at Cowen, said the sex trafficking bill would not directly hurt big internet
lpanies. But he said it was "cracking the door open to broader platform liability for other types
of content."

https://www. nytimes.com/2018/03/21 /business/sex-trafficking-bill-senate.html 1/4

111112016 Google walkout live: Pictu1es of protesi lng Google workers • Business Insider

Sean Wolfe/Business Insider

Women waved placards as they marched.


Crowds started to accumulate en masse at Hudson River


h1tps'/twww.bus!neninslder.com19oogle-walkoll1 -1ive-pictures-or-protesting.-google-workers-201S..11#.ceo-sund1r-plchaf.said-he-suppor1ed.the-walkou1-22 10/21

11/5/2018 Sex Trafficking Bill Heads to Trump, Over Silicon Valley Concerns - The New York Times

When it was introduced in August 2017, the bill attracted immediate support from law
enforcement and advocates for victims of sex trafficking. It also drew intense opposition from
tech companies and free-speech advocates, who say any weakening of liability protections would
1to abuse by law enforcement, hurt start-ups that cannot afford to fight lawsuits and stifle free

The law "would almost certainly cause irreparable harm to free speech and the internet
economy;' said Robyn Greene, policy counsel and government affairs chief for Open Technology
Institute at New America, a research and advocacy group.
But with prominent fights flaring over Russian election interference, data breaches and other
scandals, the biggest tech companies - no longer wishing to publicly oppose a bill fighting sex
trafficking - retreated from their lobbying effort in recent weeks.

The Internet Association, a trade group whose members include Facebook, Google, Netflix and
Apple, has backed off from the strong stance they had against the bill when it was introduced.
"The internet industry shares the goals of lawmakers who want to put an end to trafficking
online, and Internet Association will continue to be a key partner with policymakers on this
important issue," said Michael Beckerman, president of the group, who added that it would work
to preserve other aspects of the liability shield.

legislation stemmed from a two-year Senate investigation led by Mr. Portman into
_ .~kpage.com, the classifieds page rampant with ads for prostitution and sex trafficking. During
the investigation, Mr. Portman and Mr. Blumenthal heard from state law enforcement officials
who said that they were not able to press charges against websites like Backpage.com, which
evoked safe harbor under the liability portion of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.
"We're opening the courthouse doors," Mr. Blumenthal said after Wednesday's vote.
According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, nearly 90 percent of the
trafficking of children occurs online. Seven out of 10 child trafficking reports involve
Backpage.com, the group said.
But over the past seven years, 20 cases involving the website were rejected by courts that
"acknowledged the horror of the allegations made regarding the child victims' trafficking" but
were "powerless to act," Yiota G. Souras, general counsel for the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children, told Congress last November.

The liability provision, created by Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, was intended to help
foster the growth of the nascent internet. It was adopted before smartphones and companies like
,,_ "gle and Facebook existed.

vn Wednesday, Mr. Wyden argued on the Senate floor that the bill as written would harm the
internet economy.

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11 /5/2018 Sex Trafficking Bill Heads to Trump, Over Silicon Valley Concerns - The New York Times

"It'll pull up the ladder, leaving the established giants at the top,'' Mr. Wyden said. Start-ups need
the legal shield most, not tech giants, he added: "The big guys can take care of themselves."

Mr. Wyden was one of two senators to oppose the bill; the other was Senator Rand Paul,
Republican of Kentucky.

Dozens of victims' advocates hailed the bill as landmark action to fight trafficking.

"This is a huge day for victims because we are finally saying enough is enough," said Lauren
Hersh, the national director for World Without Exploitation, a group for victims' rights. "They will
no longer allow companies to profit from ads that make millions off the backs of exploited people."

Correction: March 20, 2018

An earlier version of this article misspelled the surname of the national director for World Without
Exploitation, a group for victims' rights. It is Lauren Hersh, not Hersch.
An earlier version of this article misspelled the surname of the policy counsel and government
affairs chief for Open Technology Institute at New America, a research and advocacy group. It is
Robyn Greene, not Green.


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11/1'2018 Google walkout live: Pictures of protesting Google workers - Business Insider

Google Walkout

V L K 'A ll C M _l l ~ !:, J' $ .

In Haifa, Israel, Google has a small office of fewer than

100 people, but that didn't stop them from standing with
Googlers worldwide.

Google Walkout

The organisers behind the walkout published an article

outlining their stance.

https://www.businessi nsider.comlgoogle-walkout-live-pictures-of· protesting-google·wori(;ers-2018-11fkeo-sundar-picha~said- he-supported-the-walkout-22 12121

1115/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

Updated I Silicon Valley's Female Problem was well-known long before

the #MeToo movement started toppling piggish men in media, politics and the arts. But
emails obtained by Newsweek reveal another sordid corner of the tech sector's treatment of
women: a horny nest of prostitution "hobbyists" at tech giants Microsoft, Amazon and other
firms in Seattle's high tech alley.

The emails from the men, some hoovered up in a sting operation against online prostitution
review boards, are all similar, often disguised as replies to wrong addresses.




Update your preferences »

"I think you might have the wrong email address," wrote one man from his Amazon work
address to a brothel.

"Think you might have the wrong guy," wrote another to a pimp from his Microsoft work

"Got it," wrote a man at an Oracle email address, also directed to a pimp.

https ://www.newsweek.com/metoo-microsoft-amazon-trafficking-prostitution-sex-silicon-valley-755611 2/11

11 /5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

Grace Marie, a sex worker, poses for a photo in Los Angeles, on July 30, 2015. Silicon Valley's
'Femal e Problem' was well-known long before the #MeToo movement. But emails obtained by
Newsweek reveal another sordid corner of the tech sector's treatment of women.

Those emails are among hundreds fired off by employees at major tech companies hoping
hook up with trafficked Asian women. They were on their work accounts because Seattle
pimps routinely asked first-time sex-buyers to prove they were not cops by sending an
employee email or badge.

The cache of tech company emails were obtained by Newsweekvia a public records request
to the King County Prosecutor's Office. Law enforcement authorities have been collecting
them from brothel computers over the last few years; some were obtained in connection
with a 2015 sting operation that netted high-level Amazon and Microsoft directors.

Related: Senators battle tech giants over sex slaves and Russia

The tech sector's many problems with women-from notoriously hostile workplaces and
quotidian sexual harassment to CEOs with histories of violence against women- have been
widely reported for years, including a Newsweek cover story.

But one aspect of the industry's bad behavior has received little attention: the widespread
qnd often nonchalant attitude toward buying sex from trafficked women, a process made
.>hockingly more efficient by internet technology. And some studies suggest that th e tech
sector, overwhelmingly male and requiring long , lonely hours on computers, has more avid
consumers of prostitution than many other fields.
https://www. newsweek.com/metoo-microsoft-amazon-trafficking-prostitution-sex-silicon-valley-755611 3/11
11/5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon a nd Microsoft Work Emails

In the Seattle area, brothels even advertise their proximity to Microsoft headquarters on the
Backpage.com site: "New Open Mind Asian Hot Sweet Pretty Face Nice Body Top Service
(Bellevue-Redmond near Microsoft)." Or, "Certifiably Sexy Student Nuru Massage 69
Tongue Bath (Bellevue-Redmond Microsoft Access).

A study commissioned by the Department of Justice found that Seattle has the fastest-
growing sex industry in the United States, more than doubling in size between 2005 and
2012. That boom correlates neatly with the boom of the tech sector there. It also correlates
to the surge in high-paying jobs, since this "hobby" (the word johns use online to describe
buying sex) can be expensive: Some of these men spent $30,000 to $50,000 a year,
according to authorities.

The tech sector has not only employed a significant number of men who pay for sex with
trafficked women, it has also enabled traffickers to reach customers more easily and to hide
their business from cops by taking it off the streets and into computers and ultimately, hotel
rooms, motels or apartments. In one 24-hour-period in Seattle, an estimated 6,487 people
solicited sex on just one of the more than 100 websites that connect buyers with sellers,
according to a 2014 study.


Senators Battle Tech Giants Over Sex Slaves and Russia

'Sex Trafficking Victim' Gets Support From Celebs

We Can't Arrest Our Way Out of Sex Trafficking Scourge

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11/5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

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Advertisements for sex near Microsoft headquarters in Seattle. One aspect of the tech industry's
bad behavior has received little attention: the widespread, nonchalant attitude toward buying sex
from trafficked women using internet technology.

The cache of emails shared with Newsweek date between 2014 and 2016, and included 67
sent from Microsoft, 63 sent from Amazon email accounts and dozens more sent from some
of Seattle's premier tech companies and others based elsewhere but with offices in Seattle,
:ricluding T-Mobile and Oracle, as well as many local, smaller tech firms. The men who sent
.ne emails have not been charged, and Newsweek is not identifying them.

Authorities have seized records from only a fraction of the area's hundreds of brothels and
illicit massage parlors. A law enforcement source familiar with the cases says the emails
reflect just a tiny percentage of the business tech sector men bring to brothels with names
like Golden Blossom, AsianCandy777 and 7HeavenofAsia.

Authorities also say that trafficked Asian women service hundreds of men each day in

They also report that each woman has sex with between 5 and 15 men a day.

The women usually don't speak much English, and many communicate with their clients via
phone translation apps. To get and retain customers, the women or their pimps advertise a
variety of kinky or exotic "experiences," from pretending to be actual girlfriends of the client
(the "GFE or girlfriend experience") to nude "Nuru" massage.

Jne of the pimps netted in a review board sting in 2015 admitted that many of the women
were in debt bondage and in fear for their lives or the safety of their families.

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111112018 Google w alkout live· Plautes of prolesting Google w0<kers ·Business Insider

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S:~ oot ~ dtt..Uled ti:; empk>yrntnl u at\JS,

tQ Jillian D'Onfro
• _ @jillianiles

Replying to @jillianiles
Organizers are demanding more transparency from Google around
its handling of sexual harassment and pay and opportunity inequity,
as well as more employee empowerment overall (for example,
having an employee representative join the company's board}. In
their words:
11:59 PM - Oct 31, 2018

41 38 people a re talking about this

CEO Sundar Pichai said he supported the walkout.

Getty/Justin Sullivan

Pichai told Business Insider in a statement that management

supported the protest:

"We let Googlers know that we are aware of th e activities planned for
Thursday and that employees will have the support they need if they
wish to participate," he said.

But a Google engineer named Liz Fong-Jones encouraged t he press to

shift their focus away from Pichai's support.

ht1p,Jtwww.business1n1ioer.com1googie.... alkout-l!ve-pidures.-of-protestmg-google-worker5-2018- 11 #eeo.sund1r-pte.ha!-sa1CM1e-supponed-the-walkout·22

11/5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

Online prostitution review boards are common in all major urban areas- they are the Yelp of
the sex industry-but the Seattle boards were unusual in that men also gathered IRL (in real
life, in tech parlance), calling th emselves The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, to
compare notes about the women over drinks in public venues, making it easy for Seattle
police to infiltrate and secretly videotape some off the proceedings.


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Director Sacha Gervasi on HBO's 'My Dinner With Herve'

Deadly Forces Sabotaging Elephant Protection in Chad

Photographer Eva Sereny Captured Sets of Iconic Films

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11/5/20 18 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Ema ils

How a Social Media Post in Russia Can Land You in Jail

"She's as close to perfect as I think they get made," one man said, describing one of the
Korean women.

"Right after K-girls, I've always had this thing for Eastern Europeans," another said. "Like
Czech, Hungarian, anyone from a war-torn country. Anything with 'will work for food ."'

A day after Newsweek first contacted Microsoft for comment this week, an unknown number
of Microsoft employees in Seattle received an email from Human Resources officials
warning them: "Microsoft has been informed by the King County prosecutor's office that they
have obtained records in connection with a criminal enforcement activity related to a brother
engaged in prostitution."

The Microsoft email informed recipients that law enforcement "may have obtained" busines-
cards, badges and emails and links to a variety of company policies related to standards of
business conduct and responsible use of technology. "You are urged to ensure that you
have reviewed and complied with these company policies as well as criminal laws," wrote a
Microsoft human resources official named Adrienne Day.

A spokesman for Microsoft called the timing of the HR warning "coincidental" and denied it
was related to the Newsweekinvestigation, although Microsoft had requested access to the
records in October and received them in November, but only warned its employees this

At a panel discussion on the issue in 2014, a King County prosecutor said the Seattle tech
community is a major sex consumer-with the most frequent buyers middle- and upper-
class white men. And a law enforcement source in Seattle told Newsweek that authorities
know there is a concentration of buyers in tech , and that Seattle investigators have
communicated with detectives in and around San Jose County, California, the jurisdiction
that includes Silicon Valley.

A study conducted by Polaris, a leading anti-human trafficking organization, found that morb
than 700 Asian brothels (or "illicit massage parlors") are based in Silicon Valley, 20 percent

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11/5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

of the total number of brothels believed to be operating in California, although the area's
population is just one-tenth of the state's total.

\ccording to an ongoing study by the Organization of Prostitution Survivors in Seattle,

reported on last year by a local news website, 63 percent of prostituted people said they met
clients on company properties.

Alex Trouteaud, director of Policy and Research at Demand Abolition, another national anti-
trafficking organization, said the tech sector is a "culture that has readily embraced
trafficking ." As an example of the industry's nonchalant attitude, he recalled that in its early
days, Uber published a blog post that analyzed their data on ride sharing, focused on the
Bay Area, and included people who were paying for prostitution. "They made a map using
their ride-share data , like it was a funny thing they could do with their data. It was done so
flippantly," Trouteaud said .

John Tymczyszyn, a lawyer for some of the Microsoft employees who received the Microsoft
warning this week, said his clients-who have not been charged and were not involved in
the 2015 sting but have been frequenting brothels whose computers authorities have seized
-were alarmed. "I think anybody that received this email out of the blue would be, you
know, scared that there would be career if not criminal repercussions," he said.

Tymczyszyn, who also represents other sex buyers in the Seattle area, questioned the
judgement of men who used work emails from one of the most cyber-secure companies in
the world to buy sex, but he says Seattle's tech giants don't conduct any sort of training to
increase employees' awareness about or compassion for trafficked women in brothels.

A spokesman for Microsoft emailed Newsweek the following statement: "Microsoft has a
long history of cooperating with law enforcement and other agencies on combating sex
trafficking and related topics, and we have employees who volunteer their time and money
specifically to combat this issue as well. The personal conduct of a tiny fraction of our
125,000 employees does not in any way represent our culture. No organization is immune
to the unfortunate situation when employees act unethically or illegally. When that happens,
we look into the conduct and take appropriate action. Microsoft makes it clear to our
employees they have a responsibility to act with integrity and conduct themselves in a legal
and ethical manner at all times. If they don't, they risk losing their jobs."

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11/5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

of Women

The tech sector's many problems with women-from notoriously hostile workplaces and quotidian
sexual harassment to CE Os with histories of violence against women- have been widely reported
for years, including this Newsweek cover story.

When Newsweek sought comment from Amazon this week, a spokeswoman first asked to
see the emails sent by Amazon employees (unlike Microsoft, Amazon had apparently not
requested the emails from authorities). Newsweek shared an Excel list with the senders'
names redacted, and when the spokeswoman said she couldn't comment without seeing
more, Newsweekemailed one full email.

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11 /5/2018 Tech Bros Bought Sex Trafficking Victims by Using Amazon and Microsoft Work Emails

Today, Amazon informed Newsweek that it is "investigating" the matter and provided this
statement by email : "Amazon's Owner's Manual clearly states that, 'It is against Amazon 's
policy for any employee or Contingent Worker to engage in any sex buying activities of any
ind in Amazon's workplace or in any work-related setting outside of the workplace, such as
during business trips, business meetings or business-related social events.' When Amazon
suspects that an employee has used company funds or resources to engage in criminal
conduct, the company will immediately investigate and take appropriate action up to and
including termination. The company may also refer the matter to law enforcement."

Seattle authorities broke up the review boards in 2015 but did not arrest the women rated on
them . They have since disappeared from the Seattle area, according to Robert Beiser,
executive director of Seattle Against Slavery, a volunteer organization that works with
trafficked women.

"They were in debt and they tried to get out and they were afraid. In terms of where they
have ended up, criminal enterprises stretch across countries, and can harm these people
and their families, and the idea that they would disappear makes sense."

Beiser added that Asian women are "a fetish for buyers."

pdate: This article has been updated with new information from a study.

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11 /5/2018 Why is Silicon Valley fighting a sex trafficking bill? I Law I The Guardian

Guaru1an Th~.

Why is Silicon Valley fighting a sex trafficl<ing bill?

The government wants to change rules that allows websites to dodge liability for the ads
they host, but tech companies call it counterproductive
Olivia Solon in San Francisco and Sabrina Siddiqui in Washington
Thu 7 Sep 201715.25 EDT

Cloud services company Oracle has come out as one of the few technology companies to support
a Senate bill intended to combat online sex trafficking.

The Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of2017 would amend Section 230 of the Communications
Decency Act (CDA) to hold websites liable for publishing information "designed to facilitate sex
trafficking". Until now, Section 230 has shielded internet companies from criminal liability based
on user conduct.

The proposed legislation - co-sponsored by Senator Rob Portman, a Republican from Ohio, and
1tor Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut - has become an unlikely flashpoint in
. _debate over free speech, with most technology companies, including Google, lobbying hard
against it.

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11/5/20 18 Why is Silicon Valley fighting a sex trafficking bill? I l aw I The Guardian

The bill stems from a two-year inquiry by the homeland security subcommittee into classified
advertising website Backpage.com. According to the report that followed the investigation,
Backpage.com knowingly facilitated online child sex trafficking on the "adult" section of its
website. It did this by filtering the text of advertisements to delete keywords like "rape", "amr
alert", "little girl" and "lolita" before posting them to conceal the true intent of the ads.
Backpage.com did not remove these ads or report them to police.
"If enacted, it will establish some measure of accountability for those that cynically sell
advertising but are unprepared to help curtail sex trafficking;' said Oracle senior vice-president
Kenneth Glueck in a letter to Portman and Blumenthal.
In an op-ed published Thursday, Portman cited statistics from the National Center for Missing &
Exploited Children that showed an 846% increase in reports of child sex trafficking to its
"CyberTipline" from 2010 to 2015. Backpage.com accounts for 73% of all child trafficking reports
from the public, according to the same organization.
"Unbelievably, federal law has protected its unscrupulous business practices;' Portman wrote.
He said the protections in the Communications Decency Act "were never intended to apply - and
they should not apply - to companies that knowingly facilitate sex trafficking. It's time for this 21-
year-old law to be updated for the 21st century!'

Backpage.com CEO Carl Ferrer was arrested and charged w ith

pimping last year. Photograph: AP

The tech industry and some free-speech advocates say that the sex trafficking bill paves thew .. .
to broadly and unduly hold companies responsible for user-generated content.

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11 /5/2018 Why is Silicon Valley fighting a sex trafficking bill? I Law I The Guardian

In an email seen by the Guardian, Google public policy counsel Stewart Jeffries described the act
as "controversial legislation" that undercuts "one of the foundational statutes for the internet",
referring to CDA 230. He also pointed to work Google has done to combat human trafficking,
. -luding blocking sites like Backpage.com from advertising and getting its engineers to develop a
. that scans online ads to flag possible child victims for anti-exploitation charity Thorn.
The Internet Association, which represents Silicon Valley giants such as Google, Amazon,
Facebook, and Twitter, penned a letter along with other trade groups to Portman and Blumenthal
arguing that while "rogue actors" like Backpage.com should be held accountabl~, the sex
trafficking bill "would severely undermine a crucial protection for legitimate online companies,
and would be counterproductive to those companies' efforts to combat trafficking crimes".
"CDA 230 is a bedrock legal protection for online services:' the letter stated. "Without this crucial
protection, these service providers would be forced to err on the side of removing their users'
content or face unsustainable liability for their users' content that would harm the creation of
legitimate diverse online services."
Kevin Smith, a spokesman for Senator Portman, told the Guardian the tech community's claims
were "absurd and laughable" .
"We did our due diligence, met with the tech community on a bipartisan basis for months and yet
they offered no constructive feedback;' he said. "It's sad that these folks would oppose a
bipartisan, two-page bill to help stop online sex trafficking of women and children."
"'T'his is not a free speech issue, this is a crime issue;' said Taina Bien-Aime, executive director of
~ oalition Against Trafficking in Women. "The internet has become a very easy tool with very
1vd risk and very high profits in illegal activities in the sale and purchase of vulnerable young
Several lawsuits filed by victims sex trafficking against Backpage.com have been rejected because
of the protections afforded by Section 230.
The legislation has 28 co-sponsors from both the left and the right, a rare bipartisan display in
Last month, so attorneys general from states and US territories signed a letter backing efforts to
amend the CDA so that they could prosecute companies that support, facilitate or assist online
sex trafficking.
Support for the bill has intensified in recent days, with public figures including comedian Amy
Schumer and former UN ambassador Samantha Power urging members of the public to endorse it.
A source familiar with the discussions between the tech community and Capitol Hill supporters of
the bill said the fight was emblematic of the growing prominence of Silicon Valley.
"There is a certain level of arrogance here, where many in the broader tech community believe
t'- "V are untouchable," the source said. "Their bottom line comes before anything else, even
.monsense efforts to rein in online sex trafficking."

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11/5/20 18 Why is Silicon Valley fighting a sex trafficking bill? I Law I The Guardian

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11/5/2018 Senators pledge to defeat Silicon Valley on sex-trafficking bill - POLITICO



Sen. Richard Blumenthal attacked the tech industry's arguments against the anti-sex trafficking bill, saying
they do a disservice to victims. I John Shinkle/POLITICO

Senators pledge to defeat Silicon Valley on sex-trafficking bill

By ASHLEY GOLD I 09/19/2017 04:00 PM EDT

Senators on Tuesday vowed to press ahead with an anti-sex trafficking bill opposed by the
biggest names in the tech industry, in the latest sign that Silicon Valley has lost some of its
luster in Washington.

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11/5/201 8 Senators pledge to defeat Silicon Valley on sex-trafficking bill - POLITICO

though tech companies warn that tinkering with the provision could wreak broader
collateral damage to the internet economy.

The legislation, which counts 30 sponsors in the Senate and 140 in the House, has become
the latest flash point in Washington's increasingly tense relationship with Silicon Valley,
which once enjoyed bipartisan praise but is lately drawing scrutiny over its unchecked size
and power. D.C. policymakers are taking a closer look at everything from Facebook hosting
Russia-linked political ads to antitrust concerns over Amazon's expanding business empire.

Blumenthal, speaking at a Commerce Committee hearing, attacked the tech industry's

arguments against the anti-sex trafficking bill, S. 1693 (115), saying they do a disservice to

"We need to pass this measure. If we fail to do so - if we fail to close this gap and fill this
legal black hole - we become complicit," he said. "So, when the critics of this legislation
say that there will be a deluge of lawsuits, that there will be frivolous or unfounded claims,
think of it for a moment. Survivors have to come forward and establish their standing
under the law by making the case that they have been sold for sex. There will be no deluge
of frivolous lawsuits as a result of this measure."

The legislation is part of a long-running congressional fight with Backpage.com, a

classifieds site that has been the target of lawmaker scrutiny and investigations over
accusations that it facilitated child prostitution and human trafficking. The site shut down
its adults-services section in January, saying it had been subjected to "unconstitutional
government censorship."

But Google has emerged as one of the biggest opponents of the bill, deploying its
substantial lobbying resources to defeat a measure it considers a broader threat to its way
of doing business.

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11 /5/2018 Senators pledge to defeat Silicon Valley on sex-trafficking bill - POLITICO

"I'm sure when this act was put into place in '96, the internet was in its infancy, and it was
not intended to allow companies to legally sell children on the internet," said Yvonne
Ambrose, the mother of Desiree Robinson, who was allegedly shopped on Backpage.com
before being murdered last year. "But somehow, a dollar has become more important than
a human life. If you're going to fix this problem, fix it."

Still, the tech industry's defenders said the bill is not the way to address the problem.

"I take a backseat to no one in this Senate in the fight against sex trafficking. I just believe
the legislation being considered today is the wrong answer to an important question," said
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), urging Congress not to act like "bludgeoning politicians" in tearing
up a foundation of today's internet.

Google and Facebook did not appear at the hearing, relying instead on the general counsel
of their trade group, the Internet Association, to play defense. The lawyer, Abigail Slater,
said in prepared testimony her association supp01ts a "tailored amendment that ensures
civil suits were brought against online actors that acted with knowledge and intent."

"The internet community stands ready to work with this committee and the sponsors of the
legislation on targeted approaches that not only bring justice against Backpage.com, but
also support the ongoing fight against sex trafficking," Slater said.

GOP shudders as Trump courts Democrats on taxes

Lawmakers, however, don't appear eager to narrow the scope of their bill. When Google on
Monday floated a similar alternative plan, Portman's office quickly said it would not "gut" a
bill that has "broad and diverse Senate support."

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a former lawmaker who testified at Tuesday's
hearing, said Congress should not only advance the anti-sex trafficking bill but consider
expanding the scope of the legislation.

"I believe that this action will make the bill even stronger, and protect against other crimes
such as child pornograohv and other forms of cvber exploitation." Becerra said.

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Electronically filed
by Superior Court of CA,
County of Santa Clara,
on 3/11/2019 11:35 AM
1 PROOF OF SERVICE Reviewed By:R. Walker
Case #19CV343672
2 I am employed in the County of San Diego, State of California. I am over the age of 18 years
Env #2609955
3 and not a party to this action. My business address is: BOTTINI & BOTTINI, INC., 7817 Ivanhoe

4 Avenue, Suite 102, La Jolla, California 92037.

5 On March 11, 2019, I served a true copy of the following document(s) described as:
6 Amended Shareholder Derivative Complaint
7 on the following parties via electronic transmission through the One Legal system:

8 Boris Feldman
Benjamin M. Crosson
10 650 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
11 Telephone: (650) 493-9300
Facsimile: (650) 565-5100
12 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

14 Laurie Smilan
15 1700 K Street NW, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20006
16 Telephone: (202) 973-8800
17 Facsimile: (202) 973-8899
E-mail: [email protected]
Attorneys for Nominal Defendant Alphabet Inc. and Defendants Lawrence E. Page,
19 Sergey Brin, David C. Drummond, Laszlo Bock, Sundar Pichai, L. John Doerr,
Ann Mather, Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Dianne B. Greene, John L. Hennessy,
20 Alan R. Mulally, K. Ram Shriram, and Shirley M. Tilghman
Daniel A. Croley
601 Montgomery Street, Suite 333
23 San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415) 399-3840
24 Facsimile: (415) 399-3838
25 Email: [email protected]

26 Attorneys for Defendant Amit Singhal

- 1 -
Proof of Service
1 Margaret A. Tough
2 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415) 395-8060
4 Facsimile: (415) 395-8095
Email: [email protected]
Attorneys for Defendant Andrew E. Rubin
Louise H. Renne
Ann M. Ravel
8                RENNE PUBLIC LAW GROUP 
350 Sansome Street, Suite 300
9 San Francisco, CA 94101
Telephone: (415) 848-7200
Facsimile: (415) 848-7230
11 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff James Martin
Joseph J. Tabacco, Jr.
Nicole Lavallee
15 Kristin J. Moody
A. Chowning Poppler
44 Montgomery Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA 94104
18 Telephone: (415) 433-3200
Facsimile: (415) 433-6382
19 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
20 [email protected]
[email protected]

22 Julie Goldsmith Reiser

Carol V. Gilden
1100 New York Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005
25 Telephone: (202) 408-4600
Facsimile: (202) 408-4699
26 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
- 2 -
Proof of Service
1 Christopher Lometti
Richard A. Speirs
2 Alice Buttrick
88 Pine Street, 14th Floor
4 New York, NY 10005
Telephone: (212) 838-7797
5 Facsimile: (212) 838-7745
Email: [email protected]
6 [email protected]
[email protected]

8 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Northern California Pipe Trades Pension Plan and
Teamsters Local 272 Labor Management Pension Fund
Joel E. Elkins
9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
11 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Telephone: (310) 208-2800
12 Facsimile: (310) 209-2348
E-mail:[email protected]
Joseph H. Weiss
14 David C. Katz
Joshua M. Rubin
1500 Broadway, 16th Floor
16 New York, NY 10036
Telephone: (212) 682-3025
17 Facsimile: (212) 682-3010
E-mail:[email protected]
18 [email protected]
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiffs LR Trust,
20 Jonathan Reiss and Allen Wiesenfeld
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct. Executed on March 11, 2019, at La Jolla, California.

24 s/ Francis A. Bottini, Jr.

Francis A. Bottini, Jr.


- 3 -
Proof of Service

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