Adarlo Demo Gloria 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


February 22, 2019
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Identify the different types of hazards that are present in a caregiver’s workplace
2. Create a list of hazards and categorize them according to their types
3. Value the importance of hazards and risk awareness in performing job as a caregiver

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Hazards and Risk

b. Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum TLE Learning Module (Caregiving)

c. Materials:
1. Tools: Visual aid, Pictures, Marker
2. Equipment: LCD Projector, laptop

d. Values Integration: Appreciation, Cooperation, Discipline and Teamwork

e. Subject Integration: English, Science

f. Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/ Linguistic Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence

g. Teaching Strategy: Discussion and Cooperative Learning

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routines
a. Prayer
Rexbill, lead the prayer. Lord, we thank you for the wonderful day that
you had given to us. Please guide us and
continue to bless us. Amen.

b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

c. Putting the class in order

Before you sit down, kindly pick the (The students will pick the pieces of paper and
pieces of papers and candy wrappers you see candy wrappers and will arrange their chairs.)
around and see to it that your chair is properly

d. Checking of Attendance

May I check fist your attendance. None Sir!

Eunice, is there any absent for today?

Very good! It is nice to hear that

everyone is present.

It is important to attend your class everyday so Yes Sir!

that you will not miss any topic and discussion.
Am I right class?

e. Checking of Assignment

Last time, I had given you an assignment, I Yes Sir!

told you to calculate the pediatric doses using
the methods that are commonly used for
calculating pediatric doses. Are you done class?

Okay, Very Good! Kindly pass it

forward. (The students will pass their assignments)

B. Review of the lesson

Let me see if you remember something from the

discussion yesterday. Who can give me a short (The student will raise their hand)
recall about the previous lesson?

Yes Darwin, Last meeting we discussed about the methods

that are used in calculating Pediatric Doses

Excellent! What are the methods that

commonly used in pediatric doses?

Yes Angel, what is your answer? Sir, the methods that are commonly used in
calculating Pediatric doses are Young’s rule,
Clark’s rule and Fried’s rule

Very Good! Class do you have questions or None Sir!

clarifications regarding our past lesson?

C. Motivation

Before we proceed to our next topic, I have

prepared an activity for you.

Do you know what a jigsaw puzzle is? Yes, Sir!

Okay, starting from left, you are going to count
from 1 to 4 and later, you will go to your group
members and do the activity I have prepared.
These are the directions

1. You will go to your group number

2. Each representative of the group will

be given an envelope where in the
puzzles are inside.

3. You will attach the pieces of jigsaw

puzzle on the vellum board using

4. You are given 5 minutes to assemble

the puzzle.

5. If you are done you may clap your

hands and say “we are done”

6. The group who will finish first will

have the reward later.

Did you get it class? Yes Sir!

Okay, very good!

All the group members of passport number 1,

you may stand and make a circle here at my
right side.

All the group members of group 2, you may

stand up and make a circle here at my left side.

All the group members of group 3, stand up and

make a circle beside group 1.

All the group members of group 4, stand up and

make a circle beside group 2.

You may now start.

(After 5 minutes)
Are you done?

You may now post your output Yes Sir!

Group 1 (the group 1 will post their output)

Group 2 (the group 2 will post their output)

Group 3 (the group 3 will post their output)

Group 4 (the group 4 will post their output)


Let’s give everyone a Very Good Clap! (Students will do the Very Good Clap)

I would like to congratulate also the group who

was the first to accomplish the task, you will
receive your prize later.

What did you notice about the pictures you

created? Sir!

Yes, Sam? I think sir that the pictures are signal or

warnings that accidents may occur.

Okay Very Good! Who has another idea?

Those pictures depicted some accidents or
harm, it also implies warning and situations that
may injure someone.
Very good! And that was related to our topic for
today which is about Hazards and Risk.

Lesson Proper

Before we proceed to our lesson, I will

present to you the objectives that we must
achieve at the end of the lesson.

Everyone, kindly read the objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:

1.Identify the different types of hazards that are

present in a caregiver’s workplace
2.Create a list of hazards and categorize them
according to their types
3.Value the importance of hazards and risk
awareness in performing job as a caregiver
D. Discussion
Okay class, our topic for today is about hazards
and risk.

Based on your understanding how can you (The students will raise their hands)
define what is a hazard?

Yes_____ A hazard is anything that may cause harm to an

individual such as chemicals and electricity.

Very good! You have a bright idea!

Anyone, who can also define what is a hazard?

Yes_____ A hazard is a condition or set of circumstances

that present a potential for harm.
Very good idea!

And when we say risk? A risk is a possibility that somebody could be

What is it? harmed by these hazards and the indication of
how severe harm can be

Very well said.

Simply saying, A hazard is anything that may
cause harm while risk is just a possibility that
someone might be harmed.

Okay class, there are different types of hazard

that are present in a caregivers workplace. And
for you to be able to work abroad you need to be
aware of these hazards that you may encounter.


What is a Physical Hazards?

Yes______ A physical hazards are the most normal, easy

to detect, however, very of them are neglected
because people are accustomed to them.
Very good! And what do you think are the
examples of physical hazards?
Yes_______ Electrical hazard and spills on the floors or
tripping hazards.

Very good! And due to this unnoticed hazards,

these are the effects of Physical Hazards.
 Fire
 Decreased Efficiency
 Falls

Second type of hazard is a biological Hazards

Who can define what a biological hazard is?

Yes _____________ A biological Hazard is something that are

coming from working with people of infectious
Very well said! This type of hazard is a common
hazard that a caregiver is facing because
caregiving is a socially oriented job.

What are the examples of biological hazards? The examples of biological hazards are:
Yes ____________  Blood
 Fungi
 Bacteria
 viruses


And the effects of Biological Hazard are:

 Infections
 Skin irritations
 Allergy
 Tuberculosis

Another form of hazard is an Ergonomic


Who can define an ergonomic hazard?

Yes ________ Ergonomic Hazards occur when a caregiver’s
nature of work, body position and working
conditions put pressure on his/her body.

Correct! Very Good! This type of hazard cannot

be spot at the same time, because caregivers do
not immediately notice the effects of hazard.

What are the examples of this hazard?

Yes _______ The examples of ergonomic hazard are:
 Lifting heavy loads
 Standing for long period of time
 Repeating the same movements over
and over

Very Good! And due to this, caregivers may

experience its effects like :
 Pain in shoulders
 Back injury
 Numbness in some parts of the body
 Muscle cramps

And lastly, chemical Hazards

What is a chemical hazards?
Yes _______ Chemical Hazards are present when a worker
is exposed to any chemical preparation in the

Very well said! What do you think are the

chemicals that may affect a caregiver?
Yes ________
The chemicals that may affect a caregiver are:
 Cleaning products
 Disinfecting solutions

The effects of those hazards are:
 Lung disease
 Difficulty in breathing
 Allergy

And those are the common hazards that are

present in a caregiver’s workplace.
Again, what are the common hazards that may
affect a caregiver?
Yes _________
The common hazards that are present in a
caregivers workplace are, Physical Hazard,
Chemical Hazard, Ergonomic Hazard and
Biological Hazards
Very Good! Since you know those types of
hazards, all you need is to be aware of those
hazards to practice safety and organized work.

Yes sir!

IV. Application

Now I am going to give you an activity.

Each group will be given an envelope and inside
that envelope is the task that each group has to
accomplish which is creating a list of hazards
and categorize them according to their types.
You will be graded based on the given
performance rubrics.

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
5- Excellent
4- Very Good
1- Poor

Is there something you want to clarify about the (student’s will answer)
activity that you are going to do?
I will give you 5 minutes for your preparation
and after 5 minutes, you will be given 2 minutes
to present.
Do you understand class?
Yes Sir!
Are you ready class?

You may start now.

(While the activity is performing, the teacher

will go to each group to observe their activity)

(after 5 minutes)
Okay class, 5 minutes is over, you may clean
your area and be ready for presentation.
(Group 1 will present)
Group 1, you are given 2 minutes to present
(Group 2 will present)
Next, Group 2, your two minutes will start now
(Group3 will present)
Third group , you are given 2 minutes for your
(Group 4 will present)
And lastly, Group 4, you may now start
presenting your work within 2 minutes.

Class, I am going to announce the score each


Group 1, got the score of_______.

Let’s give them a round of applause!

Group 2, got the score of_______.

Let’s give them 5 Claps

Group 3, got the score of_______.

Let’s give them 3 downs and 2 claps

Group 4, got the score of_______.

Let’s give them 2 downs and 3 claps
Job well done class!


Based from our previous activity,

Why is it important to be aware on the hazards
that are present in a caregiver’s workplace?

Yes _________ It is important to be aware on the hazards

because being aware is putting us on a safe
place. We may be given a chance to put
ourselves away from danger or harm that are
present in the workplace

Another one?

It is important to be aware because if we are
aware of the effects of hazards, we may not be
injured and we can reduce the risk or possibility
that we might accident.

Very Good to all of you!

It seems that you already learned about our .

lesson for today which is Hazards and Risk.

V. Evaluation

Direction. Encircle the letter of the correct


1. What do you call to this thing that cause

harm to an individual?
a. hazard
b. risk
c. work
d. occupation

2. What is the possibility that somebody could

be harmed by the occurring hazard in the
a. hazard
b. risk
c. work
d. occupation

3. Which type of hazard in a workplace that is

normal but neglected?
a. Physical Hazards
b. Ergonomic Hazards
c. Biological Hazards
d. Chemical Hazards
4. What type of hazard includes lifting of
heavy loads and repetitive movements?
a. Physical Hazards
b. Ergonomic Hazards
c. Biological Hazards
d. Chemical Hazards

5. What type of hazard in which a worker is

exposed to chemical preparations?
a. Physical Hazards
b. Ergonomic Hazards
c. Biological Hazards
d. Chemical Hazards

So now, Let us check! Exchange your papers.

4.B (students will exchange their paper to their
5D classmates)

Return the paper to the owner. (The students will return the paper to the owner)

Who got five points? (The student who got five points will raise their

Who got four points? (The student who got four points will raise their

Very good! Let’s give them “ANG GALING (The students will do the “ANG GALING

Those students who got three points and below,

you have to study hard to get a higher points to
our next quiz.

Okay, you may pass your paper now. (the students will pass their paper forward)

VI. Assignment

Directions: List down all the practical ways to

prevent hazard and risks.
Write it in a ½ sheet of paper
Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Learning Module / Caregiving
Pages 72-74
Angelo, kindly read the assignment. (The student will read it.)

Stand up everyone. Good bye Sir! Thank you for teaching us. God
Good bye class! bless.

Prepared by:

Ronel M. Adarlo
Teacher 1 Applicant

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