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International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

ISSN: 2455-6157
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 3; Issue 5; September 2018; Page No. 14-17

Globalization and tribal identity crisis in north east India: A challenge

Sivanath Chutia
Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India

The land of seven sisters North-east India bears distinct socio-political characteristics. This multi ethno-cultural society is also
known for its internal conflicts and strife for identity. As a region sharing boarder with neighboring countries, illegal migrants,
human trafficking, internal boarder dispute with each other are common problem which made it quite instable and underdeveloped
one in comparing to the rest of the country. North east India a home of different ethno-cultural and linguistic group, globalization
emerged as a factor which led to ethnic assertion and conflicts in most of the part of this region. Quest for identity, expectation
towards community concern, impact of national affairs on culture made it more critical, insecure and quite truculent. Globalization
now plays a key role to increase the tension of conflicts between ethnic groups and the feeling of deprivation in terms of resource
sharing led it to insurgency, inharmonious and politically unrest. The methodology of this paper based on secondary evidences
collected form published books, journals, reports, article, news paper and online sources. In this paper a descriptive-analytical has
been employed.

Keywords: individualism, identity crisis, ethnic extremism, traditional skills

Introduction nationalisms. The politics of identity therefore centralizes

Globalization is becoming an increasingly controversial topic difference as the most important marker thereby recognizing
as shown by recent protests around the world. The basis of cultural difference of which an identity is a producer as well
globalization is an economy pursing the highest profit at any as a product. The politics of difference holds good so far as
cost. Consumerism, the use of goods based on artificially there are no boundary crossings, but it becomes problematic
created needs, is its way of ensuring the producer’s high and looks skewed when the boundary of exclusivity is blurred
profit. Industrialism and consumerism have turned man into a under let us say intense democratization of a society with
factor of production and nature a resource only to be exploited increasing acceptance of the other or under globalization
for meeting man’s never ending desire. Crop growing and blurring all boundaries [1]. It thus gestures toward an internal
handicrafts forms the basis for socio-economic development contradiction that while excluding the other it seeks to be
of most of the societies in Northeast India. Its traditional recognized by it. Therefore, difference is not self generative
practices are drawn from generation to generation. But the but always another- contributed marker.
knowledge inherited by the tribal people is at jeopardy When we come to the Northeast region of India, the ongoing
because of the impact of globalization. No doubt, the process of globalization makes the region more complex. The
information technology has narrowed down the time involved Northeast region is well known to be a confluence of ethnic
in the diffusion of agricultural and biotechnology and is and linguistic diversity. The different religions and cultures
currently emerging as a potential factor in uprising the make the region even more complex. From ethnic point of
agricultural system. Beyond the economic and political view the people of the region may conversely be divided into
debates, it is presumed that globalization is a challenge to two broad groups, the “Indid” and the “Mongoloid” “Indid”
cultures, in particular, to marginalized communities and their group mostly comprises the Hindu castes and the Muslims,
identities. Interestingly, when we look around us today we while the “Mongoloid” group includes various tribes, both in
find what is specific and local acquires the object of global hills and in plains and also other Mongoloid populations that
desire while the so-called global circulates freely, unhindered have not been referred to as tribals. The main linguistic groups
in the local market. In such a scenario where the local and the are Tibeto-Mangolism, Sino-Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman and
global seem to overlap, the discursive articulation of the Austric. In fact, the region is the homeland of multi-culture
difference of identities and social and cultural practices tradition, religion, language and diverse ethnicity.
become more crucial (Baral and Kar 2004). In the context of
the tribes of Northeast, it is feared that globalization may 1. Individualism, amid shortages and self centredness took
bring in large-scale commodification of their cultures and the form of hardened ethnic identities
would erase their unique identities that are so far consolidated Many tribes claim to be the sole representative of all, or
mostly on the premise of ethnic difference. demand the exclusive right over land, forests or jobs in a
given area. For this, each tribe tries to create a new history to
Globalization and identity crisis in Northeast India
Identities in Northeast are mostly constructed around ethno- 1
Kailash C. Baral, Globalization and Tribes of Northeast India

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

show itself as the sole owner of the depleted resources. One symbolic ethnicity based on one’s anxiety to preserve one’s
can see this trend in the hardened ethnic identities of many cultural identity (Noyoo, 2000: 57). In certain cases, ethnic
indigenous movements in the Northeast (Mishra 2000) or in identity is intrinsically connected with language. Language is
the assertion of many tribes in Eastern India that they alone very often becomes a maker of cultural differences.
truly represent the whole of tribal India. Such attitudes have The politics of northeast India is marked by ethnicity and
resulted in the break-up of many all India tribal organisations, extremism for a long time. The assertion of various ethnic
because one or another tribe or region dominated and failed to identities and the attitude of the state in containing ethnic
respect the ethos of the rest. They have also led to many extremism make the region distinct from the rest of India. The
conflicts such as Bodo-Adivasi, Dimasa-Hmar and others in root cause of ethnic assertion can be found in the identity
the Northeast [2]. crisis of various tribal communities who extend over the
In the post-independence period the NE region is experiencing territorial boundaries drawn by the Indian nation state. Most
in rapid change due to developments in various spheres – of the ethnic assertions are due to ethnic groups’ desperate
political, religions, and socioeconomic fronts. As a result of attempts to protect their identity, culture and language. For
the rapid developments and of the regional economy, the instance, it is argued that “claims to ethno-nationalism of the
traditional culture in undergoing changes at a rapid stride. Bodos can be interpreted as closely intertwined with issues of
People are becoming more and more apathetic towards their institutional and social exclusion based on language politics”
traditional culture. The globalized tendency which is divided (Saikia, 2011: 60). In other words, the basis of ethnic assertion
into three worlds like first, second and third world is can be seen in two contexts. Firstly, the tribal communities’
diminishing with a comeback of changing system of values, a subjective consciousness of being excluded oppressed and
transformation in the notion of what is good and what is bad, marginalized. Secondly, the process of development failed to
what is desirable and what is undesirable. The status, identity, address the legitimate concerns of the people. Though after
social position and other kinds of self-definition – who we are, independence the Indian state tried to integrate and assimilate
what we are, and so on – are now determined and displayed by various ethnic communities in the mainstream national
what we wear, what we eat, what we buy and how we spend identity, the development process generated a feeling of
our leisure ours. The global people equated with greed, alienation among them [3]. Moreover, development led to the
extreme individualism, conspicuous consumption, and a kind unequal distribution of resources across the communities and
of blatant dependence on goods and lifestyles to establish their regions. Thus, both non-economic (subjective consciousness)
identities old wants, traditionally satisfied by indigenous and economic (material) factors created a sense of exclusion
goods and services are being replaced by new events, among the some ethnic communities.
requiring goods and services from abroad for their
satisfaction. This destroys local self-sufficiency and jobs and 3. Globalization effecting traditional skills and
brings in global dependence of the region. entrepreneurship
Globalization results in a changeover from the tribal The North Eastern tribes such as the Aka, the Garo, the
community ethos to a totally new culture and system, and this Adivasi, the Angami, the Dimasa follow the customary laws
without adequate preparation. Slowly the tribal communities in which women were the backbone of the economy. Some of
absorb the value system of this culture. They internalise it remains today, at times under a new garb but even in
alteration not because of abundance of consumer goods, but matrilineal societies, most recent changes tend to strengthen
because of the shortage of resources caused by their alienation patriarchy rather than introduce gender equity. It is true that
in the name of national development. One of the consequences the role of the customary law is more pronounced in tribal
is the demand for exclusive rights over land and jobs in many societies than in others. Social control depends on it but its
regions of the Northeast and elsewhere (Baruah 1999). These observance does not depend entirely on the codified laws.
processes get a new interpretation in the context of Most of them live at least partly according to their own
globalization. On one hand the tribals are exposed to the tradition. As a result, in all the tribes studied customary laws
consumerist ideology, and on the other they experience more continue to play an important role. However, they are in a
deprivation and joblessness. So, greater disappointment enters process of change because of social and economic factors as
their culture. Thus, various indigenous and tribal people of the well as the new political situation created mostly by local
NE region are very much apprehensive about losing their needs and pressures through the help of globalization
identities and culture. This apprehension, coupled with rapid Economic development of a country or a geographic region
deterioration of the living standards of the masses have depends on for major sectors: land, labor, capital and
triggered of various problems including internal conflicts. entrepreneurship. And this last one is perhaps the weakest
among all the tribal population of women in north east India.
2. Identity crisis: Leading to ethnic extremism Though some ethnic women in this region live in the
It is pertinent to understand the concept of ethnicity. Ethnicity matrilineal society and possess huge productive potentialities,
is often identified with the ideas of primordialism based on yet their entrepreneurial capacities have been ignored since
descent, race, kinship, territory, language, history, etc. ages. Yet ethnic women of this region have been able to
Ethnicity can be classified into two groups - instrumental initiate some business such as shoe making, furniture, bakery,
ethnicity which emanates from material deprivation – and book sellers, catering, production of food items like soya bean
edibles., bamboo shots, dry meat, various type of pickles etc,
Walter Fernandes, Challenges To Tribal Culture In The Context Of
Globalization V. BIJUKUMAR, Social Exclusion and Ethnicity in Northeast India

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

cloth merchant (traditional dress), dress making and perseverance and good public relation. And among all the
embroidery, traditional ornament, transport operation, flora northeastern tribe, the Khasi woman of Meghalaya has been
culture, hair and skin care, traditional medicine and drug the most successful ethnic women in developing the
making, retailing business [4]. Several ethnic communities of entrepreneurial vibes among themselves since centuries.
north east India have invented the traditional technology of
converting protein rich soya bean into flavored fermented Many factors contribute to generate disadvantageous
food with easy digestivity and bio nutrient. It’s a famous and situation for ethnic skills
full blooming business occupation in the region. This is 1. The loss of land, waters and forest experienced by ethnic
exclusively carried out by the ethnic women in Sikkim, women is specially deepening the poverty of them, while
Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal increasing their domestic load and subsistence
Pradesh [5]. In the state of Meghalaya only, there are more than responsibilities.
20 categories of business that the Khasi women are 2. The introduction of cash economy has eroded their
entrepreneuring. 80% of the enterprises were started on independence as self-reliant food producers, healers,
women’s own initiative with minimum family support. Their artisans and spiritualist and thus declining their
current businesses were also rated as very good or good, and entrepreneurial qualities or opportunities.
the progress over the past five years was maintained. These 3. The homogenizing trend brought about by globalization is
entrepreneurs require somewhere between rupee fifty increasingly affecting the richness of cultural diversity
thousand to rupees two lakhs to start their enterprise. It which is valuable asset for the ethnic women. This
generally takes 2 to 4 years to settle down. In spite of all these homogenizing trend is harming their productive capacities.
difficulties, the innovativeness is the hallmark of most of the 4. The ethnic women of northeast are repositories of rich,
women entrepreneurs. varied and locally rooted knowledge of ecosystem
In a research carried out in 2008 by Nongdri on the working management and technologies, locally adopted seed
lights of ethnic women in northeast engaged in trade, varieties, medicinal plants, art and music that makes them
industries and contractual activities, it was stated that, “given wonderful business women, strategist – decider of
the opportunity ethnic women do not lack in communication economic growth of nation. These areas are also reduced
or the ability to carry out their entrepreneurial task”. The study to minimum importance of western techniques and
was based on Khasi women in Meghalaya and the fear that machineries/capitalist expansions.
matriliny and other cultural forces prevalent in the region can 5. The society plays a prominent role in entrepreneurial
dampen the role of women entrepreneurship has not been venture and success. Besides, family related hurdles,
borne out in this research. women too faced other problems like mobility constraints,
These tribe’s men mostly produced handicrafts like bamboo dual responsibility, low managing ability, risk bearing
and cane furniture, carpets, winnowing plates, bows and ability etc.
arrows, baskets and decorative pieces. Women in such tribes 6. Women in Manipur face marketing challenges in the form
were mostly engaged into handicrafts such as producing of competition from cheaper and substitute product, thus
bamboo items like mats, baskets and decorative pieces, they sell their product through the middle man. This
weaving shawls and another does embroidery work. All the middle man exploits them.
Aka women weave shawls for both men and women and 7. Lack of financial skills lead to women’s disempowerment.
mekhelas for women. These are their traditional or ethnic Women entrepreneurs in Manipur lacks financial skills as
clothes worn during festivals and special occasions. Teenaged they did not understand hidden costs and anticipate
Dimasa women learn to weave as women weaving shawls is appropriate cash requirement. Normally banks are blamed
integral to their customary law and knowing to weave higher for not financing women. Banks don’t have doubt on
their status. Many tribes have lost the tradition of handicrafts women capability as they do not consider gender while
because of the modernisation that they experienced through financing but they place high premium on security of
land alienation, snapping the link with their past, migration to principal and interest amount that is why they take
Assam and their isolation in the tea gardens [6]. Thus, women mortgage on bank finance [7].
are again starting to produce handicrafts as a mode of reviving
their tribal identity. However globalization, through cheap One of the biggest factors responsible for the failure of
price, machined made goods are creating minimum demand entrepreneurial initiative among ethnic women is
for handmade items. Thus the entrepreneurship and globalization. Neo liberalism, capitalism, ultra consumerism,
communicational role of women in the region shows that industrialization are the products of globalization which
despite average education and humble family background, the exploits indigenous and traditional culture. Capitalism as the
ethnic women have been equal to man in being quite patriarch of present time exploit women by dissembling them
enterprising and successful through hard work, patience, to use machine and technology. Thus it is due to capitalism
that the talent of the ethnic women in the northeast is
Sairabellkurbah, role of women entrepreneurial in the economic undervalued and ill paid. Globalization extracts more profit
development of Meghalaya: a north eastern state, India, international
journal of engineering, business and enterprise application (IJEBEA), 2013
5 7
Jyoti Prakash Tamang, Rajen Chetri and Rudromani Sharma: Indegineous International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications
knowledge of north east women on production of ethnic fermented (IJEBEA),Page 175 ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online):
soyabean food, Indian Journal of traditional knowledge, November 2008 2279-0039, Role Of Women Entrepreneurs In Theeconomic Development
6 Of Meghalaya: A North Eastern State, India

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

from the traditional product made by these women and give being distorted to meet their sectarian interests. The assault on
much less return to them reason is carried on. K.N. Pannikar has, once, remarked “Like
fascism, it is a political project, which promised to build a
Conveying relevant alternatives to the preservation of nation based on revivalism, self-glorification and racial
identity superiority”. Such a negative development has further
We have witnessed from the above discussion that tribal aggravated the already high tension and enlarged the scope of
culture has changed. This is not surprising for the reason that, the internal conflicts in the region. To end this tragedy, a
if a culture does not change, it declines. Nevertheless, recent theoretical understanding of the current conjuncture is needed.
processes have resulted in the deterioration of the tribal Neither neo-liberal ideology of any sort nor identity based
lifestyles and cultural changes have become instruments of ethnic extremism of any description can provide a way out of
legitimisation. Just as “civilising education” was the the current conjuncture.
legitimizing principle in the colonial phase of globalization,
productivity and profit have become the main criteria of Reference
development today. The human being is forgotten and the 1. Baral Kailash C. Globalization and Tribes of Northeast
poor completely ignored. The tools of cultural propagation India, 2006.
like the mass media have become means of spreading this 2. Fernandes Walter. Challenges to tribal culture in the
message. Consumerism is the basis of this culture. The tribal context of globalization, 2004.
communities in general and the women among them have 3. Bijukumar V. Social Exclusion and Ethnicity in Northeast
become its worst victims as the foreign markets are producing India, 2001.
the same handicrafts at minimum prices leading to the loss of 4. Kurbah Sairabell. Role of women entrepreneurial in the
popularity in traditional skills, ultimately harming the markets economic development of Meghalaya: a north eastern
of the indigenous tribals. In today’s situation, the tribal state, India, international journal of engineering, business
communities are attracted to accept the false set of values and enterprise application (IJEBEA), 2013.
brought about by globalization. This is where one needs to 5. Tamang JyotiPrakash, RajenChetri, Sharma Rudromani.
look at culture as a political tool. It has to be turned into an Indegineous knowledge of north east women on
instrument of preventing the impoverishment of tribal production of ethnic fermented soyabean food, Indian
communities by globalization. To achieve this, tribal Journal of traditional knowledge, 2008.
communities need to go back beyond the externals of their 6.
songs and dances, though these can help in their search for an 7. International Journal of Engineering, Business and
alternative. They must return to the core value system of their Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA),Page
cultures and choose a new set of values based on it, in order to 175 ISSN (Print): 2279-0020 ISSN (Online): 2279-0039,
find relevant alternatives to consumerism and the self- Role of Women Entrepreneurs In The Economic
centeredness which globalization generates. In other words, Development of Meghalaya: A North Eastern State, India.
they have to start with the willingness of sharing, the 8. Fernandes, Walter. Limits of Law and Order: Approach to
sustainable utilization of their livelihood and the women’s the northeast, Economic and Political Weekly. 2004;
traditional skills, and take their whole community towards 39(42):4609- 4611.
equality. 9. Ahmed, Rafiul, Prasenjit Biswas. Political Economy of
Underdevelopment of northeast India, New Delhi:
Conclusion Akansha Publishing House, 2004.
It is however said that “there is no alternative” to 10. Globalization, identity and culture: Tribal issues in India.
globalization. For the globalists, we are moving into a Available from
“borderless world” or the “end of geography”. Though
positive points in globalization cannot be denied, however, the
gains are not without a heavy cost. With the ‘market’
controlling the economic policies of the state, there has been
growing inequality. Global competition, neo-liberalism and
structural adjustment programmes are constantly eroding
peoples bargaining power. Neo-liberal path of development
has promoted new identities, and new interests within local,
political processes. Regional, communal, ethnic and linguistic
or gender identities are getting precedence over class
perspectives. The excess of production process has created an
environment of individuality where men miss to sort out his
friends and enemies. This fundamentalism, even while
promoting its own agenda, is, very definitely, engaged also in
promoting the agenda of neo-liberal globalization. These
irrational ideologies grip the minds of the people thereby
resulting in taking an exclusivist and sectarian view that
exclude “the other”. It is with such a distorted view that
fanatical acts of terror are committed. Facts of history are


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